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Dancing for the Billionaire (Scorching Billionaires Book 2)

Page 7

by Aspen Drake

  “Maybe.” I glance at my watch and stand up. “And I guess now is my chance to find out.”

  Chapter 12


  Finishing out the day after Garrett’s visit is tough. Like, the hardest day I’ve had since I started working here. But when I leave my office and see his car parked beside mine, a small grin tugs at the corners of my mouth.

  I don’t know if I should trust him. Everything in my past is telling me not to. But then my heart chimes in and tells me to slow down and open my eyes. A great guy who knows my biggest secret is willing to fight for me. At least, fight for the chance to get to know me better. Why wouldn’t I at least try to be open about the idea?

  I’m not sure what’s possible between us, but I care for Garrett enough to at least see what might come of this strange situation we’re in.

  He steps out of the office and closes the distance between us in a few long strides. He has a piece of paper held between his fingers that seems to be the reason for the intense look in his eyes. “Angel.”

  “Garrett.” I stop short in the middle of the parking lot, waiting for him to speak first.

  “She all but admitted that she’s just trying to get cash from me.” He hands over the sheet of paper and I quickly glance at it.

  “Two million dollars?” My jaw drops at the ridiculous amount of money this woman is getting from him. “That doesn’t sound like ‘leave me alone’ money. That sounds like ‘child support’ money.”

  He sighs and reaches for my hand. When I instinctively give it to him, Garrett pulls me against his chest. “It’s ‘stay the fuck away from me and my woman’ money. And I’d pay a lot than that to get rid of that leech and get you back.”

  “Your woman?” I crane my neck to look up at Garrett, resting my chin on his firm chest.

  “I’d like you to be.” He smiles then drops a kiss on the tip of my nose. “If you can forgive me for being an ass up until now.”

  I close my eyes and exhale. “You haven’t been an ass. I wasn’t ready for anything either. I’m still not sure I am…”


  “But my heart broke when I thought you had a wife at home, and I realized how badly I wished things were different.” I squint against the sun then rest my forehead on his chest. “And when you came back today, I might have made a promise to myself that I’d stop pushing you away.”

  Garrett slips his hand between us and tilts my head back with this thumb. “No more pushing?”

  I shrug and give him a grin. “No more pushing.”

  “And you’re willing to see me outside of this place? Like on dates and…overnights?”

  I laugh and smack at his chest. “What, are you trying to save a few bucks?”

  Garrett doesn’t respond with words. He just closes his eyes and lowers his mouth to mine, taking me in the sweetest and most passionate kiss I’ve ever experienced. All my stress and doubts disappear as this strong man holds me in his arms, showing me just how much I mean to him without saying a single word.

  When he breaks away, I’m almost dizzy from the lack of oxygen. If not for Garrett’s firm grip on me, I might have fallen to the ground. But his hold doesn’t waiver as he looks me in the eye. “Well then, my angel, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”

  Chapter 13


  Watching Owen’s eyes light up as Garrett’s yacht pulls away from the dock fills my heart with joy. When Garrett asked if I wanted to sail with him over the weekend, I didn’t realize he meant for me to invite my family and friends to join in. But here we all are, sitting on the main deck in overstuffed chairs, watching the shore become smaller as we pull out from the bay into the ocean.

  “What do you think, Owen?” Garrett asks him. The two are standing at the front of the ship as Owen points toward a few otters sun bathing on the floating buoys.

  “It’s so cool. And this is your boat?”

  “It sure is,” Garrett says with a chuckle. “And you’re welcome to use it whenever you like.”

  “Did you hear that, Aunt Angie?” Owen gives me a huge smile.

  “I heard.” I raise an eyebrow, giving Garrett a stern look.

  He just shrugs his shoulder before placing a hand on Owen’s back and pointing toward another sight in the distance.

  “This is really nice.” Emma is sipping a fruity cocktail from a tall glass as she leans against the chaise lounge where we’re seated. “Thanks for inviting us.”

  “You know you’re always at the top of my guest list.” I glance across the ship to the spot where Sebastian and Eli are drinking beers and talking about work. Sebastian has hired Eli to work on a few special projects over the past few months and Eli seems to be loving it. I almost wonder if Sebastian is grooming him to take over some of the businesses that aren’t as conducive to being a married man. Like being a co-owner in a strip club and a high-rent brothel.

  “How’s Eli handling things?” I ask, afraid of the answer. I was honestly surprised he agreed to come on this weekend excursion with us, especially now that Garrett and I are officially a couple.

  “He’ll be okay. I know he still cares about you, but I think he was hoping for more.”

  I sigh, still feeling some guilt over the whole thing. “I didn’t mean to hurt him.”

  “Of course you didn’t. You can’t help that my stupid brother has a crush on you. He’ll be okay. I promise you that.”

  “Thanks.” I squeeze her arm. Emma is more like a sister to me than my own has been. I couldn’t stand to lose her over something that happened between me and Eli, but I’d never ask her to choose me over her own flesh and blood.

  “Ladies.” A shirtless and very tan Brenden comes walking toward us with a cocktail in his hand.

  “Where have you been?” I ask as he pulls an ottoman over in front of us and sits.

  A coy grin spreads across his face. “Never you mind.”

  “You’re telling me later.” I point my finger at him to tell him I mean business, then I turn to my best friend. “Emma, this is Brenden.”

  Brenden gushes as he sits by our feet. “Ahh…finally, I get to meet the beautiful Emma.”

  She giggles as he takes her free hand and brings it to his lips. “The pleasure is mine.”

  Sebastian and Eli walk over immediately, noticing Brenden’s affectionate greeting. “Babe, is everything okay here?” Sebastian gives Brenden a once over, obviously feeling a bit jealous and possessive.

  I look at Emma, who simply rolls her eyes. “Yes, Seb. This is Brenden, Angie’s friend. Brenden, this is my fiancé Sebastian and my brother, Eli.”

  Brenden stands, taking each of their hands in firm handshakes. Emma giggles as the two men seem oblivious to the fact that Brenden is checking them both out.

  “Yes, her fiancé.” Sebastian folds his arms over his chest like a caveman. “So don’t get any ideas.”

  “I assure you,” Brenden says with a smile. “I’m not having any ideas about your fiancée.”

  Mark steps onto the deck from one of the lower decks. “Hey, guys. I see you’ve met my new guy.”

  “New guy?” Sebastian asks, carefully studying Brenden.

  Brenden isn’t wasting any chance at toying with the two men as he stretches his muscled physique before sitting back down between me and Emma.

  Mark must notice the concerned glare crossing Sebastian’s features because he lets out a hearty chuckle. “Dude, you don’t have to worry about Emma with this one… Just watch your own ass.” Mark slaps Sebastian’s backside as realization dawns on Sebastian that Brenden is gay.

  “Oh… Sorry, man. I didn’t mean to make a big deal out of things.”

  “It’s cool.” Brenden winks in Emma’s direction. “Something tells me things are big with you all the time.”

  I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen Sebastian so embarrassed as his eyes grow big and he slides his hand behind his neck. “I think I need another drink.”

  Eli nods in agreement and
the two take off with Mark back into the lounge where the bar is located.

  “Brenden!” I howl out a burst of laughter.

  Emma seems absolutely delighted. “I love him.”

  “Told you,” I say to Brenden with a wink.

  “You said I was bad, Ang… I’m just going with it.”

  “Well, you have my permission to make him blush all you want.” Emma sits up and takes a sip of her drink. “It’s nice to see him squirm for a change.”

  “Aunt Emma, look.” Owen runs over wearing a white captain’s sailing hat with a gold anchor on the front.

  “Hey, buddy. You look like a sailor now!”

  Owen takes off the cap and begins showing Emma the emblem as he explains what it means.

  “Think I might have a minute?” Garrett comes up behind Owen, reaching a hand out to help me stand.

  “Go,” Brenden says. “We’ve got the captain.”

  Owen gives him a big grin, suddenly finding a new friend to impress.

  Emma waves me away, so I take Garrett’s hand and let him lead me toward the back of the ship. The sun is beginning to set over the horizon, giving a golden hue to everything around us. “It’s absolutely beautiful out here.”

  “Everything pales in comparison to you.” Garrett takes my hand as we step up to the railing and watch the waves roll around us

  “That’s really cheesy,” I say, catching his eye from the corner of mine.

  “Doesn’t make it any less true.” He smirks, and his blue eyes take on that sexy look that sends a tingle through my body.

  His eyes are lidded as he moves in to kiss me.

  Because he knows I’ll let him.

  His lips cover mine in warmth as his mouth presses against mine. Parting my lips slightly, I allow his tongue to explore me, massaging my tongue with his and feeling his arousal beginning to push into my hip. His manly scent and big muscles under my fingertips send butterflies throughout my stomach as a familiar tingle begins to make its way through my core.

  He breaks away, breathing heavily. “I guess I shouldn’t have invited everyone along for the trip…”

  I smile, understanding where he’s headed with this. “It might not seem like a good idea at this exact second, but I appreciate you letting me invite my friends to spend some time with you.”

  Garrett’s eyes are intense as he turns to look at me. “I’d do anything for you. You know that, right?”

  My eyes lock on his. His firm jaw and deep blue eyes cause my body to quiver with desire. We’re only interrupted by a double honk of the ship’s horn.

  “That would be dinner.” Garrett sighs and holds out his hand for me. “Shall we?”

  “Only if we can pick this up again later…”

  “Count on it,” he says with a wink as he walks me back toward the lounge where dinner is being served.

  A long table has been set for twenty. I still haven’t met all Garrett’s friends who were invited this weekend, but I’m sure I’ll like them just as much as he does. And since I already knew Mark and Sebastian, it was easy for me to invite Brenden, Emma, and Eli along.

  As everyone is taking their seats, I notice Brenden passing several open chairs to sit down across from Mark’s twin brother, Jason. I make a mental note to pay closer attention to whatever is going on there.

  Garrett pushes my chair in behind him with the help of Owen, who seems to be taking a cue from Garrett’s example. “Thank you,” I say to both of them before Owen points toward Eli.

  “Can I sit next to Uncle Eli?”

  “If he doesn’t mind.” I glance at Eli, looking for his approval.

  “He won’t,” Owen assures me. “We’re buddies, and I’m staying in his room tonight.” Owen takes off down the row of chairs to fill an empty spot next to Eli.

  “He’s not staying with you tonight?” Garrett whispers into my ear.

  “I thought he might want to stay with Eli tonight, so I might have planted that seed earlier.” I quirk an eyebrow, and Garrett’s face erupts with a knowing smile. He reaches for my thigh and gently brings his fingertips between the split in my wrap. I give him a pointed look as I push his hand away. “Later…”

  The look of desire in his eyes is only lessened when Mark clinks a knife against the rim of his champagne glass. Everyone’s attention is drawn to him as he holds the glass up. “I’d like to propose a toast.”

  Glasses rise around us as Mark continues. “To our generous host and his lovely girlfriend…”

  A fresh flush blasts across my features as I try to fight the nervousness from hearing that title used so casually. It’s taken us a long time to get here, and it’ll probably take even longer for me to accept that it’s real.

  “Thank you for this wonderful weekend. I know the fun is just getting started.”

  “Here, here.” Cheers ring out as the sound of glasses clinking fill the room. Even Owen picks up his glass of milk and clumsily knocks it into Eli’s glass.

  Dinner is served shortly after Mark’s toast. A fresh green salad followed by a main course of smoked salmon with glazed baby carrots and creamed potatoes has me completely full. By the time a cherry cheesecake is brought out for dessert, I feel as though I might bust out of the wrap I’m wearing over my swimsuit.

  Once dinner finishes, people make their way back to the bar and the upper deck to take in the night sky. I keep my eyes on Brenden as he follows Jason to the bar and strikes up a conversation before the two of them head up the small stairs to the back deck of the ship. I’ll definitely have to ask him about Jason later. They would make a very good-looking couple…

  Garrett places his hand in mine and pulls me toward the front of the room where he grabs a bottle of champagne and two glasses. I catch Eli’s gaze as we pass, and although I can see the sadness behind his eyes, he nods to me and mouths, “I’ve got him.” Then he points at Owen, who’s starting to fade after his busy day of sun and helping to ‘drive’ the yacht.

  Leave it to Garrett to think of having something special planned for my nephew. If he’s trying to impress me, he’s doing a damn good job.

  With my hand locked in Garrett’s, we take off toward the bedrooms. He guides me down a hallway before we come to the suite I used the last time I was here. He swings the door open and steps inside.

  A confused look covers my face and Garrett quickly sets the bottle and glasses down before taking both of my hands in his. “Is everything okay, Angel?”

  “Yeah, of course.” I shake my head and smile up at him. “I just thought I’d get to see your room tonight.”

  Garrett chuckles, pulling me closer and giving me a kiss. “This is my room.”

  “I…” Looking around, I can’t seem to grasp what he’s saying. “But this is where…”

  “Where you stayed last time. I know.” A sexy grin pulls at his lips. “You don’t think I’d let you stay in any room but mine, do you, Angel?”

  He’d given me his room.

  He’d always been putting me first, even though I never realized it.

  “I don’t understand.”

  His hands cup my face as he drags a thumb across my cheek. “My Angel… Angie. I don’t know when I fell in love with you, but I have been for a long time. Even before I knew you, truly knew who you were, I knew that I needed you in my life.”

  He pulls me toward the bed as he places light kisses across my cheek and down my neck. My body almost gives in to his, but I’m able to break away as his knees hit the mattress. Pushing him slightly,

  I force him into a seated position at the edge of the bed and then take a step back and swat his hand away when he reaches for me.

  “What are you…”

  “Hush,” I whisper, tossing my phone on dresser just before a slow, sexy song begins to play.

  Garrett’s eyes become heavy with lust as I begin to move to the rhythm of the music. The tent forming in his pants proves to me that I’m doing something right as I begin to pull at the wrap around my waist. With a fli
ck of my wrist, it falls to the floor.

  Garrett’s eyes rove my body as I touch the sensitive areas of my exposed skin with my fingertips. Of all the times I’ve danced for people before, it’s never been like this.

  This time, I had a greater purpose and a larger end-game for my actions.

  This time, I was completely present and aware of every sensation running through my body.

  Because this time, I was dancing for my billionaire.

  Letter to Readers

  Did you love this story? If you want to read more about Mark and Jason and Brenden…and maybe even Eli, take two minutes to post your feedback in a review. I’m loving these characters, but unless people want to read more about them, I can’t take the time away from my family to write them. So, if you want more, let me know.

  Lots of love,


  Also by Aspen Drake

  Check out the bestselling Fierce Salon series.

  When Nate Edwards left his drug addicted ex and his modeling career, he followed his other passion and opened up Fierce Salon. He's a player in every sense of the word but never steps over the line of professionalism when it comes to his staff. They are the only women off limits to him.

  Amy loses her job and her boyfriend on the same morning when her salon shuts down unexpectedly and she catches her boyfriend cyber cheating. When she runs into an old friend working at an upscale salon, Amy’s desperate situation begins to look up.

  It takes some convincing, but she lands her dream job and gets to spend her days looking at the most beautiful man she’s ever seen. If only he was willing to break his golden rule and see her as more than just an employee.

  Written as a short sitcom, each episode provides glimpses into the different characters at Fierce and the daily drama they face as young, attractive millennials in Menlo Park, California. Each episode creates as many new questions as it answers. Read as they are released or wait for the entire season to be published as one book.


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