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Steven (The Skulls Book 15)

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m going to take my dad’s place. Chaos Bleeds is going to need a hero someday.” Simon pushed his chest out. “That’s going to be me. Total badass.”

  She couldn’t stop laughing. Pulling out of his hold, she stared at him, popping the gum she’d been chewing. “You’re not a badass.”

  He stood up, and she took a step back. “I am.”

  Tabitha shook her head. He was finally smiling again, and she liked that. She hated it when he was sad.

  “What are you two doing?” her father, Tiny, asked.

  “Nothing,” Tabitha said. “But The Skulls rule, Chaos Bleeds … drool.” She winked at Simon, letting him know she was doing this on purpose.

  “That’s my girl!” Eva, her mother, called out.

  While Simon looked toward where their parents were, Tabitha took a step toward him, and placed a hand on his chest. She didn’t know if he felt that spark or whatever it was when she touched him, but she felt it all the time. It was like a constant hum between them.

  Moving toward his ear, she whispered the words. “Tag, you’re it.”

  Reluctantly, she pulled away, and began running away from Simon. He gave her a couple of seconds, and she ran around the swings, watching as several of The Skulls were now facing off with the Chaos Bleeds. Simon wasn’t interested in anyone else though. He was on the other side of the swings, and she smiled at him. “You’re not going to chase anyone else.”

  “No one else I want to chase.”

  This just made her smile beam at him. She couldn’t help it. Simon made her feel even more alive. As she rushed one way, Simon followed, and she quickly changed direction, running across the park, and heading toward the small garden that Angel liked to maintain while she was there.

  She didn’t get far as Simon grabbed her, and spun her around. They both collapsed on the ground, and she was laughing as he landed beside her.


  “You caught me.”

  Simon stared into her eyes, and it almost made her forget to breathe. “I’ll always catch you, Tabby. You’ll never have to fall again, and if you ever do, I’ll be there with you.”

  Silence fell between them, and she was breathing hard as she stared at him. Simon always offered her the world, and her mother had told her to be careful. There was only so much that she could do. She was a Skull, and Simon a Chaos Bleeds, but she loved him. She didn’t care what her parents said. She knew she was in love with Simon, and no matter what, she belonged to him.


  The spell was broken. Simon stood, and held his hand out. She took it, knowing she always would, no matter what.


  Steven sat at the table. Church would be happening any second now, and he just wanted to get it over with. He was done with all the bullshit. Having Drew sniffing around his girl was driving him crazy, and he wanted to fuck that piece of shit up.

  Tapping his fingers on the table, he stared down at the gavel. He’d worked damned hard to get where he was today. His devotion was to The Skulls. Always would be, and his love of Sally, that had taken him by surprise.

  He remembered Lash warning him after he handed her a jacket when she was just a kid. She’d never seemed like a kid to him though. He remembered her age, but when he looked into her eyes, those held a sorrow that no man would ever forget. She was hurting deep down inside, and that kind of pain wasn’t going to go away.

  Over the years she’d grown, and now she was in college, and that pain at times was still there, but it wasn’t as dark. She smiled now a lot more easily, and he hoped that he helped with that.

  After discovering she had a crush on him, he smiled. She’d been so embarrassed that she’d told him straight out that she didn’t. He didn’t know what changed. When it stopped being a crush, and him just accepting it because he was cool, to finally looking at her, and seeing that she was a beautiful woman, inside and out.

  Moments like today when she was on the kids’ side, it was like a jolt, a reminder that he was older than she was by ten years, that he was on the other side, the grownup side. Whizz would fucking hurt him, but the pain of the beating that Whizz would give him didn’t bother him.

  Steven could take any kind of pain, and even enjoy it. No, what he didn’t like was everything else he had to face. The reality of what this could mean for The Skulls. He’d been warned in the past that Sally was too young, that she’d been through so much. One day she’d find someone, but not now. Her parents were being overprotective.

  “You’re here,” Drew said, pulling Steven out of his thoughts, and he saw the punk ass kid who’d been on the other side with her.

  “This is a private place. This is church where they’re all going to decide if you have a right to even sniff the shit on their shoe.” Steven stood up, and glared at him. “What the fuck do you want?”

  Drew stared at him. “I know that you think she’s yours, and that you’ve got a higher claim.”

  “The mistake you’re making right now is thinking you stand a chance.” Steven pressed his knuckles to the table, and leaned on it. “You’ve got no idea what you’re dealing with, pretty boy.”

  He’d not come into the room. “You’re probably right. I don’t understand what she sees in you. I’ve very rarely seen her laugh or smile when she’s with you. Do you even know what her favorite color is? What her favorite movie is?”

  Steven rounded the table, and stared at Drew. “If you have a point to all of this, make it.”

  “The Skulls are a family. They’re a brotherhood.”

  “You’re going to threaten me? Ask me to stand down because of Whizz.”

  “No. Whizz likes me. He knows I’ll take care of his girl no matter what.” Drew glanced around the table. “I’m not wanting to join just because I’m in love with Sally.”

  Steven growled. He couldn’t help it.

  “I want to join you guys because I want to be part of it. If I have to clean up shitty toilets, or wipe your asses, or even fucking kiss them, I’ll do it. With regards to Sally, I do love her. I love her more than anything in the world.”

  “You’re making a big mistake if you think you can take her from me.” Steven had never wanted anything more than Sally, and even though it was going to be a fight with Whizz, he’d do it gladly for her.

  Drew laughed. “You know I’m probably fighting a losing battle. Sally told me that there’s no fight. She belongs to you, so I know it’s going to be tough, and you know what? I’ll lose. I think I know I’ll lose, but I’ve never been a quitter. Even when my knee began to play up. When each run became just a little harder, and deep down, I knew I was done for. I didn’t stop. I couldn’t stop. I’m not going to back down even though the odds are not in my favor. Sally only knows you, and she needs to realize that there’s more people out there, and I’m it. She has a choice.”

  Steven stared at him. He wouldn’t lie. He was impressed that the fucker hadn’t just caved and left. Stepping forward so that he was in Drew’s face, he saw the other guy didn’t back down. “If you think that speech is going to stop me, you’re wrong. You become a Prospect, I will make you earn your fucking badge, and know this. When Sally is my old lady, and she will be, you’re going to have to look at her every single day of the week, and know that you lost.”

  “I’m made of strong stuff, Steven.” Drew patted him on the chest. “May the best man win.”

  Lash cleared his throat. “Is there a reason you two pussies are blocking my room, or are you about to give the whole club a show in sucking dick?”

  “Nah, we’re good.” Steven smirked at Drew. “There’ll be enough dick sucking later on.” He stepped back, but he didn’t for a second give Drew his back. There was something about the fucker that always had him on edge.

  In the beginning, he’d always thought it was because of Drew’s attention to Sally, but it was something more.

  Steven didn’t believe for a second that he posed Sally any threat. Drew could have hurt her every
single chance that he got, and yet he hadn’t.

  “Are you done pissing off the new potential Prospect?” Lash asked.

  “Nope. I’m not even close,” he said, taking his seat once again.

  “Are you going to vote against him joining?”

  “Nope. Fucker can learn his place.”

  Lash stared at him, arms folded. “There are times I think you’re a stupid fucker, and then I have to wonder.”

  “I’m the one that helped your old lady, remember that.”

  “I don’t forget, Steven. Never have.” Lash stared at him.

  “I would die for every single person in the club, Lash. That I promise you.”

  Tiny had been the Prez for the longest time, but he’d stepped down, handing the gavel to Lash, giving him a chance. Lash had then demanded that they take a vote. All of the brothers, himself included, didn’t want Lash to step down. He was a good leader, a brilliant Prez.

  “That would be the Prospects as well, Steven. Everyone likes Drew. He’s got skills, and he’s ready.”

  “Are you sure you know everything about him?”

  “I know everything I need to know,” Lash said. “I’ve had Whizz do a full check on him. If Drew takes a shit, I know about it. You think I’d let just anyone near my club, inside it, breathing the same air as my woman? Angel, my kids, my club, you’re what I think about all the time. Don’t question me again. I’d also advise that you don’t question Whizz when it comes to the safety of his daughter. He’ll kill you.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  Conversation ceased as the rest of the brothers took their seats. He listened to the updates on the gym, the salon, and the club’s other investments. Ned Walker wanted them to also consider doing some gun runs, but Lash said that it was off the table. Everyone was in agreement. Their time of looking over their shoulder never ceased, but none of them were interested in getting mixed back into a pool of sharks. There were enough crews around that The Skulls no longer needed to deal in that shit. So long as the club remained clean, their lives would be free from harm, and that was exactly the way he liked it.

  The toy shop was discussed as well. Baker wanted somewhere for Millie to set up shop after her sister burned it to the ground.

  “Angel’s looking for places. She’s found a couple of areas, but none of them are close to Fort Wills. We’ll find something.”

  Now was the vote on Drew. Lash did the whole introduction, and it made Steven wonder if they’d taken this long debating him being a Prospect. Clearly, they had to. They did it for all Prospects. He wondered what they’d thought of him. It couldn’t have been bad because he got the right to Prospect for the club.

  The vote was taken, and Steven was the one that kept his hand down the longest. In the end, he put his hand up. Drew was a Prospect for The Skulls.

  Chapter Five

  Sally turned the eggs in the pan, watching them slowly start to thicken and cook. She hated sloppy scrambled eggs. Most chefs would probably tell her that she had burned hers, and that they were too rubbery. She was strange like that. She loved hers with a bit of a browning all over. Totally wrong to some people, but she liked her stuff cooked.

  “You’re deep in thought there,” Whizz said.

  “Just making sure I’m overcooking my eggs.”

  This had him laughing. “At least they’re not black. Lacey burns everything to a crisp.”

  “I know. She even burned this kitchen to a crisp. You did good remodeling everything, and putting in the extra vents for smoke and stuff.”

  “That woman burns toast. I had to do something. I think you guys leaving town, and spending some time with Lola was a shock. I expected to find you at the clubhouse, not here.”

  “You did yell at her. She was upset, and she doesn’t like it when you scream.”

  “I’m a bad husband.”

  “Nah, you’re not. You were worried. It was a close call.” Her mom had set the fire in the kitchen. Fortunately, the fire crew had come before she burned the entire house to the ground.

  “It’s been a while since we talked.”

  “It has?” She glanced over to see him sitting at the counter.

  “You know it has. Something is going on with you. Trust me to help you, Sally.”

  “I’m fine, really.”

  She finished her eggs and placed them in a bowl. Buttering a couple of slices of bread, she took a seat at the table. Whizz got up, and she listened as he fixed himself some coffee. Within seconds he was beside her, staring. She ate her food, and waited for him to speak.

  “Are you happy here?” Whizz asked.

  “What? Of course I’m happy. I wouldn’t not be happy.”

  “No, I mean are you still happy to live here with me and Lacey? I know you’re older now, and I guess I’m waiting for you to say that you’re moving out.”

  “Do you want me to move out?” she asked.

  “No, no, damn, this is harder than the sex talk.”

  “We didn’t have the sex talk. Mom took care of that one.”

  “Yeah, that’s because she heard I was making a total screw-up of everything, just like I am now.”

  She took another bite of her eggs, and waited for him to finish talking. It was kind of funny to watch as he stumbled all over himself. He couldn’t seem to help it, and she did find it hilarious. He was this big, tough biker, and yet he couldn’t seem to get his bearings when it came to her. She felt pity for Daisy.

  Lacey told her that he was going to be doing the serious sex talk with Daisy seeing as she did it with her.

  “You know I think you should have dealt with sons,” she said. “It would have been a whole lot easier.”

  He took her hand. The contact startled her at first. “I love you, Sally. You’re my daughter in all the things that matter. If you asked for the world, I’d give it to you. I just want you to be happy.”

  “I am, Dad. I am. I don’t want to leave.” She licked her lips. “I’m having … trouble right now.”

  “What kind of trouble?”

  You know, I’m in love with Steven, but he’s your club brother, oh, and now Drew is as well, and he kissed me.

  “School. I no longer want to be a social worker. I don’t think I’ve got it inside me to do something like that.”

  “Then what do you want to do? I know college is all about picking the right course for you. What do you want to do?” he asked.

  “I don’t really know. I’ve got the summer to decide. I’m also working at the gym as well. I sent my application form last week, and I got the job.”

  “Now that I do know about seeing as I was the one that approved your application,” Whizz said, releasing her hand. “I think you’re capable of doing whatever it is you need to do.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” It was in moments like this that she really wished he was her biological father. Whizz was a good man, and she’d been lucky that they had found her. She’d been close to running away again, not wanting to be passed to another family.

  “Drew made Prospect. He’s even got a special jacket, and he’s staying at the clubhouse as well.”

  “That must thrill a lot of people.”

  “He was unanimously voted in,” Whizz said.

  “He was?” This did surprise her.

  “It took Steven a little time to make up his mind, but he let him in.”


  She finished her breakfast, and walked back toward the sink, and began washing her dishes.

  “I like Drew. He’s a good boy.”

  “He’s in his early twenties. Simon, Miles, Michael, they’re all boys.” She dried her hands on the towel, and turned toward him.


  “Nothing. I … you’re all grown up.”

  “Nothing is going to happen between Drew and me,” she said.

  “Look, I know I asked for you not to have anything to do with the club brothers, but Drew, he’s your best friend. I’d understand if you’d want more
with him. He’s a great guy. He was your friend long before he became a Skull.”

  “Precisely. He’s my friend. Nothing will happen between us.”

  “You spend a lot of time together.”

  She licked her lips. “It doesn’t matter. Steven is Angel’s friend. They don’t sleep together.”

  “If Steven even touched Angel, Lash would bury him. Not that Angel would allow anyone else to touch her. She’s all Lash’s, and he’s all hers.”

  “I’m going to get ready for work.” She made her way upstairs to the bedroom and changed into the uniform that she had been given. The long pants hid her fake leg, and she tied her purple hair back.

  The shirt she wore had the title of the gym, The Skulls Gym. It was kind of funny, really. The Skulls insignia was on the shirt. She liked it.

  Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile to her lips. “Hey, welcome, here are your towels.”

  She rolled her eyes. Her main job was going to be working at the reception desk. She could do this, and handle everything that was thrown at her.

  The only other option was working in the clubhouse, cleaning. Not happening. She had seen how some of the brothers kept themselves. Some of them were just plain nasty.

  There was a knock on the door, and Sally left her room, heading downstairs when Whizz answered it. Drew was on the other side. He wore his leather jacket.

  “I’m here for Sally,” Drew said, which had her pausing on the steps.

  “I’ve got work.” She spoke up before Whizz could say anything.

  “I’m your ride to work.”

  “Oh, right. Okay.” This wasn’t going to be uncomfortable at all. Grabbing her jacket, she passed Whizz, placing a kiss on his cheek. “See you later.”

  “Will do. Don’t work too hard.”

  This had her laughing. “You make a really bad business owner. You’re supposed to tell me to work harder.”

  They both laughed. “Yeah, well, everyone else can work hard. You’re my daughter. Sit around all day with your feet up.”


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