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Page 3

by Maren Lee

  “Fuck yes. Gonna wreck this pussy. Make this pussy mine.”

  “My pussy is already yours, Ryan. Fuck yes. Harder. Harder. Oh, god yes. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck your naughty slut!”

  “You gotta get there, Katie. I’m gonna come. Gonna fill this pussy.”

  Katie reached down and began rubbing her clit like a pro. Jesus. Every time he watched this it got him. Ryan would never need to buy porn again. As long as he had this video, he’d be able to come by his own hand for the rest of his life. He was close.

  “Come on me, Ryan. Come on my chest. Oh god! I’m coming!” she shouted, almost in surprise.

  “Fuckkkkkkkkkk.” He took her legs down from his shoulders and hitched them around his elbows, spreading her widely, and continued plunging. He could hear his balls slapping her ass, at first rhythmically, and then not so rhythmically as he got closer. “Oh god, Katie. Here I come, baby!” He pulled out and jacked himself off, using her wetness that still clung to his dick. He groaned as he shot one long spurt and five or six short ones onto her skin.

  Even in the dim light of the video, the whiteness of his come looked beautiful on her tan skin. Ryan leaned forward and captured her mouth with his.

  “Fuck,” he exhaled as he came in the tissue placed strategically on his stomach. His muscles clenched as he twitched. He closed his eyes and wished to God for the millionth time that he had a time machine. But when he opened them, the wish had, yet again, not come true.

  He was in his dimly lit room. Alone.

  Ryan stopped the video. He’d watched it enough to know what happened next. Ryan had forgotten to hit the red button on his phone screen. He’d gone to the bathroom and gotten her a warm washcloth. He’d cleaned her up. Lovingly. Reverently. He’d kissed her softly and laid next to her, snuggling into her warm body, soft and pliable after orgasming. He was hoping she would stay the night. For a moment, it almost seemed like she would. But then she said she had to go. Ryan remembered thinking in that moment that he should feel relieved. What they had was an uncomplicated booty call.

  Except that wasn't it at all. It was so very complicated.

  And he’d fucked it all up.

  Fuck. He tossed the tissue in the trash can and flopped back down on his pillow. What he thought was going to be a stress reliever tonight wasn’t turning out that way.

  Text her. A voice whispered in Ryan’s ear.

  Fuck. Ryan didn’t even know what he would say. Don’t marry the guy? He thought on it for a second. Maybe? It’s better than jacking off every night and feeling sorry for yourself. His inner voice scolded. Fine. He’d had one too many drinks to stop himself now. He picked up his phone and thought about what he should say for approximately 2.5 seconds.

  RB: It kills me to know that you’re no longer mine.

  Chapter 3

  Unknown: It kills me to know that you’re no longer mine.

  What the fuck?

  “Who is texting me?” Katie asked out loud to her empty bedroom. Brian was working the late shift for the foreseeable future. Sadly, she found herself glad about this. Brian had been so overbearing since the engagement that she was starting to lose her mind. Katie liked to do her own thing every once in a while. Sue me. But Brian had other ideas. He wanted to know what she was doing, who she was hanging out with, where she was going at any given time. The only reason he’d stopped texting her tonight was because she’d said she was going to bed. She wasn’t. She just needed a fucking second. Alone.

  But now her phone was lit up by an unknown number.

  KH: Who’s this?

  She texted back and waited. It didn’t take long before the typing indicator, the conversational bubbles, appeared. Whoever was on the other end had an iPhone and was responding.

  Unknown: You deleted my number? I’m offended.

  Hmmmmm. Brian had placed Katie on his cell phone plan a few weeks ago. She thought it was a little odd, but figured they’d get a multi-line discount of some sort so it probably made financial sense. Besides, a few weeks before that, he’d bought her a new car. She was making the payments – because she’d insisted – but they were getting ready to consolidate lives and bills and paychecks, so a shared cell phone plan didn’t bother her. When he handed her the new phone, though, he’d said there was something wrong with her old SIM card. Because of that, there was no way for all of her data to be ported to her new phone. So other than her parents, her brother Jake and his wife Lane, and a few coworkers, Katie had zero numbers in her phone. She had the same number, though, so she’d received a few texts from unknown numbers who ended up actually being a few of her friends from nursing school.

  If this wasn’t a wrong number – still a possibility – it could only be a few people.

  Dan? Dan wouldn’t even have this number. They had fucked for a hot minute when she was in college at Idaho State.

  Robert? Katie shuddered. He was a total jackass who had been looking for his nice, sweet Mormon wifey to pop out a dozen kids…all while fucking Katie on the side. If it was him, she was going to vomit.

  Shiloh? Ugh. Katie hoped not. That guy was sexy and sex with him had been a little crazy and wild. But despite their sexual compatibility, he wasn’t really her type. He’d billed himself as a free spirit hippie, but he couldn’t stop looking at his phone when they’d been together. Annoying.

  So unless this number had become known to the handful of guys from her hometown she’d fucked in the backseats of cars and on the bench seats of pickups during high school and a few trips home from college – which was highly unlikely – that left only one person.


  Katie felt a flutter in her stomach. Ryan was the only guy who ever truly “got” her. Both in and out of the bedroom. He was a booty call. And the best sex of her life. But he started acting like he had feelings for her: taking her on dates, asking her to stay the night, kissing her in ways that made her wish they were more than a booty call. It had made her wish she wasn't his dirty little secret. Katie had started to catch a giant case of “the feelings.” She knew she needed to draw lines or her heart would be broken.

  In the end, she determined that Ryan would never get over their age difference – a full eighteen years – and, as an already-divorced man and father of two, he’d said he would never get married or have kids again. He wouldn’t even consider it.

  Katie refused to be with someone who didn't care enough about her to even consider leaving the possibilities open. Yes, she was young. But she was smart enough to know that while she may not want kids or marriage now, she at least wanted to be with someone who was open to the possibility.

  What do you mean you may not want marriage now? You’re engaged, Katie. Fuck.

  So she was. To Dr. Brian Carson. A great surgeon. A rising star. An okay boyfriend. And turning out to be a really possessive fiance.

  Her phone buzzed again.

  Unknown: This is Katie, right?

  Katie exhaled. Shit. Not a wrong number.

  KH: Sorry. I got a new phone. No numbers in it. Who is this?

  She held her breath as the bubbles appeared again.

  Unknown: Ryan.

  Oh. Katie pushed out the breath she had been holding. This can’t be happening.

  KH: Hi.

  U: How are you?

  KH: OK. You?

  U: Miserable without you.

  Katie’s breath hitched again. No. This cannot happen on this phone. Brian will find out.

  KH: Please stop. I have to go.

  U: Don’t marry him.

  Shit. Jake must have told him.

  KH: Yes, I’m engaged. I will not disrespect my fiance by texting you on this phone that he pays for.

  U: Ah. Gotcha.

  Katie shook her head. Thank goodness. Ryan, in her experience, was usually much more persistent, so she was surprised that got him to go away so quickly. She deleted the message string. Just in case.

  Her phone buzzed again. Thi
s time, her Facebook Messenger app popped up with a notification.

  “Secret message? What the hell is a secret message?”

  Ryan. Ryan was sending her a secret message.

  RB: Hey.

  RB: You can message me in here. It’s encrypted and he won’t be able to access it through the phone company or on any device but this one. We can set the messages to delete after a few minutes. But make sure you password protect your phone.

  Jesus. Katie thought she’d be able to get away from the fluttering in her stomach that thoughts of Ryan always invoked and move on with her life with her soon-to-be-husband, the sexy sugeon. Apparently not.

  KH: My phone is password protected, but he knows the password. I have nothing to hide from him.

  RB: Change your password.

  KH: I told you, I have nothing to hide.

  RB: Change your password because you’re not going to marry him.

  KH: I’m not?

  RB: Nope.

  KH: What makes you so sure?

  RB: I’m gonna win you back.

  Katie laughed. There was the persistent man she remembered. Not the one who looked so sad and defeated during their last night together when she told him he had to leave in the morning and never come back. What she’d been looking for, then, was for him to fight for her. If you would have just fucking fought for me months ago, we wouldn’t be in this mess, would we?

  Katie shook her head. What the fuck are you saying, Katie? Why are you marrying Brian, anyways? Katie was afraid she didn’t know, but she felt like she was so far down the rabbit hole she had to go through with it. Fuck. They hadn't set a date yet, but it felt like the snowball was already rolling too quickly down the mountain. Gaining speed. Gaining mass. Barrelling out of control.

  But you love Brian. Right? She didn’t know the answer to that question either. She had fun with him some of the time. The sex was okay. It wasn’t even in the same ballpark as it had been with Ryan, but she figured she’d never find that again. That was once-in-a-lifetime sex. Brian just didn’t like the same things that Katie liked. And that was okay. He was…a little vanilla. But not horrible. He was hot. He had a great smile. She liked his house. He was a young doctor with ambition.

  Jesus, Katie. You have to like more about him than just his looks and his money.

  One crucial factor? Brian wanted marriage and kids. And, more specifically, he wanted those things with Katie.

  Bingo. You can’t throw Brian away for a man who won’t even take your wants and needs into consideration.

  KH: No. I’m getting married. Final answer.

  RB: What’s this asshole’s name?

  KH: He’s not an asshole. He's a doctor. His name is Brian.

  RB: Convenient.

  KH: ???

  RB: Convenient for when you say my name while he’s fucking you.

  Katie felt a blush start at her toes and move all the way up her body. She had done that once or twice, but she’d convinced herself that she hadn’t. There was no mistaking Brian’s brand of sex for Ryan’s, anyway. For one, Ryan’s dick was longer. Two, Ryan actually listened to what Katie wanted in bed and then gave her exactly what she needed. Pretty much every time.

  Brian? Not so much.

  KH: Stop it. I’ve never done that.

  RB: You know you have.

  KH: Have you called any other woman Katie?

  RB: No.

  KH: Then why do you think I would call out your name? Vain, much?

  RB: Because I haven’t been with another woman since you, baby.

  Oh god. Oh god. Katie was panicking.

  KH: I find that hard to believe.

  RB: I’ve been a broken man for months. Please come back to me.

  Oh fuck. Go. Go go go.

  KH: I have to go.

  Katie quickly muted the conversation and logged out of messenger.

  Did that just happen?

  Chapter 4

  She’d finally fallen asleep a few hours ago. Her brain could not shut down after Ryan’s messages. She tossed and turned all night. But just as it seemed as if dreamland was in reach, the slamming of the garage door woke her. Ughhhhhhhh.

  Katie tried to ignore it and sink back down into a REM cycle. She almost got there, but then the daily clanking of the pots and pans began. God, he’s so loud! Brian insisted on having an egg white omelet when he got home. Every. Day. This wasn't a quiet process, either. Every cupboard door was opened and shut, at least twice! If there was a pot or pan within reach of the skillet, it was banged around. So fucking annoying.

  This had been the routine since she moved into Brian's house. It was exhausting. It was his idea to move in together once they started on opposite shifts. His reasoning was twofold: one, they could could save money for the wedding if she wasn’t paying rent and two, they could see each other more. Katie figured that working opposite shifts wasn't easy on a relationship, so she agreed and moved in.

  It had been a couple of months now and the “routine” Brian insisted on was getting on her nerves.

  When they lived separately, Brian would occasionally come over (apparently after he'd already made his noisy breakfast with no witnesses) and would wake her up with decent morning sex. Now she woke up to Brian's omelet routine and each morning it pissed her off. Where's the consideration? She didn't wake him up like that when she came home and he was still sleeping!

  Another loud crash came from the kitchen.

  Jesus. What the fuck is wrong with a bowl of cereal?!

  She never remembered being this annoyed when Ryan came by her place after he got off the night shift.

  That's because he never woke you up like an asshole. Sweet kisses all over her body. At least one orgasm before taking her to the shower and fucking her brains out.

  Fuck! Stop thinking about Ryan! Brian. Brian. Brian.

  But no matter how hard she tried, her inner chants couldn’t stop the memories of Ryan and her first night together from seeping back into her brain.

  “Seriously, Katie. We’re not doing anything,” he’d said to her as they approached the door to his apartment, as if trying to convince himself. “You’ll stay here. I'll take you to Jake’s in the morning.”

  She didn’t respond. It didn’t warrant a response because Katie knew exactly what they were doing tonight. Just you wait, hottie.

  He unlocked the door. She walked in. And then it happened, in slow motion and hyper speed simultaneously. The door to his apartment had been closed all of two seconds before he was on her. Ryan backed her against the wall. His lips crashed into hers. His strong hands were touching, groping, squeezing any part of her body that he could reach. He found the swell of her ass and squeezed. Jesus, that felt good. She could feel his hard length pressed into her thigh. She couldn’t help but grind on him. Oh, my lord.

  Ryan pulled his mouth away from hers, keeping their foreheads together, and continued to rock his hips into her.

  “Katie… I want you. Fuck. Do I ever want you. But…we can't do this.” Ryan could hardly catch his breath.

  She could see it in his eyes. The desperation. She could tell he was looking for her to agree with him so that he didn't have to worry about the consequences of what could come from a hookup. Nope. Not fucking happening.

  She knew he wanted her just as badly as she wanted him.

  “Ryan, don’t stop. Just tonight. Please?” She reached down between them, grabbing his length through his jeans. He was rock hard.

  He hissed.

  “Nobody will ever have to know, Ryan. This dirty little secret” —she paused and gave him a devilish grin— “will be between you” —she paused again, releasing his cock and trailing her fingers underneath his shirt, touching his warm skin— “and me.” She winked and bit her lip.

  Ryan let out a low growl. “Fuck, woman.” He nipped her lip. “Do you have any idea how hot it made me to see you touching yourself in my Jeep?” He shook his head. “
Knowing you're off limits is killing me. Fuck, I'm probably already a dead man just for kissing you.”

  Katie chuckled. “If you’re already a dead man, you might as well make it worth your while.” She nipped his earlobe and Ryan chuckled. “As long as this stays between you and me, Jake won’t kill you. Come on, Ryan. One night. Show me what it’s like to be fucked by a real man.”

  She gave him a closed-lipped smile and then slipped out from his grasp. She hadn’t been in his apartment before, but there were two doors on one side of the living room, straight across from the kitchen. She figured they were probably bedrooms. As she walked toward the doors, she stripped her clothes off, one article of clothing after the next until she was standing in nothing but her black lace bra and panties. Thank goodness they match today.


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