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The Brazen Amazon

Page 13

by Sandy James

  “No. God, no,” she replied with a touch of giggle in her voice. “It’s not Richard. I don’t have a thing for Richard.”

  “But he’s got a thing for you.”

  “I don’t like him that way, Zach. He’s just a friend.”

  “Then why? Why can’t we figure out what’s happening here, what’s happening between us?” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer before he planted a slow, deep kiss on her lips.

  A tremor raced through her, but she didn’t kiss him back.

  The woman frustrated the hell out of him, both physically and psychologically. They seemed to be so in tune with each other, often finishing each other’s sentences. Why couldn’t she see the depth of his feelings? At the very least, she should be able to sense his desire. Shit, it had to be radiating from him like an aura.

  Of course other women had never noticed him, not until he had money. Having a fortune behind him had helped him grab plenty of attention, but not the kind he wanted or needed.

  “Because nothing can come from it,” she blurted out.

  “Is it because—well, because you’re...different? Because of your...powers?”

  “Exactly how much do you know about my powers?”

  “Not as much as I’d like to.”

  She shook her head.

  What did she mean about not being together? Why did she need to hold him at a distance? Why was she the only one who knew about this threat?

  His mother and Jenny had to be worried sick. He’d never been out of touch before. With a threat being made that included his Toy, he had important messages to send as soon as he could get his hands on his cell phone. Things were too damned confusing right now, and he needed to try to get some solid footing with Gina. Once he had that peace of mind, the rest he could handle.

  “I know we’ve got these SOGs to deal with, but when it’s over—”

  “You’ll have to leave. You’ll have to go back to your world, and I’ll have to go back to mine. We can’ together.”

  Normally, the mere mention of things getting serious sent him running like a child from a booster shot. Yet as Gina told him there could never be anything serious between them, all Zach felt was a rising panic.

  She needed to give him a chance because his instincts were screaming that she was meant to be more to him than another lover. When he made love to her, it would be different than the lust he’d felt for the few women he’d slept with. His personality had meshed with his pretty bodyguard’s right from the start.

  When his mother used to wax poetic about how she’d known Zach’s father was “the one” from the moment they’d met, Zach had always thought her tale was nothing more than a wistful memory. Maybe she really knew what she’d been talking about, because the connection he felt with Gina from that first moment had been unusual. And very, very strong.

  Until he could work past her reticence, he wouldn’t have the chance to show her how he felt. He scrambled for what to say to buy him the time he needed to push aside her reservations and to make her let him in enough to win her over.

  “I’ll tell you what. Let’s not think any further than right here, right now. Let’s take it one day at a time. Would that help?”

  Her brow furrowed as she stared at him. “I don’t understand.”

  “No strings. No ties. No commitments. We can just enjoy each other and enjoy being together.”

  Not an offer he meant to honor. Far from it, because Zach had every intention of pursuing her, his purpose more than becoming a notch in her bedpost. Although that immediate goal kept his body at attention. For the first time, he was trying for something more permanent. He had to convince Gina to open up to him first. If she’d only let him get his foot in the door.

  Hope shone from her face. “No strings? Really? No strings attached?”

  Feeling a little insulted that she seemed entirely pleased with keeping him at an emotional arm’s length, he nodded. “No strings attached.” A bald-faced lie, but necessary to get her to take a step forward.

  * * *

  Gina couldn’t believe what Zach was offering. She’d worried herself sick about what would happen if they fell in love. She shouldn’t have been concerned. His heart clearly wasn’t on the line. Only hers was at risk.

  She wondered if she should be offended or thrilled—disappointed or excited. He wasn’t considering a relationship. If they came together, it would be nothing but raw physical desire. Just sex. Exactly what the goddesses had wanted for their warriors when they protected them from disease and made them infertile.

  At least they’d been barren until Rebecca’s short stint as a goddess had returned their ability to have children. Rebecca’s generous gift to her sisters had been to restore their fertility, but only with their soul mates, their true loves.

  Gina barely knew Zach Hanson. She didn’t want to think about whether any man, let alone Zach, was her soul mate.

  What he was suggesting went against everything she believed in, everything she’d tried to avoid growing up. There were guys who wanted her. She knew that. Having been around men most of her life—men her Aunt Carla brought home, men in the military, air traffic controllers—Gina had grown accustomed to being propositioned. Most men had no subtlety whatsoever when they sized her up. If she rejected them, they always lashed out by saying she preferred women.

  She’d thought Zach was different—at least she had until he made this offer.

  Sarita’s voice echoed in Gina’s mind. “I’d tell you to have sex with the guy and get him out of your system.”

  “Fine.” It just slipped out, but she’d already made a choice.

  She wanted Zach to be her first lover. Who was she saving herself for anyway? What good would holding on to her virginity be when she died at Sekhmet’s hand or the hand of the next Ancient or the next damned demig who stirred up trouble?

  Amazons died young. It was a real possibility that, close though she was, she might not make it to thirty. She sure as hell didn’t want to die a virgin. Not when Zach wanted her—not when the man she really desired was offering to introduce her to the pleasures of the flesh.

  “Fine,” she said again with more conviction.

  “Fine?” His eyes were wide and hopeful. “Really?”

  Gina nodded. He leaned in to kiss her, but she put a restraining palm against his chest. “But you’re gonna have to take it...slow. I’m—I’m not used to...” She sighed. “This is new to me.”

  Zach watched her closely, so closely she wondered if he’d already figured out she was entirely inexperienced. Hell, if he hadn’t, the heat on her cheeks probably declared it vividly. Afraid she’d disappointed him, she wasn’t sure what else to say. What guy wanted some woman who didn’t know her way around a man’s body? This wasn’t the nineteenth century, where being a virgin was prized.

  “I haven’t...” Then she sighed. “I—I can learn.”

  “God, Gina, are you a—”


  “Are you sure you...want to? That you want me to be...your first?”

  She nodded, bumping the fingers that had returned to caressing her face. “Yes. But just like you said, no strings.”

  Zach leaned in again, and Gina let him kiss her. Lord, the guy knew how to kiss. When his tongue swept into her mouth, she forgot all about her morning breath. She couldn’t think about anything except how great it felt to be held in his arms and how wonderful his muscular body was pressed up against her. Heat spread from her belly to settle between her thighs.

  Her hips moved as she pushed against him, thrilled to feel his erection. He wanted her, the physical proof more important to her than she’d realized until she felt it, big and firm. His foot caught behind her calf as he cradled her harder against him.

  She couldn’t catch her breath. Another rush of desire swept through her when his hand dropped to cover her breast. Her heart slammed against her ribcage. Was it her imagination or could she feel the heat from his palm through h
er shirt? His caresses made her breasts feel heavy and forced her breath to come in gasps.

  His leg moved, and she thought he was going to pull away from her, that she’d somehow displeased him. Instead, his hand moved from her breast and tickled down her side. He took her knee and dragged it up the outside of his leg. Then he rocked his hips hard against her core, that glorious hard-on hitting all the right spots.

  Someone pounded on the cabin door.

  Gina ignored it.

  The pounding continued.

  “I’m busy.”

  “Mistress, the Guardian requests—”

  “Not now, Dolan!”

  Zach’s hand started to slip away from her leg. She pressed it flat against her hip, right where she wanted it.

  Another flurry of knocks. “Mistress, the Guardian requests—”

  With a groan, she rolled away from Zach and got to her feet. A couple of long strides put her at the door, which she jerked open before she glared down at Dolan.

  His skin blanched when he made eye contact, and he quickly looked down.

  “What do you want?” she asked, unable to keep the anger from her tone.

  “The Guardian requests you to come to her home,” the redhead stammered out as he stared at his brown boots.

  She glanced over her shoulder at Zach, thinking she’d much rather stay here than face Rebecca’s anger that she hadn’t come by last night. “Tell her I’ll be there later.”

  “The Guardian requests—”

  With a low growl, she repeated, “Tell her I’ll be there later.”

  She hadn’t meant to scare him. While she’d seen him change into a rabbit many times, she’d never seen him shapeshift into a squirrel. He leaped away from the cabin and ran across the grass toward the tress, red tail twitching behind him. He’d probably picked an animal that could climb trees just to get the hell away from her.

  Regret over snapping at the poor changeling hit her hard. Dolan had always treated her with kindness and respect. He deserved no less from her in return.

  With a heavy sigh, Gina turned back to Zach, who was now sitting on the side of the bed, putting on the shoes he’d retrieved. Since he hadn’t reacted to Dolan’s shapeshifting, she wouldn’t have to offer an explanation.

  “I need to go see the—um—my friend Rebecca. She’s worried about me.”

  He stood up, crossed the small room and took her into his arms before kissing her forehead. “Want to get something to eat first? I’m starved.”

  “Sounds great. I want a shower, too. The shower rooms are over by the mess hall. I’ll show you.”

  He pulled back to smile down at her, the promise there sending her blood racing again. “Is that an invitation? I’d love to share a shower with you.”

  As wonderful as that sounded, she shook her head. “I need to see Rebecca, and I imagine Johann’s waiting to take a chunk out of my hide too.”

  His fingers dug into her upper arms as he pushed her back to glare down at her. “Johann? Who the hell is—” His hands relaxed. “Oh, yeah. You mentioned him.”


  “Back in the alley. You broke his nose.”

  “Man, you really do remember everything you hear.”

  His arms were back around her. “Who’s Johann, Gina? Another guy like Richard who’ll follow you around like a damn puppy dog?”

  “He’s my trainer—the guy who taught me how to fight.”

  “That’s it?”

  She smiled at the angry, possessive tone of his voice. Maybe some caring hid behind all the lust. “That’s it.” Since he loved tae kwon do, perhaps he’d like to expand his horizons. “Have you ever fought with a sword?”

  He laughed. “Sure, I have. Every day.”

  Gina gave him a playful swat. “I’m serious.”

  “You fight with a sword? Really?”

  “Wanna watch?”

  Zach nodded, his eyes full of desire that sent a shimmer of heat over her skin. “Oh, yeah. I’ll bet you’re damned sexy when you swing a sword.”

  “Wanna try it yourself?”

  “Shit, yeah.”

  “I’ll go easy on you since it’s your first time.”

  Dragging her closer, he kissed her again before giving her a naughty grin. “And I’ll go easy on you since it’s your first time.” His gaze darted around the cabin. “Where’s the Toy?”

  “About about we talk over breakfast?”


  “Breakfast first, Zach. Okay?”

  “Only if you promise me that some SOG didn’t get it.”

  “I promise.”

  “Then lead the way...”

  * * *

  Gina found the Guardian in the middle of baking something that smelled delicious.

  Rebecca dropped her oven mitt and embraced her like a long-lost friend. The hug knocked the breath right out of Gina. Earth always looked upon the other Amazons as the chicks to her doting mother hen.

  “You never came over last night,” Rebecca whispered in her ear.

  “Sorry. I fell asleep.” A flush spread over her cheeks. She’d had a perpetual blush since she met Zach.

  “Yeah? Well, it’s almost ten and you’re an early riser.” A couple of tree branches slapped at the picture window, clear evidence that Rebecca was irritated.

  “Breakfast and a shower.”

  “That’s not what Dolan told me.”

  “Can we drop it for now? Please?”

  When Rebecca finally turned her loose, Megan was there to pick up the slack. Gina grinned at the smell of spent fireworks that always wafted from Megan’s red hair when she was happy.

  “I’m glad you’re here, Gina. The kids missed you. You’ll be amazed how much they’ve changed since you’ve been gone. You missed Darian’s third birthday party.”

  “I’m so sorry. I hate that we’re always apart so much.”

  “It’s Helen’s fault, not yours,” Rebecca replied. “We’ve wasted two years chasing her ass all over hell’s half acre.”

  “And then Sekhmet crawled out of her hole.” Gina looked around. “Where’s Sarita?”

  “In Eden.” Rebecca turned back to the oven and glanced through the small window. Pulling the door open enough she could peer in, she looked at the chocolate chip cookies. “A few more minutes.” She closed the oven. “Sarita sparred with Artair at sunrise, and I think her muscles are regretting it. I told her not to. He’s been griping about how soft we’re all getting, so I knew he was spoiling for a good fight. She had to hurt like hell, and you know what water does for Water.”

  “Heals her like she heals us.”

  Rebecca nodded. “I’m sure she’s feeling better by now.”

  “Got to give Sarita credit,” Megan said with a grin. “She gave Artair a punch to the eye that should leave a nice shiner.”

  “Tall as he is, I’m surprised she could reach up high enough to catch him in the face,” Gina said.

  Rebecca didn’t laugh. Instead, she turned her gaze to Zach who was lingering behind Gina. “We have company.”

  Gina reached behind her to grab his hand. She pulled him beside her from where he’d been awkwardly waiting until the sisters finished their reunion. “This is Zach Hanson. Zach, meet Rebecca MacKay and Megan Herrmann. I guess you can meet Sarita later.”

  He acted like he wasn’t sure if he should offer a handshake, awkwardly putting his hand out.

  Rebecca took that option away, pulling him into a quick hug. “Welcome to Avalon, Zach.”


  “Home of the Amazons.”

  His responding smile and the genuine affection he showed by patting the Guardian’s back warmed Gina’s heart. He clearly didn’t have the same trouble getting close to people that she did. She envied that blessing in his personality.

  “Thanks for the welcome. Gina’s told me all about you.”

  “Really?” Rebecca turned him loose and cocked her head. “Gina usually plays things pretty close to her

  “ you’re all like real sisters.” His hesitant words were accompanied by a worried frown, as though he thought he’d shared information he shouldn’t have.

  Megan gave him her usual greeting, a hearty slap on the shoulder. “Glad to have you here. You’re good for our Gina.”

  He smiled at her, but his nose crinkled as he sniffed the air.

  Gina sniffed as well—a smoky aroma still surrounded Fire.


  Zach had already been curious as to how clean clothes that fit him perfectly appeared in his cabin. He’d been amazed that his favorite breakfast had been waiting for him in the lodge, including a rather rare mix of strawberry and banana juice he loved. Now, he could smell the evidence of Megan’s emotions all the Amazons were accustomed to.

  How was Gina supposed to explain all of that to Zach?

  Don’t mind that smell. My sister just shoots fireworks out of her hair when she’s happy. You mean you’ve never seen that before? Wait ’til Rebecca gets pissed and causes one of her earthquakes. And what do you mean you’ve never met a changeling before? Don’t all little people have the ability to turn into brown rabbits?

  What a mess, and more quickly than she’d anticipated. She hadn’t had the time to tell the other Amazons that they needed to curtail their magicks. He had to be kept in the dark as much as possible about their lives, their powers and the supernatural part of this mission. It was the only way to keep the goddesses from purging his memory when this crisis was over. No way would she allow anyone—not even Ix Chel—to tamper with his brilliant mind.

  Fate helped clear her path when Artair and Johann came strutting into the kitchen.

  Artair smiled at Rebecca. “Becca mine, are you ready for some sparring?” He grasped her around the waist, tugged her hard against his chest and kissed her in an open-mouth, erotic way that sent more heat to Gina’s cheeks and made Megan snort.

  “God, Artair. You’ve got an audience. Quit pawing your wife,” Johann said as he planted a kiss on Megan’s cheek. “Save the good stuff for private,” he whispered, making Megan smile and Gina feel guilty for eavesdropping.

  Why did watching the two loving couples cause an ache deep in her heart? She’d never experienced that before. She’d been happy for Rebecca and Megan. The Amazon bond allowed her to sense their contentment. Now, all she could muster was jealousy.


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