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Dante's Dream

Page 13

by Jana Leigh

  Brin pressed her bundle of nerves between her legs and leaned forward and caught her mouth in a kiss before turning to her neck. Once again, she had a man on each side of her neck licking and driving her wild while they filled her. She was on overload and her body responded, exploding again as they licked and sucked her flesh. She heard Dante growl against her neck, and she knew. They were almost ready.

  She felt the sensations as they flowed around her, and she lost herself in the feelings. They slammed into her, and Dante cried out when he was almost ready.

  “Fuck, I am going to come.”

  “Me too,” Brin whispered.

  And Jax smiled. “Me three.”

  With three more thrusts, Dante came; his seed filling her ass as Brin came, filling her pussy. Jax screamed her release feeling her body trying to keep them in by pulsing around both of them, sucking them in and holding them.

  Dante and Brin both leaned over her neck and bit down. Jax screamed as her body responded to their claim and flew apart. Making them moan in return, each of them gasping for air.

  Jax slumped on Brin and waited. Gods, she was lucky, her mates were so amazing.

  Pushing them until they were all lying on the bed, Jax surrounded by her mates, feeling loved, she heard them whisper to her, “goodnight princess,” and she fell into a deep sleep.


  The morning came too quick for her liking; she woke early and laid there for a few minutes. Wishing the day was already over, and she was lying with her mates. Both of her men moaned and rolled over. Kissing her in turn and then rolling to the side of the bed. They were already thinking about the day ahead.

  Dante walked naked to the phone and picked it up. She looked over his strong muscular form hungrily. They were both absolutely the most gorgeous things she had ever seen. How did she get so lucky? she thought, and then pulled herself up from the bed groaning again when her body protested.

  “Oh baby, come here and let's get you into the tub,” Brin said from the doorway to the bathroom. He was also naked, and she looked at him with the same hungry expression. Maybe they could have a wet wake up before the big show, she thought, and jumped off the bed and went to the bathroom.

  “No, not this morning baby, we need to give you a chance to heal,” Brin said and smiled down at her then kissed her nose.

  Jax frowned and looked first at Brin then at Dante, who came into the room behind them. “What if I want to? On the other hand, what if there was something else I want to try? And quit reading my thoughts, damn mating bond,” she said and then grinned at them.

  “I would love nothing more than to have a nice, leisurely bath with you and explore all the things that we want to do, also. But I really think you should take some time and have a moment to yourself. And, I love how I can hear your thoughts, yours and Brin's; it's kinda sexy,” Dante said softly.

  Well, that sucked, she thought, and then turned to the bath. Her mates didn’t feel the need to connect with her after what they shared last night. She knew today would be stressful, but she wanted them before they left.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Brin said and turned her before she was able to get in. “You do not understand. Yes, we want you. We would like nothing more than to bend you over the counter and fuck you silly. But baby, you have a long day ahead, and we want you to be able to have a few minutes and prepare yourself for what lies ahead.”

  Jax smiled up at him and nodded. Satisfied that they did still want her and also understanding what they were saying. She refused to think about what she was going to have to face up to in the next few hours. All the pain and stress melted away when she sank into the warm water and leaned back and thought about her two men. She was finally happy, finally complete, and she would be damned if she tainted the memory of last night with any of the ugly things that awaited them.

  Jax let the warm water relax her, and she thought about the future. She hoped they had one. She wondered if something happened to her if they would find another mate. Brin was their anchor, not her.

  “No,” she heard both yell in the other room, and she laughed. It felt good to know that they thought she was desirable. For so long, she felt like something was missing from her life—with these two men, everything clicked.

  Jax sighed when she heard a soft knock on the outer door and then Dante asking who it was. It was the food, and she was starving. Boy, they had a work out last night. She looked at her thin body and wondered what they would think of her after she popped out a few children. Shit, kids, they hadn’t even talk about it. She got out of the tub and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself. She still felt the need for something. She wished they would just make love to her, one more time before they left.

  “Of course we want children, little blonde hair girl running around the compounds driving her daddy’s’ nuts,” Dante said and kissed her sweetly as he entered the room. Then Brin kissed her, and they began getting undressed for their shower, since there was one in the tub and a separate stall, they could both take one. It was funny how they acted like brothers, not like mates.

  Jax knew it was now or never, so she sank to her knees in front of them and looked up at them. She was going to make sure that she got what she wanted. And also give them what they needed. A reminder.

  “What are you doing, baby?” Brin said and caressed her cheek with one of his hands gently. She almost lost her nerve, but she smiled up at him.

  “I want to see if the magazines we read are right,” she said innocently.

  “What magazine?” Dante said frowning at her but turning to start the water in the shower.

  “Well, let’s just see,” Jax said and grasped first Brin by his hips and placed him in front of her where she wanted, and then reached for Dante and made him come and stand beside Brin. When they were where she wanted them, she grasped both of their cocks in her. Holy hell, these monsters had fit inside of her at the same time? She was actually impressed with herself.

  She leaned forward and licked first Brin’s tip and then Dante’s and then laughed when they both said, “Fuck!” at the same time.

  She used her hands and stroked their length up and down trying to get a feel for what they liked. She smiled when she looked up and saw they both had their eyes closed and were leaning on one another while they savored the sensations.

  Jax continued to stroke Dante as she grasped the base of Brin’s cock, leaned in, took the head in her mouth, and sucked gently. He moaned, and she knew she was doing something right, so she swirled her tongue around the head and tasted the salty cum that leaked out. Taking a little more of him into her mouth, she continued to test what he liked, which seemed to be everything. He grabbed the back of her hair and started to undulate, using the small movements to push and pull out of her mouth.

  She released him with a small ‘pop’, and turned her head and started to do the same to Dante, and she resumed stroking Brin. She had a rhythm down and loved the feeling of power she had when she heard the moans of pleasure that her men were making. Her men, wow, she didn’t know if she was going to get used to think about them as hers.

  Dante reached and tangled his hands in her hair, so they were both controlling her motions a little.

  Back and forth, she moved between both of the men, and brought them up to frenzy quickly. She had gotten to the point that she could take most of them down her throat without gagging. She was once again impressed with herself.

  “Baby, you have to stop, or I am going to come in your mouth,” Brin growled, and Jax smiled around his erection. She wanted it. Sucking harder and redoubling her efforts on his cock, it didn’t take long for him to yell her name as he released his seed down her throat.

  She turned and did the same to Dante and then sat back on her heels and looked up at her men. They were beautiful and all hers.

  “So, I get to drive when things are done right?” she whispered against Dante’s thigh, and he nodded. “So, I guess the magazines were right.” She laughed.

bsp; “Huh?” Brin said and looked down at her and then reached down to pull her up between the two of them. They kissed her gently and murmured their thanks.

  “I said the magazine was right. Men can be convinced to do anything as long as you give them a blow job first.” She teased and then squealed when they both spanked her ass, and she ran out of the room.

  “You are not driving, that was total bullshit,” Dante yelled.

  And she laughed.

  Chapter 14

  They all met in the lobby. The men were back into their black clothes, t-shirts and jeans. She smiled at them and looked at each of them, walking to them in turn and touching their faces.

  The men smiled down at her and then bowed their heads at her. She felt their acceptance, probably because they had been through so much already, and now they would go through even more. She got to where Brendan stood and paused before reaching up and kissing his forehead. They would save him.

  Dante and Brin stood and waited as she went through the men. When she was finished, the three of them stood silently for a moment looking at each other. Dante grinned and said, “Princess, when we are done with this day, we are going to have a huge bottle of wine.”

  “Agreed,” Brin said and kissed her gently and then Dante kissed her before turning to the men.

  “We have our plan. It will work. I know you will all be hurting when this is done. We will have transport ready to take you back to the compound for blood and to heal. Please know you have our gratitude and loyalty for this.”

  “Sire, I speak for all of us when we say, we would give our lives for the three of you. These last few days we have all learned the true meaning of the word Clan and family,” Trey said and then looked at the men who were nodding their heads.

  “Brendan, you know what to do. I have received a message from Tripp; our SUV’s were tampered with in the middle of the night. People were watching so we’re not sure how much time we will have. If my dream was accurate, we will be about five miles out of town when they blow. Mark the miles and let’s get going. Like normal, you men go out and check to make sure everything is okay, we will follow,” Dante said and nodded.

  The men walked to the door, and with one last look—they were gone. Jax felt the tears in her eyes gather, but refused to let them fall—she was the Alpha of this Clan, and she would be strong for them—she had to. They were all going to need her when they were done.

  Jax turned to her mates and looked at them. “Before we leave, I have to tell you; meeting you two has been the most amazing thing in my life. My parents would have loved you, and I know that they are watching over us. With that said, you both have my body, and my heart. I am yours till the end of time, I love you.”

  Brin smiled and stepped forward and took her face in his hands. “Sweetheart, you are a gift from the Gods, I never expected you to come barreling through my door, and I will always be grateful for any time we are given. But know this, I will never leave you willingly, and I will always remain by your side, I love you.” Jax nodded as he kissed her gently and then stood aside when Dante approached her.

  He took her hands in his and brought them to his mouth and kissed them in turn. “Never doubt my love for you. It is strong and unbreakable. From now until the end of time, we will be together. Today is just a small piece of the future that awaits us. I love you.” And then he leaned forward and kissed her.

  She should be bawling like a baby right about now, but Dante leaned back from the kiss and said, “In addition, I want you to know that you will never be allowed to drive the SUV, no matter how good your mouth feels on my cock.”

  “DANTE!” she yelled and looked around. At least there was no one in the lobby to hear him, and she glared at him and then turned. “Well, I love you in spite of your delusions.”

  Dante laughed and Trey gave them the signal, and they left the lobby. Brin went directly to the driver seat, and Dante to the passengers as Jax climbed into the way back of the SUV. She was hiding under the blankets they had purchased at the shops and put in the back of the car with the rest of the goodies. This was the only car not set with explosives, so Jax insisted on putting everything in here. Thank goodness one of the stores they had wandered into had thick blankets to cover her.

  The car began moving, and Jax huddled down and began to talk to her mates through their connection. She also talked to Trey and the others, telling them as soon as she could, she would take away the pain.

  “How far are we?” she asked after a few moments.

  “We are just at two miles,” Brin said.

  “I am emailing Orfeo like I did in the vision. One of his secretaries is sitting at the desk. She should be the one that is passing information. Cat will know in just a minute,” Dante said.

  “Trey?” Jax said.

  “Yes, my Queen,” he said laughingly.

  “You fucker, you know I hate it when you call me that,” Jax muttered.

  “I know, but we have all decided that we are calling you that.” Trey teased. “Don’t you want to know why?”

  “Okay fine, why?” she asked.

  “You are the only woman who has made all of us cum in our pants, so you are our Queen of Orgasms,” Trey announced and all the men laughed.

  “Just for that, I may forget to project to you,” Jax said with a sniff, but grinned. She loved these guys. No one had better take them from her.

  “Where are we now?” she asked knowing it was almost time and dreading it.

  “About a half a mile more.” Brin said, and Jax stopped talking so she could concentrate.

  The first blast came only a few seconds later, and even though she knew it was coming; she jumped a little. It was Brendan’s car. She waited for the second blast and then Brin to swerve to the side like planned. Tripp and the rest of the men were waiting behind the farm silo that was close.

  Brin and Dante both yelled the same way they had in Dante’s dream. Screaming for their men as they exited the car. Wait, she thought, and concentrated on the scene she knew was playing out. She projected feeling of calm and peace to the men who were injured. She knew they were being burnt like they had in the dream.

  Finally, she heard the creak of the door; someone was getting in the car. She stuck her nose out and sniffed. They were not shifters, which meant they were Vampires. She stayed still while they looked in the back, there was no way they would see her if they didn’t climb in the car.

  “Where the fuck is she?” one of the men exclaimed.

  “I don’t know, Diavolo said she would be in this car,” another said.

  “Shit, call him,” the first one said, and she waited.

  The air around them changed, and she knew Tripp and the others had arrived. Brin and Dante were calling for the transport of the men who were injured.

  “So who the fuck are you?” Tripp growled and then she heard a scuffle.

  She felt Brin running for the back of the car; he wasn’t supposed to be doing that, she thought, and flipped off the blanket and looked around, right when the hatch opened and a large man pulled her from the back. Jax screamed and then blinked because of the bright light and saw her mate running toward her by himself with five Rogue wolves ready to steal her away in the car that was parked right behind theirs. Where the fuck had they come from?

  She could see the outline of a man in the back of the large car, and Jax fought. She heard Dante yell as Brin drew closer and kicked the closest wolf to him in the back of the legs taking him down. One of the others stepped forward, and Jax shifted. They were not killing her mate in front of her.

  Her wolf took over and tore the throat out of the man who held her. He never stood a chance against the massive wolf she shifted into, the assholes underestimated her. But they had Brin too. He used the drug gun that they had been slipped by Tripp. He had checked into their rooms for them before they arrived, leaving the keys at the front desk and leaving things in the rooms for each of the cars.

  Brin had received a drug gun; he only
had to hit them in the neck, and they would drop. She heard the car start and tires squeal and the car that was meant to take her left the men to them. Jax plowed into another man, and then another. She was furious that they had somehow figured out their plan. No one should have been by the back of the SUV, unless they knew she was there. Who the fuck was telling them shit? There was no way it was any of the men who were lying on the ground brunt and in pain again as she fought. One of the things she just discovered in wolf form, she could not hold a projection of feelings.

  Brin turned to her and yelled for her to stop, and she charged to a man who stepped around the car. Her wolf was pissed and wanted blood, but it responded to Brin and skidded to a halt just before she was about to leap.

  The man shook his head and yelled to Brin, “Shit, thanks Brin, she would have ripped my throat out.”

  “Yes, she would have,” Brin said proudly and knelt next to her wolf. “Shift sweetheart, our men need you.”

  Brin grabbed a blanket and covered her as she shifted and then turned into his arms and sunk into his comforting embrace. She shook and thought about her men, and the moaning that had filled the air stopped.

  “I am so sorry guys. Brendan, are you and your men okay?” she asked in their minds.

  “Yes my Queen,” the man gritted out now the pain had subsided again. “The armor-plated vest worked to stop the metal from impaling me.”

  “Thank the Gods,” she whispered. “Trey? How about you and your men?”

  “Shit, we are all good, a little charred, but they brought blood with them, and we are already healing. The shirts and jeans you had sprayed at the store with that flame-retardant stuff helped, we are only medium rare, instead of well done,” Trey responded.

  “We are coming right behind you,” Dante said and then Jax opened her eyes.

  Dante was standing right next to her waiting, and she turned and hugged him hard. He chuckled and said, “I told you, you can’t get rid of us that easily.”


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