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The Complete Archangel Wars Series: A Shared Universe Series (The Archangel Wars)

Page 54

by Jonathan Yanez

  Michael ignored all the questioning looks as he made his way to the front of the army. Esther and Seraphim were conferring at the base of the keep. “Is there any sign of the enemy?” Michael asked. “What of the guards we saw on top of the wall when we attacked?”

  Esther shrugged in dismay, “They either fled into this keep as fast as we came at them or it was all an illusion to begin with.”

  Seraphim sneered and spat with disgust, “What a coward. If he is in here, let us go and dig the rat out of his hole.”

  Michael looked up as the keep doors burst open. Gabriel strode out as if he were expecting guests for dinner. “I’ll save you the trouble, Seraphim.”


  Gabriel wore a long black cloak with dull metal armor underneath. A circular amulet hung from his neck on a leather band. He was not quite the picture of youth and strength Michael was used to seeing. Grey hair weaved in and out of his dark locks and a few extra wrinkles added their influence to his agedness. He was recovering quickly. Even now he could be near full strength once again.

  Every soldier around the keep lifted his or her weapon against the Fallen Archangel with uncertainty. Even Seraphim seemed unsure what to do. Her sword was drawn and ready for anything, still she waited. “Surrender, Gabriel,” Michael said as he took a step forward, “this is over. Even with the power of two Archangels, you cannot stand alone against an army.”

  Gabriel looked at Michael with a grin. “I’m sure Ardat ran straight to you, didn’t she?” Gabriel refused Michael the courtesy of a reply as he continued. “I knew she was with you when she came to me. I could practically still smell the love she has for you on her.. Brother, you must know I saw this all coming and I have planned for it as such.”

  Michael felt goosebumps begin to prickle his skin, “Talk all you want, Gabriel, but this is over.”

  “Is it?” Gabriel mocked, “But it’s only just beginning, Michael. In fact, I would say the board is more even than ever.”

  “Enough with your lies and riddles,” Seraphim yelled as she lunged toward Gabriel, “Die!”

  Gabriel lifted a hand catching Seraphim midair. An invisible grip like some unseen giant clutching her in its fist held her in place. Everyone circled Gabriel brandishing steel. Michael willed another lightening bolt as long as a spear into his right hand.

  “I wouldn’t if I were you,” Gabriel warned, “I could snap her neck in a moment if I choose. All I want is a civil conversation.”

  Michael weighed his odds. Vastly outnumbered, Gabriel would kill Seraphim then be overwhelmed by sheer numbers. But could Michael trade Seraphim’s life for that of his enemy?

  “Do—it,” Seraphim managed to gasp as she remained hovering in the night air.

  “He won’t,” Gabriel said smiling at Seraphim like a Cheshire cat. “Not the mighty and righteous Michael.”

  “Say what you want to say then,” Michael said spitting out the words in disgust.

  “Oh yes, well, I imagine you are under the assumed pretense I am outnumbered and out-powered when in reality that fact is actually false. I am now in a better place than I once was. You’ve brought my army to me and with the a Horseman under my control, I’m as powerful as ever.”

  Gabriel’s words hung in the air like a thick cloud. Everyone heard his words yet they made no sense. Michael found himself sifting through Gabriel’s scheme searching for answers as he held his rival’s eye. A sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach hit Michael. Could Gabriel be telling the truth?

  “You lie,” Esther said edging forward. Her shield was up in a protective guard covering her body; her sword was pointed at the Fallen Archangel with menace. “Alan would never serve you.”

  Gabriel laughed out loud. The melody of genuine joy that passed through his lips made the noise all the more disturbing. “Alan?” Gabriel asked finally releasing Seraphim from his invisible hold and tossing her to the side. “Alan had his opportunity. There is more than one Horseman.” Gabriel shook his head, “And, no, I do not mean the girl either. A third Horseman has been right underneath your nose this entire time and you delivered him to me like a present.”

  Michael’s mind churned with the new information. Even as he grasped Gabriel’s meaning, he struggled with how it could be true.

  “Oh, that’s right, Michael,” Gabriel said as he motioned with his arm towards the open doors of the keep, “He was with you the entire time but you were too infatuated with Alan and then Ardat to see. I was the one that gave him instruction and I was the one that was there for him during his transition from Nephilim to Horseman.”

  Michael’s heart felt as though it was sinking in his chest as a figure exited the keep and joined the crowded courtyard. The only light was provided by the moon, stars and a few lighted braziers placed around the courtyard; it was still enough to make out Kyle’s familiar form.


  Red flashes streaked over his body as Kyle walked towards Gabriel. Soldiers stood stunned then created a walkway for him. Red wings that looked like a mixture of fire and dark crimson light shot from his back. His face was a wreckage of cuts and bruises.

  Gabriel smiled and a moved a hand to clutch the trinket on his neck. His protégé walked to stand beside him. It was clear to everyone hate was in Kyle’s eyes. The man they once knew was gone and now a shadow stood in his place. Even from where he stood, Michael could feel the heat emanating off Kyle in strong waves.

  “Kyle,” Michael found his voice, “what has he done to you?”

  “Done?” Kyle’s voice came back strained and weary, “Done? Gabriel has shown me the truth. He’s given me the attention I deserve. The time of day you should have shown me instead of wasting on Alan.”

  “No,” Michael said in a harsh whisper, “no, Kyle, he’s manipulated you.”

  “Enough,” Kyle said shaking where he stood as he pointed an accusing finger at first Michael then making his way around the gathered group of warriors. “I know what you have all done. You’ve pushed me to the side and latched onto Alan like he was some lost puppy. I needed you; I needed you all.”

  Kyle took the time to glare at Seraphim, Esther and Angelica, and then searched the faces of gathered supernaturals for whom Michael could only suppose was Danielle. Kyle abandoned his attempt in the space of a few seconds of silence. Kyle was twisted from the inside out. Whatever Gabriel had done to him was clearly implemented on a psychological level.

  “Well, then,” Gabriel spread his arms wide, “shall we begin?”

  Michael looked at his Fallen counterpart with righteous indignation. “You’ve twisted him, Gabriel, let him go. Whatever you have done to him, stop this now.”

  A wicked smile spread across Gabriel’s lips, “Oh, brother,” he said as he gripped the amulet lying around his neck with his right hand, “this is just the beginning.”

  Ancient words that Michael did not understand began to fall from Gabriel’s tongue in a quick chant. “Stop him now!” Michael shouted, reaching back and sending a tendril of electricity shooting in the air towards Gabriel.

  Everyone acted at once. Seraphim, now able to move, was in the lead again. She charged forward with her extended blade. Before Seraphim or even Michael’s lightening bolt could find its mark, Kyle moved to act. Wrapping both his red wings around Gabriel, he formed a tight protective cocoon around the Fallen angel.

  “Move aside,” Seraphim ordered.

  A defiant sneer crossed Kyle’s lips.

  “Have it your way,” Seraphim said, lifting her blade with both hands high over her head in preparation to strike.

  “No,” Michael said running towards them but it was too late. Seraphim was bent on having her revenge. With a powerful, downward motion, she hammered her blade against Kyle’s wings. The resulting noise sounded like an ironsmith bashing against his anvil with a hammer. Sparks flew through the air, still Kyle’s wings remained intact as he refused to move.

  The entire time, Gabriel remained in his protective shell chanting louder and
louder. “Get him out of there!” Seraphim yelled as she lost all sign of sanity and began bashing her sword over and over again against Kyle’s wings. Her Death Angels moved to do her bidding. The eleven black-winged elite angels, who had proven their might throughout the millennia, jumped at her command.

  Michael watched in horror as they moved against Kyle. Some ran while others flew just over the ground. Something clicked in Michael’s mind as the top tier of angelic warriors closed in on Gabriel. It was something he had said, You brought me my army. “No! Wait!”

  Michael’s warning was too late as the Death Angels struck at Kyle’s wings in unison. Before their blows could land, Kyle opened his wings in one quick motion, lifting his red appendages to the dark sky above. Light blinded Michael as Gabriel shouted the final words to his spell. A concussive blast rolled out from where Gabriel stood, forcing everyone to not only shield their eyes from the light, it also caused them to stumble and hold their ground against the force.

  Michael looked on as if he were in a nightmare; chaos broke loose across the courtyard. All the Death Angels beside Seraphim turned on their fellow angels as if possessed. Their eyes glazed over so only white showed. They lunged at their brothers and sisters, impaling them on spears and decapitating them with single strikes. At the same, time a large contingent of demons led by the shape-shifter Triana rushed from inside the keep. Gabriel and Kyle joined the fight, slashing out with an inferno of fire and energy wherever they could.

  Michael forced himself to enter the battle: his hate growing for Gabriel, a feat he didn’t think possible. Wading into the madness around him Michael, whispered, “Where are you Alan?”

  Chapter One Hundred Fourteen

  Leaving Cratos to follow on foot was out of the question. The Minotaurs could run tirelessly for days, still their pace was nothing compared to the speed Alan and Raphael had at their disposal. The solution was Raphael clenching Cratos’ shoulder armor in both hands and carrying him as they flew. In return, Cratos held both his own weapon and Raphael’s trident. Cratos wasn’t happy with the traveling arrangement but there was nothing to be done. The result was the trio flying through the air quickly though not as fast as Alan would have liked.

  The sun was already down and Alan knew Michael couldn’t wait for them. The attack was commencing now and Alan wasn’t there. A look behind him told Alan that Raphael did not need to be spurred on. The Archangel wore a determined stare in his eye and a jaw set with conviction.

  Alan took stock of their position. They were only miles from their destination. The dark world below rolled on and on in a series of steep hills and grassy knolls. The air was cold and a feeling beyond the normal chill of the night caressed and stroked Alan’s skin. Alan fought back a tremble as he steeled himself for the fight to come. We can stop Gabriel now, we can do this. He was too powerful before but that was before we had the minotaur’s information to defeat him. This will work, this has to work.

  Distant clanging and faint shouts saved Alan from having to convince himself for the hundredth time they were not too late. Golgotha, the fortress where Gabriel had chosen to take up his residence, became a dark outline in the already black landscape below.

  Alan could feel his heart quicken as they approached. Without being asked, he slowed his forward progress to allow both Cratos and Raphael to fly beside him. “Remember the plan,” Raphael said as he clutched Cratos with both hands, “We’ll only get one chance at this.”

  “It will work,” Cratos said, “it has to work.”

  Alan couldn’t bring himself to look away from the oncoming fight, he just responded in turn, “We’ll do our part, Raphael. Cratos and I will distract him. You just be ready to make the cut and use the blood as a bridge between you two.”

  Raphael’s reply was a short nod as he also prepared himself for what was to come. “We stop Gabriel, then rescue Kassidy.”

  “Are you ready, little brother?” Cratos said grinning at Alan, “This will be the first time any minotaur has entered the battlefield with a Horseman. I hope you will be able to keep up.”

  Alan found himself smiling despite the sounds of war that loomed louder and louder with each passing second. “We’ll find out soon.”

  The time for talking was over as the trinity of unlikely companions sailed over the walls of Golgotha and was horrified to see the battles taking place below. Alan’s eyes enlargened as he tried to understand what was taking place.

  A small group of Fallen, along with Gabriel, was beating back a much larger army of angels. Things his eyes saw but his mind couldn’t comprehend flashed in front of him. Seraphim’s Death Angels hacked and slashed their way through the angelic ranks. Michael was below shouting orders and making his way through the crowd of churning bodies and flying blood toward someone Alan didn’t recognize, someone who had red wings similar to his own.

  “What’s happening?” Alan asked as confusion wrapped him in its gnarled grasp.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Raphael said, his eyes narrowing as he fixated on Gabriel, “we stick to the plan.”

  Alan was still trying to piece together the pandemonium unfolding in front of him when he spied Seraphim below. Her red hair bounced back and forth as she dodged strikes to her face and abdomen. Two of her own Death Angels had her backed into a corner of the courtyard. They were slashing at her as if she were one of the enemies.

  Without regard for his own safety or a word to his comrades, Alan angled towards Seraphim. He folded his wings on his back sending him into a dive.

  “Wait,” Raphael yelled behind him, but all rational thought had left Alan. All he knew was he couldn’t let Seraphim die.


  Unwilling to use lethal force at least until he could figure out what was going on, Alan landed on the back of one of the Death Angels. Unsuspecting a blow from behind, the man crumpled under his weight. The next Death Angel, a woman with short blonde hair and a scar on her left cheek, moved to meet Alan’s attack but she was too late.

  Alan used the butt of his great sword in a quick upward motion and brought the steel pommel up against the woman’s chin. She staggered back and fell on her rear. Dazed, she worked her jaw and blinked her pure white eyes over and over again.

  Alan reached Seraphim’s side as he tried to explain what he was seeing. Not only where the Death Angels turning on their own, no pupil or iris existed in the orbs of their eyes.

  Seraphim reached for Alan’s shoulder, “Don’t hurt them,” she panted, “they’re under Gabriel’s control. They don’t know what they’re doing.”

  Everything made sense. Alan kept a wary eye on the two Death Angels now struggling to their feet as he took stock of Seraphim’s condition. A dozen small cuts and shallow gashes proved how dedicated she was to enduring their attack and finding a nonlethal way to stop them.

  Alan knew he had to find a way to distract these Death Angels and lead them away from Seraphim. She needed time to recover. He also understood only precious seconds remained before the pair of Death Angles charged again. Alan brushed back a lock of Seraphim’s long red hair that hid the scare on her cheek. “No arguing. You need to recover, I’ll lead them away.”

  Seraphim opened her mouth to protest just as Alan knew she would. Before she could get a word out, Alan intercepted her argument. “I promise I won’t hurt them. I’ll find a way.” Something stirred inside Alan, a feeling he knew was always there but was too afraid to claim as his own. As the Death Angels advanced on them, Alan leaned over and kissed Seraphim on her lips.

  The act was rushed and far too short lived for Alan’s liking but it would have to do. A tingling sensation traveled through Alan’s body as he separated and stared into Seraphim’s eyes, “I think I love you.”

  Seraphim opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. It didn’t matter; their time was over. Alan could hear the running feet behind him. With a rush of wings, he lifted off the ground and turned to meet the two Death Angels.


  Battle w
ithout having the intent to harm was much harder than Alan anticipated. Quite quickly he realized he needed to move the engagement to a different location. Alan needed to convince the Death Angels to follow him and give Seraphim time to regroup. Dodging between a club from the female Death Angel and a short sword from the male, Alan’s brain worked overtime for an answer.

  The courtyard was packed with a maelstrom of bodies. The sounds of metal against metal and the multitude of clamor produced from an angel or Nephilim using their supernatural abilities rang through the air.

  Alan’s abilities as a Horseman meant he was faster and stronger than either of the two opponents he faced. He would soon find out that their unique abilities leveled his advantage. Alan weaved in and out of their attacks. Striking with the butt or flat side of his sword when he could. The damage he inflicted this way was minimal at best. It did nothing to stop the insatiable hunger for battle glowing through the Death Angels’ white eyes.

  Then the tables turned. The female warrior hesitated for a moment then disappeared. The male warrior dropped his weapon. In the place of his hands, two large rocks appeared like boxing gloves around his fists.

  Alan was still trying to make sense of the matter when something whipped past him and sliced at his armor. The minotaur platting was strong enough to turn the blade as Alan twisted and caught what he thought was the outline of the female Death Angel before she disappeared.

  Confused as he was, Alan didn’t notice the male warrior send a strike to his stomach then his chin in quick succession. Again the minotaur armor absorbed the blow, only sending a shockwave through Alan’s body. The hit to his chin, however, landed just under his helmet. The helm flew off his figure as his teeth crashed together threatening to break. Alan could taste blood as he reeled back.

  Without thinking, Alan took to the air. He needed to form a plan before entering into a battle with an invisible foe and one with rocks for hands. Alan launched himself skyward. The battle for Golgotha raged all around the fortress as well as into the sky. Everywhere Michael’s angels fought back both their Fallen counterparts as well as Seraphim’s mind-controlled Death Angels.


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