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Sloan (A Wesley Brothers Novel Book 2)

Page 12

by Michelle Smith

  “Lizzy, fuck!” The words are hard to get out, but they cross my lips anyway as I struggle to catch my breath. Thick streams shoot across my belly, marking my stomach muscles, which in hindsight seems like a waste since I’d rather have my cum marking her beautiful body instead. My cock is finally spent, resting against my stomach, slowly softening.

  “Damn, that was much better than jerking off at only the thought of you. Who knew phone sex could be this fun?” Her small laugh filters through the line and it makes me smile. Sated and happy, all by my doing, even when I’m not there? That’s a feeling I can’t describe. It makes me happy when I make her happy.

  “Tell me about it. I planned on busting out the vibrator after I got off the phone with you. I certainly won’t be needing to do that now.”

  Her admission makes me smile, but it also makes me sad. “You know, doing this over the phone was fun, but I’d rather be doing it in person.”

  “I know. Me too.”


  Thursday rolls around and I’m stressed as fuck. Soon, I’ll be taking over full-time responsibilities for the Thrillers organization—no other clients, only the Thrillers—but until then I’m still responsible for finishing my existing caseload. Part of that had to do with the business trip I just got back from yesterday, or rather early this morning. I had plans to meet with Lizzy, but they went to shit the minute those assholes I was negotiating with changed their terms at the last minute. Their indecisions bought me an extra few hours there instead of here, which meant I didn’t get to see her like I’d planned. Didn’t get to bury myself in her like I’ve been dying to since Sunday. Sure, we fucked over the phone, but phone sex is no substitute for the real thing.

  I’m irritated and agitated, yet by some miracle, I manage not to be a total dick to anyone, which is a good thing since my next meeting is with Carson. We’ve emailed back and forth, had a few phone calls, and met in person at the ballgame. But this will be our first sit down meeting and I wonder if it will be all business. I’m not in the habit of discussing my potential relationships with virtual strangers, but he’s her brother, and I’m curious to see what he thinks about Lizzy and me.

  The buzzer on the intercom goes off and Sophie’s voice fills the air. “Sloan, Mr. Vaughn is here to see you.”

  “Thanks Sophie. You can send him back.” I finish setting out the files he requested to work on and get up to greet him at the door.

  “Carson, good to see you.” We shake hands at the door and I gesture for him to come into my office. “Please, have a seat.” I direct him to the small lounge area I have in my office as opposed to the business chairs at my desk.

  “Good you see you too, man.” He has a seat on the sofa. “Nice place you have here. It’s very informal. I like that. Doesn’t feel like a stuffy lawyer’s office. It’s kind of nice.”

  His honesty makes me laugh. He doesn’t bullshit around. His sister is the same way, and not for the first time today I feel shitty that I didn’t get to see her last night. “That’s what I was going for. I didn’t want it to feel so…depressing to come to see your lawyer. All the other attorneys in the building are like that, but it’s not my style. Your attorney should be your friend. Keeps everybody relaxed.” I snag the folder off my desk and make my way back across the room. “Can I get you anything? Water, coffee, stiff drink?” I point past the lounge area.

  He laughs as his eyes roam over my well-stocked bar along the wall. “Water would be great. I came straight from the ballpark.” I grab two bottles of water from the mini-fridge and sit down on the other sofa across from him, placing the water bottles down in front of us.

  Opening the folder, I pull out the various documents I had Nora prepare for us and we get started. It’s mostly a few minor tweaks here and there and an update on his Last Will and Testament, along with adding assets like the house he recently bought. The whole process takes less than ninety minutes and we’re all finished.

  “Wow, that didn’t take long at all. I’m impressed.” He sounds surprised at my efficiency. “No wonder the Thrillers hired you. You’ve got your shit together.”

  “Well, I’d be lost without Nora. She’s the glue that holds all this together.”

  I chuckle at my joke—which isn’t a joke at all because she does keep things running like a well-oiled machine—but Carson doesn’t seem to share in my humor. He sounds a bit angry when he says, “Who’s Nora?”

  It appears big brother is protective. I can understand that. Hell, I’d worry if he wasn’t. Still, I can’t help but laugh at his quick jump to the wrong conclusion. “Nora is my legal assistant. She’s also my soon-to-be sister-in-law.”

  I fight back a smile when I see relief cross his face. “Ah. Sorry, I get a little protective of my sister. Always have been.”

  Shrugging, I try to make light of the situation. “I don’t fault you for that. I’d be the same way if I had a sister.”

  “Since we’re already on the subject,” he leads in, “how are things going with you two?” Before I can answer, he holds up his hand. “I know, it’s none of my business, but I’m curious. I’m assuming things are going well since I’ve never seen her this happy. At least not in a long time, anyway.”

  The idea of Lizzy being anything but happy cuts into me like a knife. I always assumed there was a story there, maybe one like mine, that kept her at a distance from the men she dated in the past. I can tell Carson knows, but I won’t ask. It’s Lizzy’s story to tell, and she’ll tell me when she’s ready.

  “It’s going well, I think. She’s great. Fun, beautiful, witty. She’s an amazing woman.” The only thing I left off that list was how fantastic she is in bed, and I don’t mention it for Carson’s benefit. If it were up to me, I’d be shouting it from the rooftops.

  A small but brief look of concern crosses his face. “It sounds like this might be more than casual to you.” He must notice he’s caught me off guard with his comment, but if I think about it, it shouldn’t be much of a surprise. They’re close, and likely talk about everything. And Lizzy did mention Carson was worried she and I hooking up might affect his and my working relationship, so I know they’ve talked about it. “I know my sister and how she feels. I don’t like it, but I understand it. I also see how she is when she’s around you. It’s different than the way she is when she’s dating around. I love seeing her this happy. I’m rooting for you.”

  Confused, I ask. “Rooting for me?”

  “Yes, to be the one to change her mind. To be the one to show her it’s okay to give her heart away again.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because I love my sister, and I want her to be happy. And because I think you might like her more than you let on, and might need the extra push to tell her.”

  I let out a chuckle. “Is it that obvious?”

  He laughs, but doesn’t answer my question. Instead, he stands up and walks over to the door, and I get up and follow. He reaches out to shake my hand. “Anyway, thanks for meeting me today and taking care of all that,” he waves his other hand around in the air searching for the right word, “stuff.”

  I give him a genuine smile. I like this guy. “No problem. I’ll get Nora on it and we’ll have it all filed by next week.” I open the door to the office to let Carson out just as someone else comes barreling in through the doorway, a tangle of arms and legs crashing into me. A tangle of arms and legs with red hair.

  What the fuck is she doing here?

  I set my lips in a hard line as Sophie comes down the hallway behind her, giving me a pleading look. “I’m sorry Sloan. I told her to wait but she didn’t listen.”

  Stepping back, I force Bridgett to gain her own balance and give my attention back to Sophie. “It’s okay, we’re finished.” She nods and walks back toward her desk, but not before administering a death glare to my ex-girlfriend. Bridgett has the nerve to smile.

  I walk Carson back to the reception area, away from the drama that’s sure to be brewing in m
y office. “I’ll call you next week when we get all the paperwork done.”

  “Sounds good.” He walks away and into the waiting elevator and I’m left to deal with whatever the fuck Bridgett wants.

  My good mood and thoughts of Lizzy vanish as I storm back into the office. She has the nerve to be sitting on my desk when I come back in. I don’t even bother trying to be nice. “What are you doing here? I told you when you asked me at the coffee shop that I didn’t want you coming by my office. And now you show up anyway and barge in here when I’m with a client? What the fuck, Bridgett?”

  She puts her hands up on her hips. “I hadn’t heard from you yet and, well, I got tired of waiting. I showed up unannounced because you wouldn’t have let me in otherwise. And as for the barging in part, that’s all on Sophie.”

  I shake my head at her ridiculousness, although she does make a valid point. I know I wouldn’t have let her in had she called first. “Bridgett, I don’t have time to deal with this. Can you get to the point and tell me what the hell you want so we can get this over with as soon as possible?”

  She sighs and hops off the desk, walking to where I’m standing and stopping right in front of me. She’s in my personal space, but I’m pissed she’s here at all, so I’m not backing away. Her eyes roam over my face before she speaks. “I wanna come home.”

  Of all the things she could have said, this was the one I least expected. She must see the shock on my face as I stand there staring at her, because then her words tumble out. “I made a mistake, okay? A huge one. I never should have done what I did to you and I never should have walked out on you. It was stupid, and selfish, and probably a million other things I can’t think of right now.” I stand there, dumbfounded, when she reaches her hands up to the lapels of my jacket, gripping them as she speaks. “I’m here because I’m sorry Sloan. I want you to give me another chance, to give us another chance. We can make this work.” She tugs on my jacket again to make sure my attention is solely focused on her. “I love you. I’ve never stopped loving you.”

  The motion of her trying to pull me in for a kiss snaps me out of my shock, and I push her away before her lips can touch mine. They’re lips that don’t belong to my Lizzy, and I want no part of them.

  She looks at me, stunned. “No.” It’s the only word I say. It’s almost instantaneous, the look of anger and hurt replacing the look of love and adoration. I gear up for the argument I know is coming.

  “What? Why? Is this because of the blonde that was with you at the coffee shop?”

  I shake my head and let out an exasperated sigh. “No Bridgett, this is about you and me. You cheated on me. When I gave you everything I had, and everything you wanted. But it wasn’t good enough for you, Bridgett. I wasn’t good enough for you. I’m not going to lie and say it didn’t hurt, because at the time it did. But you know what? I’m okay now. I’m better than okay.”

  She gives me a look of confusion prompting me to elaborate on my statement. I’m on a roll now, seeking the closure I finally realize I need. “I was angry at you for cheating on me, but our relationship was over and I wasn’t as upset about that as I should have been. I used to be in love with you, Bridgett. I’m not anymore. And honestly, looking back on it now, I think I stopped loving you long before you cheated on me.”

  “What the hell are you talking about Sloan?” She’s still angry, but I can see the fight draining from her body. She was geared up for an argument to get me to see her side, but telling her I’d already stopped loving her wasn’t what she’d anticipated. I don’t want to be cruel, but it’s the truth. I spent a lot of time out by the pond coming to that conclusion, but it didn’t hit home until I met Lizzy and realized what I had been lacking in my relationship with Bridgett. Now, I want Bridgett to know there’s no chance with us anymore. She is my past, and right now I only see Lizzy in my future.

  “I’m saying that even if you hadn’t cheated on me, I don’t think we would have lasted much longer. I realize now how unhappy I was. And you were obviously unhappy too, or I wouldn’t have caught you in bed fucking a guy who wasn’t me.” I let out a sigh. “I’m saying there’s nothing left for you here. Whatever we had before is over. And I won’t be changing my mind.”

  Her movement is quick, and my reaction is a split second too late as the palm of her hand connects hard across my face. It hurts like a motherfucker, but I force myself not to react. She’s seething when she speaks. “It took a lot for me to come here and admit to you I made a mistake.” She grabs her purse and storms to the door, swinging it open with force, but turning to me before she goes. “Fuck you, Sloan Wesley!”

  With those parting words, I watch her stomp angrily out of my office.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I’m in the kitchen putting the last touches on dinner when my brother comes through the kitchen’s garage door entrance. He stops, breathing in deeply as he stands still.

  “Damn, that smells good. What is it?”

  “It does, doesn’t it? I made lasagna—a big ass pan of it too—so you and the guys should have plenty to fill you up tonight.” Carson invited some of the guys from the team over since it’s an off night, which is fine by me since I have plans to stay at Sloan’s tonight. I’ve missed him. “There’s salad in the fridge and wine in the case if you want it, but since you probably won’t, I also loaded the fridge with beers.”

  “Ah, little sis, you know me well.” I beam under his praise as he hugs me into him, kissing me on the top of my head.

  Pulling away to turn off the oven, I ask him, “How did your meeting with Sloan go?” From what Carson told me it would be a simple visit.

  “It went well. We got everything squared away and it didn’t take an eternity to do it.” Pulling a piece of crispy cheese that bubbled over the side of the pan, Carson pops it in his mouth. He normally doesn’t get to eat this kind of stuff during the season, but he’s been homesick lately and since mom can’t be here to make him his favorite comfort foods it falls on me to bring him the comforts of home he misses. I love my brother, and it makes me happy to do little things like this for him. He does so much for me and rarely asks for anything in return.

  “Did I come up in the conversation?” I try to ask with all the nonchalance I can muster, but it doesn’t work. My smirk gives me away and he laughs at me.

  “Fishing for information? How unlike you.” He rolls his eyes playfully. “Now, why on earth would you come up in a conversation I’m having about legal things with my lawyer?” He’s watching me, trying to keep his expression serious, but he can’t fight the smile curling his lips.

  “Maybe because I’m banging your lawyer.”

  I laugh at the look of disgust crossing his face, replacing his shit-eating grin. “Eww, can we not talk about that? Please? It’s bad enough I know you do it, I don’t need to hear about it too.” He pulls another piece of cheese off the pan’s edge. “Damn, you need some girlfriends.”

  It’s my turn to roll my eyes and shake my head, giving him reprieve by not continuing the conversation about my sex life. “You ass. You guys talked about, didn’t you?” He can’t hide things from me. He was never good at it.

  “Maybe, but nothing bad, I swear.” He throws his hands up in a gesture of surrender. “He had only good things to say about you.”

  I don’t even try to stop the wide grin crossing my face at the thought. Releasing a contented sigh, I meet my brother’s eyes. “I really like this one.”

  He walks over, wrapping his strong arms around me again. “I know you do sis. I can see it all over your face. Honestly, I like this one too. He’s good for you. He’s good to you, and that’s a hell of a lot more than I can say about what’s his name.”

  “Ugh, don’t even mention him.” Breaking our hug, I exit the kitchen in the hopes Carson will drop the subject. He doesn’t take the hint. Instead, he follows me into the living room.

  “Have you told Sloan yet? About your breakup with Patrick?” The q
uestion puts me in a foul mood. I hate even thinking about that jerk. Leave it to Carson to always ask me the hard questions, ones I’d rather avoid dealing with. I know he means well. He wants me to be up front with Sloan about my past, but the idea of explaining why I am the way I am—and how it all leads back to Patrick—isn’t something I want to get into right now, if ever.

  I try to be as honest as I can. “No, not yet. I didn’t expect to get this…invested in Sloan.”

  “Define invested.” Carson smiles at me again. He knows damned well what I mean, but he wants to make me say it. “I already know you like the guy.”

  I breathe out a long sigh. “You and I both know it’s more than ‘like.’ I haven’t felt this way in a long time and it scares the fuck out of me. You saw how it turned out the last time. Patrick’s the whole reason I don’t get serious with guys anymore. I only do casual. And that’s what I thought I was getting with Sloan.”

  I was wrong in my flawed thinking, because Sloan is anything but casual now. The thought of him makes me smile again.

  “But Sloan? He’s…different. I can see myself being with him. Like having a future together, you know?”

  He nods his head. “So, you’re willing to give a real relationship another try?”

  I nod my head, a smile splitting my face. “I think I am.” There’s that damned smile again. I can’t help it.

  “Even if there’s a chance it could turn out like it did with Patrick?”

  I meet my brother’s gaze, but he doesn’t force me to answer the question. We share a silent look that says only time will tell.

  Wanting to get off the topic of my love life, I change the subject. “What did you think of his office? Nice, huh?”

  “It’s nice. Very laid back and informal, just like Sloan. I’ve never had a lawyer like him before. For the first time, I think I genuinely enjoyed a visit to my attorney’s office. Although, it was interesting at the end.”


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