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His Darkest Hunger

Page 19

by Juliana Stone

  Jaxon’s eyes swept along the brush that crept up to the road and he felt a sliver of excitement as he recalled visiting the Jaguar Wildlife Reserve. He’d accompanied his mother and older brother. Jagger hadn’t been born yet, so he knew he must have been a toddler, but it was still clear to him now.

  He remembered shifting with his mother, and the three of them running wild for days, intermingling with several wild jaguars that lived on the reserve. They’d made several trips throughout his childhood, but it seemed so long ago. He smiled at the memory, and caught a glance from Julian in the rearview mirror.

  He wondered if his brother was thinking the same thoughts. They used to come here, to this wild and untamed place, to mingle freely with true animal jaguars. The mighty predators had once ranged from Belize all the way up past Mexico and beyond, into the southern states. Sadly, with their habitats slowly eroding, there weren’t many protected environments for the big cats to live and play in. The Jaguar Reserve in Belize had afforded them the opportunity to do just that.

  The sun was high in the sky and crossing over into late afternoon by the time they arrived in San Ignacio. They stopped briefly for food and to pick up a few more supplies. The plan was to continue along and make base before the sun set.

  Jaxon tried to keep his distance, but he was concerned about Libby. She had changed on the plane, and a feeling of déjà vu spread through him at the sight of her dressed as if she were part of his unit once more.

  She was still favoring her left side, and he looked to Declan as a thought struck him.

  “Can’t you work some magick to make the pain go away? A charm? Spell? Something?”

  Declan looked to Ana and lowered his voice before answering. “It doesn’t work that way, Jax. And we don’t have the time for me to attempt a healing charm.”

  Jaxon grimaced, causing Declan to raise an eyebrow.

  “Look, none of us thinks she should even be here. I can appreciate her need for closure, and the desire for revenge. Really, I can relate. But she’s not in great shape physically or mentally.” Declan shook his head and looked away. “She’s gonna get us all killed.”

  “I was just asking a question,” Jaxon snapped, “not looking for a lecture.”

  The mood darkened considerably as they climbed aboard the van and headed south along Mountain Pine Ridge Road. It would eventually dump them deep into the Cayo district. They traveled through a large reserve that was abundant with lush flora and fauna. These forests were famous the world over, full of pine trees that seemed out of place in the middle of its tropical locale. In the distance, large waterfalls could be seen shimmering as they cascaded down, some well over a thousand feet above the ground.

  They soon left the reserve behind, continuing along Pine Ridge Road. The journey remained both quiet and tense, until eventually they came upon the Mayan ruins located in Caracol. It was indeed a sight to behold, and Jaxon felt the enormous weight of history beat at him as they parked and slowly stretched their limbs, deep in the shadow of the impressive ruins.

  His fingers radiated energy, filled with a new and frenetic excitement that was hard to explain. This…this is what was real to him: being out in the jungle, deep in the heart of jaguar land with a thousand warrior ghosts urging him on.

  He had to use superhuman effort to keep control of his emotions, and as he looked to his brothers, he knew they felt the call of the wild as deeply as he did. Jagger’s nostrils were flared and his eyes had darkened until not a speck of green remained.

  The sun was beginning to set, and its direct rays no longer affected Ana. She’d dumped the shroud but looked miserable as the heat curled her hair wildly, and her clothes stuck to her body. She quickly pinned her hair back, her arms trim and pale, and Jaxon was startled at the raw emotion that crossed Declan’s face as he too watched the vampire.

  The man looked haunted, pained even, and Jaxon turned away, not wanting to be privy to such private revelations. Libby was off to the side, her back to him, and he made his way to where his brothers stood.

  John returned and confirmed that he’d talked to the person in charge of the site, an archeologist. They would be allowed to leave their vehicle and proceed out into the jungle. Jaxon wasn’t sure what he’d told the archeologist and he didn’t care. They were here in the heart of the Cayo and would be close to the DaCosta compound in just under twenty-four hours.

  They grabbed their gear and Declan radioed his contact. He pointed to the west, and the group hiked nonchalantly around the edges of the ruins before disappearing into the Chiquibul forest that surrounded the ancient Mayan temples and buildings.

  They were swallowed up by the jungle immediately, and their eyes adjusted quickly to the dim interior. Howler monkeys trumpeted their advance, and Jaxon felt the eyes of the jungle’s inhabitants on him. Cracker led the way, with Libby at his side, with Jaxon content to watch her from several paces back.

  Julian fell into step beside him and they carried on for a while in silence.

  “Are you all right?” his brother finally asked.

  The question surprised Jaxon, and he flashed a quick grin and nodded. “Yeah, once we reach base, I’ll have a look at the satellite images we managed to pull…not sure if they’ll do any good with all this cover, but we’ll come up with a plan and they’ll never know what hit them.”

  “That’s not what I meant. I’m talking about Libby. Jagger filled me in. I know there was a child.”

  Jaxon’s face whitened and he kept his gaze focused on the slight shoulders that were covered in a tumbled mess of blond waves. He shook his head at Julian, “It’s her I’m worried about. She thinks that the child is alive. She even named him. Logan.”

  He couldn’t begin to describe the sorrow that stabbed him as his older brother hiked along beside him.

  “Do you think she’s right? About the child being alive?”

  “No.” Jaxon’s face turned hard and his bitter eyes darkened at the thought of a child he’d never had the chance to know. “Why would a DaCosta spare the life of my son? It doesn’t make any sense.”

  “None of this makes sense,” Julian answered darkly. “I think it’s safe to assume that things are not what they seem.”

  Jaxon shrugged his shoulders and kept his eyes trained ahead, on Libby’s frail frame. “Yeah, Cracker and the rest of the team are fairly certain this is not going to go as easy as we’d like. This will not be an operation without consequence.” A harsh smile flickered across his handsome face as he turned once more to his brother. “But then, what would the fun be in that?”

  Julian shook his head as Jaxon’s smile widened, and answered wryly, “Indeed.”

  Silence fell between the entire group then, and they hiked for just over an hour more before Declan led them to a clearing where his contact had managed to set up a half decent base of operations.

  There were four tents in all. One housed equipment and weapons, and the other three were for sleeping. The plan was to get some much needed rest and then leave early in the morning. Hopefully, they’d reach the compound by early evening and attack under the cover of darkness.

  Jaxon watched as Ana stowed her gear in the nearest tent, followed by Declan. Cracker and Jagger claimed the second one. Libby stood looking more then a little lost, and he quickly moved toward her, but she turned before he could reach her and disappeared into the remaining tent.

  He continued to the larger tent, which held their cache of weapons and a whole host of goodies. Julian was already deep in conversation with Declan’s man, and after introducing himself, Jaxon requested the satellite images they’d managed to pull.

  Considering the amount of cloud cover he’d observed on the flight over, he was relieved to note that the images were clear, and he quickly made mental notes.

  It wasn’t a large compound, but there were ten buildings scattered about, and from the looks of the pictures, a fair amount of commandos. He continued to study them, his mind focused and sharp, when a tingle up his
spine stopped him cold.

  He sensed Libby’s presence before she stepped through the tent flaps. Her female scent was enticing hung heavy in the air, drifting lazily through his nasal cavity and making his mouth water with need. His reaction was instant and hard. It slammed into his gut with red hot spikes of desire, and he nearly dropped the pictures.

  His head whipped around and he pinned her with his black eyes. Her violet eyes had darkened, and they ignored him as she focused on the photos that he held. Her breathing was ragged, coming in short staccato bursts, but she managed to keep a professional air as she came toward him.

  “Let me see those.”

  The words slipped from between her lips, and the commanding tone surprised him enough that he let her take the satellite photos from him. Her long, graceful fingers avoided his touch as she did so.

  Her hair hung down past her shoulders, the flaxen strands curling wildly from the heat. It was all Jaxon could do to keep reaching for her and burying his nose deep in the soft waves.

  He couldn’t take his eyes from her, and watched as her pale cheeks flushed. Every cell in his body ached for her, and he knew it would not lessen in time. His body had recently tasted her sweetness, and it remembered every detail of their wild coupling two nights ago. He mentally groaned, unable to stop the images of her as she rode his cock, so full of passion atop his body. She’d successfully slithered into the one corner of his heart he’d left vulnerable, and stolen it out from under him.


  He was screwed. There was no other way around it.

  She bit her bottom lip as she studied the pictures, and he knew how hard it was for her to be here.

  Libby was hurting, and he desperately wanted to comfort her.

  Without realizing he’d moved, Jaxon took a step toward her, but stopped as she whispered, avoiding his eyes, “Don’t. I need to be strong right now and I will fall to pieces if you touch me.”

  Anguish sliced through him at her words. Reluctantly, he drew back, respecting her wishes. Turning away from her, he noticed that both Julian and Declan’s man Bart had left them in privacy.

  He cleared his throat. “Where do the DaCostas hang when they’re at the compound?”

  Libby edged her way to the table just to his right. She was so close he could see the rash of goose bumps that covered her flesh. She drew in a shaky breath, and when she spoke, her voice was strong.

  “This large building here is the main gathering place in the compound.” He watched as she pointed to the largest of the buildings at one end. “It’s where their offices are located and it’s also where they like to eat and drink.”

  “These here,” her fingers trailed along several smaller shelters that lined the eastern side, “are the sleeping quarters for their men. Some are shifters, some aren’t.” She turned to Jaxon, her lips pursed into a tight line. “But they’re all dangerous.”

  Half of the buildings were hidden beneath the jungle canopy, but as Jaxon stepped closer for a better look, he was able to make them out.

  He pointed to two buildings located on the southern perimeter. They were secluded from the rest, which seemed odd. “What are these ones used for?”

  Libby tensed but shrugged her shoulders. “They’re just storage sheds. I think they use them for extra food and water.”

  She held the photos for a few seconds more, then placed them carefully on the nearest table. “All the ammunition is kept in the main building at the very back.” She looked directly into Jaxon’s eyes, and he flinched at the pain that was so clearly present. “Next to Degas’s office.”

  Jaxon nodded, and they stood in silence for a few moments before Libby quietly excused herself. Then he paced the small circumference of the tent, on edge and full of restless energy. His heart pounded out a pagan rhythm, and as the familiar burn began to ease its way up his torso and across his chest, he growled low in his throat.

  The jungle was calling to him. To his jaguar.

  Tossing the black and whites onto the table, he quickly left the tent. All was quiet.

  He could feel energy drifting in the air, and attributed it to the protection wards Declan would have placed in and around their base. Evening had fully enveloped the jungle, and he could hear the nocturnal beings that came alive underneath its spell, deep in the distance. A tingle of awareness raced along his spine, and he whirled, the air cracking around him.

  Julian stood there, his deep topaz eyes glowing with a feverish glint, and when he grinned, Jaxon nodded, and the two ran like children toward the foliage that beckoned. His jaguar was chomping at the bit, and his pupils dilated in anticipation as he shed his clothes and called the mist to his body.

  He felt incredibly alive. As bones popped and elongated, skin shimmered and disappeared underneath a thick black coat, the animals of the forest were silent. Less than a minute later two large jaguars barked to each other and took off, their powerful legs propelling them forward at breakneck speed. The spotted golden cat led his midnight black companion deep into the underbelly of the jungle.

  Jaxon reveled in the savage joy his jaguar experienced, and he let all thoughts of Libby and the DaCostas fade from his mind as the animal took over. In this moment he would feed his need to escape. As he ran to catch up to his older brother, he roared his pleasure, ears perked at the answering call that rang out into the night.

  Inside her tent, Libby froze at the sound and shuddered as it brought to mind torturous memories that had haunted her for the last two months. Her fingers kneaded her temple and she wished the dull headache that had plagued her the last three hours would just go away. A plate of food had been left on her bedroll along with a bottle of water, and she smiled, knowing it was either Cracker or Jagger who had provided it for her.

  She was so very tired, but forced herself to eat something. She knew she’d need every ounce of energy she could muster, for the coming hours. Once she was done, she lowered her aching limbs to the bedroll, but even though she desperately needed sleep, she was afraid to close her eyes.

  She began to tremble as a wave of emotion choked her throat and made it hard to breathe. She was so close to learning the truth about her son. It was almost anticlimactic, really, and on a certain level she wished she was worlds away. Because then she could go on believing that he was happy, healthy, and well cared for.

  She could believe that he was alive.

  She had to believe he was still alive, because if he wasn’t, there wasn’t any reason for her to live.

  A thousand thoughts seemed to flutter through her bruised mind, but eventually the pain receded and she relaxed somewhat. She was alone, and while grateful, couldn’t help the small snatch of resentment that flashed through her. She was the outsider here and knew she’d never belong again. Even Cracker and Jagger were keeping their distance. She sighed, not surprised.

  Eventually she must have drifted off. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but knew exactly the moment her body became aware of another.

  Her insides jerked and she felt her belly skip madly. She bit her lip in an effort to contain the squeak that threatened to spill out, and her breasts began to ache with need, the nipples instantly hard. Her body recognized him even before her mind could. His scent drifted over to her. It was full of male desire and heavy with the remnants of his recent shift. His animal was deeply aroused, and even though she hated him for it, her body screamed for his touch.

  He was here.

  Jaxon had come for her.

  Chapter 18

  Libby held her breath, knowing that he was inches from her back. She was fully clothed, having tumbled onto the bedroll in the clothes she’d worn from San Ignacio. But she felt extremely exposed, as if every inch of her body was laid bare to him. Heat suffused her flesh and she broke out into a sweat. Desire radiated in a throbbing rhythm that caressed her skin before settling deep between her legs.

  It was a tangible feeling, one that roared to life as she felt a whoosh of air caress the back of her
neck. Her eyes were shut tight, and as she fought the exquisite ache that had been sparked deep inside the folds of her sex, she prayed to God that Jaxon would just leave.

  Life as she knew it, royally screwed such as it was, would be much better if he’d just turn around and leave her there to suffer. Alone.

  But even before a slight groan escaped from his lips, she knew they would be together this night. Her body was turning toward his and she was helpless to stop it. Slowly, she rolled over and felt the heat that burned beneath his skin wash over her cheeks and tingle her nose.

  She inhaled raggedly and held his scent deep inside her chest, savoring the richness of it like an illicit aphrodisiac. It made her mouth water, and with a small cry, her eyes flew open, eagerly seeking out the man next to her.

  He’d taken something from her, years earlier, and had never returned it.

  Jaxon Castille had her heart and her soul. They were lost to her forever, and as her eyes met his, she knew that even though she’d most likely hate herself in the morning, she would give in to him.

  He was like a drug habit she would never be able to kick. Even though loving him had brought her nothing but heartache, she could not deny how much she needed his touch. He’d taken her heart and every last scrap of love she was able to scrounge together and pretty much thrown it all away. But in spite of everything they’d been through, or maybe because of it, that invisible bond was once more wrapping itself around the both of them.

  It was dim inside the confines of the tent, but as her eyes adjusted she shuddered at the look that lay deep in the recesses of his incredible eyes. It was raw. It was haunted. And as he took that last little step toward her, he growled from deep within his body and the look changed to one of pure hunger.


  His rough voice sent shivers down her already taut nerves, and her mouth parted for the words she wanted to say but was unable to utter.


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