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Page 31

by Lydia Michaels

Kelly’s blue eyes reflected in the misty glass. “You’re so beautiful, Ashlynn.”

  She never really considered herself more than ordinary, but Kelly made her view herself differently. He made her see herself as a woman, a very attractive woman.

  His hand slid low, fingers splaying over her flat belly. “Our child could already be here.”

  Breath filled her as the realization settled in. “Do you think?”

  The backs of his knuckles glided over her skin. “I hope. Not that I’m in any rush, but you make me want things I never wanted before. I want them with you.”

  “Me too.” How magical making love was, that it could end with the creation of life.

  He pulled her to the shower and they stepped under the spray of water. He never took his hands from her flesh. His touch was everywhere, caressing, petting, stroking, pulling. She was becoming addicted to his touch, loving the rasp of his calloused fingers over her softer skin.

  He cupped her sex. “Do you hurt here? I wasn’t gentle last time and I should’ve been.”

  “It’s tender, but it doesn’t hurt.”

  He teased at her flesh. Every time he’d put his hands on her since they made their vows it was blatantly sexual. The sensation of feeling so owned was actually quite satisfying. It was now evident how much he’d been holding back.

  He soaped up a washcloth and ran it over her skin. Bubbles glided down her legs and swirled at the bottom of the tub.

  “Let me kiss it all better,” he said, dropping to his knees.

  She stared down at his dark hair as his palms pressed her thighs apart and widened her stance. His thumbs gently parted her slit and he licked at her folds. She quivered and gripped his shoulders. She really liked when he put his mouth on her there, but her tolerance was shaky. It was simply too good.

  “Kelly, I don’t know if I can take much more.”

  “I’ll be extra gentle,” he said, nibbling on her hip.

  She gasped. Would he always be this insatiable? She couldn’t deny that she enjoyed everything he did. She only worried she might have a difficult time keeping up. At this rate she’d need an extra dose of vitamins in her diet.

  His tongue parted her, reaching inside of her and she nearly lost her balance. “Kelly!”

  He didn’t stop. The soft probing continued. This was different from the night before. He actually tasted her sex. His thumb lightly strummed the little bud peeking past her folds and her body pulsed softly under his touch.

  His mouth pulled at her flesh. His hands gripped her backside and held her tight. When something poked at her back entrance she jumped. “Hey!”

  He chuckled and smiled up at her. “Not ready for that yet?”

  “Ready for what?” she demanded.

  His expression blanked and then he smiled wickedly. “Oh, sweet Ashlynn, there’s so much to show you.”

  She blinked in confusion and then he bit her thigh. “Ouch!”

  “Sorry, love. I just can’t get enough of you.”

  His mouth returned to her sex. She jerked at the still new sensation of him kissing her there. It was softer than when he put other parts of his body there. Delicate. She liked it a lot.

  His tongue flicked and searched and soon her cries were echoing in the small bathroom as her pleasure unraveled. Kelly stood and held her, hugged her. She needed a nap and it wasn’t even nine o’clock.

  They took turns washing each other’s hair. When it was her turn with the washcloth she took her time. As she freely explored his body she asked questions about his tattoos.

  “What does this one say?”

  “It’s the Gaelic word for mother.”

  “And this one?”

  “It’s the Lord’s prayer.”

  “Do you speak Gaelic?”

  “Is féidir liom, mo ghrá.”

  She smiled, loving the choppy sound of the words. “What does that mean?”

  “I do, my love.” He reached past her and shut off the spigot. “Shall we go back to bed?”

  “To sleep?”


  After they dried each other off, they climbed under the covers. Kelly pulled her close and she sighed. Nothing had ever felt as right as being in his arms.

  * * * *

  When they awoke it was well past noon. Ashlynn was famished. She nudged Kelly softly and he stirred. “Are you hungry?”


  “Should I make dinner?”

  “We could order pizza.”


  She needed to stretch her legs. After they ordered pizza she pulled on her robe and went downstairs. Kelly eventually followed her. “You’re naked!”

  He shrugged. “My bags in the truck. Mind getting it for me?”

  She returned upstairs and dressed so she could go to the truck and find Kelly’s clothes. When he saw her, he said, “Hey, no clothes on the day after the wedding.”

  “I wasn’t going outside in just my robe.” She handed him his bag. “After we eat do you mind if we take a ride to my dad’s? He might need a hand cleaning up after yesterday.”

  “I’m sure my mum took care of it.”

  “Still, I’d like to see him.”

  He gave her a strange look. “I don’t think your father wants to see me, knowing what we’ve been up to.”

  “Don’t be silly. You’re my husband now.”

  “I guess.”

  The pizza arrived and they ate in the kitchen. “Did you paint this house yourself?”

  “Every room.”

  Kelly stood and stretched. He patted his belly. “You ready?”

  She cleared his plate. “Dishes go in the sink, Mr. McCullough.”

  He stilled. “Sorry, love.”

  When they arrived at her father’s Ashlynn was surprised no traces of their wedding remained. “Daddy?”

  “Hey, sug!” They entered the den and Roy gave them each an assessing look. “How’s married life?”

  Her face heated and Kelly said, “That first grandchild should be here any day now. Oomph!”

  She hadn’t meant to backhand him in the stomach, but she couldn’t believe he said that. Roy’s face paled. “Don’t make me kill you, boy.”

  “Sorry, sir.”

  She put on a pot of coffee and Kelly’s outburst was quickly forgotten, or so she pretended it was. As they visited they talked about Kelly’s role at the bar and the sort of hours he kept. She hadn’t realized he sometimes didn’t get home until four in the morning. She was usually waking up at that time.

  When they left it was nearly ten at night. Being that they both ran their own businesses, they could only afford a couple days off. Tomorrow she’d be checking on the market and Kelly would be opening the pub.

  When they returned home she was exhausted. It had been a long weekend and she had to run a large shipment to the market in the morning.

  “Do you want to watch some TV?” Kelly asked as he kicked off his shoes in the hall.

  “I have to be up early in the morning.” She nudged his shoes out of the way with the toe of her boot.

  “Are you going to bed?” He frowned.

  “Kelly, my day starts at dawn.”

  “Right. Okay, well I’ll be up in a bit.”

  Ashlynn kissed him and went upstairs to change. As she picked up her old nightshirt, she glanced at the closet. Inside were all the fancy lace nightgowns she’d been given. She supposed that was what married women slept in. Tossing the shirt back in the drawer, she went to the closet and selected a long white satin gown.

  The material slid over her shoulder like a cool breeze. She turned when the door opened.

  “Love, where do you keep the remote?” He stilled. “Jesus. You look incredible.” He came to her in two steps. His fingers lifted the thin silk strap and he stared at the crevice between her breasts. “I think I’m ready for bed too.”

  Her mouth curved at the corners. Her husband might be a sex addict. He stripped his shirt off his shoulders and tossed it in t
he corner. She frowned. “The hamper’s there.” Her finger pointed.

  His dark blue eyes bore into hers as he backed her up to the bed. “I’ll get it later.”

  His head dipped and he sucked at the flesh of her shoulder. Her nipples beaded tightly under the silk gown as her breath caught. She sighed his name as his fingers bunched up the soft fabric.

  His hand pressed between her legs and she stepped wide, allowing him entrance. His finger pressed into her and she gasped.

  “Fuck, you’re so soft here.”

  She was becoming immune to his coarse language, actually liking the way he said dirty things to her when they were alone. She reached for his belt and unlatched the clasp, sliding the leather free. Her fingers undid the button of his jeans and lowered the zipper.

  “Take me out, Ashlynn. Touch me.”

  She pulled him free as he continued to finger her. Kicking off his pants and shoes, he backed her to the bed and tumbled her onto the mattress. Her hand gripped him and stroked his hot flesh.

  He pressed his finger deep inside of her and her spine arched. He repeated the motion and she gasped. He withdrew his finger and brought it to her mouth. “Taste.”

  She stilled. When she made no move to open her mouth, he traced his glistening finger over her lips.

  “Taste how sweet you are, Ashlynn.”

  She worried that this was wrong, but decided he was her husband and this was all part of being intimate. Her tongue skated over her lips and she sampled her tangy flavor.

  Kelly moaned and kissed her. “Are you still sore?”

  “A little.”

  “Take this off.”

  Her arms lifted as he pulled the gown off. His hands gripped her hips and dragged her to the center of the bed. He climbed over her until his knees were on either side of her ribs. He rose up and gripped his erection.

  “Give me your hand.”

  She held out her hand and he folded it over his length. His fingers closed over hers and together they stroked him. She was mesmerized. Everything about Kelly was male, strong, and beautiful. His presence was a potent mix of lust and desire and all things tempting.

  His grip tightened. She hadn’t held him as tightly before, but he didn’t seem to mind.

  “Can we try something new?” he asked.

  “It’s all new to me, Kelly. I won’t know if I like it unless I try it.”

  “Would you tell me if you didn’t like something?”


  He removed their hands and leaned forward to kiss her. “I love you.”

  When their mouths parted he seated himself so that his erection rested at her breasts. He cupped her there. His fingers plucking at her nipples and making her sigh and writhe beneath him.

  He lifted again. “Use your mouth to get my cock wet.”

  Her heart raced. She’d never heard it called that before meeting Kelly. Her lips parted and he pressed his cock into her mouth. He thrust a few times and then withdrew. She loved the way his expression changed when he was in her mouth.

  His hands curved around her breasts, plumping her flesh until he held her tightly around his cock. His thumbs teased at her tips and then he thrust and groaned. His cock slid between her breasts as he held them in place. Pumping smoothly, his eyes shut and he sighed.

  He lifted. “Again.”

  Her mouth opened and he plunged deep, nearly touching the back of her throat. This was very different. His rapid strokes into her mouth cut off as he thrust himself between her plumped breasts, then he was in her mouth again. It seemed they were both racing toward something. She sucked him deep and he jerked back. His hands tightened over her breasts again.

  His taut skin glided over her chest, stuffed between her curves. She’d never heard of such a thing. He breathed heavily. His fingers pulled at her nipples, sometimes tightened and her body reacted.

  His hips snapped forward, his motions rocking both their bodies in time. His fingers closed around the sensitive tips of her breasts and she hissed.

  His fingers pinched her there for a long moment, as he stared deep into her eyes. When he released her flesh the blood rushed to the tips and she gasped. “Feel that, Ashlynn? It’s all those little nerves coming to life. I could make you come just from touching you here.”

  He plumped her breasts and continued to thrust some more. Every few minutes he lifted and put himself in her mouth. Her head lifted from the mattress as she sucked him eagerly. He’d pull from her lips without warning and she’d collapse back, gasping as he drove his cock between her breasts.

  The next time he lifted he cupped her head. “Take me deep, love. As deep as you can.”

  She pulled him to the back of her throat and her eyes watered. He withdrew, making small dips over her tongue. She wanted to scream with the fire building inside of her. Such desire was unnamable. Her body was on sensory overload. Her thighs were drenched with her own arousal and she wasn’t sure what she needed. Everything was so incredibly sensitized and he was going so fast.

  Suddenly, her hand shot out and gripped his cock as she sucked. She didn’t want to let him go.

  “Fuck!” His fingers tightened in her hair and he plunged into her mouth over and over.

  His spine stiffened and he jerked his body back, breaking her hold. His cock dipped between her breasts, his warm palms squeezing her flesh tight, as his hot and sticky release coated her skin.

  Kelly threw his head back and shouted her name, his hips snapping over her wildly. He fell forward and caught his weight on his palms by her head.

  She was breathing fast, each breath choppy. He scooted down her body and kissed her. “You’re incredible,” he growled against her lips.

  His fingers trailed through the sticky stuff covering her breasts, dragging it over her belly and past her hips. His fingers filled her and she gasped. That was his seed.

  Her body was burning up. It only took a few quick plunges of his fingers and she was arching into his palm, crying out her own release. When his body fell next to hers the entire room smelled of sex and lust.

  She gasped for breath as he pulled her close. “I’ll clean you up in a minute. Just let me hold you for now.”

  It amazed her, how they could become so separate from their minds in such acts and as soon as it was over, Kelly could be tender again. She was beginning to understand the draw of sex and was sort of pissed she’d waited so long.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kelly missed his wife.

  When he’d woken up that morning the house was clean and her truck was already gone. He’d tracked her down at the market, but she was busy. He tried to steal a few kisses, but she was having none of that. He probably shouldn’t have been so rough with her yesterday.

  Kelly could be gentle at times. Sometimes gentle was good. But for the most part he liked to fuck as if the only thing that could stop him was a ballistic missile. Maybe Ashlynn wasn’t ready for all that. He’d take it slow with her tonight.

  After he left her at the market, he went to his parents to pack up some of his belongings. He didn’t have much. As he glanced back at his room to see if there was anything he’d forgotten, he noticed an envelope on his bed.

  Placing the box he held on the floor he lifted the envelope and withdrew the paper inside. Several twenty-dollar bills fluttered to his comforter. It was Sheilagh’s stupid pool. He pocketed the money, intending to buy something nice for Ashlynn with it and stuffed the paper back in the envelope. He shoved the whole thing into his nightstand drawer and left.

  As he waited for the last two patrons to leave O’Malley’s that night, he thought about his wife. Last he spoke to her she was making some soup. She said she’d leave some on the stove for him. Her thoughtfulness gave him a touch of the warm and fuzzies. He had to fend for himself for breakfast, which meant he starved until he reached his mother’s. He was glad Ashlynn remembered him when it came to dinner.

  He wanted to get home to her before she fell asleep. It was already midnight. “Al
l right, boys, last call.”

  He refilled the customer’s beers and headed to the kitchen to start shutting things down. Tomorrow Sam and the baby were coming home and he wanted Ashlynn to go with him for a visit.

  By the time he was mopping the main floor the two customers were gone. Kelly locked the front door and quickly grabbed his keys. Everything else could be left until the next day.

  When he pulled into the driveway the house was dark aside from the light on the front porch. He unlocked the door and kicked off his boots, taking the steps two at a time. The bedroom was dark, Ashlynn’s body curled at the top right as she slept soundly.

  Kelly took a quick shower and climbed in beside her. When his hand caressed her hip, he felt yet another lacy ensemble. As much as he liked seeing her in fancy nightgowns, he preferred to have her sleep naked.

  Leaning over her, he kissed her ear. “Lucy, I’m home,” he whispered as his palm slid under her gown and cupped her breast.

  She moaned and he nudged her to her back. “I missed you.” His lips pressed to hers, coaxing her awake as he fondled her.

  Her lashes fluttered open. “What time is it?”

  “A little after one.” He pushed the silk material over her hips and fit his knee between hers.

  “Kelly, I’m tired.”

  “Please, love. I’ve thought about you all day.” He needed to have her.

  She smiled and surrendered, her soft thighs parting for him. He filled her slowly, reminding himself to be gentle. As he rocked over her she watched him through golden lashes.

  Her body glided beneath him like the softest glove. She was his perfect fit. His arms slid beneath her back and he held her to him. Her breathy moans filled the room, music to his ears. He whispered to her, words in Gaelic, words of love, and when he filled her he marveled that she’d give him a family someday.

  Everything he’d thought to tell her throughout the day faded as he lost himself in her warmth. His hunger was met in other ways. When they finished, he was replete. Soup forgotten, he sighed, pulling her into his shoulder, and closed his eyes.

  The following morning Kelly awoke alone again. His hand slid to Ashlynn’s side of the bed and met nothing but cold sheets. Their opposite schedules sucked. He showered, dressed, and went to Colin’s.


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