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Red's Hot Cowboy

Page 10

by Carolyn Brown

  She leaned against the front fender of the older truck and watched, her hormones humming and her ears buzzing while she tried in vain to rope in her wild imagination. She shook her head to erase the sexy visions and the hum. She had a motel to run, Lucy to help heal, and two books to read. She damn sure didn’t have time for whacked out hormones no matter what pretty tune they were humming or how bad she wanted another one of those steamy kisses. God Almighty, she needed to get back in the dating world. She needed to date lots of men, a different one every weekend.

  But what if he’s the one? What if Wil Marshall is the very one you have been waiting on all your life, your soul mate?

  He tossed the air hose into the back of the truck, flipped a switch to turn off the compressor, and handed the keys to the newer vehicle to her. His thumb lingered on her palm and the steamy heat was still there. “You can take my new truck. This old one has a stick shift and gets cantankerous on second gear. I’ll lead the way since you’ve only been out there one time.”

  She hopped inside and started up the truck only to have her ear drums rattled by a CD turned up to the highest volume with Blake Shelton singing “Kiss My Country Ass.” She quickly twisted the knob to decrease the noise and looked across at Wil who shrugged and smiled.

  Ten minutes later they were parked in his front yard. Digger came running from behind the house. Wil bent down and rubbed his ears, said a few words to him, and opened the truck door for him to get inside the truck. He bounded up onto the seat, licked Pearl from jawbone to eyebrow, and then sat down like royalty. Wil got in the passenger’s seat beside him and strapped the seat belt across his chest.

  She wiped at the dog slobbers and frowned. “Yuck!”

  “Look at that, Digger. She don’t take to dog slobbers but I had to eat that pie after she’d licked it. Seems like she’s more’n a little bit hoity-toity.”

  “I’m not hoity-toity!” she said quickly.

  Wil grinned. It didn’t take much to fire her up and he loved the way her eyes flashed when she was angry. “Yeah, you are. You wouldn’t go to dinner with me because I’m nothing but a plain old farmer.”

  She turned the truck around and started back toward town. “You’re picking a fight, Wil Marshall, and you know it. I don’t give a damn if you are a plain old farmer or richer than Bill Gates. That doesn’t have jack shit to do with anything. And why does your name have only one l in it instead of two?”

  “You are changing the subject but I’ll tell you. My name is Wilson, not William, so it had only got one l in it. My full name is Jesse Wilson Marshall. Wilson after Momma’s maiden name. Jesse after my father. What’s the rest of your name?”

  “You’ll laugh,” she said.

  He crossed his chest and held up two fingers. “I promise I won’t.”

  “Double dog promise?”

  “You got it. Is it all that bad?”

  “It is ten times that bad. I was supposed to be a boy so they didn’t have a name picked out at all for a girl child. The day they left the hospital they were still in shock that I didn’t come with the right plumbing to make me John Tyson Richland Junior. So Momma said she wanted to name me for her favorite aunt, my grandmother’s sister in Georgia. That gave Daddy the idea of naming me for his favorite aunt, which was Aunt Pearlita. He’d spent some time over in these parts when he was growing up around her and my great-grandmother.”

  “I figured that’s where they got the Pearl.”

  She reached Highway 82 and turned east toward the motel. “Mother’s favorite aunt was Minnie and she didn’t have a middle name. So they named me Minnie Pearl Richland.”

  He bit the inside of his lip and swallowed hard three times before he got the laughter under control.

  She stuck out her lower lip in an exaggerated fake pout. “You are laughing!”

  “Am not,” he said from between clenched teeth.

  “Yes, you are. I can see it in your face. Whatever you are thinking is written all over your face, Wil Marshall. You can’t hide a thing.”

  He bristled. “I can too. I’m part Seminole Indian. I’ve got a great poker face.”

  “Yeah, right. Your eyes are laughing so hard they are about to pop right out of your head. And I don’t care if you are full-blood Apache. You do not have a poker face. I could whip your cowboy ass in poker any day of the week and twice on Sunday.”

  “You can’t see my eyes.”

  “Yes, I can. You looked at me to see if I was lying and you were laughing.”

  He couldn’t contain it another second. It exploded and bounced around the cab of the truck like a marble in a glass jar. He tried to stop by clamping his mouth shut but even that didn’t work. A vision of the late Minnie Pearl from Hee Haw appeared in his mind, only it was Pearl Richland wearing a big straw hat with the price tags hanging from it.

  Pearl was grinning when she nosed the truck into the parking spot in front of the motel lobby. “I’m so glad you got such a kick out of that story. Now do you want my real full name or will that one do to entertain you?”

  The laughter stopped as suddenly as it started. He drew his dark brows down into a single line and narrowed his eyes. “You lied to me?”

  “You broke your promise and laughed at me. I lied. Not much difference.”

  “What if I hadn’t laughed?”

  She smiled sweetly. “Then I would have let you think my name was Minnie Pearl for the rest of your life.”

  “What is your name really?”

  “Would you believe Olive Oil Pearl?”

  “Come on, Pearl. Tell me the truth. Is it worse than Minnie Pearl?”

  She turned to look out the side window so he couldn’t see her expression. “Okay, the truth? But you cannot laugh. Just remember that they had to come up with a name or they couldn’t take me home. It’s Oyster Pearl.”

  “Now you are being stupid. No one would name their child Oyster.”

  She pulled the handle to open the door. “Well, that’s my name. Good night, Wil. Don’t bother coming to the Longhorn Inn if your electricity goes out because there won’t be a room for you even if I have twenty rooms empty.”

  “Okay, okay. I’m sorry I said that about your name. I won’t ever bring it up again.”

  She stepped out of the truck and slammed the door. He crawled out on his side, told Digger to sit still, and walked to the lobby door with her. She unlocked it and went inside, her ribs aching from pent up laughter. She had to ’fess up so she could laugh or else she was going to explode.

  “Wil, my full name is Katy Pearl. Katy Minerva is Momma’s favorite aunt. I always thought it would’ve been a hoot if they’d shortened Minerva to Minnie like they did Pearlita to Pearl. I was just joshing you.”

  “Okay, Katy Pearl, which is a lovely name, by the way. You have a sense of humor. I like that in a woman.”

  He followed her almost to the counter before he took two steps to her one and was suddenly in front of her, his arms around her and his lips parted as they came closer and closer. He opened his eyes slightly and saw the tip of her tongue wet her lips and zeroed in for the kiss. He hugged her tightly and made love to her mouth until she was breathless. When he broke the kiss, he buried his face in her hair and inhaled. Cold, sweat, and a faint floral scent mixed together to take his breath away.

  “Good night, Red.”

  She was speechless. He should’ve been angry at her for lying to him or embarrassed at believing the lie. She should’ve been madder than hell at him calling her Red again but nothing came to mind so she watched him go with one of those backward waves.

  Chapter 6

  Wil pushed the numbers for the motel three times and hung up before the phone rang. He didn’t need a woman in his life who was a female player. Since Rye had found Austin, he and Raylen both had been bitten by the “settle down” bug. And then the lights went out in Henrietta… and the rest was history. The motel number was engraved in his brain after thinking about calling her all evening.

Finally he gave in to the itch and let the phone ring. She picked up on the second ring.

  “Front desk. This is Pearl.” Pearl groaned. She had ten rooms filled and the last one was a woman who looked like she’d faint at her own shadow. Pearl hoped the woman didn’t find a scorpion behind the potty in the bathroom. As exhausted as she looked, she’d faint, bust open her head on the sink, and sue Pearl for the whole motel. When the phone rang, she just knew the woman had found a bug.

  “Well, I guess I done got the wrong number. I was calling for this pretty red-haired woman who works there called Red,” Wil said.

  “I should hang up.” She ignored the fact that he called her by that abominable nickname. “What can I do for you, Wil Marshall? Is your electricity out again?”

  “No, but I’m lonesome. Come out here and keep me company.”

  “Too bad, darlin’. I’ve already turned out the lights and I’m in bed,” she said.

  “That’s a provocative idea,” Wil said.

  “Want to know what I’m wearing?” she teased.

  “A black lacy thing…”

  “In your dreams. I’ve got on flannel pajama bottoms and a thermal knit shirt. Both of them are gray and match my socks,” she said.

  “Can I come over there and see for myself? I think you are lying to me and you’ve really got on one of those black lacy things with fishnet hose and a cute little bow at the front right under your—”

  “Whoa, cowboy! I don’t have phone sex on the first phone call,” she said.

  “Can’t blame a cowboy for trying.” He chuckled. “Okay then, what’s the rules? Second phone call?”

  “Try the twenty-fifth,” she said.

  “Can I have your cell phone number?”

  “Not until the third phone call,” she said.

  “Okay, hang up and I’ll call you back twice,” he drawled.

  She giggled. “Good night, Wil. Sweet dreams.”

  “Ah, come on. Talk to me, Red. I’m too wound up to sleep and too tired to do anything else. Did I tell you that Austin and Rye are having a New Year’s Eve party Sunday and we’re supposed to go?”

  “You told me that already.”

  “What time can I pick you up?”

  “I’m going in my car. That way I can leave when I want,” she answered.

  He chuckled. “Okay, then are you wearing something black, tight, and lacy to the party?”

  “First phone call, Wil. I’m not talking about clothes, underpants, or teddies.”

  “Well, damn. I might as well read my book until I fall asleep. I’m going to Wichita Falls tomorrow for feed. Want to go with me? We could get some lunch and I’ll have you back in plenty of time for the guests.”

  “Got to clean rooms,” she said.

  “You ain’t no fun at all tonight, Red. I think I’ll just go on to sleep.”

  She laughed. Every hormone in her body whined. It would be so easy to tell him to come right on over, especially after those fiery kisses.

  “You’ve got a delicious laugh,” he said.

  “If it’s so delicious, what does it taste like?” she asked.

  “Peach cobbler with homemade ice cream. Good night, Red. I’ll holler at you tomorrow after I get home from Wichita Falls.” He hung up.

  So much for steering clear of the woman. He was drawn to her like metal to magnet. There was just something about the electricity between them that kept bringing him back for another dose.


  Pearl held the phone for a full minute before she put it back on the base, and it was a very long time before she finally went to sleep.

  Tuesday morning she awoke half an hour late and barely made it to the lobby before the first of the guests were ready to check out. She and Lucy cleaned rooms until noon, stopped long enough to run into town to the Dairy Queen for a hamburger, and then finished up the rest of the rooms by three o’clock. Lucy went to her room to read and Pearl cleaned her apartment.

  Six rooms were full and another customer coming through the door with two teenage kids in tow when the phone rang that evening. She laid a card on the counter and picked up the phone on the third ring.

  “Longhorn Inn. Front desk. Please hold.” She laid the phone to the side and turned back to the guest.

  “I either need two rooms or one with two beds,” the woman said.

  “Each room has two beds, but I have vacancies if you want two rooms,” Pearl said.

  “One room then,” she said and filled out the card.

  “Thank you for holding. What can I do for you?” she said as she finished the transaction and the woman was on her way outside with the key to room eleven.

  “Well, I’d like one of those empty rooms I heard you talking about and you waiting for me in it wearing that black thing you had on last night,” Wil said.

  “Wil Marshall! I told you I was wearing gray flannel and socks!”

  “Not in my mind, but we can’t talk about that, can we? This is only our second phone call. It has to be the third? Isn’t that right?”

  She smiled.

  “Are you going to answer or at least let me hear a peach pie giggle?” he asked.

  “You are—”

  “Tired,” he finished for her. “It finally caught up to me this afternoon. I almost fell asleep on the way home from Wichita Falls. If I had and it killed me it would’ve been your fault. If you’d have come out to the ranch and kept me company I wouldn’t have tossed and turned all night.”

  She couldn’t have wiped the grin from her face if it had meant giving up chocolate donuts. “It would not have been my fault. You shouldn’t drive when you are that tired. You should be sleeping, not talking to me.”

  “It’s only eight thirty. If I go to sleep now I’ll wake up at midnight and won’t be able to sleep anymore all night. Let Lucy run the motel and come watch a movie with me. I promise I won’t even kiss you.”

  Pearl laughed so hard that she got the hiccups.

  “What’s so funny, Red?”

  “I’m not a walk-behind-you-three-steps kind of woman, Wil. What if I wanted to kiss you?”

  “Well, hell, honey, we could work out some kind of arrangement. That mean you are coming out here?”

  “It does not. I don’t kiss on the second date.”

  “I do believe I remember that you’ve kissed me already. Do those kisses count as one phone call and I get your cell phone tonight?”

  “No, you kissed me. When I kiss you, darlin’, you will already have my cell number. This is only number two.”

  It was fun to flirt again after a long, dry spell. She’d always loved dating, loved flirting and the chase, whether it was her doing the running after or the running from, she loved the game. But here lately she’d felt as if she was running toward that special man who loved her so much that when she looked into his eyes she only saw a reflection of herself hiding there.

  “Then tomorrow night I get lucky?” Wil asked.

  She laughed again. “Lucky as in what?”

  “Is your mind in the gutter? I was talking about getting your cell phone number so I could call anytime I want. What were you thinking about?”

  “Giving you my cell phone number. When do I get yours?”

  His voice deepened and he whispered, “Miz Red! I’m surprised at you being so forward. I don’t give my cell number to anyone on the third date. I’m an old-fashioned guy. I wait until I see you in that little black thing before you get my number.”

  The laughter stopped and her insides went all soft and mushy at his sexy voice. “Wil, this is goose and gander.”


  “I don’t put out until you do.”

  “And are we still talkin’ about phone numbers?”

  She bit the inside of her lip to keep from laughing. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had so much fun with anyone. Wil had wit, charm, and downright sex appeal. “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I don’t give out my number until you are willi
ng to share yours.”

  He sighed. “Well, shit! I figured that’s what you meant. Okay, darlin’, then tomorrow night we’ll both put out at the same time. I hope it’s as good for you as it’s going to be for me.”

  “I’ve got a customer headed for the door. Good night, Wil,” Pearl said.

  “Dream about me,” he said and the phone went dead.


  Pearl and Lucy were just finishing up the last room when the florist’s van pulled up in front of the lobby.

  “Hello!” Pearl yelled, hoping that the flowers in the lady’s hand weren’t for Lucy. If her sorry husband had found her and sent flowers to butter her up so she’d come back to Kentucky to wash his clothes, cook his supper, and take whippings, Pearl intended to shoot the sorry bastard herself.

  “I’m lookin’ for Miz Richland,” the woman said.

  Lucy pointed. “That’d be her. And thank God! Cleet never did get me no flowers but that give me a scare. If he ever finds me he’ll kill me, Pearl. If he sent me them flowers I was goin’ to run again. I don’t never want to see him again.”

  Pearl patted her arm. “You won’t have to run. I’ll shoot him. I don’t ever want to lose you, Lucy.”

  The woman handed Pearl the crystal vase with three roses in it. She carried it to the lobby and set it on the counter. She didn’t want them to be from Marlin. Like Lucy, she didn’t ever want to hear from her ex again.

  “You goin’ to open the card?” Lucy asked.

  “I’m afraid to. If they are from Marlin, my old boyfriend, then there’ll have to be a phone call telling him that I’m not interested in him anymore and I—”

  Lucy reached up and grabbed the card, flipped it open, and frowned. “They ain’t from anyone. It’s a phone number and it’s wrote down in red ink.” She handed it to Pearl who recognized the area code and smiled.

  Lucy giggled. “Wil Marshall. That’s who they’re from. He called you Red. I told you that cowboy has the hots for you. I betcha he kisses you on New Year’s Eve.”

  “I might not even go to that party.”


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