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The Scotch Royals: Book Three

Page 17

by Penelope Sky

  There was a slight breeze in the air, so it blew one loose strand that was too short to fit inside her braid. When the wind passed through, the strand lifted. When the wind died away, the hair fell against her cheek. With eyes downcast, she enjoyed her meal. But her attention was still on me because her leg rubbed against mine under the table, touching me whenever possible.

  I loved it when she touched me. “I have a dinner this Saturday. You’re coming with me.”

  She stopped eating, all of her focus shifting from her meal to me. When one of her eyebrows was raised and her lips were pressed tightly together, that meant she was pissed. “I’m coming with you? How about you ask me if I want to go?”

  Old habits died hard. I hadn’t officially gotten out of the mind-set that she wasn’t my prisoner anymore. She was a free woman who voluntarily wanted to spend every waking hour with me. “You know that’s not how I meant it.”

  She narrowed her eyes further.

  Okay, it was how I meant it. “I’m sorry, Lovely. Will you accompany me?”

  “What is this dinner for?”

  “The Duke of Romania is having a celebration for his daughter. She just graduated from Harvard, a university in the United States.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I know what Harvard is. I live pretty close to it.”

  “My mistake. Anyway, you’ll come with me?”

  “Will there be food and wine?”

  I nodded.



  “Will you wear a yummy suit?”

  “Yummy?” I asked, finding the word cute when it came out of her mouth.

  “Yeah. You know, super handsome.”

  “I look super handsome in everything.”

  “Very good point.”

  “But I’ll be wearing a suit and tie…like usual.”

  “Then count me in.” She smiled before returning to her meal.

  “If you want to go, what was the big fuss before?”

  “Don’t play stupid with me, Crewe. You’re smarter than that.”


  “A woman always wants to be asked, not told.”

  I tried not to smile. “Hmm…that’s not my experience with women.”

  She tried to keep an angry face, but it didn’t last long. She grabbed a piece of bread and threw it at my forehead. “Don’t be arrogant.”

  “I’m not arrogant. I’m cocky.”

  She threw another piece of bread at my shoulder. “Get over yourself.”

  “How about you get under myself?”

  She rolled her eyes but couldn’t suppress the smile that formed on her lips. “If you weren’t so hot, I wouldn’t put up with this.”

  “But I am hot—so I’m safe.” When I spent quiet afternoons with her like this, it gave me a new appreciation for life. I could be myself completely, saying whatever came to mind without thinking twice about it. When I was in the presence of other royals, I had to carefully articulate every single word. But with her, it was just easy. She made me laugh and feel good about myself. She brought me peace when I’d only known war.

  She brought everything.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Hmm?” I lifted my gaze, realizing I’d been staring at my plate without eating.

  “We were laughing one moment, and then you spaced out on me.”

  I’d never been very good with words. I said the bare minimum and got to the point. It was easier that way. But to explain the complicated thoughts I’d just experienced…was pretty difficult. “I can’t explain it.”

  “You can’t explain what you were thinking about?” she asked incredulously. “You could try.”

  “Well…I was thinking about you and how much I love you. I guess that’s my best description.”

  Instead of smiling, her eyes started to glow on their own. The sun wasn’t out today, so she wasn’t reflecting the light. The brightness came from deep inside her, from a place I couldn’t see. “I hated you so much when I first met you…but now I can’t picture my life without you.”

  The words went straight to my heart because I knew how much she meant them. She lied to me when she first told me she loved me, but now there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that I was her entire world. She gave up all of her dreams for me. She gave up her entire life. “I can’t picture my life without you either.”

  I pulled London’s hand away from mine and hooked it around my arm instead. We walked up to the old palace in Manchester, the lawn ornaments glowing with celebration. The nighttime sky was deep blue instead of black, but the lack of stars didn’t dim the brightness of the party. The windows were lit up, and silhouettes could be seen through the tapestries. “This is the proper mannerism.”

  “Proper, huh?” she asked. “Is it proper to fuck your woman in the ass just before leaving for a dinner party?”

  I halted before the stone stairs and looked into her face, both aroused and impressed by her attitude. “Keep running that mouth, and I’ll do it again in one of the guest rooms.”

  “Is that supposed to make me stop?”

  Man, she was perfect. “You can hold my hand if you want. I’m just explaining the customs. It’s always so important to you to fit in.”

  “Eh.” She shrugged. “I guess I don’t care that much anymore.”

  “Just don’t spit on anybody, and you should be okay.” I started walking again.

  “What’s the dude’s name again?”


  “Bro, whatever.”

  I’d never get used to her American slang. “Duke Vasile of Romania.”

  “Oh, okay. What’s his wife’s name? I mean, the duchess?”

  “She’s dead. Passed away ten years ago.”


  “His daughter is Anna.”

  “So she’s Princess Anna? Like in the Princess Diaries?”


  “It’s a movie in America. Never mind…”

  I wasn’t going to bother learning about that piece of culture. “You refer to her as the Lady Anna.”

  “Lady Anna?”


  “She’s not a duchess?”

  “No. She only becomes a duchess if she marries a duke. If she marries a commoner, then she loses her title.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “How do you know all of this?”

  “Born into it.”

  “So, if she married you, she would be a duchess?”

  Now I raised both eyebrows, startled by the hypothetical question. “Yes.”

  “So no matter who you marry, you never lose your title?”


  “Gotcha.” She nodded slowly.

  We walked inside and joined the party. A symphony played in the corner, accompanied by a large grand piano that looked as ancient as the rest of the house. The manor had been restored, but most of the original work had been left alone. The walls had been touched up, but the moldings along the ceiling were original. Spending a lifetime among the nobility gave me a keen eye for this sort of thing.

  I made my rounds and spoke to acquaintances and friends. London was quiet, but she was always polite and participated, even if she wasn’t entirely certain of the subject we were discussing. Her gold gown perfectly complemented the maroon colors of the manor, and I knew my designer was worth every penny. She knew how to make London look superior to every royal person in the room.

  The duke was busy speaking to all the other guests of the party, so I took my time before I bombarded him. At least three hundred people were there. Even if we had a good conversation, he probably wouldn’t remember it.

  “How do you know him?” London asked when we were alone together. Just like when we were alone at home, she was close to me, a part of her body always touching mine. She drank her wine as her arm brushed against the fabric of my suit.

  “Honestly, I can’t remember the first time we met. But he’s a big fan of my scotch. Has it at dinner p
arties and the hotels he operates around the world.”

  “Are all of your friends clients?”

  I shrugged. “I guess so. I didn’t push the scotch on them. They just happen to like it.”

  “It is pretty good. Strong as hell, but good.” She glanced to the other side of the room then turned back to me. “Is that whore gonna be here?”

  I did a double take when I heard what she said. I hoped no one overheard it. “What whore are you referring to? Dunbar?”

  She didn’t crack a smile. “Josephine.”

  Hadn’t even thought of her. “Not sure. But probably.”

  “Maybe I’ll spill some wine on her. You know, by mistake.”

  “Is this out of jealousy or loyalty?”

  “A little bit of both,” she said before she sipped her wine.

  “I never think about her, so you shouldn’t concern yourself with it.” It was like the engagement had never happened. I couldn’t even remember what it was like to love the woman. I met London, and my entire life changed. It seemed like she’d always been in my life, that no other woman ever mattered.

  “I still hate that bitch.”

  I pressed my forefinger over my lips. “Shh…you can say that when we’re alone together, but not here.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re no fun.” She finished her glass of wine and set it on an empty tray a waiter was carrying. “I’m going to use the restroom. I’m not opposed to the idea of you joining me.” She winked then walked away.

  I couldn’t tell if she was teasing me or not, but that’s why I loved her.

  “Crewe Donoghue.” Vasile appeared at my side in a midnight black tux. He was in his late sixties but had a youthful appearance. A life of exercise and veganism had served him well. “A pleasure, always.” He shook my hand.

  “The pleasure is mine, sir. Your party is lovely.”

  “Thank you. I wish I could take credit for it but I can’t. I just get to show up.” He laughed.

  I laughed too.

  “I hope you didn’t come alone, Crewe. You’re too handsome not to have a woman on your arm.”

  It was ironic that London had walked away at the worst possible time. “Thank you, sir. I—” I spotted Ariel coming toward me, Cassandra trailing behind her. They weren’t showing any display of affection, probably because Ariel was all business—all the time. “Allow me to introduce you to my business partner, Ariel.”

  “Oh yes, we’ve spoken on the phone.” Vasile kissed her on each cheek. “You’re much easier to work with than this one.” He nodded his head in my direction. “He’s all drink and no talk.”

  Ariel smiled. “Trust me, I know. Let me introduce you to another business associate of mine…” She turned to Cassandra.

  “And girlfriend,” I added.

  Ariel narrowed her eyes at me, caught off guard by my honesty.

  I knew Ariel wasn’t ashamed of who she was, and I didn’t want her to be ashamed just because we were at a royal dinner. If she was protecting me, she didn’t need to. Anyone who had a problem with that could buy their scotch somewhere else.

  Cassandra covered for Ariel and shook his hand. “It’s so beautiful here. I love the lawn ornaments.”

  “Why, thank you,” Vasile replied. “They’re nice, aren’t they? Lighten up the place.” If he was uncomfortable by the turn of events, he didn’t show it.

  Ariel glared at me when he wasn’t looking.

  I shrugged in response. “Sir, I haven’t had a chance to meet your daughter yet. Is she here?”

  “Oh yes.” He tapped one of the waiters on the arm and whispered for them to retrieve Anna before he turned back to me. “She’s spent the week settling in. You know, getting used to the time change by sleeping all day. I sincerely hope she wasn’t this lazy while she was at university.”

  “She just graduated college,” I reminded him. “She deserves a break.”

  He chuckled. “You’re a lot more understanding than I am. My father taught me to work around the clock as if someone else is working around the clock to take your job away from you. Wise man.”


  His daughter joined our group a moment later, wearing a sweetheart neckline gown that was boldly gold with a subtle sequence of red. When it trailed past her hips, the red color became more prominent and took up the gown nearly to the bottom, where the gold color returned. She had dark brown hair like her father and blue eyes. She looked royal but also possessed a hint of mellowness. I could imagine her at a coffee shop with her laptop on a Sunday morning. When she smiled, it seemed genuine. “Father, you called?”

  “Yes.” He introduced me. “I want you to meet Crewe Donoghue, informally known as the Scotch King.”

  “Pleasure to meet you.” I grabbed her hand and kissed her on each cheek. “Your father told me you’ve been catching up on sleep.”

  She pressed her lips tightly together and sighed like she was trying not to roll her eyes. “Did he also tell you I haven’t done the laundry since I’ve been home?”

  “Not yet,” Vasile said. “But I was getting there.”

  I chuckled. “Congratulations on your graduation. That’s a worthy accomplishment.”

  “Thank you. I’m relieved my education is over, but I also miss it.”

  “Did you like America?”

  “Very much. Their hot dogs are out of this world.”

  I laughed, picturing a lady like her eating a chili dog at a ball game. “I’ll have to try one next time I’m around.” I introduced her to Ariel and Cassandra. Anna didn’t seem bothered by the situation either, which made me like both her and her father even more.

  “So, you make scotch?” she asked. “I understand how wine works, but scotch sounds complicated.”

  Vasile got pulled away by another guest, and Ariel and Cassandra drifted away to grab a glass of wine.

  I wasn’t sure where London was. She was taking a long time, but there could have been a line at the bathroom. If this were six months ago, I would have assumed she’d shattered the bathroom window and jumped. “It’s not too complicated. I have a few distilleries in Scotland. I opened my second warehouse not too long ago.”

  “Fascinating,” she said. “I drink a lot of scotch, so that’s probably why I’m so interested.”

  “You do?” I asked in surprise.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy wine as well. But scotch has a great kick to it that you can’t find anywhere else.”

  There was no way I could dislike a fellow scotch drinker. Not possible. “Looks like we have something in common.”

  “We do,” she said. “My father told me about your parents. I know it’s not the same thing, but I was pretty devastated when Mom died. I loved her very much—still do. It’s just not the same when they’re gone. And I never really got the chance to appreciate her. I was too young.” She said everything with obvious sincerity, but she didn’t get choked up about it.

  Reminded me of myself. “It’s hard. I told myself it would get easier as time went on, but it never really does.”

  “I know exactly what you mean.”

  I liked that she was easy to talk to, not stuffy like everyone else. It was smart of her to move away to college, to a place where no one knew about her noble background. That was probably why she was so laid-back. “Your father never remarried?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think he’s even dated anyone. My parents were really in love…”

  I nodded, unsure how else to respond.

  “What part of Scotland do you live in?”

  While she was nice to talk to, I started to worry about London. She went to the bathroom nearly fifteen minutes ago, and she didn’t have her phone on her to communicate anything to me. I didn’t want to be rude and walk away from Anna, who turned out to be pretty good company, but if London didn’t show up in three minutes, I was going to look for her.

  Even if it made me look rude.



  I tho
ught I would have more time with Crewe.

  But the second I walked out of the bathroom and overheard him talking to Anna, I knew it was over.

  I thought I had a year. Maybe more.

  But I had just months, if that.

  I wasn’t sure why I stood there and subjected myself to the torture. Not only was Anna beautiful, but she was cool. She didn’t remind me of the other stuffy noble people Crewe introduced me to. I could even see myself being her friend—if she weren’t going to take Crewe away.

  I was smitten with her—so there was no way he wasn’t.

  I could just break my promise to Ariel and not leave, but then she would walk away and Crewe would be miserable again. As tempting as that sounded, I knew it wouldn’t work anyway. Seeing him interact with Anna told me I was a terrible partner. With Anna, he would have everything he wanted—and he might even fall in love.

  I wanted to cry—right there in the middle of the room.

  Ariel swooped in out of the shadows, clinging to my sadness like she fed off it. “Crewe looks like he’s having a good time, huh?” She sipped her wine as she stood beside me, her shoulder touching mine.

  I couldn’t speak.

  “I’ve never met Anna before, but I’ve always heard good things. They have a great chemistry.”

  I’d never hated someone so much in my life.

  When I didn’t say anything, Ariel stared at me.

  I ignored her look as best as I could.

  “We have a deal. Remember?”

  “Like you would ever let me forget…”

  “I’ll find reasons to put them in the same room together. You work on your exit strategy.”

  The idea of walking away made me want to hurl. “I just got him back…I thought I had more time.”

  “I thought you did too. But she’s lovely. With exceptional business ties and a great title, she’s perfect for Crewe. Plus, she’s a few years younger than him so he doesn’t need to have kids right away.”

  Now I really was going to throw up.

  “Do we have a problem?”

  “No…” I turned away, feeling the tears pool in my eyes. “If you had a heart, you would show some compassion.”


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