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Then Came Abby (Southern Love #4)

Page 14

by E. L. Todd

  But her lips still burned like he’d been there just a moment before. She lied in bed and tried to go back to sleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Fernan opened the door and smiled at her. “Are you sure you want to wear that?”

  She looked down at her Coldplay shirt. “What’s wrong with it?”


  “What?” she asked again.

  “Well…isn’t it lame to wear a Coldplay shirt to a Coldplay concert?” He smiled at her.

  “Well, it’s too late now.”

  He gripped her waist and pulled her to him. “You look very beautiful.”

  “Even in a lame t-shirt?” she asked.

  “You look beautiful in anything, especially nothing…” His eyes showed his thoughts.

  “I want to make sure we’re there early.”

  “I’ll make it quick.” He sucked her upper lip.

  She moaned involuntarily and gripped his shoulder. Fernan guided her toward his bedroom, still kissing her.

  “No,” she said as she pulled away. “Later.”


  She smiled. “Let’s go.”

  “You better make it up to me.” He grabbed his jacket and led her out the door.

  “I’ll ride you like a cowgirl.”

  His cheeks reddened. “I’d like that.”

  “Me too.”

  He grabbed her hand and led her to the street. When they reached the black limo, he nodded to Charles. “Good evening.”

  Charles opened the door for them. “Good evening, sir.” He looked at Abby and nodded. “Miss.”

  “Hi,” she said with a smile.

  When they sat in the back, Fernan rested his hand on her thigh. “Are you excited?”

  “Are you kidding me? I love Coldplay.”

  “They are musical geniuses. I think they give The Beatles a run for their money.”

  “Well, I don’t know about that…but they are pretty close.”

  When they arrived at Alexandra’s building, they got out.

  “Would you like to take the limo to the concert?” Fernan asked.

  “Can we?” she asked excitedly.

  “It’s a vehicle…that’s what it’s for.”

  “Alexandra is going to be so stoked.”

  “Stoked?” he asked.

  “Excited,” she said.

  He nodded. “I can’t keep up with all this American slang.”

  “They have to update the dictionary every few weeks because we’re unstoppable.”

  They walked into the building and migrated to Alexandra’s apartment. Fernan knocked then stepped back.

  Blaise opened the door, wearing jeans and a t-shit. “So, did I officially earn the sister’s approval?”

  “Duh!” She hugged him tightly. “But you already had it so you kinda wasted your money.”

  He shrugged. “Oh well.” He turned to the bedroom. “Alexandra, your sister is here.”

  “I’m coming!” she yelled.

  Blaise rolled his eyes and shook hands with Fernan. “Thanks for the flowers.”

  He laughed. “I’m glad someone appreciated them.”

  “I did,” Abby said. “They were gorgeous.” She leaned in and kissed him gently.

  Blaise looked uncomfortable and walked away. “Alexandra, get your sexy ass out here.”

  “Fine.” She came out wearing a Coldplay t-shirt.

  “Are you seriously going to wear that?” Blaise said. “That’s so cliché.”

  Fernan chucked. “I said the same thing.”

  Alexandra gasped and pointed Abby’s shirt. “We match!”

  “We do,” Abby said excitedly.

  Fernan and Blaise just rolled their eyes.

  “We should get going,” Fernan said. He pulled Abby toward the door.

  “Yeah,” Blaise agreed. “If you are that excited about the concert, we should actually watch it.”

  They left the building and walked to the street.

  “Hopefully, we can get a taxi,” Alexandra said.

  “Actually, we are taking Fernan’s car,” Abby said.

  “Cool,” Blaise said. “You have a car?”

  Fernan nodded toward the limo.

  Alexandra’s eyes widened. “Flashy.”

  The driver opened the door and helped them get inside.

  Blaise immediately started touching everything. “This thing is awesome.”

  “Thank you,” Fernan said.

  “You use this everywhere you go?” Alexandra asked.

  He nodded. “It’s easier that way.”

  Abby hooked her arm through his and snuggled next to him. She rubbed her nose against his, making him smile. When Abby pulled away, Alexandra was watching them.

  “You look happy,” she said.

  Fernan gripped her thigh. “Because we are.”

  Alexandra gave Abby the eye.

  Abby rolled her eyes and looked away.

  “How’s school?” Fernan asked. “Abby said you were both very accomplished.”

  “Good,” Blaise said. “It’s a lot work. I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “I did my first intubation the other day,” Alexandra said. “I was so scared I was going to kill the patient.”

  “You’re always scared you’re going to kill the patient,” Blaise said. “Which you aren’t.”

  Alexandra ignored his comment. “So, you’re an artist, Fernan?”

  He nodded. “I have the best job in the world.”

  “Clearly.” Blaise looked at the interior of the car.

  “Do you like my sister?” Alexandra asked.

  Abby glared at her. “Don’t even go there.”

  Fernan eyed them. “I like Abby a lot. She makes me happier than I ever thought I could be.” He kissed her forehead then pressed his face close to hers.

  Alexandra’s eyes softened when she watched him. “Awe.”

  “Don’t be annoying,” Abby said.

  ‘Too late,” Alexandra said.

  When they arrived at the concert, the driver dropped them off then got back into traffic. They headed to the line, which was starting to pile up.

  “This way,” Fernan said, pulling her to a different line.

  “No,” Abby said. “You’re going the wrong way.”

  “Trust me,” he said. He looked at Alexandra and Blaise. “Follow me.”

  They moved to another gate, where five security guys stood. Fernan pulled four necklaces from his pocket and showed it to them. They checked it and told him to move along.

  Abby eyed him suspiciously. “What’s going on?”

  When they were inside, he handed them out. “One of the directors that buys my paintings works here. He gave me these VIP passes.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” Abby screamed.

  He grinned at her. “Now we can go to the meet and greet.”

  “I fucking love you!” She jumped into his arms and he barely caught her.

  Alexandra was freaking out just as much as she was. “Why did I wear this damn shirt!”

  Blaise laughed hysterically.

  Abby kissed Fernan while she wrapped her legs around his waist. “You’re getting some serious loving from me tonight.”

  “That’s what I was hoping for.” He brought her back to the ground and held her close.

  Alexandra grabbed her hand. “He has my approval—forever.”

  “Shut up and let’s go,” Abby pulled Fernan behind her as they headed to a private section in the stadium. Her heart was beating so fast, she thought it would burst. When they reached the line of people, she was practically jumping.

  She fixed her hair. “How do I look?”

  “Like a rose in a summer garden,” Fernan said.

  “What?” she said. “Does that mean I look okay?”

  He laughed. “You look perfect.”

  “Do you think Gwyneth Paltrow will be there?” Alexandra asked excitedly.

  “No,” Blaise said. “Why would she?”

  “Because they are married,” she said matter-a-factly.

  “So?” Blaise said. “Does that mean his kids will be there too?”

  She hit his arm lightly. “Don’t ruin this for me.”

  “Who brought you here?” he said sarcastically.

  When they were finally ushered inside, they moved down the table. When she saw Chris Martins, she almost fainted.

  “What do I say to him?” she whispered to Fernan.

  Fernan pulled out his wallet and bought a cd. He opened it and took out the packet. “Ask him to sign this.”

  “Do I tell him a joke or something?”

  “No…don’t do that.” He smiled at her. “Just be cool, Abby.”

  “She doesn’t know how to be cool,” Alexandra said.

  “Nice shirt,” Abby jabbed.

  “Same to you, idiot.”

  Fernan pulled Abby along. “Just be yourself.”

  She took a deep breath. “Okay.” She moved along the line until she was just inches away from him. All logical thought left her mind. “Autograph.” She handed the packet over.

  Fernan chuckled.

  Chris Martins smiled. “Nervous?”


  He laughed. “Your name, darling?”

  “Uh….” Abby couldn’t think of it.

  Fernan smiled at her then leaned forward. “It’s Abby.”

  Chris scribbled the name and note. He handed it back then looked at Fernan. “Hey, how are you?”

  “Good,” Fernan said.

  “My wife and I still have your painting above the fireplace.”

  Fernan nodded. “That’s wonderful. I’m always eager to meet fans.”

  “Likewise.” He nodded to Abby. “It was nice meeting you.”

  Abby’s mouth dropped and she was frozen to the spot.

  Fernan eyed her then shook Chris Martins’s hand. “I’ll get her out of here.”

  Chris laughed. “She’s just a little starstruck.”

  Fernan guided her out the exit and they waited for her sister.

  “You know Chris Martins?” she blurted.

  “He is a fan of my art,” he said. “His family purchased a few of my paintings. His wife is especially fond of them.”

  “Oh my fucking god! Why didn’t you say something?”

  “I didn’t think he would recognize me,” he said with a shrug.

  “Seriously, I’m going to give you the best sex you’ve ever had.”

  He blushed. “You’ve already given me that.”

  Alexandra and Blaise appeared a moment later.

  “I got his autograph!” She jumped up and down.

  “Me too!” Abby said.

  Alexandra ran to Fernan and hugged him tightly. “I love you. Marry my sister.”

  Blaise pulled her off. “Don’t scare him off, Alexandra.”

  Fernan chuckled. “I’m glad I could do something nice for you.”

  “I don’t even care about the concert anymore,” Alexandra said. “Nothing will top that.”

  “Thanks,” Blaise said sarcastically.

  She kissed him on the mouth. “I’m just kidding.”

  Fernan moved toward Abby’s ear. “Now I feel bad for stepping on his toes.”

  She rolled her eyes. “He’ll get over it. Let’s go.”

  They walked into the stadium and took their seats. Abby sat in her chair and replayed her meeting with Chris Martin in her mind. She was still on cloud nine. Fernan hooked his arm around her shoulders.

  “I’m sure this is going to be a good show.”

  She gripped the autograph. “It’s one of the best nights of my life.”

  He stared at her for a long time. “I’m glad I got to share it with you.” He rubbed his hand down her arm. “Now I know you’ll never forget me.”

  “Of course I’ll never forget you.” She leaned close to him, her face next to his.

  He kissed her nose. “You better not.”

  “How could I forget the best sex I’ve ever had?”

  “Good point.”

  When Abby looked past his face, she saw Alexandra starting at them.

  “He loves you,” she mouthed.

  Abby rolled her eyes.

  The concert finally started, and Abby jumped all over the place, screamed and dancing. Fernan watched her with a smile on his face. He kept his hand on her back so she wouldn’t fall over. When her favorite song came on, “Every tear is a waterfall.”, she sang at the top of her lungs, and Fernan joined her. She laughed with him while they shared the moment together.

  When a slow ballad came on, Fernan grabbed her face and kissed her. He didn’t pull away like she expected, but kept kissing her while the music played. She wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the embrace, not caring about anyone else nearby. Fernan continued the embrace until the song was over and the convert ended.

  “Thank you for taking me,” he said into her ear.

  ‘Thank you for introducing me to Chris Martins,” she said with a smile.

  “Anything for my darling.” He held her tightly, making her feel safe and warm.

  When the lights came back on, everyone started to leave the seats. Abby turned around to leave the row, and she saw her sister giving her the eye. She recognized that look and knew a lecture was about to take place. She tried to ignore the look.

  By the time they got back to the limo, everyone was quiet. Their eyes were heavy with exhaustion. Alexandra laid on Blaise and he kept his arm hooked around her. Abby snuggled with Fernan like he was a body pillow.

  “I’m too tired to walk home,” she whispered to Fernan. “Can I stay with you tonight?”

  “You’re always welcome.” He kissed her forehead.

  The limo dropped off Blaise and Alexandra. They said their thanks then stumbled out of the car. Abby fell asleep on the drive home and was woken by Fernan’s quiet whispers.

  “We’re here.”

  She moaned then sat up.

  When they climbed out of the limo, Fernan scooped her up and carried her inside. Abby was too tired to protest. He carried her into the apartment the placed her on his bed. After her clothes were pulled off, he tucked her in.

  She stirred then reached for him beside her. He was naked and warm. “I need to give you that loving,” she mumbled.

  He pulled her to his chest and cuddled beside her. “It can wait.”



  She fell asleep.

  Chapter Eighteen

  When Abby got off work on Monday, her phone rang. She knew exactly who it was without even looking at it.

  “What?” Abby said when she answered.

  “It’s nice to talk to you too,” Alexandra said sarcastically.

  “What’s up? I’m in a hurry.”

  “No, you aren’t,” she said immediately. “Come over for dinner.”

  “So I can get a lecture?”

  “Just come over.”

  She sighed. “Nah.”

  “Then I’ll go over there,” Alexandra threatened.

  “Fine. You better cook something good.”

  Blaise does the cooking.

  “So you’re definitely marrying up.”

  “I don’t have an argument against that. I’ll see you soon.” Alexandra hung up.

  Abby sighed then called Toby. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” he said. “I just got work. What are you doing?”

  “Walking home.”

  “You miss me?” he asked.

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re so cocky.”

  “Or do you mean, you’re cocky so?”

  Abby sighed. “I’m never going to recover from that, am I?”

  “Nope,” he said with a laugh. “What’s up?”

  “I have to cancel tonight.”

  “What?” he asked. “Why?”

  “My sister wants to have dinner.”

  “And you can’t schedule that some other time?” he asked in an annoyed v

  “No,” she said firmly. “We’ll go tomorrow, okay?”

  “I’m really irritated that I’ve haven’t learned anything about art.”

  “Tomorrow,” she repeated.

  “Fine,” he said. “But I have on request.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “Wear something slutty.”

  “Go to hell.” She hung up. When she put her phone away, she had a slight smile on her lips. After that dream she had about Toby, she felt differently toward him. She kept telling herself it was just a dream and it didn’t mean anything, but butterflies soared in her stomach whenever she thought about him.

  After she changed, she went to her sister’s house. When she approached the door, she smelled the dinner through the cracks. Her stomach rumbled. She skipped breakfast and lunch because she was so busy. Fernan was out of the office all day at meetings, so she was alone all day.

  She knocked on the door, and waited for her sister to open it.

  “I can’t believe you’re on time,” Alexandra said with a smile.

  “The earlier I get here, the earlier I leave.” She moved inside.

  “Good attitude.”

  Abby walked to the stove. Blaise had grilled chicken with vegetables sitting on three plates. “You’re so lucky you have him, Alex. Otherwise, you’d starve.”

  “And I’m so lucky I have Alexandra so I won’t be dead inside.” He placed everything on the kitchen table.

  Alexandra smiled at him.

  Abby took her seat and folded her napkin over her lap. Everyone picked up their utensils and devoured their food.

  “How was work?” Alexandra asked.

  Abby knew her sister was slowly getting to the real discussion she wanted to have. “Fine. How was school?”

  “Stressful—like always,” she said. “How’s Fernan?”

  “Wonderful—like always,” Abby said.

  Alexandra stared at her sister.

  “Just spit it out already,” Abby said. “I know you want to lecture me about something.”

  Alexandra glanced at Blaise. “I’ll wait until dinner is finished.”

  “I don’t care if he listens, Alex. He’s going to be my brother soon.”

  Alexandra returned her look to Abby. “Fernan is totally in love with you, Abby.”

  “No, he isn’t,” she said immediately.

  “I know what I’m talking about,” Alexandra said firmly. “He’s head over heels in love with you. So what the hell is your problem?”


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