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Better Together

Page 22

by Annalisa Carr

  “Too stupid to even answer.” Zoe rolled her eyes. “You’re the most responsible person I know. I can’t see you taking to your bed with a supply of downers and a boy toy when things get difficult. If you were going to do that, you’d have done it by now.”

  Tallulah took the hint. She was being pathetic. “How’s the move to Manchester going?”

  “I think we’ve found somewhere to live. Temporarily of course, but it’ll do until we find somewhere to buy.”

  ~ ~ ~

  On Monday morning, Tallulah went into the art department of her college. The adverts had disappeared from the notice board, but she knocked on the door of Mr Amin, the department’s administrator, and pushed it open.

  “Hello, Tallulah.” Mr Amin looked up from his computer. “What can I do for you?”

  She explained that she was interested in work experience, and New York in particular.

  “You’ve left it a bit late, haven’t you?”

  “Yes. I couldn’t decide whether to do my last year or take a year out for the experience.” Her bag slipped off her shoulder, and she hoisted it back up while she waited for a reply.

  “We have something,” Mr Amin said. “One of the other students dropped out, after deciding he didn’t want to leave London at the moment.” He pulled open a drawer in the filing cabinet next to his desk and took out a thin brochure. “It’s only for three months though.” He flicked doubtfully through the pages. “It comes with accommodation and a small living allowance.”

  “Where is it?”

  “It’s a small gallery in Greenwich Village, which displays and sells contemporary artists.” He closed the brochure and slid it across the desk. “It might suit you, as they’re looking for political art, and you’ve done something similar, haven’t you?”

  “I did a series of cartoon drawings for my second-year portfolio.” Tallulah turned the pages of the brochure. “They were supposed to tell stories that showed world events in a style reminiscent of—”

  He waved her to a halt. “Never mind the details. Would you like me to give them a ring?”

  “Thank you. Shall I wait?”

  “Come back this afternoon,” he said. “Remember, there’s a time difference.”

  ~ ~ ~

  “I got it.” She couldn’t believe it.

  Zoe hugged her. “I knew you would. When do you go?”

  “The end of September,” she said. She’d gone straight to Zoe’s office after she’d seen Mr Amin and caught her as she was leaving. “I’ll be there until just after Christmas. And if they like my work, they might even display it in the gallery.” She couldn’t wait to tell Aiden. Surely he’ll be pleased?

  Chapter 25

  Aiden arrived at the office at nine o’clock on Friday morning, looking like a model businessman. His hair was shorter, and stylishly cut; his face was perfectly shaved, and for a second, Tallulah felt she was staring at a stranger.

  He strode in, pulled Tallulah out of her chair, and kissed her. She clutched at his arms, curling her fingers into the material of his jacket, before relaxing and kissing him back. He smelled familiar; the subtle lime fragrance of his aftershave mixing with his own masculine scent. She inhaled deeply.

  He lifted his head. “I’ve missed you.” He ran a finger down her cheek and kissed her again. “You shouldn’t do this at work. You’re giving me ideas.”

  She shook her head and blinked when he released her. What’s he talking about? He’s the one who jumped on me. “Me? Aiden—I”

  “I’ve got a meeting in fifteen minutes. Near Ludgate Circus. Must rush.” He disappeared into his office and emerged again ten seconds later.

  Tallulah was still stunned. “I need to talk to you.” She followed him as he almost ran to the door.

  “Me too. I’ve got good news. Meet me for lunch? One thirty? Got to go. I’m running late.” He vanished through the door to the stairs.

  Tallulah sank back into her seat, deflated. She’d psyched herself up to give him her news, and he hadn’t hung around long enough for a proper hello, let alone an exchange of information. If he hadn’t kissed her, she would have doubted his feelings. She raised her hand and touched the centre of her lower lip, where the taste of him lingered.

  He called at a quarter past one and asked her to meet him at the small Italian restaurant they’d been to before.

  Grabbing her bag, she locked the office and headed out. Aiden was striding along the pavement towards the restaurant when she arrived. He was intent on avoiding other pedestrians and didn’t see her immediately, so she had time to observe him. He wore a formal dark blue business suit with a white shirt and a conservative grey tie. His eyes were hidden by dark glasses. She squinted at him. Was he wearing that suit when he arrived at the office? When he kissed me?

  “Why are you all dressed up?”

  He slid to a halt in front of her. “I had a meeting with bankers. They’re impressed by formality.” He grabbed her arm and tucked her into his side. “Come on. I booked a table.” He pushed his sunglasses onto the top of his head as they entered the relative darkness of the restaurant.

  Tallulah allowed herself to be steered into her seat before speaking again. “Aiden—”

  “I’ve something to tell you.” He leaned his elbows on the table and met her eyes. “Good news, I hope.”

  “So have I.” She really wanted to tell him about her internship.

  “Me first?”

  She gave an exaggerated sigh. “Go on then.”

  “I’m going to move to Europe.”

  She stared. “I thought you didn’t want to work for your father.” He hasn’t given in to William Marlowe’s demands just for me, has he? She knew if he’d done that, he’d end up hating her.

  “This has nothing to do with him,” Aiden said. “It’s an expansion of our New York office. We discussed it at Wednesday’s board meeting. I had the idea a week or so ago, but I didn’t want to tell you until my partners agreed.”

  Tallulah sat back in her seat and closed her eyes. His news made her own news feel redundant. She would be in New York, while he was in England. Her heart sank, and she opened her eyes, wondering how she would tell him.

  Aiden misinterpreted her expression because he sat back and folded his arms. “I know you think this is rushed, and I thought if I was based in London we could slow down a bit. I don’t want you to feel pressured. Come on, Tallulah, you know—”

  Tallulah interrupted him “I’ve got a job in New York.”

  His face froze. “But—”

  “We should have talked to each other,” she said. “It’s a short-term internship in a gallery there. I thought—”

  “Does this mean you want to give us a chance?”

  “Yes. But what about—”

  “How short term?” he asked.

  “Till the end of December. I didn’t want to stay here without you. I thought—”

  “That’s great.” A huge smile spread across his face. “I’ll need to commute between New York and London for the first six months. You can live with me in New York.”

  “The job comes with accommodation.” She couldn’t help smiling back.

  “You won’t need it, will you?” He leaned across the table and took her hands. “We’ll make this work. The first time I saw you, I knew there was something there. After you ran into me that Monday evening, I never thought I’d see you again, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

  “I told my sister you were hot.”

  “Really?” Aiden grinned at her. “You think I’m hot?”

  “You know I do. I wasn’t interested in a serious relationship though. I had a to-do list for my life. I just wanted to finish my degree and to feel secure, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you either.”

  “You’re prepared to leave your family in London for me?” Aiden played with one of her hands. “I wouldn’t have asked you to do that.”

  “I know.” His finger drew circles on the palm of her hand, creating a warmth that spread through her body. “But Zoe was right. I’ve got to let go. I’m not their mother.”

  “They’ll be okay,” Aiden said. “I’ll keep an eye on them for you. I’ll visit every time I’m in England.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” Tallulah laughed, her spirits lifting. “There’s a thing called a cell phone.”

  “You’ll have to see my family occasionally,” he said. “I won’t inflict them on you too often.”

  “I’ll cope.” Hopefully the ice queen will thaw.

  “They’ll come around in the end. For some reason, they want me to settle down. God knows why, when you see how their marriage works. It put me off the idea for years.”

  Tallulah took a deep breath. “I never wanted to be like my mother. She needed a man to be her saviour, but she was let down every time. I didn’t realise that what she had wasn’t love.”

  “What did she have?”

  “Fear,” Tallulah said. “She couldn’t cope with life and searched for someone to do it for her. I was afraid I’d be like that if I wasn’t careful, but I know I’m not. I don’t need you for security. I want you because you make me happy. You make me complete. I love you.”

  Aiden lifted one of her hands and kissed it. “The first time I saw you, looking like a hippy-dippy fairy-tale princess, I thought I was dreaming. You knocked the breath right out of me.”

  “I body slammed you.”

  “You did more than that,” he said.

  His slowly widening smile made her want to drag him somewhere private.

  “I think I knew that you were different, but it was at least a week before I realised I might be falling in love with you.” He kissed the palm of her other hand.

  Behind his chair, a waiter hovered. He coughed discretely.

  Tallulah looked up. “Let’s skip lunch,” she said.

  Aiden stood, waiting until she’d wriggled out from behind the table before pulling her into his arms and kissing her. She leaned into his body, winding her arms round his neck. When he lifted his head, the waiter was still there, arms folded, a world-weary expression on his face. Three young women at the next table clapped their hands and giggled.

  “Come on, Tinkerbelle.” He steered her towards the door, his hand caressing the back of her neck.

  At the exit, she paused in the sunlight, grabbed his tie, and pulled him towards her. “Don’t call me Tinkerbelle.”

  He kissed her again, making her entire body smile. When he raised his head, his eyes laughed at her. His mouth whispered against her lips. “Love you, Tinkerbelle-Tallulah.”

  She took his hand, thinking that security could mean different things.

  “My flat?” He squeezed her hand.

  She nodded. “Love you too.”

  This man’s mine. She wanted to sing with happiness. Forever.

  Also from Soul Mate Publishing and Annalisa Carr:


  The Children of Poseidon may rule the seas, but someone forgot to tell this to the women they try to conquer. Stormy seas, sexy sea gods, and temperamental witches? Who said being immortal wasn't complicated? Lila thinks she has life figured out-Raise her orphaned, powerful, teen-witch of a sister, then settle into a drama-and-teen-free existence. Lykos knows he has life figured out. Protect his citizens and control his lovers. And stay away from witches. Except ... what's the son of Poseidon to do when an auburn-haired beauty enlists his help to save her baby sister from his power-hungry half-brother? Monsoons have nothing on the turbulent passions between a sea-god and the woman he claims.

  Available on Amazon:


  Poseidon’s son Rann has been content to rule his island paradise for centuries, but now something dangerous is stirring in his seas. A dark web of evil spreads from the horn of Africa to the covens of London.

  A call for help from her old coven gives young witch Jewel a reason to leave her island home and her crush on Rann, and hurry back to London where old crimes are rising to disturb the city’s magic community.

  The past is about to collide with Jewel’s present and threaten her future with something far more lethal than unrequited love.

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  Damnamenos, youngest son of Poseidon, has always viewed himself as a modern demi-god—an equal opportunity sorcerer who runs an international business empire while plotting revenge on his faithless ex-lover. He likes to think he has his life under control, but when evil threatens his world, he needs to summon all his old magic to deal with it.

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