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The House Across The Street

Page 31

by Melanie Jones Brownrigg

  “How much was my policy?” Rachel feels compelled to ask.

  “Twenty-five thousand,” Detective Sutton says. “But remember, they didn’t want to draw attention to the policies,” he quickly adds to soften the blow of just how little her life boiled down to. A grunt emits from my mouth because Rachel’s life is worth billions … maybe even more in my opinion.

  “Did he say anything about Eugene Smith?” I bring up.

  “Yes, David said they knew Logan Foster was going to help with a porch swing and that the old man was going for some eyebolts. When they saw him leave, they went and hid in the old man’s detached garage. The plan was to wait for his return and hit him on the head with a pipe. It was supposed to have appeared as if the old man was working in his garage and it rolled off a shelf, striking him on his head and killing him. But when Mr. Smith returned, he spotted one of them in the garage and freaked out. He backed the car up and drove off. They ran and got in David’s car and chased after him. They ended up in some seedy part of town on a dead-end street. Some kids were playing in the yard a few houses down. With them being in proximity and having seen David’s vehicle, they were afraid of killing him and leaving the body to be found in the car. So, at gunpoint, they forced Mr. Smith into David’s car and left the car because they knew it would be parted out. From there, they drove to a remote area, whacked the old man with the pipe, killing him, and then stuffed him in David’s trunk. Later that night, David drove his car around to Dawson’s garage. They pulled the old man out and stuffed him in the freezer. A few days later they hauled the body into Dawson’s car and then dumped the body in the Trinity.”

  “I can’t believe they thought they wouldn’t eventually get caught,” I say. “Did they really think they could keep running this insurance scam without someone eventually catching on?”

  “Most criminals believe they’re geniuses,” Sutton points out. “But as usual, they end up making a mistake somewhere along the way. In this instance, not only was Mr. Smith’s DNA found in David’s car and Dawson’s car, it was also discovered in the freezer.”

  Rachel shakes her head. “How awful. I’m glad it’s over.” She sighs and then gives him a thankful nod. “I appreciate everyone’s help in saving me,” she adds with a grateful smile.

  “You’re welcome,” he replies kindly and then turns to face me. “I have one last bit of news.”

  “What’s that?” I ask, my brow tightening and my posture straightening.

  “Starting tomorrow morning, you need to report to the detective division.” He smiles showing a mouthful of brilliant white teeth. Damn him and his amazing looks. “And I think you’ll really like your partner.”

  “I got the job?” I yelp out enthusiastically. “That’s great. Wait, who’s my colleague?” I ask, it suddenly dawning on me what he just said. It had damned sure better not be him. I can just see him coordinating case after case right here at this table so he can see Rachel over and over. She’s mine. Doesn’t he get it!

  “Rob Brown,” he answers with a satisfied grin.

  “Rob! Really? How did that happen?” I couldn’t be more surprised.

  “Rob had applied for the position before you. When you mentioned applying to him, he withdrew his application in favor of you. He said you needed out of undercover worse than he did and to pass the position to you.”

  “Wow,” I can barely choke out. My best friend really is my best friend. I owe the big lug. “But how is he my partner if he withdrew his application?”

  “Raymond Goldstein retired. It opened a second position,” he explains. “And with everything you and Rob added on this case, the department wasn’t about to pass either of you by.” He flashes his pearly whites and I decide I’m starting to like them. “Well, all right then,” I say. “Then I guess I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

  “I guess you will,” he concludes. He pushes back in his chair and rises. I stand with him. “I look forward to working with you.” We shake hands and Rachel hugs me in congratulations. I walk him out to his truck because I have an inkling that he was instrumental in getting me this job. “Thanks man,” I say again. “I appreciate you giving me an opportunity.”

  “You’ll be good as a detective,” he says with a firm nod. He looks back at the house. “So, you and Rachel, huh?”

  “Yeah,” I admit with what I’m sure is a big goofy grin on my face. “Who would’ve thought I’d meet the woman of my dreams simply by knocking on her door?”

  “Well, congratulations. She’s a fine catch,” he sums up.

  “How about you? Is there anyone special in your life?” I want to know if he’s interested in Rachel or throwing in the towel. I don’t need him as competition. Not with his overly handsome looks.

  “Not me. I gave up trying over five years ago.”

  “Burned?” I assume, seeing a deep pain in his eyes. I can tell he’s as lonely as I was.

  “Burned enough,” he answers and swallows hard. “I’m not taking any more chances. It’s better for me to stay solo.”

  I chuckle. “I thought solo was better for me too. But you just never know.”

  He nods and opens the door to his truck. “I guess you don’t.”

  “Thanks again,” I say as he climbs in and leaves.

  Stepping through the door, Rachel throws her arms around my neck. “Detective Barnes,” she greets me. “We’re going to have so much fun with your new profession. I can’t wait for you to fully inspect me … maybe even handcuff me.” She gives me a playful, sexy look.

  “Holy shit,” I utter, instantly getting a chubby. “I didn’t realize how many perks came with being a detective, but now I’m really excited.”

  In my wildest dreams, I never imagined finding a playful, beautiful, caring woman like Rachel. For me, my solo days were over.


  A few months later, I have fully settled into living with Rachel. My new job is everything I hoped for and Rob and I are a perfect team. Rob and Brenna are falling for each other as quickly as Rachel and I did. The four of us are becoming close friends, along with Catie and Bradley. We have been getting together on the weekends and going out to dinner and playing cards after.

  Veronica has found a decent job and is now able to stand on her own two feet. Rachel knew I was helping Veronica because there won’t be any secrets between us. I’m glad Rachel was onboard with my decision to help Veronica. But then again, Rachel has a bigger heart than anyone I’ve ever met.

  Rachel met with Richard’s attorney and Mrs. Martin’s attorney. Since she and Richard were still married at the time of his suicide, she was bequeathed everything through his Will. Rachel offered to sell everything and turn the proceeds over to Mrs. Martin in settlement of the lawsuit over the death of Mrs. Martin’s husband. Richard was worth several million, a far too generous offer on Rachel’s part. But Rachel, who wears her heart on her sleeve, was more than willing to do so. When Mrs. Martin learned there was a Tuscany home, she pounced on the idea of this being the settlement, apparently having always wanted to live in Italy. It was a fair settlement. The moderately-sized stone castle, according to pictures I saw, was valued at over three million U.S. dollars.

  Rachel plans on selling most of what remains. She has her eye on a gorgeous Victorian house a few blocks over. It’s going to need some fixing up. We’ve decided to try some of the repairs ourselves, putting our own blood, sweat and tears into the project.

  This little place she offices out of is great for business. But we’re going to need more than the one bedroom. Because, you see, I can give Rachel something she’s always wanted … a child. And if I get my way about it, there will be three.


  I would like to thank my wonderful friends and relatives who indulged my going on and on about my book. A special thank you goes to Sabrina Baker, my good friend since second grade. She was kind enough to read this book, give me her opinions, and point out a few mistakes, all of which I greatly appreciate. I would also li
ke to thank Kathy Cagle Sapp and Vickie Hopkins for their exceptional proofreading skills. I look forward to working with them in the future. Another big thank you goes to Scott Hardie who designed the cover. I am very appreciative of his great talent. And, of course, I couldn't forget to thank my wonderful husband who has not only been helpful and supportive, but a wealth of encouragement. Finally, my biggest thank you goes to each of my readers. I appreciate your time and consideration and hope you will continue to support me in my future endeavors.

  About The Author

  Melanie Jones Brownrigg

  Melanie Jones Brownrigg is from a small town, her senior class consisting of only eighteen students. She received her Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Tarleton State University in Stephenville, TX. At the same time, she owned and managed a Texaco station off Interstate 20. After selling the business, she moved to Arlington, Texas, where she attended a legal assistant program. In 1987 she received her certificate as a paralegal and began working for several attorneys in various areas of the law, including probate, family law, bankruptcy, and the collection of notes receivables. In 1989, she married Robert, one of the attorneys she was working for. Melanie continues working as his legal assistant.

  The Hotel was Melanie’s first attempt at publishing a book. The House Across the Street will be her second published novel. She is working on several other ideas and hopes to become an accomplished writer.

  Thank you for taking the time to read The House Across the Street. Please check often as Melanie hopes you will follow her upcoming works. If you enjoyed The House Across the Street, please leave her a kind review.

  Books By This Author

  The Hotel

  Emily and Greg had the picture-perfect marriage. At least that is what Emily thought, until one day she saw Greg’s co-counsel from a distance, someone she thought, up until that point, was a man. But with a unisex name, like Taylor, Emily began to imagine her husband was cheating on her. Her suspicions were further broadened after overhearing one of her husband’s previous coworkers, speaking to someone as if she and Emily’s husband were having an affair. Instead of working those long nights Greg was alluding to, where exactly was he? And with whom? One night, after following his vehicle to a seedy hotel, would she find out the answers she was looking for, or end up in a deeper mess than she ever bargained for?

  A Deadly Promotion

  Who doesn’t want a big promotion? But would it be as appealing if you knew it might come at the cost of your life? When Julie Mitchell ends up dead at the bottom of a flight of stairs, and Paige Davis finds her own head bashed in, Paige begins to wonder if climbing the corporate ladder is all that it’s cracked up to be. To make matters worse, Paige ends up being accused of Julie’s murder when the recordings show she and Julie were the only ones going into the stairwell. But when Paige sets out to clear her name, she finds evidence that only points the finger deeper at herself. Will she find out who’s to blame, or will she find herself at the mercy of a killer?




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