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Page 29

by Lydia Michaels

  Kelly sat up. “Did my family call?”

  “Not yet.”

  He frowned. “She should’ve had the baby by now.” He reached for his phone and checked his messages. “I’m calling my dad.”

  She waited as he dialed.

  “Dad? What’s happening with Sammy and the baby?” Kelly’s face tightened as he listened. “Is she all right?”

  Ashlynn sat up a bit straighter and tried to make out what Kelly’s father was saying. He mumbled a quick goodbye and hung up the phone.

  “Is everything all right?”

  His face was creased with tension. “They think so. Sammy’s blood pressure dropped and they had to do an emergency C-section. She had a boy. Liam Michael. She’s doing better now, but they’re keeping a close eye on her. I don’t think they’ll be at the wedding.”

  “Of course. Colin needs to stay with his family.”

  “I think I’ll take a ride over there later if you don’t mind. Will you come with me?”

  Kelly seemed off. Something in his eyes told her he was frightened. It was strange seeing such vulnerability in him without the usual façade. It was refreshing. “Everything will be okay, Kelly. The doctors will keep an eye on her.”

  His lips pursed and he swallowed. “Sammy’s special to me. I care for her very much. It’s scary thinking we could have lost her last night. I don’t know how Colin handled it. I couldn’t imagine seeing you go through something like that.”

  Yes, it was scary to think something could’ve happened to Samantha. No matter how intrusive the McCulloughs were, Kelly undoubtedly loved them all very much.

  “Let’s get cleaned up and head to the hospital.”

  He nodded.

  They quietly boxed up all their gifts and loaded them into Kelly’s truck. He drove her back to her house to shower and an hour later they were at the hospital.

  Samantha was tired and looked weak, but she claimed she was fine and the doctors seemed confident in her recovery. Liam was a beautiful baby with dark hair like his uncle and a piercing set of McCullough eyes. When Ashlynn got to hold him, longing unraveled inside of her. It was a deep sense of yearning that perhaps was natural for her at this point in her life.

  On the way home Kelly’s spirits lifted. It helped for him to see his sister-in-law was doing okay.


  “Yes, love?”

  “Do you want a big family?” She already knew he wanted children someday. The question was how many. Now that it was an option, she’d decided she definitely wanted a family, especially with this man.

  “Aye, lots of children.”

  “You know the church doesn’t believe in birth control.”

  He cocked an eyebrow at her as he pulled into her driveway. “Are you plannin’ on being pregnant for the whole of our marriage?”

  She supposed if Kelly was as potent as the rumors claimed that was a good possibility. She’d have to talk to someone about her options. Knowing exactly how lonely it was to have only herself and her father, she wanted a big family, but she also wanted to continue on her path. Having a business to manage and a farm to take care of demanded a lot of time. She’d have to see how everything played out before she made any decisions. They had time.

  Kelly brushed his lips over hers. “You’re thinking too hard, love. It’ll all work out.” She smiled and leaned into him. Yes, she definitely wanted her fair share of Kelly before her body changed and her responsibilities doubled.

  “Will you be sleeping at your father’s tonight?” he asked, hugging her tight.


  His fingers traced the arch of her cheek. “I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be the one in the gown.”

  “I’ll be the sexy one in the kilt at the front.”

  She gaped at him. “You’re wearing a kilt?”

  “McCullough tartan, love. Now, I know you’ll be trying to look up me pleats, but try to be patient. I’ll bare it all tomorrow night when I let you have your wicked way with me.”

  She laughed and he sighed. Leaning back, he said, “To think, all this virtue I’ve been holding onto will be gone.”

  Snorting, she shoved him and said, “You’re so full of shit your breath stinks.”

  His eyes widened and he burst out laughing. “You’ve been hanging around my family too much! I don’t think I’ve ever heard you curse before.”

  “Well, I think they broke me in.”

  He hugged her. “Thank you for wanting me, love.”

  “Same to you.”

  They said their final goodbyes and Ashlynn watched him pull away. Once he was gone, she went into the house to pack her gown and get her bag to take to her father’s. She had a wedding to prepare for.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kelly paced the backroom of the church and waited. He’d been trapped in this room for an hour, like they feared he’d bolt. The only direction he’d be running would be toward his bride.

  The door opened and Braydon slipped in. He too was in his McCullough tartan, complete with hose, sporran, and jacket.

  “Is she here?” Kelly asked anxiously.

  “Not yet. Here, I brought you something to hold you over.” From his sporran, Bray produced a flask. Kelly twisted the cap and took a sip, letting the whiskey calm his nerves.

  “Have the guests arrived?”

  “Mum and the aunts are here. Dad’s parking the truck.”

  The door opened and his brothers, Finn and Luke entered. They made a great show of tousling Kelly’s hair and stealing his flask.

  “The girls are looking lovely on this fine day,” Finn said. “I believe my wife might make your blushing bride jealous.”

  “We’ll see,” Kelly mumbled, taking back the flask. He doubted any woman could be as pretty as his Ashlynn.

  The door slid open again and his father stepped in. Of all the McCullough men, Frank wore his tartan best. He patted Kelly on the back and said, “Look at this fine group of men. Makes a man damn proud to see such a display and claim them all as his sons.”

  “Is Colin coming?” Kelly asked. It didn’t feel right to not have all his brothers there with him.

  Frank gave a sad smile. “He’s still at the hospital. He told me last night to wish you the best and tell you he’s sorry he can’t make it.”

  “How’s Sammy?”

  “She’s better, nursing wee Liam and feeling more herself again.”

  That brought Kelly comfort.

  The door opened and Father Mark stepped in. “You’re bride has arrived, Kelly. Are you ready?”

  Kelly nodded, anxious to see her. They shuffled out of the backroom and Kelly took his place at the altar, his brothers lined up to his left. He smiled at his mum, who was already sniffling into a hanky. Aunt Col winked and gave him a thumbs up.

  Father Mark stepped up to the pulpit and nodded. A harp softly filled the church followed by the soft symphony of the Irish flute. The doors opened and Kelly drew in a deep breath.

  His sister Katherine, dressed in a gown skirted in McCullough plaid, stepped through the doors holding a delicate bouquet of Irish blue-eyed grass. She smiled as she passed her husband, Anthony, in the pews and stepped to Kelly’s right.

  Next came Sheilagh. She was a vision of untamed beauty, her fiery red hair pulled back in a way that accentuated her emerald eyes. Behind her came Mallory.

  Kelly glanced at Finn and saw stark admiration and love in his brother’s gaze as he watched his wife come down the aisle in his family’s colors.

  The doors opened again and in walked a tiny group of pixies. He gasped, his face breaking into a wide grin, as he watched Tallulah in a fluffy white dress carrying a basket of petals. His niece was there, standing for Colin and Sammy. Beside Tallulah walked Skylar and Hannah, Kate’s daughters. Each one wore a unique set of fairy wings with renaissance ribbons tied at their backs.

  They slid into the pew beside his parents and everyone stood. The piper’s hum filled the chur
ch as his sisters’ voices met his ears. A silhouette of his bride against the morning sun was the image of an angel.

  She was not coming to him to the traditional wedding march, but the Irish ballad of She Walked Through the Fair.

  His sisters’ soft voices sang as one and Kelly lost the image of his bride under a sheen of unshed tears.

  He knew the song well and couldn’t have picked better lyrics for his bride to greet him. “My love said to me my mother won’t mind…I kindly watched her move…It will not be long, love, until our wedding day.”

  The doors closed and he drew in a breath as she glided down the aisle. Her gown only added to the beauty beneath. Her lean body was outlined in the finest Irish lace and pearls. Her hair was parted neatly to one side, a small white lily at her ear. She was an angel coming to save him.

  Her father smiled and kissed her cheek, taking an extra moment to hug his daughter and whisper in her ear. Kelly shook Roy’s hand and Ashlynn’s fingers were pressed into his. All of his nervousness washed away as his gaze met hers.

  “You’re a vision,” he said as she stepped to his side.

  The guests lowered into the pews and Father Mark proceeded with the ceremony. Ashlynn was a distraction of immeasurable exquisiteness. Their hands were bound and rings were exchanged. Since the moment she’d accepted his proposal, he felt as though he’d been blessed with the greatest gift of his life, a gift even he couldn’t fathom or explain, but he knew it was his duty to cherish her always.

  He’d never been more certain of any promise than he was of the vows he spoke that day. She was his, forever and ever.

  “You may kiss the bride.”

  Relief flooded him as he faced his beautiful wife. “I shall love you always, Mrs. McCullough,” he whispered as he pulled her close. When his lips touched hers he wrapped his arms around her and dipped her back. His relatives cheered as he christened the lips of his bride like a true McCullough.

  When they parted she was breathless in his arms. “There’ll be more of that tonight, love.”

  She blushed ruby red and whispered, “I’m looking forward to it.”

  They left the church before his pleats had the chance to kink. The next few hours were going to be the most difficult of all. Tonight he would possess Ashlynn like no man ever had and no other man ever would.

  Her truck was decorated with ribbons, inflated condoms, and cans. Kelly lifted her into the passenger side and found the keys waiting in the ignition. They left the church and headed for her father’s farm. Halfway there, he pulled to the side of the road and threw the truck in park.

  She turned her questioning eyes on him. “What are you doing?”

  He pulled her to him. “Kiss me. I don’t know if I can wait another four hours, but I’ll do my best.”

  She leaned in and gave him her mouth. Kelly kissed her with passion and more desire than he’d ever known. His fingers trailed over the lace trimmings of her gown and she sucked in a breath as he grazed the tender swell of her breast.

  Cars flew by, honking, his family shouting catcalls in their direction.

  “We have to go,” Ashlynn whispered, her brown eyes dark under her silver blond lashes.

  “I don’t want to.”

  She smiled. “Neither do I, but we have to.”

  He sighed and shifted. His pleats were buckling at the press of his cock. He threw the truck into drive and drove the rest of the way to her father’s.

  When they arrived at the reception, Ashlynn went to the bathroom to freshen up. She was washing her hands when the door opened and Kelly slipped in. “Kelly!”

  “Shhh…I’m your husband now.”

  “Husband or not, there are some things I’d still like to keep private.”

  He stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. His lips pressed into her neck and she sighed. “Three hours and fifty-two minutes,” he whispered.

  She chuckled. “I’ll be expecting some tenderness when you take me home tonight, Mr. McCullough. Don’t forget I’m new at this.”

  He bit her ear. “Oh, Mrs. McCullough, I could never forget. I’ll be gentle.”

  Her body tightened as his hips pressed into her backside. The time couldn’t pass fast enough. He already had her aroused to a point of near pain and she wanted to get to the good part.

  She turned and wreathed her arms around his neck, pressing her lips to his. “Will it hurt?”

  “Not as much as it will hurt me to cause you pain. I promise, I’ll be as gentle as any man can.”

  She drew in a deep breath and there was a knock at the door. “Kelly, Ashlynn, the guests are waiting for you.”

  “We’ll be out in a minute,” Kelly said and Ashlynn pressed her face to his shoulder.

  “They know we’re in here together,” she whispered, embarrassment making her smirk.

  “That’s the beauty of it, love. Wherever you go I go. You’re my darling wife now.”

  “And you’re my husband.” She tested the word on her tongue, liking the way it sounded to her ears.

  They left the bathroom and when they entered the backyard everyone cheered. They danced and visited every table, accepting cards and wishes of happiness along the way.

  When it was her father’s turn to dance with her, Kelly handed her a handkerchief. She needed it the moment her daddy took her in his arms.

  “I can’t believe my little girl’s married,” he whispered in her ear. “No matter what, you’ll always be my sugar bear.”

  “And you’ll always be my daddy.”

  Dinner was a home cooked meal served family style. The McCullough women were amazing and Ashlynn was coming to believe there was nothing they couldn’t do.

  As the end of the reception approached her nerves tightened. Kelly gave her a glass of champagne and never strayed from her side. When it was time to go she found her dad and thanked him for everything.

  “I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you too, sug.” He kissed her cheek and shook Kelly’s hand, a look of acceptance in his eyes. “Son, you and I are goin’ out for target practice this week. Be nice to my baby. Never forget she was my baby first.”

  Kelly smiled at her father and then escorted her to the truck. Once they were on the road, Ashlynn’s heart raced like it might beat out of her chest. Excitement and fear caused her pulse to thump fanatically.

  When they pulled up to the house, Kelly shut off the engine and waited. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded. “Just a little nervous.”

  He touched her knee and whispered, “Nothing to be nervous about, love. It’s just me.”

  That was the hardest part to believe. She was married to Kelly McCullough and they were about to make love. She’d be giving him something she’d always protected. Deep down in her heart, she knew what she held had always been his. But the fact that the moment of surrender was upon them was surreal.

  He opened her door and led her up the porch steps. When they reached the door he surprised her by lifting her into his arms and kissing her soundly. He carried her over the threshold and straight to their bedroom, kicking the door closed with his foot.

  She was breathing hard and not sure what to do. He eased her to her feet and kissed her again, the tender way he used his lips soothed her anxiety, but left her dizzy.

  They stood at the foot of the bed, his blue eyes staring into hers. Carefully, he removed the flower from her hair and placed it on the dresser. His jacket slipped from his shoulders and he draped it over the chair. All of his Celtic accessories slowly followed.

  His fingers carefully undid the buttons of his shirt. His stare never left her face as he revealed his beautiful chest to her. Something awakened in her and she reveled in the fact that it wouldn’t go denied for long.

  Once he stood before her in only his kilt, his hands went to her shoulders and slowly turned her. She stared in the mirror as his fingers gently undid each pearl button at her back. Shivers skated over every inch of exposed flesh. This
was it. She was a married woman and her husband was Kelly. It was surreal.

  The dress loosened and he turned her again. “I love you, Ashlynn. I may not be able to claim innocence, but I will tell you you’re the first woman I will ever make love to and you will be the last.”

  Something unraveled around her heart as if she were finally exhaling a long held breath. She touched his cheek and smiled. “I love you too, Kelly. I’m so glad you’re the one here with me now. I’m not scared, because I know it’s you.”

  His eyes darkened and his nostrils flared. He slowly pulled the sleeves of her gown away and she stood before him in only her bra, panties, and stockings. He sucked in a breath, his fingers slowly rising to trace the satin and lace covering her breasts.

  Heat raced through her and she breathed deep. His fingers burned her flesh with the most delicious warmth. His gaze went to her face and he smirked, slow and beautiful. He reached behind her back and undid the clasp of her bra. Her skin puckered as he pulled the garment away.

  Shallow breaths lifted her tightening breasts, the tips pulling taut. Kelly’s chest rose as his gaze caressed her exposed skin. His hand lifted and cupped her flesh. As his thumb drifted over the tip she shivered. His touch sent tiny bolts of electricity to her core.

  Stepping close, he kissed her shoulder, his mouth making a slow trail to the slope of her breast. Her body tightened and swayed. As his lips closed over her nipple she gasped and arched into the touch. Warmth flooded her in places still not explored.

  He kissed his way to her other breast and repeated the process. Her knees trembled. He stood to his full height and found her mouth, kissing her with such passion her mind seemed to sing.

  Her desire bloomed and folded into something more as her fingers went through his soft hair and held him close, never wanting to give him up.

  Her feet left the ground as Kelly lifted her. The softness of her mother’s quilt pressed into her back. The mattress dipped as he climbed onto the bed and leaned over her. She blinked into misty blue eyes, her breath coming fast.


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