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Phantom Warriors: Saber-Tooth

Page 5

by Jordan Summers

  “Will they be okay?” she asked, peering at the men who served as Bio Tech’s hired muscle.

  They will live, but they will not soon forget their encounter with a Phantom Warrior.

  “You could’ve been hurt.” Her voice cracked at the thought.

  My only concern was your safety. They were going to harm you. He indicated to the two men on the floor. I could not allow that.

  They wouldn’t have drawn their weapons if… She looked around the room for her boss. A chair in the corner quaked. She took a step forward to get a better look. Roger cowered behind her recliner.

  “You can come out now,” she said, unable to hide her disgust. “You’ve caused a lot of trouble.” Katy gathered the photos of her parents and her off the floor, brushing the glass away.

  “Who in the hell is he?” Roger asked, gaping at Kegar’s naked form.

  Katy glanced at her warrior. “That’s the man-beast I shot earlier at the La Brea Tar Pits. You know the one I brought home to fuck. Kegar meet Roger Sylvan.”

  Kegar turned his red gaze on the man, measuring him without saying a word. His presence filled the space like a black hole, sucking all light and life toward him. When it was clear that Roger did not meet his assessment, he turned away to face Katy once again.

  “That was quite a show you put on,” she said, smiling.

  You would not have believed me without the…demonstration.

  She laughed. “Is that what you call it? A demonstration? You’re like a ghost. Remind me to take your word for things in the future.”

  His eyes glittered like rubies in the fading sunlight, then he vanished. Katy felt a slight tingling as Kegar passed through her. It was an odd sensation that didn’t quite diminish when he reappeared in front of her a second later.

  Are you saying we have a future?

  Heat radiated from his body, surrounding her in loving warmth. “I’d say there’s a pretty good chance,” she said, touching him to ensure that he was real.

  What would it take to persuade you?

  Katy pulled his head down and whispered the suggestion in his ear.

  Kegar grinned. That can be arranged.

  “Hello, I’m still in the room,” Roger said, his fists clenching at his sides.

  Kegar tapped a spot on the side of his neck, then turned to face the man. “Ah, you may be, but we are not.”

  Katy gaped. Those were the first words Kegar uttered aloud. They were followed by a loud popping noise and then Roger, the security team and her living room were gone.

  Katy blinked several times to get her eyes to focus, then looked around. She stood on the deck of a ship, still holding her family photos. At least she thought it was a ship’s deck, given all the sci-fi movies she’d watched in her lifetime.

  It is indeed the deck of a ship. Kegar swung the command chair around, his large body looking at home with one leg draped over the arm.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you could talk?”

  His lips twitched. What fun would that have been? he asked, slipping back into his preferred method of communication.

  Katy glared, but it was nearly impossible to stop the smile from reaching her face.

  Sure, part of her was freaking out, but the other half was grateful that Kegar had been telling the truth. “Are we really on our way to another planet?”

  Yes, we’re on course to Zaron.

  “How soon will we get there?” she asked, feigning an innocence she did not feel.

  It will take five of your Earth days. Why? Suspicion and something else flashed in his red eyes.

  She shrugged casually. “Just curious.”

  Kegar rose with a cat-like grace and cocked his head.

  Katy started backing away slowly to what she hoped was the rest quarters. She planned to take full advantage of this long flight, starting now. “Here kitty, kitty, kitty,”

  she said, crooking her finger for him to follow.

  Kegar didn’t disappoint her.


  Planet Zaron Eight Months Later

  Life on Zaron wasn’t much different than Earth, Katy thought as she crouched over the paw print of a rogue Phantom warrior. She and Kegar had been tracking him for four days and this sign was the only indication that they were finally getting close.

  She glanced over at her mate, staring at his long black hair as a cool breeze lifted it away from his handsome face. Even now, Katy could feel her body readying itself for his invasion.

  What’s on your mind, mate? Kegar asked, tilting his head to look at her.

  Katy widened her eyes and put on her most innocent expression. “Nothing, why do you ask?”

  Kegar licked his lips and inhaled deeply. Because your rich cream wafts on the air, distracting me from our mission.

  Katy put her hands on her hips. “I am not a distraction. If you recall, I’m the one who found the print.”

  This is true, he conceded, pride filling his voice. But you are nonetheless a distraction.

  She opened her mouth to protest.

  Kegar held up his hand to still her words. You are the best kind of distraction, he said, peeling his tracker uniform off his body.

  Katy gulped and took a step back. She doubted she’d ever tire of seeing this man naked. Kegar was magnificent inside and out. And he was all hers. “I don’t think there’s time for that right now.” She nodded toward the fresh print.

  Kegar grinned. There’s always time for us to join. He slipped her red uniform off her shoulders, pulling it down, while raining kisses in its wake.

  Katy’s nipples engorged as his teeth scraped the sensitive flesh. “Kegar,” she gasped, clutching his head to her body.

  He sucked her deep, nibbling and laving until Katy thought she might go mad. Her clit throbbed in anticipation.

  Kegar removed the rest of her clothes, then lifted her into the air. Wrap your legs around my waist.

  Katy did as he instructed. Kegar entered her a second later. I swear I could drown in your feminine juices and die a happy warrior.

  “I love you too,” Katy said, kissing him tenderly as he drove them both to completion.

  Kegar gave Katy one last kiss, then they dressed quickly and continued their pursuit. The warrior wouldn’t escape.

  We are close, Kegar said, shifting into his cat form.

  “I am never going to get used to this,” Katy said, staring at him.

  Yes, you will. Now come on before we lose him.

  Katy’s body began to tingle, then gradually disappeared to be replaced by a female saber-tooth with strawberry blonde fur. Kegar nudged her with his massive head and she swatted him with her paw. He growled playfully, then they took off toward the horizon, tracking their elusive prey.

  About the Author

  I’d like to say I’m the life of the party, a laugh-a-minute kind of gal, and outrageously cool, BUT that would be a slight fabrication.

  I’m actually a thirty-something, ex-flight attendant with a penchant for huge bookstores and big dumb action movies. I prefer quiet dinners with friends over maddening crowds. Happily married to my very own Highlander, we split our time between two continents.

  In my spare time...LOL...I’m kidding, I don't have any spare time. The hours of my day are spent writing, and when I’m not doing that I’m thinking about writing. I guess you could say I have a one-track mind.

  Jordan welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

  Also by Jordan Summers

  Atlantean’s Quest: Atlantean Heat

  Atlantean’s Quest: Exodus

  Atlantean’s Quest: Redemption

  Atlantean’s Quest: Return

  Atlantean’s Quest: The Arrival

  Gothic Passions

  Phantom Warriors: Bacchus

  Phantom Warriors: Saber-tooth

  Tears of Amun

  Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publ
isher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

  on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three





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