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Zebir (The Mating Games Book 10)

Page 7

by Catty Diva

Zebir held the door open and he looked at her constantly. She didn’t look like herself, the dyed hair, the contact lenses and the makeup not to mention the Earth police force uniform that fit snuggly, all combined to create a stranger no one should recognize. He led the way to the shuttle bay and the ship they would take to the surface.

  Once they landed and she got out, she felt strange standing back on Earth. If she was caught, there would be no reprieve since she was already on Earth’s most wanted list due to her sister, Georgie. They boarded the shuttle, Zebir sat next to her taking her hand and squeezing it reassuringly.

  “It’s your choice, and we will watch carefully and support you every step of the way.” Zebir assured.

  “I’m fine, my mate. You’re support means everything, but I can do this.” Mimi said even though she wasn’t sure, she just hoped she could do it.

  The shuttle sped to the targeted landing spot near the orphanage the girls were in. Mimi held onto the forged papers that said she was to take the girls into custody to move to the lowest level in the system. Girls that no longer served a purpose that the government needed, were moved there. It was the most believable way to move the girl’s from the facility they were at. Mimi wriggled around in the uniform finding it very uncomfortable. It itched and it was tight in all the wrong places.

  The ship landed and now was the time to prove her worth. Her stomach was full of butterflies as she kissed Zebir and was ready to begin the retrieval. The hatch opened when the scan showed no one was nearby. Stepping out of the ship, she looked around and saw no one. It took a second to acclimate herself to her location and where she needed to go. Mimi moved to the right and circled to the front of the building. It was early, just the start of what most people called regular business hours. The door was in front of her and she opened it to step inside. The lobby area was small, probably so it wouldn’t take up much of the living space.

  A nondescript middle aged lady sat at the desk with an expression that bordered bored and pissed off. “I have release orders for two girls.” Mimi said in an official sounding voice, or at least she hoped it was.

  “Which two of the brats will I be free of today?” The receptionist, her name tag said Myrna, asked.

  Mimi handed her the form and she read it. “They just got here.” Myrna noted. Mimi just shrugged.

  “Okay, whatever. Questions are above my paygrade. As poor as the pay is, most things are above it. Wait here and I’ll bring them.” Myna left and Mimi began to sweat when five minutes turned into ten. Finally she heard a noise and Myrna had retuned, girls in tow. “The oldest one is a pain in the ass. I’d watch out for her.” Mimi nodded choosing to say as little as possible. “You two, go with this officer.”

  Two girls came around to her side of the desk. They were scared and the oldest girl had a rebellious look. “Come on.” Mimi said and turned to lead them out. Once they were out of the building, she turned and dropped down to eye level. :”We’re taking you to your mother. I need you both to be good and we have to hurry, someone is waiting out back for us. You understand?”

  The oldest girl nodded while the youngest one just stared at her. She took the oldest girl’s hand and led them down the sidewalk. At the end of the building before they turned to go to the back of it, they passed two officers and Mimi’s heart pounded in her chest and sweat ran down her back. As soon as the officers went in the door of the orphanage. She pulled the girls around as fast as she could.

  “Run and get inside the ship!” She told the girls and was glad when they did just as she said. Mimi stepped backwards keeping an eye on the girls while she heard noise erupting in the front. She turned to follow once the girls entered the hatch and she was almost there when she felt a sharp burning pain that immediately went numb.

  She felt Zebir’s touch just before she blacked out. When she woke, she was in his arms. “Where are we?”

  “We’re almost to the ship. Just stay calm and don’t move. Everything will be fine.” Zebir spoke soothingly.

  “What’s wrong?” She asked as she looked at his worried expression.

  “You were hit by a bullet, some object shot out of an outdated device called a gun. It appears to be lodged in your shoulder, but we got the bleeding slowed enough you will be fine. We’re almost to the ship.”

  Mimi jerked as she understood what he was saying. Pain shot through hr. “Damn!” She hissed out the word.

  “Don’t move. You’ll make it worse.” Zebir pulled her in harder against him making it harder for her to move. The ship lurched as it pulled into the bay.

  “The girls?”

  “Safe and sound, unlike you, Mimi. We will have a talk about taking unnecessary risks.” He tried to look at her sternly, but the worry in his eyes undermined it.

  “We have landed on the bay area and it is safe to exit.” The pilot announced.

  “Everyone remain seated until I have Mimi unloaded.” Zebir instructed as he rose out of his seat with her in his arms.


  Oh, my God!” Mimi screamed as she came her muscles clamping down on Zebir’s cock forcing him to cum right along with her. His howl echoed off the walls, but their room was sound proofed so she didn’t worry that the girls would hear it.

  “Gods, female. Are you trying to kill me?” Zebir asked.

  “Hmm, death by sex. I wonder if that’s possible. Let’s try again and see.” Things had been incredible once they made it back to Oison and Mimi had finished healing.

  The bullet had been removed, but only after the doctor had knocked her out. He’d given her some medicine for pain that had made her euphoric, much like a happy drunk. Zebir had recorded her singing and dancing while under the influence and was blackmailing her, using the recording that he threatened to let her sisters see. She didn’t think he would really do that, but she wasn’t willing to take the risk. He’d insisted she stay home and heal, but he had allowed Joy to come over and discuss work so the new people could be placed in the jobs she intended for them.

  Except for her being injured, the mission had been perfect. All the ladies and their children were now housed and fitting in to their new lives well. Mimi and Zebir had worked out their relationship, mostly, and moved in to their new home. The girls had loved it and it seemed no one was surprised they had mated. Zebir’s family had embraced Mimi and the girls, and everyone was pleased all the brothers were now mated.

  Everything had worked out perfectly and as Mimi wiped the sweat from her forehead, she looked at her sexy and very naked mate. “Kiss me, Mate, and let’s try that one more time before we go to sleep.”

  “It would be my pleasure.” Zebir growled, his demon present in his voice.

  Life just continued to get better…..

  Moon Hunters Inc.

  Book 1


  When did the good guys get so bad?

  Justice comes on swift wings in the dark. His friend and boss Cash has sent him to Earth to exterminate a criminal convicted on Oison and protected by the corrupt Earth government. While carrying out the judgement, he finds her.

  Envy is a pet kept by her evil master. Luckily he's old and incapable of breeding so she is still innocent in many ways. Justice has come to make her master pay for his misdeeds. Can she convince him to free her so she can live life on her terms? Will the handsome assassin accept her innocence as a payment for her freedom or will he demand her heart as well?

  Note: For mature readers only due to graphic language and descriptive sex.

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  (Catty Diva, Corre Deepe and Crystal Dawn)

  Connect with the author at:


  If you want to read books by Crystal Dawn, check out:

  Blue Moon Pack Series

  Planet Amazon Series

  Cousins of the Moon Series (a completed trilogy)

  Legends of the White Werewolf Series (A free series)

  Keepers of the Land Series (A completed 6 book series.)

  Frozen Origin Series

  Frozen Origin Quickies

  The Southwest Illinois Pack Series (A ménage series)

  Loved by a God series

  The Wilde Pack series

  The Strong Pack 1 & 2

  The Red Wolf Series

  Lucifer Frozen Origin Demons

  Winged Beast Series

  Witches of Ulyss Series

  White Wolf Matriarchs (A completed Trilogy)

  The Warriors of the Vinii by Corre Deepe


  Can a bad day turn your life around?

  Crash landing on Earth seemed the worst thing that could happen to Xan, his crew and their battered ship. It was only the beginning. After nearly freezing to death, Xan’s savior, in the form of a little Earth female, is driving him crazy. He doesn’t want to want her, but he can’t seem to help it. Edie wonders if she’s gone crazy when she wakes up looking into the glowing red eyes of a naked, not quite human male. He seems determined to keep her with him, but she’s just as determined to go.

  Frozen Origin

  Book 1


  He is the leader of the gods, no not the Greek gods of ancient times that they are named for, but the god line of genetically manipulated beings said to be so much more than men. They’ve been imprisoned by Origin, the company that created them, all their lives, but now they have a chance to be free.

  She leads the team that has come to free them. She and her team always come in first and leave first on every mission, which is a good thing because she is drawn to the gorgeous god. She needs to leave to get on with her life and the career she loves.

  She doesn’t want to settle down, he is unwilling to settle for anything less. When they are thrown together fighting Origin and secrets are revealed, will it bring them closer together or place insurmountable obstacles in their path?

  Note: graphic sex and is for adult readers only.




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