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Sloan (A Wesley Brothers Novel Book 2)

Page 9

by Michelle Smith

  I don’t know when it happened, but I find myself wanting more out of this than simply being friends with benefits. I know I said I wasn’t looking for anything serious, and I wasn’t, but there’s something special about Lizzy that makes me want more. It’s complicated though, since she is in the same place I am. Well, the same place I was. I need to remember that even though I may want more, she doesn’t. At least for now anyway.

  My ATV is parked at the end of the row of four and I stop next to it and run my hand over the smooth, leather seat. “Here we are. Ready to go for a ride?”

  She laughs. “Seriously?” When I look at her with a straight face she adds, “Sloan, I’m in a dress. There’s no way I can ride that thing. I’d have to straddle it and someone might see me.”

  She’s standing close enough that I reach over and take her hand in mine, pulling her against me. Brushing the hair away from her face I tell her, “No one is even out here but us. Please?”

  She holds my gaze before she finally lets out a long sigh. “Fine. How could I say no to this face?” She laughs lightly and I take the opportunity to bend down and kiss her softly on the lips.

  “I promise, you’ll like it.” Reluctantly letting her out of my grasp, I take the handlebars and push the four-wheeler out of the garage into the clearing in front of it. The garage door rattles closed after I push the button again and I pat the seat. “Hop on, beautiful.” I swing my legs over the console and sit in the front, waiting for her to follow. She rolls her eyes at me and then looks around to make sure there’s still no one around—which there isn’t—then gathers the hem of her skirt in her hands and pulls it up around her waist.

  Fucking hell.

  I get a good, long look of virginal white lace as she swings her leg over the seat and settles in behind me, her body pressed into mine with no space between us. “Hurry. I think my ass is exposed back here and I’m wearing a thong.”

  I let out a deep laugh and start the engine. “Hold on,” I shout over the roaring motor and I feel her tuck the loose fabric of her dress into the tight space between her pussy and my ass, and her long arms slip around my waist. She squeezes tight, hanging on for dear life like this is a high-powered motorcycle instead of a simple four-wheeler. I’m guessing she’s never been on one before. This is nothing like a motorcycle.

  The ATV cuts over the ground at a good speed and soon we reach the front edge of the pond. There’s a small dock built out to about fifteen feet into the water and off to the side of the pond is the small shed dad built when we were younger, so we wouldn’t have to cart our water stuff out here each time we wanted to use it, which was often. I think there might even be a canoe in there, but we’ll save it for another day. I cut the engine when I pull up to the edge of the dock, then climb off and help Lizzy off too. When she swings her leg up and over the side, her dress is still hiked up. Before she can let it drop back into place, I grab her ass and pull her into my body. She wasn’t lying about the thong, and her bare cheeks are warm from the seat. She lets the dress drop, the front of the fabric unfolding to cover her body, the back draping over my arm that’s still gripping her ass. I bend down and capture her lips in a kiss, innocent at first, but the desire ramps up quickly. We’ve been teasing each other all night and finally having a few minutes alone together is bringing all that passion to fruition.

  Our lips part, a sound of disappointment spilling from hers. I can’t help but chuckle at her reaction. I feel the same way, but I don’t want to start what I know I can’t finish. It’s almost dark out and the bugs will be all over us soon, plus I didn’t bring anything we could potentially have sex on, aside from the seat of the ATV. It’s not necessarily a bad idea, but I’ll save it for another time. Reluctantly, I drop my hand from her ass and take her hand in mine, pulling her along with me down the dock till we reach the end.

  “It’s beautiful out here.”

  “It is. It’s my favorite place to be when I come home. I love coming out here when I need to clear my head. The peace and quiet is nice as an adult, but I think I loved it even more out here when I was a kid, playing with my brothers.” There are trees scattered all around the large pond, and I point off to the left, where the group of trees is the thickest. “Over there, back in those trees, is the treehouse my dad helped us build. We’d spend all day out here playing in it, go swimming, climb trees, and pretty much do whatever we wanted. Mom would pack us a cooler with drinks and food to bring with us too. We had so much fun.”

  She laughs. “I can imagine. That was a lot of freedom for the four of you. I bet you made plenty of great memories here.”

  “We sure did.” I pull her in front of me, my arms wrapping around her waist as I let my chin rest on her shoulder. She wraps her hands around my arms holding on to me as tight as I’m clinging to her. “I was hoping to make a few new memories out here tonight with you, but it’s getting dark since we couldn’t escape as early as I wanted to.”

  “I would have enjoyed making those memories out here.” She turns in my arms until she’s facing me again, sliding her own up and around my neck. She reaches up on her toes the few inches she needs to reach my lips and places a soft, tender kiss against them. “Thank you for bringing me out here. I love that you shared this with me.”

  I smile down at her, kissing her lips again. “You’re welcome.” She curls her body into mine, resting her cheek against my chest, staring out over the water. The crickets chirp in the distance and the sound of croaking frogs fills the air. Our silence gives me time to reflect over the evening.

  To say my parents and my brothers were enamored with her would be an understatement. I don’t even remember them acting this way about Bridgett the first time I brought her home. Dad even pulled me aside and told me, “Sloan, I like this one. If I were you, I’d stake my claim before some other schmuck snatches her up.” It was advice I didn’t entirely disagree with, despite its caveman-like quality, but if Lizzy wants to spend time with me—no matter how long it might be—I’m not going to ruin it by trying to put a label on it. Even though I want that label more as the days pass by. I hated introducing her to my parents as my friend tonight, which surprised me. The word girlfriend almost slipped out, more than once if I’m being honest.

  My brothers couldn’t let the night go without teasing me about her either. No matter how many times I told them we were nothing more than friends, they wouldn’t believe it. Then again, I didn’t try too hard to convince them. They especially loved the part where we showed up in matching colors. According to Ash, ‘only couples match their clothes.’ I didn’t even bother to correct him with the truth—that it was entirely coincidental. They wouldn’t have believed me anyway.

  There’s more moonlight than sunlight now, the day slipping behind the trees off to the west. “Come on. Let’s get out of here before the bugs start biting.” Taking her hand in mine, I lead her back up the short dock to the ATV. I climb up and straddle the seat, and laugh when Lizzy pulls her dress up again and climbs on behind me. She wraps her arms around my waist, but before I can start the engine, she slips one hand up under the hem of my shirt. Her warm palm slides up over the ridges of my abdominal muscles, causing them to tighten. Her other hand slides down to my thigh and straight between my legs, palming my dick through my shorts. Using me as leverage, she pulls herself closer into my body. She leans forward, whispering in my ear, “Hurry. I can’t wait to get home. I want you so bad right now.” Her tongue flicks out without warning and swipes across my ear lobe.

  Well, fuck me.

  I don’t have to be asked twice.

  If she thought I drove this damned thing up here fast, she must be freaking out behind me right now at how fast I’m going on the way back. I know I’m right by the amount of pressure she’s putting around my waist, her arms like a vice grip around me. Her face is buried in my shoulder, but I can feel her body shaking—not with fear—but with laughter at my hasty retreat to the house.

  We pull up to the garage in half the
time it took us to get to the pond in the first place. I planned to show her my old childhood room, but I’m scrapping that idea. It’ll have to wait. I need to get this girl home.

  We say goodbye to my parents and the rest of the party guests still hanging around, as well as to the happy couple who look like they want to get out of the house as much as we do.

  It takes effort, but I get Elizabeth away from my mom—again—and we make our way into the car once the attendant brings it around front. This time, I open the door for her, my hand lingering on her back as she climbs into the seat. When I climb into the driver’s seat and buckle up, I ask her, “Where do you want to go?”

  She looks over with that seductive gaze I’m becoming more familiar with, and asks me, “My place again or yours?” She gives me her most innocent look, the one I know isn’t innocent at all, and I do my best not to speed down the road like I did in the ATV earlier. I pull onto the freeway a few minutes later and finally answer her question. “Mine.”

  We ride in silence for several miles but Lizzy seems to be in a mood, not wanting to wait until we get home to drive me crazy. There’s not much room for her to maneuver in the seat, but she manages to get herself leaned over close enough despite the seatbelt holding her in place, running her fingers over my upper thigh until she reaches very close to the hard-on that formed the minute she started rubbing my dick through my shorts on the four-wheeler.

  “Lizzy, what are you doing?” I ask her, my voice breaking like a prepubescent boy’s. Her hand on my thigh moves higher, closer to where I want it most.

  “Getting you warmed up.” She slides her hand up and over my dick, rubbing her palm over the fabric. I fight to keep my eyes from closing in pleasure since I’m driving, but I keep them open and on the road. I give her a sideways glance, her lip trapped between her teeth as she concentrates on rubbing my cock. Then she looks up and meets my gaze. “Take it out for me.”

  I think she’s joking with me and I laugh, turning my eyes back to the road. But when she doesn’t join in, I glance in her direction and see she’s watching me. “You’re serious?”

  She gives me a wicked grin and licks her lips. “I am. Take it out for me.”

  I shake my head, disbelieving of what I’m about to do, but to hell with it. We’re almost home anyway, so why not? It’s not the safest or brightest idea I’ve ever had but the roads are clear, we’re almost there, and I want her fucking hands on me more than anything. Keeping my eyes on the road and steering with one hand, I use the other to unbutton my shorts and slide the zipper down. It takes a bit of effort, but I’m able to free my erection from my shorts and boxer briefs. When I get my cock out, the anticipation has it hard as steel, standing at full attention.

  I move my hand back up to the steering wheel. No sooner do I get a good grip on it than Lizzy gets a good grip on me. Her fist wraps tightly around my cock, stroking down to the base and back up again. Her first touch sends tingles racing across my body. We’re only two blocks from my house now and I hope like hell I can make it. She strokes along the length again, her hands soft and smooth. She stops when she reaches the head, swirling her finger around the hole, smearing the drops of pre-cum gathered there around the silky skin.

  Fucking hell, I want her mouth on me right now, bad. I pull up to the house and fumble with the garage door opener, finally hitting the button, and pulling the car into the bay. Killing the engine, I hit the button to close the door again. I barely get the seatbelt unbuckled, when I realize Lizzy’s already free from hers and is climbing up on her knees in the seat. Her hand still grips me tightly when she leans over further, her lips only centimeters away from mine. She whispers, but in the small space I can hear her as clearly as if she were shouting. “I want to taste you.”

  I close my eyes and my lips part, and I can’t think of anything to say, the sudden rush of blood from my brain rendering me speechless. Instead, I kiss her lips, stroking my tongue over hers with building need. She pulls away, breaking the kiss and plants another light one on my chin before leaning down into my lap. I watch as her head lowers. I feel her tongue swipe across the wet tip of my dick and I nearly lose it.

  That quick swipe of her hot, wet tongue has me fighting to not shove my cock in her mouth on instinct. She swipes her tongue across the tip again and it’s frustrating I can’t watch her do it with her hair draping over me, blocking my view. I shove my hands into her long locks and I gather it all up, pulling it back into a ponytail and fisting it in one hand, and this time I finally get to watch that sinful tongue as it takes another leisurely swipe across the tip. When I feel her hot mouth close around the crown, I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I slip my lips past the head of his dick, over the crown and I hear Sloan inhale deeply. “Fuuuuck,” is all he says, the word drawn out in a whisper and with more vowels than it has. His obvious pleasure is enough to spur me on, and I take him further into my mouth, then pull out to the tip again before repeating my actions. His hand grips my hair tightly, but he doesn’t force me down faster or harder than I want. For now, he’s leaving me in control, and as much as I relish the thought of him fucking my mouth however he wants, I like that for this first time between us, he’s letting me be in charge. I take him deeper with each pass until my gag reflex won’t allow anymore, noting there’s still a few inches left. This simply won’t do for me. I make up my mind to practice on this man as much as I can until all those glorious inches fit.

  I do love a good challenge.

  I’ll worry about it later, though. Right now, I want to focus on giving this man a blow job he won’t soon forget. I take him into my mouth again, as far back as I can, over and over. Setting a good pace, the only sounds in the quiet car are the wet noises of my mouth working over his cock and the sexy as fuck moans slipping out of Sloan’s mouth. I can feel him tense up, his dick going steel hard, and right when I think he’s about to unload, he pulls me up by my hair, his dick popping free of my lips.

  His hands are still fisted in it when he turns my face to meet his. “Not yet. I want you naked first.” He pulls my mouth to him and kisses me, crushing his lips to mine almost to the point of pain. As quick as they were there, now they’re gone. “Get out of the car.” He releases my hair and moves to open the door, not bothering to put himself away before he gets out. I take a second to get my thoughts together, and then open my door, scrambling out of the car to meet Sloan on the other side. He already has the door to the house open and is walking inside. When I walk through the door, I’m in his kitchen, but my eyes only focus on the man standing near the bottom of the staircase in the living room. I close the door and move in his direction, but he stops me with a lift of his hand when I get about five feet in front of him. “Strip.”

  I don’t hesitate, and neither does he. I slip off one shoe followed by the other. He does the same with his. While he watches, I reach down and grab the hem of my dress, lifting it up and over my head and tossing it onto the floor. The air-conditioning is cool on my skin as I stand there in my strapless bra and thong, Sloan’s dick flexing at the sight of me. I watch as he pulls his shorts the rest of the way off, as they’ve been barely hanging on since he got out of the car. He grabs his shirt and pulls it off over his head, tossing it to the side. Wasting no more time, he pulls the boxer briefs the rest of the way down and kicks them off.

  “Come here.” It comes out as either a plea or an order, I’m not sure which one, but it doesn’t matter. I follow his voice and walk to the stairs towards him. He reaches out when I get there, wrapping his arms around me to unhook my bra, letting it fall with the rest of our discarded clothing. His fingers hook under each side of my panties, slipping them off, and now we stand naked together at the foot of his stairs. Pulling me back against him, he presses my body into his, and takes my lips in another kiss.

  With what seems like little effort, Sloan picks me up. I wrap my legs around him, and he carries me up th
e stairs. His body flexes and bends as he climbs, the muscles of his ass tight and firm against my calves as he takes each stair. He takes each step slow and steady at a snail’s pace, stealing short kisses along the way, watching for the steps to keep us from tumbling back down the way we came.

  He puts me down when we reach the top landing, and kisses me again; backing me in the direction he wants me to go, which I’m guessing is towards his bedroom. I can’t even tell you which way we went, the kiss so consuming that it’s a miracle I can even walk upright. His tongue swirls heavily against mine as the wood flooring turns to carpet and we finally come to a stop inside his lamp-lit bedroom. His hand is cradled against my cheek, and when he breaks the kiss, he watches my lips intently as he traces his index finger over them, then runs that same finger down my chin, over my throat, and down between my breasts.

  My breathing is shallow, my heart feeling as though it’s beating out of my chest, as he runs his finger lower, past my belly button and further down into the slickness that awaits him. He makes an appreciative sound as he swirls his fingers around my clit, feeling for the first time how wet he’s made me tonight. He slides them back and forth over my sensitive skin, never penetrating, and it drives me crazy with desire for him. My eyes, heavy with lust, can’t stay open. I ache badly for his touch, and even though he’s giving it to me, it’s still not enough.

  He leans in near my lips as his hand makes another pass across my clit, and he speaks in a low voice, “God, you’re so fucking wet. You’re so fucking beautiful.” He kisses the corner of my mouth and keeps going. “I can’t wait to eat this pussy. But first, I want you to finish what you started in the car.”

  My eyes pop open, finding his face in the subtle lighting, and I watch him back a step away from me, taking his fingers with him. He stands still, watching me watching him, and my knees almost buckle when I see him take the fingers he’d spread my arousal, and put them in his mouth, running them across his tongue, sucking the slickness off the tips one by one.


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