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Breaking The Silence (Fatally Flawed Book 3)

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by Dusty Lassetter

  “You did all this for me?” I question. I’m typically not your girly girl, but what woman wouldn’t want to come home to this amazing surprise. The knot in my stomach triples in size just thinking about what I was doing while he was putting this together.

  He looks up at me with a sexy smile on his face before replying, “if you love this you’re really going to love the bubble bath that I’ve drawn for you. You have twenty minutes until dinner is ready.”

  I walk up to him and place my hand on his chest. I keep my head bowed down because there is no way I can look at him when I say this. The selfish part of me wants to wait until after we have this amazing dinner together but my heart knows that is not fair to Gunner.

  “I kissed another man. Well another man kissed me but I didn’t push him away. Quite the opposite actually, I wanted to pull him closer. OH MY GOSH…you don’t wanna know that, Right? I can’t believe I did this to you. Sorry don’t even begin…” My awkward rambling is abruptly cut off when Gunner takes a step back from me, “I need a minute.” He states before he walks away to start pacing the kitchen.

  “You kissed another man?” He asks while continuing to wear a hole in my tile floor.

  “Yes.” I answer in a small voice.

  “At work while I was here doing all this?” He gestures to the flowers and candles placed around the apartment.


  “Who was it?” He questions.


  He walks past me heading toward the apartment door. He takes his suit jacket from the hook on the wall before turning around, “I can’t deal with this shit right now. I should never have let us get this involved.” He states.

  “What is that supposed to mean? You shouldn’t have let us get this involved.” I ask.

  He never answers. Just looks at me with hurt in his eyes before walking out the door. The look on his face when I said K.J. was one of pure rage. To my knowledge he has never met K.J. and I don’t recall ever talking to Gunner about him. I never discuss our strange relationship, not even to Candice and Bethany. I shrug my shoulders and make my way around the apartment blowing out all the candles. I knew the minute I seen K.J., sitting there, this night was going to hell in a hand basket. Why does he always do this? Why do I always let him? He has strung me along since high school and I am sick and tired of it. He doesn’t really want me. He just doesn’t want anyone else to have me.

  After making sure my apartment won’t catch on fire I slowly make my way to the bathroom. There is no point in letting this warm bath go to waste. Relaxing in the bubbles may help me come up with a plan to get Gunner back. This is going to be another long sleepless night, but at least Kiersten is staying with our parents. Sinking into the bubbly water, I close my eyes and instantly replay the kiss in my head. That is the first time K.J. has kissed me and regrettably will have to be the last. I refuse to keep dwelling on something that won’t change. K.J. will stick around long enough to run Gunner off. Then he will move on as if nothing happened. I have to break the cycle; I just need to find the strength to do so.

  Chapter 15

  Age Eleven


  Summer started two weeks ago and already I am covered in cuts and bruises. Mr. Alvarez makes the guards be more aware of the injuries they cause during the school year. “Come get your food asshole.” Carlos yells out, before throwing a bowl of rice and beans, half of it spilling onto the concrete floor. I don’t move from my spot against the wall. My body is tired and sore making it hard to crawl my way over to the uneatable food. Mr. Alvarez is trying to teach me how to embrace pain. The more I screamed out, the harder the whip was brought down on my back. He claims it will make me a better man, someone he can unquestionably depend on.

  I slowly scrape the food off the concrete, putting it back into its bowl, before dumping it into my piss bucket in the corner. Closing my eyes, I pretend to be asleep, waiting for the moment Carlos comes back. With no evidence to be found he will stupidly assume I ate my food, like a good slave boy.

  “Thought you were smarter than me, didn’t you, little shit?” He whispers out into the darkness as he enters my cell. I remain unmoving with my eyes closed, head still resting on my mattress. Feeling his hand slide up my bare back before locking onto my hair, I stay as motionless as possible. With more strength than necessary he jerks my head back, taunting me, “it has taken a little more time than I thought, but you’re finally going to get what is coming to you.” He mumbles, slamming my head back down. Judging by the sounds coming from above me, I know he’s removing his belt.

  “We’ll see how brave you truly are.” He grunts out in between making jerky movements above me. Feeling him lean in further, adding more weight to the old mattress, I slam my head up with as much strength as I possess. The sound of his bones cracking, from the back of my skull being slammed into his face, sends a rush of adrenaline through my veins. He falls back onto his bare ass, his pants down at his ankles, holding onto his bleeding nose. Realizing its kill or be killed, I scurry over and slam my fist down on his blood covered face. Making sure to keep him down long enough for me to grab the metal object I have kept hidden in my mattress.

  With one clean slice, his blood covered hands, that were covering his nose, reach down to stop the blood from his new open wound. Kicking him a few times in the ribs for good measure. I kneel down by his head and place the now limp dick in his mouth. Taking the knife, I hold in my right hand, I jam it through the underside of his chin. Stopping only when the blade disappears into the roof of his mouth. “Now you can die while choking on your own dick ASSHOLE.” I spit out.

  After wiping his blood off my hands, using his shirt, I sit down on the floor. It won’t be long before another guard comes in here. There was too much noise made for no one to notice. I have been waiting for Carlos to drug my food for quite some time. That is why I stopped eating at night. He managed to do it to three boys before anyone caught on. There are a lot of things the guards can keep us from doing, but the nightly talks are not one. We may be prisoners, that are often pinned against one another, but this is the only family we have. The other boys would refuse to eat, then get beaten within an inch of their life, so I opted to solve the problem my way. Carlos was just another monster the world would be better off without. Much like myself. I used to think I wouldn’t allow them to make me evil but I was wrong to believe that. I’m eleven years old, don’t know my full name, and have no family to speak of. Killing and torturing is what I’ve been taught it’s all I know.

  I’m leaning on the hood of this assholes car, when he marches out of Izzy’s apartment wearing a scowl. He may be able to fool others into believing he cares about Izzy but I’m not naïve. I see right through his act. The moment he notices me, his body goes ramrod straight, and his pace slows. I guess he has heard about me after all.

  “Did you honestly think I would sit back and let you take what is mine?” I question him.

  “I’m surprised it took you this long to make your move.” He says, stopping by the front door of his car. The smugness in Gunner’s voice does nothing to help control my anger, but this is not the time or place to show him what happens when you try to fuck with me.

  “You should have stayed away from her. Like I warned you.” I calmly explain to him.

  “She won’t choose you this time K.J.” He declares with false confidence. “You’ve hurt her one to many times. While you’ve been MIA, I’ve been here. Holding her when she can’t sleep at night. Keeping away the boogie man that you brought to her door. What do you think she will say when she finds out who you are and what you do for a living? Izzy’s heart is not big enough for the both of us and I have every intention on sticking around after the cell doors clank behind you. It was never my intention to fall for her, but now that I have I’m not letting her go”

  I raise up from the hood of his car and take the four steps needed to be directly in front of him, “I know you’ve heard the stories about me. What do you think I
would do to the asshole trying to take Izzy? You’re on borrowed time. Enjoy it while you can.” I state, walking off in the direction of my bike, that’s parked across the street. The only thing keeping me sane is knowing his time will soon come, and I’ll make him pay.

  Chapter 16


  I purposely decided not to call or text Gunner today. I am going to give him the weekend to process everything before reaching out. Candice and I are supposed to meet Bethany for lunch at her house tomorrow. Dalton is worried about the weight she is losing and the distance she is keeping from all of us. He seems to think having some quality time with everyone might help. We can all see the pain she is still in after losing the baby and would love to help her anyway we can. Dalton thinks a little girl time might help to brighten her spirits.

  I’m just getting out of the shower, after spending hours cleaning my apartment, when I hear the front door open. Kiersten must be home from mom’s, which means she will most likely ask to go with us. I’m not good at lying. Especially if I don’t have time to think about it. Dreading the conversation that is soon to come, I wrap my big fluffy yellow towel around myself, opening the bathroom door to go to my room to get dressed.

  Taking the five steps across the hall, trying to escape to my room before she can see me, I’m startled when I see someone is in my room.

  “Hello Elizabeth.”

  K.J. says in an emotionless voice, while sitting on my lumpy mattress wearing a smirk on his freshly shaven face. His dark looming eyes are roaming up my exposed legs. I grab the top of the towel to make sure it doesn’t come lose and fall to the ground, “what in the hell are you doing here K.J?” I question, hating that he just assumes he can barge in at any time. There is a reason he was never given a key.

  “Just checking in. Making sure you took my warning serious this time.” He states so smugly while standing up to his full height. He starts to walk toward me, so I hold my hand up. Placing it on his chest before he can come any closer, “what I do is none of your business. Now you need to go. Just leave the key, you stole, on the kitchen counter on your way out.” I state.

  He tilts his head to the side, gazing into my eyes. “Are you trying to get rid of me, Elizabeth?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m doing. You basically broke into my apartment when I was in the shower. I could call the police you know.” I threaten him.

  “There is no one that could keep me from you. Are you forgetting who you’re talking to?”

  “Gunner could.” I whisper. There is a very small part of me that hopes he didn’t hear me. Sometimes I think before speaking, this being one of those times. I guess I’m still not brave enough to stand up to him the way I should. Almost instantly his playful side vanishes. Those once smiling lips are now replaced with a scowl, and his sinister eyes manage to turn a shade darker. He backs me up until my back is flush against the wall, and there is nowhere for me to escape. Gently placing his left hand around my throat he starts to run the pad of his thumb over my racing pulse.

  “Do I scare you?” He whispers in a deadly voice. No longer possessing the ability to talk I simply nod my head while still holding tight to my towel. I know K.J. would never physically hurt me, but I am still terrified of him. He has the ability to consume me. Mind, body, and soul.

  “You’ll do good to remember that the next time you push my tolerance too far. Your never to speak his name again, is that clear?”

  I swallow the lump in my throat while thinking about what I should say. Do I tell K.J. what he wants to hear, or do I tell him the truth? Gunner is the type of man I should be with. He is sweet and thoughtful. He never tries to bully me into doing what he says.

  “Yes, K.J.” I breathe out. “I understand.” Staring into his eyes, that look so threatening, I sense the pleasure my surrender gives him. This very moment there is nothing I wouldn’t agree to do for him, and that scares me. Almost as much as it thrills me.

  Chapter 17


  I can see the belief in her eyes when she speaks those words. My Elizabeth has now agreed to be mine, like she ever had a choice.

  “Drop the towel, Elizabeth.” I demand. She looks at me under her eyelashes, doubt evident in her gaze. I patiently wait with my hand still on her throat, feeling as her pulse quickens further. I can see the moment she is going to obey. Her body relaxes and the light brown of her eyes is barely visible due to the dilation of her pupils.

  My dick was already straining against the zipper of my pants but as soon as she drops the towel all my blood rushes straight to it. Making it difficult to think about anything else. Her natural tan skin is flawless, taking a step back, I slowly start admiring all her curves. I can’t help imagining her legs wrapped around me waist, while she takes everything I want to give her.

  “Go lay on the bed.” I command her, while trying to keep myself calm.

  She obeys instantly. Slowly making her way to the bed, her chest rising and falling with each deep breath she takes. I wait until her back is turned to undo my belt. Glad her bed has an old iron style headboard.

  “Close your eyes Elizabeth.”

  “K.J….” She whispers out, her nervousness starting to make her less cooperative. I stroll over to bed where she is sitting down and look into her brown eyes that are watching my every movement, “do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” She whispers out in a small voice. I ask no more questions, just look at her expectantly, waiting for her to do as I previously stated. As soon as she closes her eyes, I walk to the front of the bed, tying them together above her head with my belt. Her breathing gets heavier, little bumps start spreading across her skin, and I can feel the nerves she is fighting.

  “Show me what’s mine.” I command. My voice coming out a little harsher than necessary. She knows exactly what I’m talking about. It takes her a minute to build up the courage to raise her knees. Spreading her legs as far as they will go.

  “I want you to stay like this. Do not open your eyes and do not close your legs.” There is no need to tell her there will be consequences if she doesn’t obey. She knows me better than most, and the warning is applied in my tone.

  I pull the knife that I carry everywhere, from my boot, releasing the six-inch blade with a flick of my wrist. The noise of the steel locking into place causes Izzy’s muscles to clinch from anticipation. Both nipples are hardened to tiny peeks, and she’s barely catches herself before squeezing her thighs together. Keeping a firm grip on the black handle, I place the sharp metal to her perfect skin that is laid out before me. Trailing the tip of the blade down her right collar bone, careful not to accidently puncture, I apply enough pressure for her to feel the scrape of the knife’s-edge. Having Izzy bound and helpless, thinking of nothing but my control, snaps something in place for me. I’ve never been a believer in fate, having nothing to rely on for so long, but in this moment I believe Izzy was made to be mine. The way she is responding to the feel of my knife. The way she has always responded to my touch. Leaves no further doubt that I am making the right choice.

  “Are you scared Elizabeth?” I ask, my voice now clogged with desire.

  “Y..y..yes.” She stutters out in a soft voice. The confirmation alone making my dick grow tighter against my zipper.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No.” she rushes out, her tone leaving no room for doubt.

  “I always knew I would have you one day.” I state, now trailing the knife on the inside of her right thigh. “I always hoped you would be mine willingly, but I would have taken you regardless.” I declare, now grabbing onto her hair. “Something inside me changes when your near. I hated the feeling at first. Now I crave it.” I whisper into her ear. “Do you want to know what else I crave, Elizabeth?”

  She gives a slight nod of her head, before spreading her legs wider, obviously loving the control I have over her. “I crave your tears.” I say, biting down on her ear lobe. Letting out a whimper of pain, she tries to throw her head back as a
moan escapes her lips. “I crave your blood.” I whisper, soothing the sting away with my tongue. “I don’t want to control you, Elizabeth. I want to possess you.” I finish, slamming my mouth onto hers.

  Chapter 18


  His words are racing through my head on repeat. He wants to possess me. It’s not the choice of words that cause a wave of fear and desire to run through me, it’s the tone of his voice. There is no doubt, only truth behind every word he speaks. The realization that I am about to get everything I have been hoping for sends chills down my spine. I’ve always craved K.J. Wanting him to be my first and claim me as his. I’ve never wanted anything more, but my mind is telling me something my heart doesn’t want to hear. He’s not here to reveal his love for me, I have become his obsession, nothing more.

  The sudden sharp sting, of cold metal being slapped down on the inside of my thigh, causes me to get out of my head and start focusing on my surroundings again. Without sight, my other senses should be getting stronger. Every time I inhale, K.J.’s cologne with the hint of motor oil, is all I can smell. There is no noise to be heard because he is deathly quiet as he walks around my bed. Trailing what I can only assume is a very sharp knife down my naked body.

  I hear the rustle of clothing before feeling the bed dip from the added body weight of K.J. joining me. “Have you ever made yourself orgasm Elizabeth?” He asks, while placing his warm mouth over my left nipple, biting down on it softly. The moment his hot mouth makes contact, I whimper from the sensation, causing him to smile against my skin. When I make no attempt to answer his question he bites down harder, sending a jolt of pleasure straight to my clit.


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