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Crime Tells: Cady's Cowboy

Page 10

by Jory Strong

  He stepped back but kept his hands on her arms, turning her so that they faced each other. Sure enough, something was going through his little darlin’s mind and he had a bad feeling that if he didn’t head it off, he was going to end up in a world of hurt.

  He felt like a dog that was one step away from being hit with a rolled-up newspaper and sent out to the doghouse, but that didn’t stop him from stiffening his spine and asking the question no man likes to ask his woman. “What’s wrong?”

  The silence stretched out like a tight leash and Kix was just about to open his mouth and ask again when Cady said, “Did you really mean it? About sharing your information? I don’t have a clue what you’ve found out so far…which is okay if we’re working separately and this…” she blushed and waved her hand between them “…and this is something else altogether…” She stood a little straighter. “I’m fine with us doing our own thing and still seeing each other outside of the case. I mean, you’re working for Adrienne and Crime Tells is working for Alex.” She took a deep breath. “I just need to know where the lines are so I don’t end up feeling…bad when it’s over.”

  For a second Kix felt poleaxed. Was she talking about the case being over or them being over? And was his little darlin’ implying that she wondered if he was using her? Pain ripped through Kix—followed by resolve.

  Damned if he didn’t know exactly how to deal with this. You dealt with it the same way you did when a horse spooked and threw you. You got back on and rode ‘till it knew it could trust you.

  He pulled Cady flush against his body and gave her a fierce kiss before stepping away. “Hang on, darlin’, I’ve got to get something from the truck before we can finish this conversation.”

  Cady watched him stride away, nervous shivers racing along her spine as her heart rate accelerated. Something about his purposeful movement set off warning bells and made her almost sorry that she’d voiced her doubts, but dammit…when it came to relationships she didn’t know any other way except to just lay her cards on the table.

  He was gone for several long, slow moments. When he returned he took Cady’s arm and silently led her to the bedroom door, only pausing long enough to look at the German shepherd and say, “Stay there, partner,” before ushering her inside and closing the door behind them.

  “Darlin’, it cuts me to the quick that you don’t trust me…”

  Cady opened her mouth only to have him shake his head and cover her lips with his long enough to stop her. “Don’t say anything, don’t deny it. Deep down, that’s what’s going on here, and I aim to fix it right now.”

  An edge of fear skittered along her spine when he pulled four strips of leather out of his back pockets and tossed them on the bed. When he started to unbutton her shirt, Cady felt like her heart was planning on jumping out of her chest and making a run for it. Her cunt on the other hand… She shivered, closing her legs in an effort to appease the ache centered in her clit, the need that had her lower lips swollen and parted, wet with anticipation. Hadn’t she always fantasized about a man doing this to her?

  Still, her survival instinct struggled to overwhelm her fantasies. She tried to pull back only to meet the steel resistance of his arm around her waist.

  His face was a portrait of masculine determination as he removed her shirt and dropped it to the floor. She tensed, expecting the bra to follow, instead, he whispered a kiss across her chest, teasing along the border of soft fabric with his tongue and lips before brushing across her tight cloth-covered nipples. When she whimpered he raised his head and brought his face to hers so that their eyes could meet. “I’m only going to say this once, little darlin’—what I want from you doesn’t have anything to do with Adrienne’s problem, but it’s got everything to do with what a man wants from his woman, including having her trust him.” He gave her a hard kiss. “It seems like we’ve got a little trouble starting in that area, which I aim to head off right now.”

  Cady couldn’t help shivering. “By tying me up?”

  The dark look in his eyes was answer enough. He undid the front clasp of her bra, then reached for the snap of her jeans. Her hands moved to his shoulders, opening and closing on the material of his shirt as fear warred with anticipation. She wasn’t sure that she could really go through with this, with being completely helpless.

  “I believe you,” she blurted out, “about not…about this being separate from the case.”

  A muscle twitched in his jaw. “I’m glad to hear that, little darlin’. If I haven’t been telling you what I’ve been doing, it’s because I haven’t found anything worth calling your attention to, especially when you’ve been doing a damned fine job of looking into other things.”

  “Oh.” She had a second of feeling guilty before her jeans slipped to her ankles and the trepidation returned full force. “I trust you. You don’t need to…”

  He silenced her again with a kiss. This one dark and dominating. “Darlin’, unless you look me in the eye and tell me that you don’t want this, then I’m not going to stop.”

  Cady’s heart thundered in her ears, rushing in a primitive beat that pulsed through her body. Her mouth parted just enough for her teeth to worry her bottom lip.

  When she didn’t say anything, Kix’s warm hands slid over her hips and down her legs, taking her panties with them. He knelt in front of her, removing her shoes and freeing her from her clothing.

  A flush washed across Cady’s face and breasts. Embarrassment meshed with anxiety and arousal at being naked while he remained clothed.

  “Damn you’re beautiful, Cady darlin’,” Kix said as his hands curled around her legs, stroking upward until they moved around to cup her buttocks and pull her forward. “You were made for loving.” Almost reverently he brushed his cheek against her pubic hair before nuzzling her swollen clit and labia.

  Cady’s heart soared. No one had ever made her feel like Kix did.

  His tongue washed over her clit before stroking into her slit. Cady whimpered in reaction and he thrust his tongue in deeper, making her knees go weak.

  She grabbed his shoulders and his husky laugh sent more blood racing to her already swollen cunt. Kix sucked her clit quickly, then stood and pulled her against his body as he trailed kisses up her neck and around the shell of her ear. “A man could get mighty distracted down there.” His fingers traced along her spine. “Now get on the bed darlin’.”

  Cady shivered at the command, at the images that assailed her. “Are you going to get undressed first?”

  Kix pressed his jeans-covered leg between her thighs, heightening her feelings of vulnerability as his tongue explored her ear further, flicking in and out and making her breasts feel heavy and tight. “No, darlin’, now get on the bed or you’re going to feel my hand on your backside.”

  Cady’s stomach clenched as he released her. The air shuddered in and out of her lungs as she stepped backward, coming to a halt when she touched the bed. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the thin strips of leather on the hunter green comforter.

  Her resolve weakened and she stood there for a long second. Kix moved forward and her eyes went immediately to his hands. “I can count to three if that’s the way you want this to go.” When she didn’t get on the bed immediately, he took another step. “One, darlin’.”

  Cady’s clit pulsed and she clamped her legs together tightly as arousal escaped past the lips of her cunt and coated her inner thighs.

  Kix took another step and Cady was mesmerized by the hunger she saw in his face. “Two, darlin’.”

  Her eyes dropped to his heavy, cloth-covered erection and she sat down on the bed, knowing in that instant that when he gave her a spanking, she wanted to feel his hot flesh against hers. Kix took the last step and she slid backward so that she was sitting completely on the comforter. “You cut that pretty close,” he whispered, gripping her knees and pulling her legs apart so that he could look at her.

  His cock jumped at the sight of her slick, swollen flesh, at the wa
y her inner thighs glistened, wet with her need. Damn, he was already hanging on to control by a thread and she was making it harder.

  “Lay back, darlin’ and put your hands over your head,” he ordered.

  Moisture leaked from the slit in his cock as she positioned herself on the bed, her breasts shaking, her breathing becoming more erratic. Kix reached down and gripped himself through the now-too-tight jeans as he fought the urge to free his penis and shove it into her welcoming heat.

  He took a deep breath and forced his hand away from the front of his jeans. His cock felt like a gunfighter with a jumpy trigger finger. One wrong move and it was going to shoot. He reached for the ties and crawled onto the bed, gritting his teeth at being so close to Cady.

  He bound her wrists to the bed first, then her ankles. The smell of her arousal swamped his senses while her show of trust flooded his heart with emotion.

  For several long minutes, all he could do was look at her. Goddamn. Now he understood why his brother Jake kept saying he wanted to rope that woman he’d taken a fancy to and tie her to the bed.

  Kix had never thought a whole lot about trying it before Cady came along. But damn… He liked knowing that her trust ran deep enough to allow him to see her like this…open and vulnerable, dependent on him for her pleasure.

  He wasn’t sure how long he was going to last, but one thing was for certain, he couldn’t stand not feeling her skin against his own. He stood up long enough to shed his clothes, then covered her body with his body, groaning as his cock bathed in the arousal that coated her cunt lips and inner thighs.

  His mouth found hers and she opened for him immediately, her pelvis arching upward in invitation. He bucked against her, his cock hungry and desperate to feel the tight fist of her sheath.

  Kix groaned and pulled back from her mouth, biting and kissing down her neck until he reached her breasts. He used his hands to push the mounds together so that he could easily alternate between their hardened peaks.

  Cady arched with each lick, and when he began sucking, her buttocks tightened and her hips jerked, driving her clit against his heavy erection. “Harder,” she pleaded, so close to coming.

  He settled more of his weight on her and moved his hips, rubbing along her swollen clit as he continued his assault on her breasts. He’d always been a breast man, and now that he’d been with Cady, he didn’t figure another pair of them would ever turn him on like hers did. Damn if he couldn’t bury his face in her soft flesh and stay there forever, suckling and biting and loving on her.

  His cock jerked as her whimpers became more urgent. A warm flow of pre-cum escaped and he knew that he was running out of time. Groaning, Kix tore his attention from Cady’s love-roughened nipples and returned to her lips, thrusting his tongue into her mouth just as his penis found the haven of her wet cunt.

  She cried out, her taut body arching underneath him. He moved in and out of her forcefully, swallowing her sobs and cries until finally her inner muscles gripped him so tightly that he had to lift his head and shout as lava-hot seed and almost unbearable pleasure rushed through his cock.

  He untied her then, somehow finding the energy to get them both under the covers before pulling her against his body so that her breasts pressed tightly against his chest. “Damn, darlin’,” he whispered, his penis twitching in reaction to being so close to her slit, “I wanted to love you all over before riding you.”

  Cady twined her legs with his and snuggled into him. Her heart was still pounding and her nerve endings felt shivery from what had just happened between them. She wasn’t sure if she could have stood any more. It had been intense…scary…unsettling…addictively erotic. “Maybe we’ll save that for another time,” she whispered against his damp flesh.

  Kix buried his face in her wild curls and smiled in relief. Now that he’d had a taste of doing this with a woman—with his woman—he wanted to do it again, only next time she would scream in release more than once. Damn, he was crazy about her.

  The silence settled around them as their bodies slowed and calmed. Cady trailed her fingers down his side, her thoughts returning to the case. “So exactly what have you been looking into?”

  Kix rolled and pulled her on top of him. “Following up on the fact that eleven trainers have been suspended since the beginning of the year. Far as I can tell, at least six of them are probably guilty of trying to cheat. The rest of the them I don’t know about yet.”

  Goose bumps washed over Cady’s flesh as Kix traced a finger along her spine. “You ready to tell me just what you and Lyric found at Meyers’ place?”

  Chapter Ten

  “An appointment book. The trouble is, he used abbreviations. And between picking Ranger up from the groomer’s and finding you here, I haven’t had time to figure out what any of them mean.”

  Kix’s hand stilled at the back of her spine before moving lightly over her buttocks. “Am I hearing you right, darlin’? You took evidence from a crime scene?”

  A cold knot of worry began to form in Cady’s stomach. “It wasn’t a crime scene. The cops were calling it an overdose.”

  Kix snorted. “It wasn’t a crime scene yet. And you and Lyric already guessed that. As soon as the medical examiner does an autopsy, they’ll be looking for a murderer. You can take that to the bank and deposit it.” His hand settled on one ass cheek. “If I wasn’t worn out from lovin’ you, Cady, I’d sit up and spank your pretty little butt for doing something so crazy.”

  Cady shivered in reaction and her nipples went to tight points against Kix’s hard chest. He tensed and she could feel his erection growing against her abdomen.

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, little darlin’?” He kissed and sucked his way up her neck before running his tongue around the shell of her ear. “You’d like to feel my hand against your backside.”

  “Maybe,” she whispered, feeling the blood rush to her clit and labia. “Not necessarily now, but someday…I’d like to try it.”

  Kix closed his eyes against the wave of love and lust that poured through him. Damn, if she wasn’t just plain perfect for him—the answer to a prayer he didn’t even know he’d sent off. She was everything he could have asked for, and to know that she was opening up, trusting him in ways she’d never trusted another man, well, that left him just about as defenseless as a newborn calf. Goddamn if she hadn’t managed to rope and hog-tie him faster than a cowboy doing a championship rodeo run.

  He rolled her over and settled on top of her, groaning when her legs wrapped around his hips and his penis dipped into the wet, welcoming heat of her. “Damn Cady, you feel so good.”

  She pulled his head down. “You feel pretty good yourself, cowboy.” She grinned and nibbled along his bottom lip before adding, “Or should I call you sheriff?”

  “Well, darlin’, if I was acting in my capacity as a law keeper, then your pretty backside would be feeling the sting of my hand.” He began pumping in and out of her. “But right now my cock isn’t willing to leave this little piece of heaven, so I think we’d better just settle in for a long slow cowboy’s ride.” He leaned down and gave her a leisurely kiss. “Make that a long slow ride with a beautiful view.”

  A blush washed across Cady’s face as love battled with uncertainty in her chest. She was attractive, but she’d never considered herself beautiful, not when compared to Erin’s stunning looks or Lyric’s wild sensuousness.

  “You’re the one that’s beautiful to look at,” she blurted out, trying to hide her vulnerability. “And better than chocolate.”

  He laughed and brushed a kiss over her lips. “Better than chocolate. That sounds like mighty high praise.”

  “The highest.”

  He settled more heavily on her then, anchoring her body to the bed and changing the angle so that his cock stroked even deeper. She arched underneath him and tightened her grip.

  Kix groaned at the way her slick tight muscles clamped down on him, trying to keep him buried inside her wet depths. He wanted to take
it slow and easy, to luxuriate in the feel of her soft breasts against his chest, to savor every inch of her tight sheath and enjoy the way his balls slapped and rubbed against her skin, but damned if they weren’t already pulling tight, warning him that he wasn’t going to last near as long as he wanted to. Hell, the truth of the matter was that he wanted to park his cock in her pretty little cunt and never leave.

  He stilled, trying to stave off his climax and Cady whimpered, “Oh god, Kix, please don’t stop.”

  He covered her mouth with his as he slid his hand down, gently caressing her buttock before moving to explore the crevice between her ass cheeks. She tensed and sent a wave of pleasured agony through his cock and up his spine. Damn, she was already so tight…it’d be heaven and hell if she was any smaller.

  Kix had to close his eyes as the thought of her wearing a butt plug worked its way into his thinking. Goddamn, where had that fantasy come from? He knew his brother liked to do that with his women—it was one of the things they had a blast teasing Walker about when they got together and played poker… Hell, that was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to what Walker liked. Kix had never figured that he wanted a lot of “extras”…but damned if his cock wasn’t growing harder and hungrier at the thought of having to push into an even smaller, tighter space than the one it was already in.

  His fingers circled and brushed across the pucker of her back entrance and she clamped down even harder on him. He moaned, knowing he wasn’t going to be able to take much more before he’d have to start pumping again. He rose up so that he could see her face as he slipped just the tip of his juice-coated finger in her anus.

  A flush washed against her face, embarrassment and unwilling arousal and his heart melted like chocolate left in the heat. “You want to know what I’m thinking, Cady?”

  He slid the finger in a little further. “I’m thinking that one day I’d like to see you wearing a butt plug back here. I’d like to have to fight and struggle to get inside you. Would you do that for me, darlin’?”


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