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Monsters and Angels

Page 2

by Erik Weir

  Victor smiled until he turned his gaze to Luka. The Tusk Tribe leader growled her contempt as light flashed in her eyes. A lightning bolt came down, splitting a nearby tree in half as rain began to fall. Victor aimed his gun blade as Luka’s body began to bulge and grow bigger. Taking a step back, he watched as she grew taller, a foot at a time. Her six-foot, five-inch stature pulsed bigger and bigger until she reached ten feet tall. Muscles and bone thickened as she roared, her face taking on an animalistic appearance. Her hair wild and eyes filled with murderous rage, she looked like a rabid Amazon on steroids.

  Victor raised an eyebrow in concern, “I doubt this will be a death by snu snu situation.”

  Luka roared and charged. The tribe around her gathered their courage and rushed alongside their leader, barreling at the Blade. Victor bent his knees as the savages charged, new found strength pushing them on.

  “Let’s do this,” Victor smirked.

  Luka lifted up the spear in her hand and hurled it like a long bullet. Victor’s senses saw the trajectory of the spear and the incoming savages as he bent his body to the side, gun blade slicing up and splitting the spear in half. Each piece of the spear flew in different directions as Luka was nearly on top of the Blade. Victor powered his legs, and he jumped as, a thick arm lashed out and missed his boots by inches. Victor smiled as he flew over the crowded savages. Bodies turned and arms launched spears into the air. Victor’s body was moving just fast enough for the waves of spears to miss him. Landing on the ground, the top part of his body turned, aimed his gun blade and pulled the trigger.

  The explosion sent bodies hurtling into the air and down to the hard ground. The Blade spun as he was surrounded on all sides. Spinning, Victor arced his gun blade around him just as the savages reached him. Spears were sliced in half but bodies from behind the first wave pushed against their fellow tribe members. A fist shot out, striking Victor across the cheek while another fist rammed into his stomach. The Blade ignored the strikes as he grabbed a savage by the throat and swung him around, barely straining a muscle. Several savages were knocked back as Victor tossed the dazed savage he was using as a blunt instrument into the crowd, knocking down others. Legs bending, the Blade launched into the air again.

  Victor spun as he saw that each jump brought him closer to the entrance. Lily was jumping and spinning from one mammoth to the next as they tried to knock her down. Savages were knocked aside as Luka charged through like a bull in a china shop. The Blade landed with a hard thud, turned and aimed at the incoming tribe leader. Luka growled her rage as she barreled toward him like a tsunami wave.

  Victor didn’t want to kill the tribe leader, but felt slowing her down was completely justified. Aiming his gun blade at her leg, Victor pulled the trigger. Luka’s open hand shot down, energy bolt exploding against it. Victor clenched his jaw, hoping he didn’t do too much damage when Luka burst from the small smoke, hand black but not slowing down.

  “Shit,” Victor cursed as he pulled the trigger just as Luka was on top of him.

  Luka gave an evil grin as her hand blocked the energy bolt once again. Fingers curled into a meaty, smoky fist before it shot forward. Victor jumped back about ten feet, the fist barely missing his jaw. Landing on his boots, he slid back and glanced to his gun blade. It had one shot left before he had to reload. Pulling it up to get off a shot, Luka was over him, eyes blazing bright. A blackened hand whipped out, knocking the gun blade away and the shot going wild. Victor backpedaled until Luka grabbed the Blade by the head. A crushing vice-like grip took hold, and Victor spun his gun blade and stabbed into Luka’s arm. The blade point stabbed through and exited out the other side of her forearm. Luka growled a laugh as she pulled Victor off the ground, and raised him into the air.

  The Blade thought fast as his hands took hold of her hand, fingers digging under her fingers. Pumping another point into strength, power surged as he pulled the fingers from around his head. Luka hissed as she brought Victor’s body down hard. The Blade spun from her grip, and landed on his feet before her empty hand smashed into the ground. Not missing a beat, the Blade rushed the giant monster woman, ran up her arm and drove his boot into her cheek. A spurt of blood shot out of her mouth as her body moved, trying to catch the quick Blade. Victor jumped off her arm, back flipping and landing on his feet as several savages grabbed him.

  “This is getting out of hand,” Victor said as he grabbed one savage, and threw him at the incoming Luka.

  The man screamed as Luka smacked him out of the air, and into the crowd. The monstrous woman roared as she closed on Victor, both fists rising into the air. Lightning flashed again, and rain came down. The Blade bent low with many strong arms holding onto him. With a supernatural push, he barreled toward the giant monster woman with savages still holding on. Luka’s eyes widened as Victor winked. Shoulder connecting with Luka’s stomach, Victor gritted his teeth.

  “Enough,” Victor screamed as his hands took hold of those on him.

  Spinning like a top, savages were thrown off one at a time. One of them crashed into the stumbling Luka, sending her falling onto her ass. When Victor was free of savages holding him, he let the gun blade slide back into his wrist and squared up his body. Luka scrambled to her feet, foul saliva dripping from her almost demonic maw.

  Rain fell from the sky as Luka charged. Victor kept still, watching the monster approach. Luka’s fist blasted forward. Victor dodged to the side, and punched her elbow hard. Bone cracked as Luka let out a painful growl. Victor didn’t hesitate as he closed the distance between them. Strength powered through his body as he punched one kneecap, and then the other. Luka cried out again, her voice filled with slivers of pain. Victor picked up his leg, and drove his boot into her ankle. Luka’s body twisted, and she fell to one knee. When she glared at the Blade, Victor was already rearing back a fist, and punching the monstrous woman in the jaw.

  Lightning and rain filled the area as Luka’s body snapped up before falling on her side, her eyes rolling back into her head, and blood spilling from her open mouth. The gathered savages stared with wide eyes as their tribe leader lay dazed on the ground, rain water blending with her bright blood.

  Victor heaved as he turned to the army of savages. “Back off, NOW!”

  The savages looked from Victor to Luka and then back to Victor. Howls and screams rose up, mingling with the sound of thunder in the distance. Victor eyed them, seeing that instead of retreating, the savages screamed into a hateful frenzy.

  Now you just made them mad.

  “Not good,” Victor said before turning and bounding into the air.

  Spears flew past as the Blade jumped for the mountain entrance. A spear point bounced off the armored trench coat but the power behind it caused Victor to misjudge his landing. Hitting the ground, he rolled and was back to his feet, running. Savages rushed to meet him only for the Blade to slam hard fists into their bodies. Bones broke and grunts filled the air as bodies crashed into others. Victor moved like a battering ram through the waves of savages, eyes on the tunnel entrance.

  Lily slammed her boot into a mammoth’s eye before vaulting off the creature. The succubus landed and rushed toward the fighting as the mammoth blindly lashed out, striking a nearby mammoth. The purple skinned demon saw bodies flying as Victor moved like a small juggernaut through the enemy. Savages stood up, cradling broken arms and ribs only to have a staff strike them across their heads and sending them back to the ground. Lily moved like storm, spinning her staff, each strike landing true. Chaos and confusion took hold as the savages backed off slightly, not sure who to attack.

  Victor pushed on, knocking savages out one punch at a time. The wave began to recede as the Blade’s power became apparent. Bodies turned only for a single fist to hit exposed spines, and launch them forward. The rage and frenzy turned to self-preservation as they rushed from the incoming Victor. Lightning flashed again as the heavens poured down. The ground grew muddy, and savages slipped as they tried to run away.

saw the entrance was close. Spears stood up from the mountain entrance, severed heads on each one. As the main force retreated out of fist range of the Blade, Victor looked to the severed heads on spears, eyes taking a dark edge. The three heads of Trio were on a spear top, eye sockets empty and tongues hanging out. Their faces looked pecked at, and missing bits of flesh. Victor skidded to a halt, looking to the three heads.

  “Damn, sorry this happened to you guys,” Victor said as he remembered the fight he had with all three men when he first arrived to the Tempest Realm. “I’ll pour out a little drink for you guys later.”

  Victor turned to see the savages backing up, and Lily expertly bashing her way through. The Blade smiled as his Gun Blade slipped into his hand. Charging it with a Constitution point, he kept it at the ready. Backing up to the mouth of the entrance, he glanced around to see if he could use something as a barrier.

  Lily darted through the remaining savages in her way, her staff cracking skulls. When her red eyes caught sight of Victor, her legs pumped harder. The Blade aimed past the incoming demon as the savages tried to regroup. When the succubus reached Victor’s side, the pair backed into the cave. The savages kept their eyes on them, regaining some courage and slowly stepping toward the cave entrance.

  “They won’t stop,” Lily said staff at the ready.

  The Blade and Shield stepped back further into the cave as the savages stared with fury and contempt in the rain.

  Victor looked to the ceiling and then back to the cave entrance. Aiming his gun blade at the rocky ceiling, Victor gently pressed his finger to the trigger. Letting out a small exhale, Victor pulled the trigger. An energy bolt shot out and struck the ceiling. The walls cracked and shuddered from the blast. Lily saw what Victor was doing and turned to run deeper into the cave. The Blade studied the damage, and when a war cry screamed out, Victor pulled the trigger again and again.

  Explosions rippled along the roof of the cave before debris, and large shards of rock started to come down. The savages rushed the entrance before they slowed, dust and smoke billowing out into the rain. Victor emptied his gun blade before turning, and running toward the waiting demoness. Cracks raced along the entrance before the entire rocky tunnel came crashing down. With a jump, Victor soared forward crashing into Lily, causing the couple to hit the ground. A cloud of dust and dirt blasted past them before the trembling, and shuddering came to a stop.

  When Victor lifted his head there was dirt in his hair and covering part of his face. Looking down he saw Lily smiling with fanged teeth.

  “You didn’t have to tackle me,” Lily said with a sarcastic edge.

  Victor looked to her crimson eyes and smirked, “Better safe than sorry.”

  The pair slowly untangled their bodies, Lily giving Victor a slap on the butt before they stood tall.

  “There’s most likely more savages in the tunnels,” Lily said indifferently.

  Victor nodded, “Then let’s not keep them waiting.”

  The succubus eyed the Blade as he turned and marched down the tunnel. Shaking her head, she followed, a gentle silence filling the area before a dim rumble of thunder caused debris to shift from its power.


  The air was heavy with smoke and the scent of tobacco. An orc, halfing, dwarf, man and an elf with glasses sat around a table, cards in hand. The orc sat back with cards close to the chest. The halfling female smirked at her cards while a man in a regal red robe eyed everyone at the table. The dwarf took a long guzzle from his mug of ale, placed it on the table and wiped his frothy beard with his forearm. The elf never looked up from her cards as if lost in thought.

  The man with the goatish beard tapped on the table on which gold, jewels and coins were piled in the middle. Eyes moved from side to side, taking in the expressions of the other players at the table. They seemed easy enough to read until his eyes fell on the blonde elf. Keeping his gaze on her, the elf never showed a sliver of a tick or a tell. She simply eyed the cards and never joined in on the banter between all of the players.

  The orc glanced down to his cards close to his chest again, a tired expression filling his thick, green face. “Anyone going to raise?”

  The halfling stood up on her chair, her body nearly bouncing as she reached into her side pouch and pulled out a fist full of gold coins. “I’m in,” she said excitedly as she threw them on the pile.

  The orc looked to the halfling and sighed. “I’m out.”

  The dwarf chuckled as he reached into his side pouch and pulled out a stack of platinum coins and put them on the pile in the middle of the table. “Aye, I’m in and I raise.”

  The man eyed the dwarf and halfling, “I see we are upping more then what’s on the table. Shall we make it interesting?”

  “It’s your game, Lord Devas,” the dwarf said gruffly.

  Devas looked to the halfling and dwarf before turning his eyes to the elf. “I want to know who’s in and who’s not.”

  Dawn continued to look at her cards for a long moment before lifting her gaze to the lord at the table. “This hand may be too rich for me.”

  Lord Devas gave a confident smile as he leaned back in his chair. “I’m sure an arrangement can be made. It’s your first time in my private games and I wouldn’t want to scare you off.”

  Dawn looked to the halfling and then to the dwarf before centering her gaze on Lord Devas. “I only have the minimum to play.”

  Lord Devas’s gaze drank in the elf with glasses, his eyes taking in her smooth lines and pale skin. When his gaze dropped to her ample chest, the lord didn’t hide what appealed to him. Dawn’s expression didn’t change, cards curved in her hands and body still as an ice pond in the dead of winter.

  Lord Devas gave a smirk. “You have been so quiet while we play. I’m starting to think you’re not having a good time. I host these games so I can be in touch with the people who I notice in my lands. Your people don’t often come through this territory.”

  Dawn looked down to her cards as she spoke, “I don’t mingle with my people. They tend to be a bit stiff with social interactions.”

  Lord Devas raised an eyebrow, “Interesting, what makes you so different from the rest of your people?”

  Dawn let a small grin slip, “I worship one who we cannot speak her name.”

  The players around the sturdy table looked to the elf with curious eyes. The orc let out a hearty chuckle as the halfling stayed standing on her chair, stopping her bouncing up and down. The dwarf shook his head while Lord Devas’s eyes narrowed.

  “I’ve heard the whispers but I didn’t think I would have an actual worshipper in my company. You truly believe she is returning? The game has become very interesting indeed.”

  The halfling looked to the other players, “Who are you talking about?”

  The orc sat back, cards face down and hands on his stomach. “We cannot say her name. If the Mage Authority finds out we are talking about ‘her’, they will interrogate all of us and not in a pleasant way.”

  Lord Devas nodded. “I have some friends in the Authority that would turn a blind eye. This is a safe place and I’m intrigued. Please, talk freely so we may all learn.”

  The dwarf took another guzzle before putting his mug on the table and looking to the halfling, “They are talking about Vala, Goddess of Lust and Love. It has been decreed none shall follow her ways and those who do will be put to death.”

  The halfling stared at the dwarf before crossing her small arms. “Vala. I’ve heard of her but I still don’t understand why her worship is outlawed. I mean, she is an ancient goddess no one worships anymore.”

  “For a goddess no one worships, people are still fucking and loving each other like she never left,” the orc chuckled again.

  Lord Devas closed his eyes as he spoke, “It’s more than that. Vala was a goddess with such power; she could cause other gods to fall in love with her. So many were caught in her glory before jealousy clouded their reason and the Rage War began. As I remember from what I h
ave read, the pantheon across the six realms turned on Vala. They burned down every temple and slayed every priest, priestess, and acolyte. When her worshippers were killed and her power diminished, they attacked her holy mountain and cut her into pieces, or so the legends would say.”

  Dawn nodded, “They did all those things, and more but if you have heard the whispers then you know her light is returning.”

  Lord Devas open his eyes, and shook his head slightly, “The pantheon will crush it like they did so long ago. It’s a child’s foolish dream to wish her return. You place your life in danger by saying you follow her ways.”

  Dawn gave a disarming smile, “But this is a safe place, is it not?”

  Lord Devas gave a head nod and a small smile. “It is a safe place, a haven to the outside storms of kingdoms, realms, monsters, and shadows.”

  “Are we going to play or talk about dead goddesses all night,” the dwarf said with a gruff edge.

  Lord Devas looked to the elf before reaching into his regal robe and pulling out a metal key. The lord threw it on the table and sat back, cards in hand.

  “I raise. The key is a master key for this very Keep. True, it is on the edge of my territory and may need some work and a few more guards but I’m looking for someone strong enough to have it and help guard my lands. Winner of this hand will become a baron…or baroness under my flag. I will add a hefty sum of gold so the winner doesn’t have to struggle with the upkeep.”

  The halfling’s mouth curved into a wide smile before pushing all of her winnings to the center pot. The dwarf eyed the key before picking up his side pouch and emptying all of its contents onto the pile, platinum coins bouncing. The orc folded his thick arms and sat back, enjoying the show. Dawn simply sat, eyes on her cards.

  “Like I said, I only brought the minimum.”


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