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Duplicity - A True Story of Crime and Deceit

Page 30

by Paul T. Goldman

  “That's great, Sue Anne. What about my case? Has the FDLE taken it and begun investigating?” I asked.

  “There's no way to tell,” she replied. “Even with me, they're very secretive.”


  2011 - The Year of Revelations

  Eight months later. . . .

  Johnny and I reclaimed our own happiness and it wasn’t unlike the one we enjoyed before Audrey. Finding this happiness, however, was not easy. My Boynton home and my Jupiter Palms home were both sold through short sales. I rented out the California home, but the stress and frustration caused by all of this convinced me that Johnny and I needed a fresh start. This brought us to the one place I swore I’d never again find myself.

  This journey began as I was confronted with turning forty, still not having found any real fulfillment in my life. Those four, cold, gray walls of my cubicle that propelled me to seek out love, leave California, and search for success are now replaced by four glass cubicle walls in my father’s insurance agency in Rhode Island, working with my father, my brothers, and even one brother's son. Though I no longer stared into grayness, wondering if my own life is passing me by, the glass provided a more accurate reflection of how my life passed and who I became as a result.

  For so long I was running from this very existence, so sure was I that there was more in store for my life. I wanted to blaze my own trail, create my own success, and step out of the shadow of my father. I also wanted to find a perfect love, build a perfect family, and realize a happiness that I had only seen others enjoy.

  I never considered that, given everything that has transpired, happiness and success could be mine, even if it wasn’t the way I’d envisioned.

  * * *

  The field was a sea of eager parents, awed grandparents, pregnant women scolding the bleachers, and impassioned coaches barking various commands. I couldn’t help but get caught up in the fervor of opening day where Johnny’s soccer team, the Yellow Jackets, was matched up against the formidable force named the Green Machine. I was also anxious to see if our constant practice in the backyard paid off.

  And it did.

  From the moment the referee whistled the start of the game, the brood of eight year olds ran back and forth across the field in excited clusters, each rushing for the ball and then retreating as it was kicked toward them. Along with all the other parents, I cheered every exchange, which ultimately left me horse and exhausted by the end of the first half. As the game wound down, tension grew while the score remained close and the players were showing signs of fatigue. Never taking my eyes off the field, I thrilled over every play Johnny made and then, as he headed down the field ahead of the pack with the goal in sight, my heart jumped and my breath stopped. Could he? Would he? He did! He scored a goal to the excitement of everyone. His teammates jumped all over him and issued their congratulatory high fives while I gave my own high fives to my new friends, Mary and Joe, along with some of the other team parents.

  Returning home with victory in our hearts and triumph in our heads, Johnny and I went over every moment of the game with color commentary and a plan for a celebratory dinner replete with our favorite Shake ‘n Bake chicken and vegetable entrée. It was the perfect day, one of many we’d had of late.

  Tucking him in, I felt completely at peace with where we were in our lives. I whispered good night as I softly closed the door, delighting in the smile that remained on my now sleeping son’s face.

  Fighting my own weariness, I headed to my office where more than a few emails awaited my attention. There was the usual spam, some forwards from friends, and one very interesting reply from Miles, Bob Thompson’s private investigator. Miles was responding to an email I had sent him the week before inquiring about two things: first, a question about Bill Rockland’s credibility; and second, confirmation that the elusive FBI and FDLE were really on the case.

  Since the subject line read “Investigation Solid,” I already had a good feeling that the response would be promising, and it was, in Miles’ characteristically succinct manner. In regard to Bill Rockland, his source had confirmed that he was a “straight shooter” and could be trusted and, as to the FBI and FDLE’s involvement, Miles confirmed that the investigation was a “multi-task force (fed/state) case.” Miles also attached a dossier on Albert Chang that was littered with “High Risk” stamps that did not offer up any specific transgressions, but did confirm that Mr. Chang was far from a straight shooter.

  Closing my emails and preparing for bed, I allowed my mind to wander down the long path I’d traveled since Audrey. Though I had made a vow not to linger in the past, I thought about things I might have missed or avenues I had yet to explore. Determined to end this perfect day with perfect sleep, I pushed those thoughts from my mind and put my head to the pillow.

  I awoke the next morning with a new idea that had never occurred to me before. It had been a year since Terri Lynn had alerted me to Audrey’s pornstar past as “Audrey Almond,” though my efforts to locate hard evidence of this had been unsuccessful. Even though Kim from the adult video store recognized her name, I was never able to track down any actual Audrey Almond performances. Dismissing the likelihood of ever finding any, I had put it out of my mind until that morning when I realized I had never simply looked under the name Audrey Munson. I would never have guessed she used her real name.

  But she had.

  A quick search of the Internet resulted in a movie entitled, Fast Times at Amsterdam High, which included the name Audrey Munson among its cast members. Though slightly reluctant in my own repulsion, I clicked on the movie for more information and found myself face to face with a host of graphic, albeit blurred images of every sexual act imaginable. Since I couldn’t see anyone’s actual face, I ordered the DVD with a cringe, both curious and disgusted by my purchase.

  A week later, it arrived.

  Having waited until Johnny went to bed, I played the DVD on my computer, not at all certain if I wanted to see what was about to be displayed. The credits rolled at the beginning, and her name was indeed there next to the character Mary. As the “movie” started, the scenes were set in various high school scenarios, which included classrooms, gym class, and the obligatory locker room shower scene. There was constant groping, there was loud moaning, and there was Audrey, the gym teacher, helping some boys balance on the bar and then. . . .

  Audrey was very young in the movie, a twenty-something seductress whose scene was largely shot on a trampoline. It was before her breast implants, her wrinkles, and her skin blemishes. It was also a film that had been re-edited with poorly timed voiceovers, so the voice of “Mary” wasn’t hers; but, it was Audrey all the same, with her familiar bun pinning back her long, brown hair. Despite everything that had happened, she still managed to shock me.

  Though all three ex-husbands believed that Audrey had begun her depraved lifestyle in 2003 when she met Royce, this film proved otherwise. Audrey’s first husband, Joe Munson, had always maintained that Audrey was the quintessential normal wife, showing no signs of duplicity from 1985, the year they had married, until 2000, when Audrey announced to him that she wanted to go to Palm Beach bars to meet a rich man, and demanded a divorce. However, the fact that the movie was made in the mid-1980’s proved that Joe was also deceived by her from the beginning. We husbands had all been victimized, and this film gave us an opportunity to fight back. I immediately picked up the phone and called Bob Thompson, who had filed for a custody modification trial to request that he and Tommy relocate to Connecticut, far away from Audrey's mental and physical abuse of Tommy. The trial was set for the summer. In the motion, Bob's lawyer gave Judge Wilkerson two options: he could rule either for relocation or for supervised visitations and no overnight stays, a second chance to rule as he should have over a year prior. I knew this new information would help his case. Would the judge really side with a pornstar mother?

  I sent a letter along with the DVD to Bob’s attorney, Mark Applebaum, the next day. In m
y letter, I strongly encouraged Mark to introduce the film, along with a suggestion that he also call as witnesses my own private investigator, Joyce, and her associate Andrew North. In my divorce case, North testified that Royce had solicited a male patron of The Horseshoe nightclub on Audrey’s behalf. North had heard him remark, “Offer her $250 and see if she’ll take it.” That testimony, coupled with Joe Munson’s accurate identification of Audrey in the porn movie, would provide solid evidence that Audrey was a pornstar, and most likely a prostitute, for over twenty years.

  With all the new, encouraging information, there remained one more person to contact: Terri Lynn. I set up an appointment for a reading the following day.

  April 26, 2011: The Sixth Reading

  TERRI - What's going on?

  PAUL - Well, I'm frustrated about there not being arrests yet.

  TERRI - It's a GOD timing thing.

  PAUL - I understand. Now, on to something else. Another “hit” of yours has come to pass.

  TERRI - Really?

  PAUL - Yes. In a past reading, you said that Audrey did porn. You came up with the name Audrey Almond as her stage name, which was confirmed by the clerk at the video store. But they didn't have, and I never found, an actual movie. Until a few days ago, when I did a search on the internet under the name Audrey Munson, pornstar, and I got a hit. A movie called Fast times at Amsterdam High. The name on the credits? Audrey Munson. This movie was done at the beginning of her “career,” and she used her real name. She is very young, probably in her 20's. So, I ordered the movie, I got it, and... it's her.

  TERRI - Oh my GOD.

  PAUL - So, she was making these movies, and probably hooking too, while married to Joe Munson, who has told Bob and me that Audrey was a very normal wife from 1985 until the end of their marriage, in the year 2000. Well, this movie was not made in 2000. This movie is a lot older than that, probably the mid 80's. I have a question for the universe: she made the movie during their marriage. How could she find the time to do this without Joe knowing about it? Did Joe know about it?

  TERRI: No. Absolutely not.

  PAUL - How could he not know? Wouldn't she have had to disappear for a few days, travel to locations?

  TERRI - No. It could have been shot locally.

  PAUL - Also, how did she make the connections necessary to get into this business? Was she already a prostitute at the time?

  TERRI - Yes. She was a prostitute. She did the hooking during the day. And it feels like there was a girl who was talking with her who asked her if she wanted to make extra money. Of course she was always saving up to leave her husband. That's her M.O. Saving up from her tricks. Husbands were only bigger, longer tricks to her. Paul, you've done a real good job in finding this stuff, but, give the DVD to the prior husbands and leave it alone. Don't get emotionally involved.

  PAUL - Right. Now, did I also tell you that I got independent verification from Bob's private eye, using his own sources, that the FBI and FDLE are on the case?

  TERRI - I'm actually hearing the word “priority.” Because of the danger that terrorists are going to get hold of the ring’s ability to forge passports. I'm telling you, it's a priority case because of that.

  PAUL - Good. So what's taking so long?

  TERRI - They have to have an iron clad case.

  PAUL - Bob is getting pretty frustrated.

  TERRI - They are not too concerned with his son. They are more concerned with getting the big people.

  PAUL - Well, Bob doesn't see it that way. His only concern is getting his son away from Audrey permanently. He's going to have his lawyer call Bill Rockland and tell Bill that he's going to be subpoenaed to Bob's hearing this summer when Bob tries to convince a judge to allow him to relocate to Connecticut with Tommy. He wants the judge to know that there's an investigation.

  TERRI - Bill won't like that, and it will come back to you.

  PAUL - Well, there's nothing I can do about it. Anyway, I'm not getting any more info from Bill. For the last month and a half, he has promised me a conference call with the investigators so I could ask them some questions, but hasn't actually set it up yet.

  TERRI - They're not ready to talk with you. Anytime they talk with someone about an ongoing investigation, they run the risk of tipping off the perps.

  PAUL - Yeah, but they surely know that I'm not about to tell Audrey anything.

  TERRI - Doesn't matter. They have their rules. It's the same as when I did work for the police, they never would confirm back to me what I told them.

  PAUL - So, if I ever do get this conference call, will that mean that arrests are imminent so they feel okay about talking to me?

  TERRI - That's what it feels like.

  PAUL - How long?

  TERRI - Six to eight months.

  PAUL - And when they do arrest, will they arrest Audrey, Royce, Tony Sawgrass, Doc in Texas, the people in England, all of them? Or will they let Audrey go?

  TERRI - They will arrest everybody who has knowledge of it. Audrey is doing something about the girls coming in from out of the country. She has some connection there. What did you get out of the trash?

  PAUL - The fax from Albert Chang to Royce asking where the passport was for the girl. The plane tickets of Chang and the girl, Chang from Hong Kong to West Palm Beach, and the girl from Singapore to West Palm Beach. A receipt from Sprint for a cell phone, dated the day after both planes landed, with the name of the customer the phone was sold to on it, “Susan Wright.” Plus his phone bill showing Royce making a dozen calls per month to England. Then there's the Christian organization connection. Chang's email address was on the top of the fax, and when Googled, came up with a Christian organization with branches all over the country and Canada, with Chang the head of the local branch.

  TERRI - Wow. Yes, they will all be arrested. Paul, it's all about patience.

  PAUL - I know. How about “tuning in” to Bill Rockland and asking him that question? Ask him, “What's going on?”

  TERRI - It's huge. It is huge. The other thing is that Homeland Security is involved.

  PAUL - Terri, can you ask him, “What is the delay on getting Paul his conference call?”

  TERRI - Letting the cat out of the bag. Oh, this is interesting! We've never heard this before: there is a reward for you!

  PAUL - Really?

  TERRI - Yes. Some national security thing. Bill is thinking, “That lucky son of a bitch. I'm doing all the work, and he gets the accolades.” Paul, when you accept the reward, you need to defer to them, humbly, that they did all the work, that you had only a minor role.

  PAUL - Right. Anything else from Bill?

  TERRI - He's not too thrilled about doing all this work for the other agencies.

  PAUL - Ask him if he is investigating all the police corruption.

  TERRI - He's wearing too many hats. He has done a lot on the corruption, but the bigger case is taking priority, for now. They are letting it continue, for now. They know about the corruption, that it goes all the way up to the police commissioner. Paul, YOU have been investigated.

  PAUL - ME? Well, I guess that's good. I have nothing to hide.

  TERRI - Yeah, so that they know you are who you say you are.

  PAUL - Yes. Well Terri, thanks for all this great info.

  TERRI - You're welcome, Paul. Bye.

  As the conversation came to an end, so too did my most recent frustrations. My latest discoveries had taken me back to a place I had made a great effort to distance myself from, and now that effort must begin anew.

  Until, of course, the next development…



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