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His Darkest Hunger

Page 29

by Juliana Stone

  Cormac’s lips curled into a cruel smile. “What? Nothing to say? Don’t you miss me?”

  “Where is my son?” Her voice was low, controlled.

  He burst into laughter at her words, but his eyes burned maniacally as he directed the power of his gaze on her. “Don’t be rude, Libby. Were you not taught any manners in that pitiful excuse of a house you grew up in?”

  “I won’t play your game, Cormac.”

  Cormac jumped down in one fluid movement, and Libby flinched as the weight of his power washed over her. “You’ll do whatever I want you to do.” His expression changed then as his fingers reached out to touch a stray curl that had fallen loose from her ponytail. She cringed but stood her ground.

  “You look so much like her.”

  “Like who?” A sick feeling began to wind its way through her belly, and sweat broke out on her forehead as dread swirled alongside her already jumbled emotions. She just prayed that Skye was using her time wisely and had found little Logan.

  “Your mother, Aislyn.”

  “My mother’s name is Patti. I have—” Understanding dawned then, and Libby took a step back, nearly tripping as she lost her balance.

  Cormac’s deep laughter reverberated around the chamber, and she clamped her hands over her ears as images came and went, crashing through her brain in a chaotic mess that left her feeling weak.

  One constant was threaded throughout every emotion and memory she was feeling. And it was the face of the man standing directly in front of her. Her eyes looked up at him, not wanting to ask, but she opened her mouth nonetheless.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “You haven’t figured it out yet?” She watched warily as Cormac cocked his head to the side, disappointment clouding his cold features. “Libby, try a little harder. It will come to you.”

  She shook her head, not wanting to believe what the bastard was insinuating. She just couldn’t go there. Not now. She pushed his words to the back of her mind, feeding her anger as she focused on the reason she had come. She shook her head angrily and shouted, “Just give me my son and I’ll lead you to the woman.”

  Cold rage passed over Cormac’s features, and she felt his power billow out as he snarled down at her. “You really are no different than your mother. It was her biting tongue and temper that finally got the best of her, and I had to put a stop to it.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Remember what I told you yesterday, Libby? That it was only because I allowed you to live that you were breathing air?” He laughed harshly. “Your mother didn’t understand the power I wield, and she pushed me one time too many.”

  Libby tried to swallow the fear that was rising and spreading like wildfire through her veins, but it was impossible. She watched Cormac’s pupils dilate and the whites recede, enveloped by a deep blackness that crept over them. His voice lowered to a strange harmonic timbre that was almost hypnotizing. She resisted the pull, but barely.

  “I destroyed her, Libby, and I will not hesitate to destroy you or your child. Tell that eagle bitch to make herself known, or I will blast every trace of you from this earth, and you can join your mother in hell.”

  “Christ, Cormac! Did no one teach you any manners? Or was that something they didn’t bother with at warlock academy?”

  Libby’s eyes whipped upward and she sucked in air so quickly that she felt faint. Skye was standing about a hundred feet away from them, and cradled in her arms was a small child. Pain lanced across Libby’s heart as her eyes feverishly latched onto the small form. But his little head was buried deep within Skye’s arms, and the only thing visible was creamy flesh and dark curls.

  Cormac turned from her, focusing all of his attention on Skye and the child. Silently, Libby began to back away, her fingers reaching for gun she’d concealed in her pants. She had given the knife to Skye, but now, as she gazed up at the woman who held her son, she wondered if she’d made a terrible mistake.

  What the hell was Skye up to? She’d been told to take Logan and run. To make sure that the little boy was returned to Jaxon in case she herself didn’t make it out of the temple.

  Cormac’s laughter sliced through the air, and it had the same effect as long fingernails running over a chalkboard. Libby’s skin broke out in a rash of goose bumps and every hair on her body stood on end.

  Cormac’s laughter abruptly stopped as he moved closer to where Skye held her child. “I’m impressed,” he said to her, his words enunciated carefully. The temperature inside the chamber had dropped considerably, so much that a fine mist shot from his mouth as he continued. “The little bird has grown up. Your father must be so proud. But wait.” He paused, and Libby felt him gather more power to himself. “He’s not around to witness this, is he? It would be next to impossible, considering I ate his life force and he’s nothing but a lost soul.”

  “You fucking bastard! I will see you dead, Cormac, if it’s the last thing that I do.”

  “Careful for what you wish for, Skye—”

  “Cut the crap, Cormac! You will not kill me, the same as you won’t harm a hair on the head of this little boy. You need both of us.”

  Libby caught Skye’s eyes for a brief moment as she continued to back away, and her heart constricted painfully as the child in her arms moved slightly, and a pair of eyes as dark as midnight gazed across the room at her. She couldn’t help the sob that escaped her lips, and she froze, suddenly unsure of what to do.

  “Come with me and the child and his mother can leave unharmed,” Cormac said to Skye as his voice dropped even lower. There was no emotion in it, just a coldness that matched the now freezing temperature.

  “You are so fucking arrogant. Do you think I would believe anything that leaves your lips? The only expendable person in this room is Libby. You need her son as a sacrifice to open the portal, and you need me to find it for you. I’m an eagle knight, you asshole, and I won’t allow you to kill an innocent.”


  The room began to tremble as sparks flew from Cormac’s hands. “You will come with me or—”

  With speed that was preternatural, Skye whisked out the charmed dagger and whipped it at Cormac, shouting to Libby as she did. “Run!”

  Libby reacted on pure instinct and began to shoot at Cormac as she ran toward her son. The warlock roared in anger, and the air trembled, seeming to shimmer and darken. A terrific shot of energy consumed the entire area, reverberating around the chamber, and two large boulders came crashing down from the ceiling, landing right where Skye had been standing, holding her son.

  Tears poured down Libby’s face and everything faded away except the rubble and smoke that covered the area where Skye had been standing only seconds before. Dimly, she heard shouts behind her. On some level she was aware that Jaxon had arrived on the scene, but as chaos erupted and curses were heard, she continued to scramble toward the downed boulders.

  She used every last bit of strength she possessed to get her body to the top of the pile, and when she spied Skye, holding her son, she fell to her knees as the enormity of the moment washed over her.

  She could do no more than watch in silence as Skye coughed up smoke and debris from her lungs, a small head barely visible above the safe haven of her arms.

  Libby wanted to move, but her body felt glued to the rock that she had collapsed upon, and she could only stare helplessly at the woman who held her son. She moved her lips slowly. No sound came out, yet she knew Skye heard what was in her heart. Thank you.

  Carefully, Skye disengaged her limbs from the rubble that surrounded her. She murmured softly, and the little boy in her arms relaxed as Skye climbed up toward his mother. And of that, there was no doubt. The child carried the scent of a jaguar, but the magick in him was overwhelming. He would be a force to be reckoned with when he matured into a man.

  Skye’s eyes narrowed as they settled onto Libby, and she wondered if Libby had realized what Cormac insinuated. That he was her blood f
ather. Obviously, she’d not been born with the strength and scope of his power, but Skye could sense small traces of it present in Libby’s aura. The little boy, however, was another story. His blood literally sang with power.

  A shout from across the chamber shook Skye out of her thoughts, and she quickly handed the child over to his mother.

  Libby felt as if her heart had burst from her chest, and as her arms closed around Logan, she began to weep softly. He was warm, soft, and smelled of the forest. She nuzzled her face against his soft curls and rocked him gently, her eyes shining as she looked up at Skye.

  “I don’t know what to say…how will I ever be able to thank you?”

  Skye winked, but when she spoke, her voice was dead serious. “No one can know that I survived this attack.”

  Libby looked at her, confused. “I don’t understand.”

  “I know that you love your jaguar, but I don’t trust them. They’ve been enemy to the eagle for eons. The eagle knights were created to protect the portal. And because of that my people have been hunted to near extinction.” Skye couldn’t keep the bitterness and pain from her voice. “Jaguars, magicks…all of them played a part, and I will never trust a warrior.” She looked away, her voice soft. “I just can’t.”

  “But Jaxon would never—”

  “I need to find this portal and seal it before Cormac—or anyone else, for that matter—gets their hands on it. If that happens, my father’s death would have been for nothing.”

  “Skye, we can help you.”

  “Libby, no one can know about the portal. You have to promise me that you won’t tell a soul about it, or that I survived this attack. You owe me.”

  Libby was about to answer when a shout only a few feet away distracted her. She shook her head and twisted her body around. Jaxon was there, just beyond the large boulders. A feeling of peace flooded her veins, and her only thought was to get to him. She cradled her precious cargo close to her breast and scrambled to her feet, carefully making her way up to the top. At the sight of Jaxon’s handsome face, she felt the world slip away until there was only the three of them.

  He was speaking to her, but she couldn’t understand a thing he was saying. She could barely see him though the haze of tears, the roaring in her ears almost painful. When his mouth claimed hers, the noise stopped.

  Everything faded from existence except the three heartbeats that pounded out a rhythm in tandem, together, finally.

  She didn’t want the kiss to ever end. It was raw and full of need. His hands cupped her face roughly, but then he gently disengaged himself and stared with wonder at the young boy, with eyes that mirrored his own.

  “He’s…beautiful.” Jaxon could barely manage to get the words out. He couldn’t begin to name the emotions he was feeling.

  His long arms wrapped the both of them deep in his protective embrace and he trembled as the jaguar screamed inside, flush from victory. He felt the child still, and when his pudgy hand reached out, to touch his chest, the peace that filled him was indescribable.

  The small face looked up to him and smiled, impishly. He spoke one word, but it was clear and strong: “Cat.”

  “Hey, where’d the girl go?” Declan was breathing hard by the time he reached them, and his eyes glowed with an eerie fire as he looked around the chamber.

  Libby looked up, and hoped like hell she was doing the right thing. She spoke softly, and kept her promise to Skye. “She saved Logan, but your father…” Her voice trailed off, and Declan swore as her meaning became clear.

  “Did you, is he…” Libby was afraid to ask, and as Declan’s dark gaze swept over her, she knew the answer before he spoke.

  “Kill him? That slippery son of a bitch?” Declan took a few steps back, shaking his head as his rage began to boil. “No. But he’s given me a reason to look forward to our next meeting.” He clenched his hands and muttered under his breath, “Because only one of us will leave it alive.”

  His ominous announcement was tempered as a rakish smile cut across his handsome face. “And I aim for that to be me, since I plan on living a long and decadent existence, surrounded by beautiful women, good wine, and my favorite Metallica CDs.”

  “All clear.” Cracker’s rough voice slid between them, and Libby glanced at the grizzled soldier as Julian joined them as well. “I couldn’t find a trace of him, or anyone else for that matter.” The wrinkles around Cracker’s eyes became more pronounced as he saw Logan for the first time and a wide smile lit up his craggy features. “That is one hell of a handsome kid.”

  She felt Jaxon’s arms slide around her shoulders as he kissed the top of her head. “That he is,” he murmured.

  Libby inhaled a ragged breath, suddenly desperate to leave. “So what now?” She couldn’t keep the tremble from her words as she continued. “Can we just go home?”

  She watched as Declan looked hard at Jaxon, afraid of their answer. But it was Julian who spoke up.

  “Jaxon will take you home, where you’ll be safe with your child.”

  She felt a rumble from deep within Jaxon’s chest and knew he was torn. Things were very much unfinished. Cormac was still on the loose, the DaCostas were still a part of this whole mess, and Jagger was nowhere to be found. The animal that was his very nature wanted to hunt and destroy.

  “Julian, I can’t leave this place with that monster on the loose.” Jaxon’s posture tensed even as his hands remained gentle on her shoulders.

  “Jaxon, you have a child to think about. Don’t worry about Cormac. That bastard will get his.” Declan’s voice trembled with suppressed anger.

  Cracker spat to the side before chiming in. “We’ll find Jagger and bring him back. You look after your woman and little one.”

  Jaxon hesitated, but when he spoke, there was no doubt as to his intent. “I’ll expect to hear daily reports.” He hugged Libby again and turned toward the passage that would lead them out of the Mayan ruin. He looked back at Declan, a devilish grin gracing his features. “You know that Ana is going to be pissed you’re not returning. She’ll kick your ass royally when she finally gets hold of you again.”

  Declan laughed loudly. “Tell her I’ll be looking forward to it.”

  Then Jaxon bent toward Libby’s cheek and whispered, “Let’s go home.”

  They were heading toward the exit when Jaxon realized it was just himself and Libby. He stopped abruptly and whipped around, searching for his brother. “Julian.” His voice echoed along the stone walls. “You coming?”

  Julian shook his head. “No. Not this time. I need to be here.” He flashed white teeth as he smiled. “I need to see this thing through.”

  The two brothers stared at each other for several long moments, a current of understanding running between them, then Jaxon nodded, before disappearing down the passageway with Libby and his son.

  Along the edge of the Mayan ruins, deep within the heart of the Chiquibul forest, a large black jaguar paced back and forth, its long tail twitching, clearly agitated. The beast was confused. But then, it had been confused for a few days now, its thoughts muddled its instincts askew.

  It had followed the trio down from the mountain the previous day, and the two women only hours earlier. Something about them had called to his soul. A part of him had wanted to charge into the large structure when they’d all disappeared within its depths.

  But he had held back, without knowing why. Back and forth he continued to pace, full of nervous energy. Overhead, a golden eagle soared on the wind, its cry drawing the attention of the great cat.

  The jaguar moved toward the edge of the clearing, and watched as the eagle crested against a gust of wind and then slowly circled the large structure before heading south, higher into the mountains. Its curiosity piqued, the animal hesitated and then took off in the same direction, its vibrant green eyes trained on the eagle that was so far out of its reach.

  Every step took him farther away from the humans, and eventually the big cat forgot about them entirely. His e
ntire focus had shifted, and the cat picked up speed as it disappeared into the heavily forested stand of pine trees, and in the blink of an eye was gone.

  About the Author

  JULIANA STONE is a writer, mother, and rock star. She lives in Canada with her family.

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  By Juliana Stone


  Coming Soon



  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  HIS DARKEST HUNGER. Copyright © 2010 by Juliana Stone. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.

  EPub Edition © February 2010 ISBN: 978-0-06-198701-4

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