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Monsters and Angels

Page 12

by Erik Weir

  “Mildra, you’re drooling,” the blue-haired one said with a throbbing vein along her perfect forehead.

  “He’s…just so cute,” Mildra said with sleepy eyes.

  Victor tilted his head forward, keeping his smile. “You three were following us.”

  The blue-haired one gave Victor a cold stare, “Hardly. You were in our way.”

  “Then I take it, you’re not with the Authority,” Victor said with a calm edge.

  The blue-haired woman barked out a laugh before containing herself, “The Authority has no sway in what we do. Now before you begin asking stupid questions I will not answer, step aside so we may continue.”

  “Asking for the name of a beautiful woman is not a stupid question,” Victor said with a playful gleam in his eyes.

  The blue-haired woman’s eyes widened a hair as pink touched her pale cheeks. The green-haired one looked away with a smile and Mildra continued to stare like a love-struck zombie.

  “Tell him your name,” the green-haired women grinned.

  The woman leading the trio stood silent, pink fading away from her cheeks and electric fire filling her eyes. The green-haired one sighed as she stepped past her cohorts, crossed the twenty feet between them and stood before Victor.

  “My name is Izy. The one drooling over there is Mildra and my friend with the lightning bolt stuck up her butt is Vindrel,” Izy said as she held out her hand.

  Victor took her hand into his and looked her in the eye. “Pleased to meet you. My name is Victor,” the young man said and kissed the back of her hand in the rain.

  Heat flashed and Victor was consumed by it. The mere touch of his lips on her hand sent a wave of warmth through his senses, down his body and swirling along his heart. Looking up, he noticed Izy staring down at him with wide eyes. Pink touched her cheeks as she stood, stunned.

  “You’re…,” Victor began.

  “Kiss my hand next,” Mildra shouted as she moved under Vindrel’s outstretched arm, waving her arm in the air.

  Izy took a step back as Mildra came running toward Victor. Mud shifted under the white-haired woman’s boot and she tripped. Victor rushed to her as she fell. Arms out, he caught Mildra and muscles burned from the sudden weight. Victor grunted as Mildra looked up with stars and hearts in her eyes. The pink bloomed wider along her pale cheeks as her breath was taken away. Victor on the other hand couldn’t understand why she was so heavy when she looked barely a hundred pounds. Grunting again, he strained trying to hold her up.

  Mildra blinked before moving her boots up and standing on her own power. Victor let out a relieved exhale as he regained his composure. Dawn stared at the exchange, but it was Lily who crossed her arms and smirked.

  “Acolytes,” the succubus hissed sweetly.

  “How did you know we were…,” Victor was cut off by a loud voice from behind.

  “Vindrel, Izy and Mildra, I told you three not to follow me!”

  All heads turned to see two women approach. Victor couldn’t contain his smirk as he watched Shyryth and Astor walk through the rain in dusters, water dripping from the edge of their hats. The crimson-haired dragon woman closed the distance, giving Victor a wink before turning her hard gaze on the newcomers.

  Vindrel stepped closer to her companions while giving Shyryth a stern look. “Your last letter was much too cryptic and frankly, we were concerned.”

  Izy smiled to Shyryth, “Vindrel thought it would be a good idea to find you since you have been in our dreams lately.”

  “It wasn’t right how you disappeared on us after everything we’ve been through,” Mildra cried.

  Shyryth shook her head. “I told you three I was investigating the signs…and taking on new training. You being here doesn’t help!”

  Astor moved to Victor, Lily and Dawn. The Slinger tipped her hat to Victor before reaching around and squeezing his ass.

  “Been too long,” Astor said simply.

  “Over two weeks is too long?” Victor chuckled.

  “Yep,” Astor smirked and gave his ass another squeeze before turning to the four women.

  Vindrel crossed her arms under her plump chest, eyes closed and the vein throbbing along her forehead again. “This isn’t just about us. We have seen the signs too. Vala has whispered in our dreams and the three of us agreed we could not stand by any longer.”

  “Besides, we missed you!” Mildra nearly shouted.

  Shyryth’s demeanor shifted to controlled annoyance. The three women began all talking at once and the red dragon woman’s hands clenched. Victor and Lily smiled while Dawn rolled her eyes.

  Astor leaned toward Victor. “We have some old friends to see,” She said before addressing everyone around them. “How about we talk inside where it’s dry?”

  The three newcomers stopped talking and looked to Shyryth. The red dragon woman flexed her wings before nodding, turning and walking toward the tavern. Vindrel, Izy, and Mildra soon followed while Victor and the rest followed them. Skye and Kira stood off to the side, watching everything in a state of confusion before Lily pointed her horned head toward the tavern. The couple followed along as everyone stepped through the rain and the sky grew darker by the moment.

  Astor and Victor led the way through the main door of the tavern. Stepping in, warmth washed over them as laughter and shouting blasted their ears. Victor drank it in as the large main room of the tavern was filled with men and women dressed as cowboys. Some played cards while others laughed and drank large mugs of beer. The room was filled to the brim with contained chaos. A large, nervous bartender prepared drinks while his waiters and waitresses moved through the loud crowd with drink plates and wide eyes. Victor couldn’t help, but see that the room looked like something out of an old western and he was floored by the similarities.

  Three men saw Astor and Victor come in from their side table. Standing up, they rushed to the pair, a drunk intensity in their eyes. Victor turned to see the three men nearly on top of them before they stopped and looked the man over from head to toe.

  “Is this the guy?” One man said with an angry edge.

  “This the guy that stole Astor’s heart from us,” another said and spit on the floor.

  “I thought he’d be bigger,” the third one said with a salty grin.

  Astor rolled her eyes before she shoved the middle Slinger back hard. The slinger stumbled back a few feet before hitting the side of the table they just left. The other two laughed and pointed at their friend and soon others laughed.

  Astor turned to Victor, “These three loosely called friends are Eric, Zeb and Valen. Don’t let their attitudes fool you, they’re sweethearts.”

  Victor nodded just before seeing Zeb regain his balance and his hand fell on his gun holstered to his belt. Astor’s hand shot forward, gun in hand and aiming at Zeb. Zeb’s eyes lowered until he gazed down the barrel of Astor’s gun and gave a big toothy smile while moving his hand from his own weapon.

  “I was only kidding Astor. I meant no harm.”

  Astor’s eyes burned with fire before they cooled. Spinning her handgun, she holstered the weapon in one smooth move.

  “You see, harmless,” Astor said with a tip of her hat and moving further into the room.

  Eric and Valen turned to Zeb and began laughing louder, imitating his words like scared children. Zeb laughed as he grabbed his drink and guzzled it down. The rest of the room didn’t seem to get any less rowdy as Victor stepped through, following Astor.

  When the group reached the other side of the main room, Astor turned her attention to Shyryth. “Take your friends to one of the rooms upstairs so you can reconnect.”

  Shyryth nodded and led the way to the stairs. Vindrel, Izy, and Mildra followed, the last one giving Victor a sly look. As Mildra passed, she touched Victor’s chest before reaching the stairs and began her ascent, glancing back.

  Astor turned to Victor, “We have important friends to meet, but I don’t think we need all of us down there.” The Slinger looked to Skye
and Kira.”

  Dawn smiled and moved to the two women, “Let’s get some drinks.”

  Skye and Kira nodded as they walked behind the elf with glasses to the bar. Lily stayed to Victor’s side as Astor moved to a door. Opening it, she stepped in and descended down the stairs to lantern light. Victor and Lily followed. When they all reached the bottom, a giant cellar spread out with thick wooden poles from the ground to the wooden ceiling. Lanterns hung from metal hooks as two large beds took up one wall. Opposite the beds on the other wall were barrels on their sides and stacked to the ceiling. In the middle of the room was several comfy red chairs, a thick table and two half women with black tentacles writhing from below their waists.

  Vonn and Yimer looked up from their books, black eyes growing wider. They put down the thick tomes and flowed from their chairs, tentacles moving and their bodies gliding. Hearts leapt as Vonn hugged Victor and Yimer hugged Lily. The young man and succubus held them fiercely, happy to be reunited.

  Vonn pulled away, black eyes on Victor, “How did you find us?”

  “It’s a long story,” Victor smiled.

  “We are happy to see both of you safe and sound,” Lily added.

  Vonn’s face took on a hint of sadness, “You know what happened to Caasa?”

  Victor nodded. “We found her when we went looking for you in Dark Spire. We took her remains to Vala’s realm where she will be laid to rest.”

  “Her dark light had so much potential,” Vonn said as she looked away.

  “We felt her death and had to come looking for you. We’re just glad you safe,” Victor said.

  Vonn nodded before looking to Astor. “Thankfully, Astor was more than willing to provide protection until we came up with a solution to our mutual dilemma.”

  Astor took off her duster and hung it on the back of a chair before she sat down. “We should all sit and talk. I’m sure there is much we all need to say.”

  “I’ll get some wine,” Yimer said as she glided on black tentacles to wine shelves in the back of the vast basement.

  Victor and Lily looked to each other before moving to chairs and sitting down. Yimer floated back, several wine bottles in hands and tentacles. Setting an entire bottle of wine in front of each person, she whispered a word and the cork popped up and fell on the table.

  “We might need more than a glass,” Yimer smiled before taking her seat next to Vonn.

  Victor leaned forward, elbows on the table. The chill of wet clothes seeped into his body, but he tried to ignore it. The warmth of the cellar chased away the chill a little, but the Champion thought some wine would help. Picking it up, he glanced over to see Lily gulping it down. Taking her cue, he too drank down some wine before wiping the corner of his mouth with his wet sleeve.

  “Where do I begin,” Vonn sighed.

  “Tell them like you told me,” Astor smirked.

  The warp spawn nodded before turning her black eyes to Victor and Lily. She spoke of the strange man entering their home and acting odd. How he attacked Caasa and tried to capture them. A tear streaked down Vonn’s cheek as she explained how they had to leave Caasa behind to save themselves. Victor and Lily were silent as they drank in every word.

  The cellar took on a gloom as the warp spawn continued to tell her tale. “We weren’t sure who or what that man was, but I could sense a touch of infinite power from him. I dared not go to Vala’s realm for fear he would follow us so I chose to come here to help cover our tracks. The use of magic here in Eddor tends to disrupt the quantum strands between all living life forms, especially with my kind. It is one of the reasons this realm fascinates the Kurggoth.

  “Despite my intentions, instead of arriving in Loress, we appeared in the Forsaken lands. Thankfully, Astor was waiting when we arrived at the edge of her town.”

  Astor nodded. “Vala touched my dreams, showing me where you would arrive.”

  Vonn turned to Victor and Lily, “The use of mana here on Eddor would help hide us, but not in the Forsaken lands. The lack of life to the East made us bright beacons to any searching for us. When a Shadow attacked us not long after arriving, Astor was quick to dispatch it, but we knew we couldn’t stay there.”

  “After Vonn explained what happened and what needed to be done, we made our way west, but not before sending out a signal to the Steel Coalition. Many took up the call, coming here once we crossed the border,” Astor stated.

  “Steel Coalition,” Victor asked.

  “We help and protect each other in times of crisis. There are about thirty of us upstairs. More should trickle in over the coming days,” Astor smiled.

  “The town must not be pleased with all of you here,” Lily said.

  Astor nodded. “Many of the town’s folk are hiding in their homes. The Mayor of the town has aired his grievances until he tried to bully us out. He backed down when he saw my iron. The men and women upstairs mean no harm despite their rough appearances. I trust them with my life just as I trust you.”

  Vonn continued, “This side of the border will help conceal us from the strange man and any shadows. The Shadows are attracted to life and with abundant life on this side of the border, it will only aid in keeping us hidden.”

  “How long were you planning to stay here,” Victor asked.

  Vonn looked down, “We weren’t sure. Yimer and I had been studying tomes to find a way to conceal ourselves between realms. With the attack on Vala’s mountain, we thought to come up with a solution first before going there.”

  Vonn’s black eyes watered, “We are truly sorry we could not aid in Vala’s defense. If we died trying to defend her mountain, other warp spawn would have felt it and come to investigate.”

  “We managed to hold our defense and drive back Baaldir and his war wolves. I’m sure you had your reasons and I know I won’t hold it against you,” Victor smiled.

  “Neither will I,” Lily cracked a small smile.

  “Thank you for understanding,” Vonn said with a nod.

  “Can you tell us anymore about the stranger,” Lily asked.

  Vonn shifted uncomfortably in her seat, “It all happened so fast that I could not gain more than a few glimpses. The only aspects I witnessed were his dark power and madness. It nearly stunned me like it did Yimer, if not for my focus and keeping him at bay long enough so we could escape, he would have slain us as well.”

  The warp spawn curled her fingers into fists on the table, dark eyes on Victor. “He was searching for you. He wanted to know your name.”

  Victor’s brow went up, “Why is he so interested in me?”

  Vonn kept her gaze, “It could be he touched on your power at some point but I’m not sure. Champions do exhibit brighter power due to their connections to higher beings. If the stranger is from my realm, he will be drawn like a moth to the flame.”

  Victor looked down in thought as Lily picked up her wine bottle and gulped down the dark red liquid. Putting the bottle back on the table before her, she looked to everyone as she spoke.

  “We are happy to know you are both alive and safe, but we should focus on our next steps. How close are you to disguising yourself and Yimer from detection?”

  “We have succeeded on masking ourselves here, but we need to ensure he have several layers of mystical protection before travelling to Vala’s realm. We have two more spells to perform, but there is a third one that is eluding us.”

  Lily nodded. “I can stay and help with research. The sooner we can leave, the better off we are. There has been some talk of Spellswords and Casters on their way here to arrest everyone.”

  Astor dipped her hat low enough to cover her eyes. “That is not good news.”

  “It’s not,” Lily stated flatly, “Time is running out and we should be leaving…tonight if possible.”

  The Slinger stood up, “I’ll inform the others upstairs. It’s true a Slinger is worth four Casters but Spellswords have a refined magic that can tip the scales to their favor.”

  Yimer pulled out books and
placed them on the table. Lily and Vonn reached for tomes and opened them. Yimer joined them, grabbing another book and opening it.

  Victor eyed the women, “How do you know those books hold the answers?”

  Vonn smiled, “I pulled them from Dark Spire to me. Unless given to another, warp spawn can summon their library from anywhere.”

  The young man nodded and then shivered from his wet clothes. Seeing Lily, Vonn and Yimer researching only made it apparent that he could not contribute in that way. With a gentle sigh, Victor stood up.

  “Since you guys are in research mode, I’m going to take a walk and clear my head.”

  Victor looked to Astor, “Any place to buy some dry clothes?”

  “Across the road are a few shops. One or two of them might still be open,” Astor informed him as she reached into a belt pouch and pulled out a small stack of gold coins.

  Astor slid the gold coins across the table until they were in front of Victor, “You will need some coin for any purchases.”

  Victor scooped up the coins and grinned, “Thanks, Sugar Mama.”

  Astor gave him a skewed look.

  Victor stoop up, “It’s a term of high respect where I come from.”

  Your knowledge is going to ruin all the realms.

  Victor kept his grin, ignoring the shadow around his heart.

  Astor smiled and tipped her hat to him. Victor yawned before giving Lily a quick wink, turned and made his way to the stairs. Climbing up, he entered the main floor where the laughter and loud conversations carried on unabated. Crossing the room, he looked over to see Dawn, Skye and Kira laughing and carrying on like old friends. It warmed his heart see them getting along. Dawn’s gaze caught Victor as he crossed the room and they each gave a heartfelt nod to each other.

  Victor stepped outside and let out a long exhale. The rain had stopped and the clouds began to break apart to reveal the dying light of sunset. The faint touch of stars appeared before thick strands of dark clouds crossed the heavens.


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