Book Read Free

Monsters and Angels

Page 31

by Erik Weir


  Light Aura Shield(New!)

  Soothing Touch(New!)


  Victor looked it over and gave himself a nod of approval. The young man had seen enough Dragonball Z to know that the Aura Shield might work the same as Goku’s shield. Soothing Touch might be just a way to calm someone down and Healing seemed to speak for itself. With six points to spend among his Spheres of Influence, the Champion began assigning numbers. When he was done, he looked at his new stat screen.

  Victor Hobbs

  Acolytes Unlocked- 40/77

  Divine Orbs- 0

  Powers to Unlock-0

  Spheres of Influence

  Str (Gaia)- 13

  Con (Nano)- 11

  Int (Abyss)- 3

  Will (Holy)- 6

  Wis (Mind)- 10

  Cha (Shadow)- 3


  Iron Sword

  Elemental Sword

  Gun Blade

  Bone Sword

  Cursed Blade

  Sphere Abilities/Powers


  Speak/Read/Write Languages


  Unseen Hand

  Enchant Weapon


  Increased Strength/Speed

  Animal Tongues


  Animal Shapeshift

  War Form

  Summon Monster


  Heightened Senses Upgrade

  Body Enhancement/Repair

  Interface Upgrade

  Weapon Upgrade

  Armor Upgrade

  Power Suit Upgrade



  Light Aura Shield

  Soothing Touch



  Impulse Control Touch

  Strength filled Vala’s Champion as he stood. Reaching the Titan Tier of his powers, he began to feel like he could really do some damage if it was called for. Strength, Wisdom, and Constitution were the only spheres to reach that level of power, but he finally felt like he had an edge in a fight. Memories of Draygon washed on the stony shores of his mind and deep down, he looked forward to a rematch. Another image crawled into his mind, one of Alice being killed right in front of him and it tempered the fire in his belly.

  “One day soon, love and peace will return to the realms,” Victor whispered to himself.

  Lifting his head, he walked toward the door and it slid open. Portia was outside, turning to the Champion and smiling.

  “Let’s get to the party,” Victor grinned.


  The air pulsed with excitement as Victor and Portia stepped out of the Citadel. Lily stood at the top edge of the stairs. The succubus turned and watched with a pleasant smile as the Champion and High Commander reached her side.

  The streets surrounding the Citadel were filled with bodies, all heads and eyes turned to the three at the entrance. Tables filled with food, spirits, and wines lined every street while performers played music. Streamers turned and floated in the air as flower petals fell from the sky. The final rays of sunlight touched the top of buildings as many watched with bright smiles. A hush had fallen across the streets as they all marveled at Victor who stood awkwardly with Lily and Portia at his sides.

  From behind the trio, an imposing figure emerged from the shadows of the entrance, his armor beginning to glow and hum with power. Umus stepped out of the citadel with a warm smile, halo glowing over his head. Despite wearing what looked like full plate mail, it didn’t make a sound as he stepped past Victor and the others and stood before them, facing the crowd.

  Victor didn’t seem to notice before, but Umus was at least ten feet tall and built like an armored freight train. His size seemed to meet his larger than life personality as he raised his arms and addressed the crowd.

  “Citizens of Valis, the sun sets on another night, but tonight will not be like any other night. Tonight, we celebrate our union with Vala once again. She has seen fit to send her Champion to us in our time of need. Such an act will not go unnoticed and will be forever documented in our histories. I will not bore our celebration with needless rhetoric for our realm shall be saved from the tendrils of death.

  “Welcome Victor, Champion of Vala! Let love rule this night as we pray with our bodies to a brighter future!”

  The crowd erupted in cheers. Lily glanced to Victor, his head bent forward and face red. In the crowd, drinks were passed around as music echoed off high walls. Umus grinned as he turned and walked to Victor. Standing over the Blade, Victor felt small to the holy god before him.

  “Don’t be shy Victor. The celebration will last for weeks so take your time. If you wish to sit and talk between your celebrated duties, my throne room is always open to you.”

  Umus stepped past the Blade and open-handed smacked the Champion in the rear. It was so powerful that Victor was launched forward and stumbled down the stairs. Lily and Portia watched with amused smiles as a large group of beautiful women rushed up the stairs with their arms out. Umus gave a hearty laugh as he walked back into the citadel.

  Hands caught Vala’s Champion as he floated into the crowd. Several women kissed him on his cheeks, neck and one went for his lips. Lost in wet kisses, hands ran along his body with playful teasing and pulling on his clothes. Just when he thought it was going too far, many stepped back and drinks were put in his hands. The abrupt suddenness changed the mood to a relaxed atmosphere as they chatted and some engaged him in small conversation.

  “It’s so nice for you to visit us,” one woman smiled.

  “What do you like,” another woman asked with innocent eyes.

  “Some of us have talked and we would like to be the first to invite you to one of our homes,” another woman beamed.

  Victor smiled politely between heavy gulps of wine. The sheer amount of people crowding around him was a little off-putting, but the wine began to fill him with relaxing warmth. The sun sank lower, the final rays touching the sky and fading away. Victor looked up to the gentle glow filling the streets of Valis. Laughter and conversation washed over the crowd like a seductive tide.

  Portia turned her attention to Lily who stayed where she was, watching as Victor was nearly swallowed up by the crowd.

  “He is in good hands,” the High Commander said.

  Lily nodded. “I know. I’m just biding my time until he needs me.”

  “What will he need you for?”

  Lily gave the angelic beauty a wicked smirk, “When he needs me to heal his abused body. He is Vala’s Champion, but he is also my friend.”

  Portia nodded. “I too wish to be his friend. Maybe you can help me understand what he likes?”

  Lily gave the innocent angel a smoldering gaze, “It might entail a few hours and me showing you exactly what he likes.”

  Portia smiled. “I welcome any and all of your teachings and advice.”

  “Let’s go inside and find some place so I can…,” Lily trailed off.

  A cold breezed rushed through the city, a shiver running through the crowd. Victor looked up, something sinister touching his senses. Many others looked around in confused expressions, the cheering and music dying down to the sounds of wind.

  “What was that,” Lily said out loud.

  Portia’s face took on a grim mask as energy swirled around her body. Armor plates appeared and connected to her frame. Wings of energy unfurled from her back as her body was covered in rune covered armor. A shard of light appeared before it lengthened into a glowing spear. The High Commander stepped to the edge of the stairs and looked up as a shadow appeared on the roof of a nearby building.

  “We have an intruder,” Portia said as her mind connected to Valis’ Royal Guard.

  Victor looked up as the shadow flared for a moment and faded away. A figure moved to the building edge and put his boot on the small railing. Wild eyes looked down and a creepy grin appeared. Black hair flowed, but not from the breeze as it moved in
many directions. Points of light appeared in the flowing jet-black hair as the wild eyes scanned the crowd and zeroed in on Victor among them.

  “People of Valis, I’ve come to relieve you of your failing lives! Rejoice for your end has come!”

  Draygon licked his lips as he stared down at Victor’s hard expression, “Victor, I decided to help you complete your crusade. Let’s bring Vala back together. Our first step is killing everyone and freeing Vala’s pieces from the shells populating the realms.”

  The Elder Spawn closed his eyes as if basking in the torment he was about to inflict, “Tonight, the Valis Realm dies, my gift to Vala!”


  Victor glared up to Draygon’s smiling face, heart hardening. “You picked a bad time to show up,” the Champion shouted.

  Draygon nodded as he looked down in amused contempt. “Nonsense, this is the perfect time to arrive. Most of Valis is gathered here in Bright Tower City. By my calculations, most of Vala’s pieces are here among the crowd. It will make my work easier so you can be closer to raising the dead goddess. You and I shall be that much closer to our goals.”

  Portia pointed her spear, “Foul thing! You have no power here in Valis! Leave or you shall be destroyed!”

  Draygon pursed his lips before a pointed tongue slipped out and licked them. “Tempting, I do admit, your people do have great power even if their numbers are small and dying. That is why I brought my own forces to smother your light.”

  Draygon’s face brightened in a sickening light as several angels floated up silently. Felice and Hannah held glowing spears, several more angels behind them. The royal guards moved through the air, eyes on the back of the Elder Spawn and energy pooling in their muscles. Determination and discipline filled their hearts as they moved closer, boots a foot above the rooftop.

  Lily opened her palm, staff appearing and extending in her hand. Portia kept her hard gaze on the spawn while Umus stepped from the shadows of the citadel and on to the dais. The god looked up with a stern gaze.

  Victor’s heart beat like a drum as his thoughts flowed like a raging flood. Draygon was here and by just looking at his smug expression indicated he wasn’t bluffing. The Elder Spawn seemed fully committed on attacking the most powerful realm in the six realms and Vala’s Champion knew he could pull it off.

  Victor turned from Draygon and pointed his gaze to Umus. “You have to evacuate the city.”

  Umus stood his ground, eyes on Draygon as he addressed Victor, “Valis’ power is beyond what this mongrel thing can perform.”

  The god smirked, but his eyes held a focused power, “Go back to your hole Elder Spawn before I teach you a much-needed lesson.”

  Draygon’s grin grew wider, “I would take what you say seriously if the other gods of Valis were woken from their slumber, but they’re not awake, are they? I can sense them sleeping deep in the planet’s core, waiting for their turn to govern. You’re outdated laws will be the end of your civilization and I will be the one who does it.”

  “Umus, he has an army of shadows. Evacuate the city now,” Victor shouted.

  Draygon closed his eyes, “Victor, they won’t listen. They believe their power is all, but there are other things in the universe stronger than gods.”

  The Elder Spawn opened his madness-filled eyes, “And I don’t have an army. I have legions.”

  “Umus…” Victor said before night bloomed into shards of chaos.

  Felice and Hannah bolted toward the Elder Spawn, glowing spears up. When they were within striking distance, Draygon whirled around, shadows jutting from his hands and forming black blades. Light and darkness clashed as several more royal guard circled around and above, spears at the ready. Draygon laughed as his black blades clashed again and again at glowing spears. Felice and Hannah moved like dancers, each strike close, but none landing. Bodies bent and swirled as they adjusted their attacks, getting closer and closer to making a strike.

  Draygon laughed as his body spun like a tornado. Black blades struck and shattered glowing spears. Felice and Hannah backed up, but reality shifted and Draygon was on them. Spears of energy reforming in their hands, it wasn’t enough as black blades penetrated their bodies. Draygon pushed, driving the blades deeper as the two angels grunted. The dark blades spiked and shot out in all directions. Thick black spikes stabbed out of their bodies, cracking armor. Felice screamed before a spike stabbed out of her mouth. Hannah moaned as several spikes sprouted from her neck.

  “Feels…so good…,” Draygon grinned before whipping his blades away, the two angels falling in large chunks to the rooftop.

  Angels attacked with the fury of storms before Draygon turned to them and whistled. The spear points were within inches of his body when the sonic explosions sent them hurtling in all directions and falling from the sky.

  Victor’s heart pumped with slivers of pain. Two bolts of energy shot from the roof and dived down toward him. Portia’s eyes darkened as she looked at the two bolts of energy. Victor’s eyes widened as the bolts struck him and blended with his soul while releasing two points to the goddess he served.

  The crowd around Victor rippled before light burst into view. Golden wings formed as spears, swords, maces, and crossbows appeared in hands. Halos shined above heads as much of the crowd shifted from calm to contained fury. Those who did not have wings and halos, stepped back while those with warrior spirits flexed golden wings, ready to charge the dark thing who claimed their sisters and brothers in battle.

  Draygon rushed to the side of the roof and looked down with insane eyes. “Victor! This is my first of many gifts! Let’s destroy the Valis realm together!”

  Before Victor could respond, Umus bent powerful legs and burst upwards like a comet. Hand open, a thick mace the size of large car appeared as immense wings flashed out. The god reached above the height of the building in a blink of an eye and looked down on Draygon in judgment.

  “You have forfeited your existence. What are your last words before I carry out judgment,” Umus boomed.

  “Valis dies tonight,” Draygon seethed before dark power surged around his body and exploded.

  The shockwave struck Umus, sending him flying backwards before his wings stretched out and he hovered high in the sky. Victor looked up as a hand touched his shoulder. Looking down, he saw Lily’s firm expression as she stood at one side of him. Next to her, Portia stood with her gaze on the swirling darkness above.

  “We have to get the people out of here before it becomes a bloodbath,” Victor said with a dark edge.

  “We can stop this madness,” Portia said with a strong tone.

  “I’m with you,” Lily said with conviction.

  High above, Draygon stood with bent knees, shoulders heaving as black and purple energy flared around his form. Eyes bled darkness as he grinned at Umus.

  “Death and madness for all,” Draygon shouted before black energy streaked out in every direction.

  Amid the empty streets across the city, rippling black portals appeared. They hovered a foot off the ground, pulsating with unnatural light. Black hands and arms stretched out before drops of abyssal black bodies poured out. White eyes burned hot as jagged mouths gaped and gasped. Haunting shrills and screams echoed off walls and down streets as many more poured out. Across the city, thick streams of shadows entered the Valis realm, howling for blood and warmth, some cackling in mad delight. The nightmarish spirits turned into floods and they darted forward, snaking through streets and searching for living warmth.

  Bright Tower citizens at the edges of the celebration ran for their lives, swaths of shadows rising up and coming down like a dark tide. Screams burst along faraway streets before bodies were sliced, cut, eaten, or pulled apart. Blood splattered and smeared walls before the shadows raced along, looking for more.

  Angels charged in all directions, bodies taking flight and glowing spears in hands. Many caught sights of the shadows and shot at them like cannon fire. When they reached the howling spirits, light cut into da
rkness and the shadows screamed in agony. Black bodies were cut into pieces, but the flood of spirits continued, unabated by the fighting light.

  Umus gave an annoyed huff before charging toward the mad Elder Spawn. Draygon kept his wicked grin as darkness continued to fall from his eyes.

  “Let’s keep you busy, shall we,” the Elder Spawn said before his dark power surged.

  At the edge of the city, a line of darkness appeared before it began to stretch out. Something pale stabbed out of the long, thin portal, foul energy falling like mists. Umus halted his charge as his senses blared to life with uncompromising evil. Cold blasted across the tropical air, plants withering away as a stench floated over the city.

  Umus turned his body, a halo appearing above his head with spikes, forming into a glowing crown. Ancient eyes stared as the god squared his jaw. The pale tendrils continued to stab out from the darkness until the very fabric of the portal stretched wider. Something pushed at the opening and as it pushed through, horrific slathering sounds filled the chaotic air.

  A pale white humanoid creature pushed through the portal. A long white leg stepped into the waters surrounding the island city. Tentacles writhed from the mid-point of its scaly face while large black oval eyes vibrated with power. Long arms and a torso made of skin and bones entered the Valis realm. White leathery wings were next, flexing through the portal. The monster was as large as the citadel as it stepped into the water. It moved with little urgency toward the city, alien eyes seeing only the glow of a god angel.

  “An Elder…,” Victor whispered before he looked away, the sight of it trying to crawl into his mind.

  Umus spun his giant mace before he flashed forward, his angelic form streaking across the sky toward the giant abomination. “I haven’t fought one of your kind since my youth. Have at you!”

  The Elder was silent as it moved toward the city. Umus roared as he lifted his mace and slammed it against the monster’s chest. The force of the blow was enough to send a shockwave, blasting the ocean outward and forming huge waves. The Elder stepped back with one pale white foot before it leaned forward and slashed at the flying god. Umus chuckled as he blasted upwards, out of the swinging monster’s hand. Streaking up and then down, he brought his mace hard into the Elder’s face. The strike blasted air outwards, but this time the horrific creature did not stumble back. Long white fingers and hands reached up to grab at the annoying god angel while Umus continued to fly like an iron insect in a storm.


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