Book Read Free

Monsters and Angels

Page 26

by Erik Weir

  Nyla pouted before she let go and stepped back. “Lily can be such an old maid sometimes, but something tells me you make her feel young again.”

  Victor stood silently as he was completely unsure what to say.

  Nyla turned and began walking back to the house, “Come in, come in. We have plenty of food and room now that the nest is empty.”

  Lily and Victor followed the smiling succubus toward the house.

  “What happened to everyone?”

  “Your brothers and sister are schooling in Red Breeze city. Dreg thought it would be best to send them there so they understood who we supplied food to. Plus, they are in the best institution for a hundred miles. They should be finished in two years before they come back to work with your father,” Nyla said as she stepped up to the front door and entered the house.

  Victor and Lily followed, stepping into the warm home. Pictures hung on walls while furniture dotted the open space. Food cooked in the kitchen, heat and steam rising up while blue flames licked at the bottom of pots. The air was serene as Victor immediately felt like he was back on Earth. It reminded him of relatives living in Texas and he remembered fondly on those visits when he was younger.

  “Dinner is almost done. Lily, why don’t you give Victor the tour while I set the table,” Nyla smiled.

  “I can help with setting the table,” Victor offered.

  The pale red succubus eyed Victor with a whimsical smile, “Nonsense. You are our guest. Take a look around before we sit down to eat.”

  The Blade returned her smile as Lily took his hand and pulled him along. Victor could hardly keep himself from smiling as Lily dragged him to a long hallway. Several doors lined the sides with one door at the end of it. Paintings of black trees and red leaves dotted the spaces between the doors. One door had several locks along the edge of it and a chain hanging across it. Victor noted it before the couple walked on. Lily reached a door and opened it.

  Stepping in, Victor turned his head to take in the small room. A simple bed lay against the wall with a small book shelf opposite of it. Books filled the small shelf as a single window was partially open to the field and forest stretching on. Lily’s room looked just as it had in their shared dream and a darkness touched Victor’s eyes.

  Lily looked to the bed, her demeanor taking on a nostalgic and dark turn. Tail hanging low, she sighed. “This is where it began. Where I lay, my body bruised as I cried out for Vala to save me.”

  Lily turned from the bed and knelt down to her book shelf. Purple hands took hold of a thin book and pulled it out. Opening to dog eared pages, she turned and faced Victor as her eyes moved from left to right.

  “This book mentions Vala, telling of her myth and legend. She accepted all, no matter how strange, unusual or beautiful. Her words helped me when I endured my father’s cruel behavior.”

  Lily looked up, red eyes gleaming. “I wanted to show it to you, how it all started. I…I never thought I would share it with anyone, but here we are.”

  Victor stepped closer, hand touching her arm, “We all have our pain. It doesn’t make us any less of a person.”

  The succubus gave a slight nod, shadows lengthening under her eyes. “Because I have explored the realms, I can see how my people’s behavior is considered evil. I grew up knowing it deep in my heart, but to see families treating each other with love and respect, it was a concept I fell in love with. It was something I always wanted.”

  “You mother seems to love you very much,” Victor added.

  Lily’s body remained still as her lips parted, “She loves, but that doesn’t change her lack of empathy. She is trapped in obeying her husband. She didn’t try to stop him as he beat me. I love her because she is my mother, but fear kept her from doing anything about it. In my culture, family obeys the strongest member and if they challenge them, one will have to die either to keep the peace or take over as the strongest member. It has been that way for thousands of years and my mother will not change.”

  “But you have changed…for the better,” Victor said with a kind smile.

  The shadows pulled back as Lily’s eyes took on a warm edge. “Sometimes I don’t understand you. Death and violence surround us and yet you stay positive and kind. Sometimes I want to punch you.”

  “And other times,” Victor grinned.

  Lily looked him up and down before stepping closer, their bodies an inch apart. “Want me to suck your cock in my room?”

  “Do we have time,” Victor chuckled.

  Lily put her hands on his chest, “We should be quick.”

  “Dinner is ready,” Nyla’s voice echoed through the home.

  Victor and Lily sighed. The Blade put his arm around the succubus and they both left the small room. The pair made their way back to the main room. To the side, a small dining room was open, plates of meat and blood fruit stacked high as Nyla moved with delighted fervor. The smell of roasted imp filled the air and Victor found himself licking his lips. It smelt like chicken and he wondered if it would taste the same.

  Nyla pointed to empty seats, motioning for Victor to take a seat at one end of the table while she motioned Lily to sit to Victor’s right. The Blade and Shield nodded as they moved and sat down. Nyla sat to Victor’s left and began picking up big spoons and piling cut meat and blood fruit onto plates. Lily helped and soon all the plates were filled. Nyla finished placing food on the last remaining plate and setting it down at the other end of the table.

  The front door swung open. All eyes turned to the entrance, but Nyla was quick to sit down in her seat, head bowed. Victor looked to the entrance, a nervous energy crawling along his nerves. A purple skinned demonic man stepped in. Red eyes glowed as black horns rose from his forehead, similar to Lily’s. He wore clothes that looked like a cross between a high-powered suit and farm overalls. The outfit seemed to clash in an odd way like a lawyer and a farmer had a baby. The demon stepped in, a smile forming as his thin nose flared with a deep inhale.

  “Nyla, dinner smells delicious,” the demon said as he crossed the main room and stood at the dining room entrance.

  “Thank you, my love,” Nyla said with her head bowed.

  The demon’s intense eyes fell on Lily and then turned their gaze to Victor. “We have guests.”

  “Dreg, this is Victor, Lily’s friend,” Nyla said in a neutral tone.

  Dreg stepped in and put a hand on Lily’s shoulder, keeping his eyes on Victor. Lily grimaced, but didn’t pull away as fingers gently dug into her shoulder. A flame flashed in Victor’s heart as he watched Lily become uncomfortable. The air took on a sardonic edge as Dreg leaned over and gave Lily a peck on the cheek, but never breaking eye contact with Victor.

  He’s already testing you. What a fucking asshole.

  Lily didn’t pull away, but kept her gaze on her food. Dreg stood up and stepped to the other end of the table. Sitting down, he took an exaggerated sniff of the steamy food in front of him.

  “So good to have a home cooked meal,” Dreg grinned evilly before picking up a napkin and laying it across his lap.

  No one at the table moved until Dreg took his fork and stabbed a piece of meat. The moment he placed it in his mouth, Nyla and Lily began stabbing and lifting small chunks of meat to their waiting mouths. Victor found himself staring hard at Lily’s father. When he caught himself, he had to purposely push away the growing fire and lifted a chunk of meat to his mouth. Teeth closing and succulent flesh touching his tongue, the Blade’s eyes widened a little. He wasn’t sure what to expect and he certainly didn’t expect how flavorful imp meat really was. It was seasoned and cooked so well, it practically melted in his mouth.

  Dreg looked over as he chewed, “What brings you back after all this time? We thought you would never return.”

  “I wanted to show my friend where I grew up,” Lily said without looking up.

  Dreg’s eyes slid over to stare at Victor, “Friend? So, you are Lily’s friend.”

  “Best…friend,” Victor said with a
small grin.

  Dreg’s eyes took on a sinister glint, “Best friend. I hope our modest home is appealing. It hasn’t been the same since the children left.”

  Dreg turned his attention to Lily, “I miss your brothers and sister. They know their place in the family.”

  Lily’s lip wrinkled, but she continued to eat.

  “It’s so nice to have Lily back home,” Nyla said with happy edge.

  “It depends. Are you still a failure?”

  Victor’s fingers curled into a fist on the table. Lily gave him a look and shook her head. Nyla’s eyes sagged as she watched. Dreg turned his attention to Victor, gaze drifting down to the young man’s closed fist.

  “Tell me, best friend to my daughter; does she still speak of how cruel I was to her? How I beat her routinely and cursed her because of her holy abilities?”

  Victor stopped chewing, the air growing heavy.

  Lily put down her fork, “Father, he is a guest. Can you save your boorish behavior for after we leave?”

  Dreg picked up his napkin and dotted the corner of his mouth. “Why should I? You have been gone a long time and then return out of nowhere with…with a man clearly from another realm. Are we to put up a façade for his benefit? I’m sure you spoke highly of us while you were gone. Tell me Victor, will anything I say change the picture you have already painted of me?”

  “It’s not my place to say anything about your family or your history,” Victor said with a hard edge.

  Dreg smirked. “You have manners even if your attitude betrays you. But I am not being a gracious host.”

  The demon stood up and crossed the dining room to a small closet. Opening it, he pulled out a bottle of wine. The rest of the table watched as he hefted it in his hand before taking out a corkscrew and stabbing the cork. A few short moments later, Dreg began to pour a thick red liquid into everyone’s glasses. Setting the bottle on the table, Dreg sat in his chair and lifted his glass.

  “A 1499 vintage, it was meant to only be opened during a time of celebration. I can think of no better time than now, my daughter returning and bringing a close friend to our humble home.”

  Glasses were raised in toast. All four sipped the dark red liquid in unison before putting their glasses on the table. Victor couldn’t deny it tasted delicious. He fought the urge to gulp more down. It had an addictive quality that begged for more, a mixture of berries and oak sliding down his throat.

  Dreg continued to hold his glass as everyone at the table continued to eat. “Victor, I am pleased Lily brought you to meet us. She must really love you.”

  “Father, please stop,” Lily huffed.

  “Why daughter? It’s clear he is in love with you. Why would he brave our realm otherwise? People from other realms do not come here unless they are in love…or lust. It is one of our greatest attributes.”

  “I’ve always wanted to visit. I’ve heard about how demons became civilized after cultivating blood fruit. Now I can mark it off my bucket list,” Victor smiled.

  Dreg gave a deep chuckle, sitting back and taking another sip of wine. “Such a small reason for our grand realm, Lily could have told you more if she would come here more often. Our military have conquered the wilds. Education and food fill the minds and bodies of our people. We have created impressive works of art, literature and dance. It’s only a matter of time before our leaders open the borders further between the realms so we can peacefully coexist with the other five realms.

  “It will be a glorious new era and our people will lead it, dispelling fear and prejudice and bringing hope back.”

  Victor sipped his wine before putting the glass down, “I didn’t know the realms have lost hope.”

  Dreg gave a sly smirk, “If you opened your eyes, you would see the despair across the realms. I have brokered deals with the Dark Spire realm and some locations in Eddor. They hunger for magical knowledge and history. They are just two who wish to help bring a new golden age. The hate has boiled away and a new order is in demand. We stand on the cusp of a true empire and we wish to aid in its growth.”

  Victor’s eyes narrowed, “An empire needs an emperor. Who will lead this great new empire?”

  Dreg gave a small nod, “The people of the realms will decide. I am just a humble farmer doing my part for the greater good.”

  “I doubt that. You have brokered deals so I assume you are more than just a farmer. If I may ask, who would you have lead the six realms?”

  Dreg’s eyes shined in the dining room light, “The citizens of Valis are a kind and powerful people. They would be most adept on bringing order to the chaos…if they survive much longer.”

  Dreg finished his glass of wine before he continued. “But if they cannot, our leaders will be up to the task.”

  “I guess the people will have their hands full on deciding who will rule them,” Victor said as he looked away.

  The mood turned to undercurrents of jagged gloom. Victor could feel Dreg’s attempts at goading him on and they were not subtle. The demon took no opportunity to hide his expressions or his opinions as he spoke like a monster that feared nothing. Victor’s mind drifted to his promise to Lily and now knew why she had him do it. She knew he would test boundaries and Victor misjudged just how brazen Lily’s father could be.

  Dreg picked at his food absently as he turned his chin toward Lily, “Tell me daughter, are you still worshipping that dead goddess or have you moved on?”

  Lily gave her father a tired expression, “What do you care?”

  “How can a father not care about what his child reads? I have spent some time reading your little library. I wanted to understand you more. When I came across the myths and legends of gods and saw the folded corner of a page, it began to make sense on what you are.”

  Lily eyed her father with shadows under her eyes, “And what am I?”

  Dreg leered before smoothing it away, “Why an abomination. Do you still heal the wounded like that imp caught in a trap so long ago? They are animals and it still bit you after you freed and healed it. How my intelligent daughter could follow a dead goddess is beyond me.”

  “How could you not understand after reading my books? As for the imp, it was a chance I was willing to take. I would heal a thousand imps even if each one bit me afterwards. You have called me an abomination for so long, the word has lost all meaning.”

  Lily stabbed her fork into a slab of meat, “You will never open your eyes to anything more than what you are! There is love…real love in the universe and you sit content to push the old ways to the breaking point. Your corner of the realms means nothing and you can’t admit in the universe that you are less than nothing.”

  Lily heaved as she stared daggers into her father. Victor’s body tensed as the succubus trembled slightly from her outburst. Nyla bowed her head in sad defeat as Dreg simply looked to his daughter. A long moment passed before Dreg stood up and bowed his head.

  “Lilith, I am truly sorry for how I treated you. I had to see for myself if you still held that fire in your spirit. I was cruel because I wanted to make you stronger. I knew if others found out about your abilities, they would hunt you down and kill you before killing us for having you. You may not understand, but I wanted to protect you by teaching you to be strong and I see that you are very strong. Forgive this old demon.”

  Lily’s eyes widened in shock as she looked up to her father in disbelief. Victor couldn’t keep his jaw from dropping as he looked on from across the table. Nyla gave a shy smile, but kept her head bowed.

  “You can’t mean that,” Lily said in a low voice.

  Dreg lifted his horned head and smiled. “I have had a long time to think about you. I always admired your spirit. Compared to your siblings, you are the strongest among them. I was filled with sadness and regret when you left. Seeing you at the dinner table when I came in caused my heart to soar.”

  Dreg turned his attention to Victor, “And I must apologize to you Victor. I hope you can understand my protective fe
elings for my daughter. To see her with such a strong, young man tells me you will treat her like the beautiful creature she is.”

  Lily’s fingers curled into tight fists, “This…is not real.”

  Nyla lifted her head, “Your father often told me he missed you. We didn’t know where you were so we could not call you back home. Your father made deals in the realms to see if he could hear anything about you.”

  The succubus eyed her father, a tenderness touching her demeanor. Victor sat, unsure what to say. It all sounded so genuine and sincere, he could hardly believe it. He only knew Lily’s side, but to see them talk to her like family, it tugged at his own heart, a deep part of him missing his mother and father.

  Dreg turned his attention to Nyla, “Bring out some cake. I want to talk with Victor outside. Lily, will you assist your mother?”

  Lily hesitated.

  “I just want to know him a little better. He is your best friend and I should know what kind of man he is to be seeing my daughter.”

  Nyla stood up with a fanged smile. Lily moved on automatic, helping to clear the table. Victor watched her, seeing her heart cracking as the moment overtook her. The anger he felt before drained away as the warmth of home seemed to sink into his spirit. Was this why Vala meant to bring them here? Did she know that they would welcome her back with open arms?

  Victor, don’t fall for it. Isn’t it a little odd he would test you and Lily and then change his tune?

  Victor let Chill’s words swirl in his mind, but he didn’t answer. Dreg moved to the main room while beckoning Victor with a finger. The young man stood up as Nyla smiled to her daughter. Lily gave her mother a smile before turning that smile to Victor. In that moment, she danced with a happy heart. He could tell just by the childlike gaze; a weight was pulled from her shoulders as she considered her father was telling the truth.

  Dreg stepped outside and left the door opened. Victor followed with cautious eyes. Stepping outside, the young man turned to see Dreg walking along. Picking up the pace, he soon reached Dreg’s side as they walked along. The barn stood in the small distance between the house and the fields. Red gourds glowed against the inky darkness of night. Dim stars twinkled as comets crossed the heavens in an endless stream.


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