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Ruthless Empire: A Dark Mafia Collection

Page 97

by Seth Eden

  We’d abandoned that tenet.

  We were pulling a Binachi play and storming the front gates. We parked our cars amidst the woods surrounding the small manor where the Binachis were laying low and walked up to the front gate. An amused smile crossed Marco’s face as he approached the gate and pulled out a brick of C4.

  “Once it goes off, we only have about twenty minutes until the cops arrive, and everyone will know we’re here. Be ready, and be fast.” Marco set the brick at the base of the gate, clicked a few buttons on the timer Alessandro had affixed to it, and backed up.

  The explosion was much larger than I was expecting. It rocked the entire grounds, which we anticipated, but it also blew the black, iron gate right out of its place, sending the gates flying open. Luca and Marco stepped into the wreckage, and bullets were spraying a moment later. Those that were flying in bursts from the Binachis estate were quickly silenced as Luca and Marco’s automatic, multi-shot weapons cleared out the first line of defense. We waited until we saw Luca and Marco stepping over what was left of the gate, and then we all jumped up and started to follow. I was right behind Molly when I felt someone grab my hand.

  I turned, and Alessandro was looking at me. “Baby, are you sure? You don’t have to do this.”

  I chuckled. It was a little late for that. “I’m not leaving your side ever again.”

  Alessandro kissed me, one that would have extended into something more had Gabriel not whacked him on the back of the head. I was glad for it. Even in the middle of the dust clearing from a brick of C4 blowing an enemy gate wide open, I could get swept up into Alessandro without so much as a second thought.

  We followed after our family, and I couldn’t help but find myself impressed, especially by my sisters-in-law. Where Gabriel’s shots were more scattered, Stacy was pulling out headshots like it was a hobby. Someone lifted a gun and aimed it at Luca, and a second later, his head was a spray of blood. Luca looked back at Stacy, but she was already onto the next one. On Luca’s other side, Molly hadn’t even pulled her gun yet. She serpentined through the onslaught of oncoming bullets until she could reach a shooter, then she’d outright clothesline him before reaching down and twisting his neck, leaving him dead.

  My sisters were seriously badass.

  I had to keep up. Alessandro was directly behind me, and we moved like a coordinated unit. Where he shot to the right, I was shooting to the left. Anytime someone had a gun set for Alessandro, I had a bullet in their chest a second later. The Binachis were short-staffed, much like the Varassos. With us dismantling our legions in anticipation of hanging up the life for good, we only had necessary people on staff, and most of them were Marco’s security, watching either the estate in Philly or the new one in Maine. The Varassos were unanimous that we wanted to take care of the Binachis without anyone else risking their lives for it, and as we mowed down the Binachi’s meager staff at every turn, it was clear we were beyond prepared.

  Don’t let falling in love and having children fool you—the Varasso brothers were just as ruthless as the day they began, if not more so because they now had interests to protect and some insane women behind them to boot.

  Marco pointed up a flight of stairs, where there was the faint glow of light. “There.”

  “It could be a trap,” I warned. “Be careful.”

  We’d taken a few hits, but nothing that got past our bulletproof vests. Something had grazed Stacy’s arm, but she seemed more excited about how that boosted her cred than anything else, so after giving it a quick wrap, we were off up the stairs. Luca led with Marco directly behind him. Molly and Gabriel were side-by-side behind Marco, with Stacy, me, and Alessandro in a line in that order behind them.

  My heart was racing. I’d shot people. I’d killed people. Even when the Varasso family open-fired on the Binachis after Stacy saved us, I hadn’t been able to shoot. Maybe it was me not wanting to lose face in front of Molly and Stacy, maybe it was how much Alessandro and I had been through hardening me, but my hands no longer shook with the gun in them. I could fight to protect myself and the people I loved. I could fight to give my daughter a life that was unplagued by the world that the Varasso’s ancestors had created. We were ending the cycle, and I wanted to be able to say I stood and protected the right to end it.

  Luca stopped, and Marco crept past him toward the door that had the light streaking out. It was cracked and seemed suspicious. Marco grabbed another mechanism off his waist, this time, a small, green, cylindrical container. He pulled the pin and tossed it into the office, and there was a bang followed by a bright, white flash. He kicked the door and stood back, and we watched as a flurry of bullets came flying through the haze of the smoke. They continued to empty until there was nothing but clicks, and the second we could hear the replacing of ammo, Marco stepped into the office and let off a round of his own bullets.

  “You and I both know you’re cornered,” his voice resounded. “Drop ‘em.”

  The clatter of guns hitting the floor was enough confirmation that whoever else was inside the office was officially unarmed. We all stepped into the office one by one, guns out, as the smoke from the flash bomb disappeared. When the room had mostly cleared, we were left with only two bodies that weren’t Varasso. Denise and Dario.

  Dario sunk down into a chair behind a large, cherrywood desk. Marco’s gun was dead set for him. Luca took a step toward Denise and stuck the thin, rounded end of his automatic into her face. “You shot my wife.”

  For the first time since we’d met her, Denise looked afraid. She had her hands up and was trembling before the barrel of Luca’s gun. “I’m sorry.”

  Luca shook his head. “You lied to my family. You tried to kill my sister-in-law. You shot my wife.” His finger was flexing a little more on the trigger. “Sorry is no longer acceptable here.”

  Dario looked over at Denise. “What is he talking about?”

  Alessandro stepped up, his gun aimed at Dario as well. “Didn’t you know? Denise has been laid up at the Varasso estate. She was working with us to help us kill you.”

  Dario’s eyes widened as he looked over at his sister. “Are they lying?”

  Despite her fear, Denise couldn’t keep from scrunching her nose up at her brother. “Of course not. Why do you think they’re here?”

  “How could you do that? We’re family.”

  “You’re nothing more than a hiccup in a plan.” She looked at Luca. “I’m sorry about what happened with your family, but I did not lie to you. I want Dario dead. Kill him right now. I don’t care. I’ll do whatever you want. I have more information than you could possibly fathom. Secrets your father kept from you.”

  Gabriel aimed his gun at Denise. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” His anger was emanating off of him. “You aren’t the only one in this room ready to kill a sibling.”

  Denise swallowed hard. “How?” Her eyes shot over to me. “You.”

  I smiled back at her and stuck up my middle finger. “I told you. I’m not going to let you hurt my family.”

  “Denise. What are they talking about?” Dario asked, then his eyes flicked to Marco. “I didn’t know about this. Come on, Marco. We were partners. Let’s let bygones be bygones and start anew.” His eyes darted back to Denise. “I clearly need to reassess who I trust.” He looked back at Marco. “We both did things to hurt each other. Let’s start fresh.”

  Marco shrugged. “No. That’s not gonna work for me.” He pressed the barrel of his gun to Dario’s head. “But don’t worry, we’ll make it quick.”

  We heard another round of footsteps file in behind us. I was afraid to turn around, but Molly dared a look. “Anthony.”

  The rest of us turned to face the door, and Anthony was standing in the frame with two identical young men on either side of him. Their guns were pointed in a flurry of directions, all at the Varassos.

  Anthony smiled. “Come on now, Varassos. Let’s not do anything too rash.”


br />   It shouldn’t have shocked me that Anthony Carducci showed, but it did. We knew he was mixed up in the odd web woven with the Costas, and even if there were still unanswered questions, we had every reason to suspect that Anthony would have a vested interest, at least in Denise.

  On impulse, my gun turned on Anthony, but neither he nor the men at his sides seemed phased. He grinned. “It’s been some time, Alessandro. Last we spoke, you threatened me.”

  I thought back on my meeting with Anthony Carducci, back before the Binachis kidnapped all of our wives and tied us up to torture us in front of them. Things were at their worst with Willow, and I’d snuck off to Philadelphia after hearing from Gabriel and Marco that things weren’t going great with just Gabriel and Luca. Gabriel had evidently flubbed a chance to get Anthony Carducci aligned with us to stand against the Binachis, and they still hadn’t dug anything up after what had happened between the Binachis and Marco.

  The conversation started out innocently enough. I tried to apologize for Gabriel’s behavior and tell him that Gabriel just wasn’t cut out for the life he’d been dragged into, but Anthony seemed wildly unsympathetic.

  That’s when it all clicked into place.

  Anthony pissed me off when he told me that he was surprised Gabriel hadn’t turned on us yet. It didn’t make sense to me at the time, and I just thought it was a comment on the life that Marco and I had chosen, but it wasn’t. He was speaking from experience. The Costa children embedded in different mob families eventually came to turn on their families and pledge allegiance to Illiana. He was shocked Gabriel hadn’t done it yet.

  My gut reaction was to ask a question, or several. Maybe Anthony could fill in the gaps. But I locked eyes with Willow, and she shook her head. Knowing the truth about how all four families were connected was the only card we had left up our sleeve, and it wasn’t time to play it. Not just yet.

  “Now listen, I’m willing to forgive you for that little misstep. Things don’t have to turn ugly between us here, but I’ll be taking these two into custody,” Anthony explained. “The Binachi children have their own debt to settle with me.”

  I got the sense that things were even more convoluted than we had anticipated. We may never have answers about how twisted things between the Binachis, Carduccis, and Costas were. Our only concern was getting the Varassos out of it.

  Luca nodded at Gabriel, who kept his gun set on Denise, while Luca turned around to face Anthony. “Sorry, Anthony, but we can’t do that.” He glared over one shoulder at Dario. “That one was partially responsible for killing my father, had my wife and sisters-in-law kidnapped, and tortured my brothers.” He glared over the other shoulder at Denise. “And that one tried to kill my sister-in-law and shot my wife.” He looked back at Anthony. “You’re a respected man in this world, and you know as well as I do that I’m not about to let them just walk out of here.” He took quick glances at the men at Anthony’s sides. “And either way you shave it, you’re short-handed. Even if you have more men outside, which I’m guessing you do, the three of you won’t make it out.”

  Anthony let out a snarling laugh. “Are you threatening me? You’re as dumb as your brother.”

  “It’s not a threat. I’m stating a fact,” Luca responded. “That’s not what I want. Even if we take you out, you’ll get a few of ours, as well. In truth, it doesn’t end well for anyone. Maybe except for the Binachi children, who we agree are the only ones who shouldn’t walk out of here alive.”

  Anthony’s grin faded some as he considered Luca’s words. “You’re not as dumb as you look, Luca Varasso.”

  Luca flashed an evil grin. “I’ve been told that before.”

  “You’re certainly smarter than that jackass,”Anthony said, flicking his head toward Dario “who didn’t even realize that his father set yours up and started a war that had no business being started.”

  “What are you talking about?” Dario barked.

  Anthony scoffed. “Skimming money off the top? Angelo Varasso? What need would he have for your family’s money?” His eyes flicked to Denise briefly. “His plan to eliminate a silent threat went belly up, then you had to run around like dogs chasing tails trying to clean it up.”

  “You helped,” Luca growled.

  “I did. I had an understanding with Donovan, and though I wanted out, it was a little too soon.” He smirked. “One useless Varasso and one hotheaded one made that decision more than easy for me.”

  My free hand balled into a fist. I was tempted to pull the trigger on the gun in my hand, but I knew how dumb that would be. It was a battle between the darkness in me—the Angelo in me—and the light that my family gave me. I thought of the life we could have and abstained. At least we had confirmation that our father didn’t steal from the Binachis. Inside of each of us, we knew that it wasn’t like him, but if anything, it only fueled our anger. Regardless that none of us would be in front of a life devoid of the all-consuming fires of this world if he hadn’t died, he was still our dad, and we couldn’t just swallow that he’d died for nothing.

  “Well, then you should understand,” Luca continued, “why we can’t just let Dario go. Our dad should still be here.”

  “Your dad had more than one bounty on his head. If it hadn’t been the Binachis, it would have been someone soon.” He sighed. “It’s like you said. This can either go badly for everyone, or you can leave these two to me and be on your way with your beautiful wives. A new home in Maine, I hear? It should be nice.”

  Willow rigidified next to me. I looked over, and I could see her brain fast calculating something. She looked over at Stacy, and her jaw dropped. Stacy looked back at her, confused, and Willow just quietly muttered, “She saved his life.” She looked over at me. “It was a setup.” She was quiet enough that no one could hear what she was saying but me.

  She stepped in between me and Anthony Carducci, and my heart sank. To him, she said, “I get it now. You’re not a puppet. You’re the puppet-master.”

  Anthony Carducci laughed. “Look at this puppy, trying to play with the big dogs. How cute.”

  Willow glared up at him, unafraid. “This puppy will clean you out.” She stepped even closer to Anthony, and the scene from the hedge maze came rushing back to me. I couldn’t watch someone nearly kill Willow again. I wanted to yank her back, but I feared what that might do, so I powerlessly watched her crane her head up and somehow make the nearly foot-tall height difference between her and Anthony Carducci seem not so big. “How about we make a deal?”

  Anthony laughed again, though this time, less amused and more menacing. “Oh, and what, little girl, do you think you have to offer me?”

  “My silence,” she replied simply. “I imagine Illiana doesn’t know that you’ve tracked down her children.” The smile wiped off Anthony’s face in an instant. His eyes shot over to Denise, and Denise ducked her head and gave a shallow nod. His gaze came back to Willow, and Willow smiled. “I’ll take that as a no.”

  I looked at my brothers, Stacy, and Molly, but everyone looked just as lost as I felt. Willow had obviously figured something out that none of us had and was now holding that information over Anthony Carducci. I was almost as impressed as I was terrified. People didn’t just push Anthony Carducci around, but I could see Anthony silently reading Willow’s expression, and even the twins on either side of him were looking at him with heightened interest. They also didn’t know what was going on and weren’t expecting Anthony’s response.

  “I could just kill you here, and the information would die with you,” Anthony replied finally, but there was a shake to his voice that made it clear he was taking a shot in the dark with intimidation.

  “If you think I’m so stupid to only keep the information to myself, you might be as dumb as Dario.”

  Luca’s jaw went a little slack. “Willow.”

  Willow wasn’t moved. She continued to stare down Anthony Carducci with the confidence of someone who’s been in this life for decades and knew it inside and out.
“It could be bad for everyone,” Willow said. “Denise would get burned, for sure, and I shudder to think of what would happen to Callista.”

  The twins shifted uncomfortably, and Anthony swallowed hard. He studied Willow for a long time, obviously weighing his options, but Willow’s words had weight—tons by his reaction. Behind Willow, a wide smile found my face. She was the Varassos ace in the hole. For all of our barking that she wasn’t prepared to take on this world, she was the only one who didn’t veer off track, and now she was staring down Anthony Carducci like she was made of steel.

  I didn’t think it was possible to fall even more in love.

  Anthony gritted his teeth. “What did you have in mind when you say ‘deal?’”

  Marco and Luca’s eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their skull, and it took everything in my not to chuckle with happiness or cheer for my girl.

  “As much as I’d love to stick the barrel of my gun straight down Denise’s throat and blow her up from the inside,” Willow said in a threat that had jolts of electricity rushing below my waist, “I know why you need her. So, let’s split the pot. We’ll let you take Denise, and you let us keep Dario.” She side-glanced Luca. “The Varassos have a long score to settle with him.” She looked back up at Anthony. “We’re both out of here before the cops come.”

  Anthony mulled this over. His gaze flicked between Dario and Denise, and even once over to the twin standing at his left. They shared a silent exchange before Anthony finally turned his eyes back to Willow. “Well, who might have expected that the tiniest Varasso would be the most vicious?” He let out a laugh that was notably nervous. “I suppose the quietest dogs bite the hardest.”

  Willow didn’t waver under Anthony’s harsh leer, only grinned. “We find we’re underestimated as a breed.”


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