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The Brazen Amazon

Page 30

by Sandy James

  Her vulnerability touched his soul. For once, she’d dropped her defensive wall. For that moment, Gina showed him a part of her she’d always guarded. His heart ached for her and her sisters.

  Stroking her hair, he whispered, “We’ll get her back, love. You know we will.”

  The SOG who’d run into the Herrmann house came marching out the front door, hands against the back of his head.

  Johann followed, his sword pressed against the man’s neck. “Careful, folks. This son of a bitch is a shocker. Gina, you still have those handcuffs?”

  “I’m telling you, I was trying to protect the kids,” the SOG insisted. “Richard and I wanted to keep them away from those bitches.”

  “Richard,” Gina whispered before pulling out of Zach’s embrace. “We need to get Richard.” She popped the handcuffs off her belt and tossed them at Johann.

  He caught the cuffs midair and slapped them on his prisoner faster than a cop could have managed.

  Artair wiped his bloodied sword clean with the shirt of one of the dead revenants. “Damn right, we do.”

  Zach didn’t want to think about how Avalon would get cleaned up. The stench rising from the revenants littering the lawn made the smell from any trash dump on a July afternoon seem like expensive potpourri.

  “Richard has a lot to atone for,” Artair added.

  “He’s tied up in the house.” Gina nodded toward the MacKays’ home.

  “I’ll go get him,” Megan offered before she jogged away.

  Zach bit back the bile rising in his throat. The fetid odor made it difficult to breathe. He sweat as if he burned with fever. As bad as his body felt, his mind was in worse shape. There was simply too much to take in.

  “How long have you known what Beagan and Dolan can become, Artair?” Gina asked.

  “Since I became Sentinel,” he replied. “They dinnae wish me to share the knowledge with anyone until the bairns arrived. They can only turn to protect ones they love.”

  “The kids know what to do if we’re attacked,” Rebecca added. “Beagan and Dolan would guard them with their lives.” She slung her bow over her shoulder. “The changelings don’t like to do that too often. It takes a lot out of them.”

  Gina fiddled with her silver crescent moon earring. “You okay?”

  Zach nodded. “Just in shock. And damned tired.”

  “Was it hard to use your powers? Mine drain me too.”

  “Yeah, they knocked me for a loop. Not that I helped at all.” In technology, Zach was a god. Here, he was nothing but inadequate, and he despised that feeling.

  Megan strode out of the house, dragging a hog-tied Richard behind. He sputtered and coughed as she passed the bodies of the zombies littering the grass, letting him hit them like macabre speedbumps.

  Zach almost felt sorry for him.

  “C’mon, Megan,” Richard complained. “These things smell like shit. Turn me loose or I’m gonna hurl.”

  “Like I give a shit,” she replied. “You led those bitches right to Avalon, you prick. You put my Mina in the line of fire. Not gonna find much mercy from me. Try Gina. She might listen.”

  “Not anymore.” Gina folded her arms over her breasts. “Not ever again. They took Sarita, asshole.”

  “I’m sorry, but... Please, Gina. Just listen,” Richard said when Megan dropped the rope she’d been pulling and he crumpled to a stop in the middle of the group.

  “Who’s this?” She nodded at the SOG Johann had subdued. “Looks like your twin.”

  “My brother, Jory.”

  “Another stupid SOG.” Johann prodded Jory with the toe of his shoe. “You two wanted to hurt our kids. You’ll be lucky if I don’t let the Amazons loose on your sorry asses.”

  “We didn’t come to hurt your kids.” Jory took a couple of deep breaths then gagged, probably at the stench. “We wanted to protect them from Sekhmet. She wants them dead. She wants you all dead. When she planned this attack, we came along to make sure she didn’t get to the kids.”

  Artair came to stand over the two Sons of Gaia. Hands on hips, he gave them a frown that could scare the bark off a tree. “How did you get into Avalon?”

  Richard raised his eyes to lock gazes with Zach, and the accusation was easy to see. “Ask him.”

  Every stunned face turned to Zach.

  His own face had to hold the same bewildered expression. “I don’t know what in the hell he’s talking about.”

  “Sure you do,” Richard insisted. “Your Pentagon contact’s one of Helen’s high priests. He sold you out to please her.”

  That made no sense. “Why would a general be a priest for Helen?”

  “She’s a goddess, you dipshit.” Richard glanced at Gina. “And you think Mr. Wizard here is gonna save the world? Shit. He almost blew the whole thing up. His stupid gadget could have given Sekhmet the power to launch nuclear missiles. He’s the reason those bitches found this place. Why are you protecting the asshole?”

  Holding out her hand, Megan sent a stream of fire to hit the grass close to Richard’s groin. “Watch your mouth, Richard. You’re not exactly on any of our Christmas card lists anymore. Zach’s a newbie. He doesn’t understand.”

  That had to be the understatement of the century. “Understand? Understand? I feel like my brain’s gonna explode. Why would my general worship some goddess? And how did that lead Helen and Sekhmet to Avalon?”

  Ix Chel shimmered in, standing next to Zach. She smiled at Gina. “You called, my child?”

  Gina’s eyes flew wide and she gave her head a small shake.

  “Your earring,” the goddess said. “You called to me.”

  “I didn’t,” Gina insisted.

  “Sí, you did.” Ix Chel reached out to caress Gina’s cheek. “Your heart did. You did not need to say the words.”

  Since everyone seemed to either accuse or ignore him, Zach tried to get some information from the goddess. “Can you please answer my question?”

  Ix Chel laid her hand on Zach’s shoulder, a comforting action that took him as much by surprise as her quick arrival. “Of course. What do you wish to know?”

  “Why would General Hathaway be stupid enough to follow Helen? I mean, Artair said all kinds of people follow Ancients, but a four-star general? Why in the hell would he need Helen?”

  “Your friend offers his allegiance because she promises him much,” Ix Chel replied. “She tempts him, as she would any mortal. He gives his worship and his help, and he gains riches in this life.”

  Jory supplied the rest of the details. “After Sekhmet hit the ceiling over that phone you fried, she wanted all of your heads on a platter. Helen told him to use the equipment you tweaked to find implants the Amazons were supposed to have—some GPS things they all wear all the time.”

  Johann’s face blanched. “No fucking way. I designed those implants myself. No one knows they have them. Except us.”

  “Yes, fucking way,” Richard replied with a smug smirk. “Looks like your secret leaked out. Maybe it’s time to take a closer look at who you trust.”

  Zach wanted to hit him in the face and set his stupid nose to bleeding again until he realized he was just as angry at himself as he was at Richard. He’d been a naïve fool.

  “What about Helen?” Rebecca set her hands on her hips. “I thought we had an alliance. She’s in with Sekhmet now, right?”

  Jory shook his head. “She’s still on your side. She’s biding her time until you ladies make your move. Then she’ll turn on lion woman.”

  A snorting scoff was Rebecca’s reply. “Yeah, right. Like I’d trust her any farther than I could throw Artair.”

  “She said she had to construct a tomb,” Richard said, looking to Ix Chel. “Something about making a special tomb for an Ancient. Does that make sense to you?”


  Zach could barely concentrate on all the conversation was revealing. He wasn’t sure he’d ever forgive himself for this whole debacle. The Amazons and Sentinels were fighting h
is battle. And now Sarita was gone—in the hands of an enraged goddess who wanted them all dead.

  “That,” she continued, “would be the only way to hold her, much like the one her father used to keep her for so many centuries. A sarcophagus strong enough to hold the lioness. It may only be created by an Ancient of great power.”

  “But Helen’s only an Ancient because of our mother,” Rebecca said. “She’s not a true goddess—at least she wouldn’t be if she hadn’t murdered Sparks.”

  “That sacrifice gave her the same powers as an Ancient,” Ix Chel replied. “New or not, she is powerful and growing more powerful with each worshipper she gathers. The other Ancients whisper of her often. Should her ascension continue at this pace, she shall one day be a formidable force in the universe.”

  “Great.” Rebecca turned to Artair. “That makes me feel worse for not killing her when I had the chance. I’m still not sure I trust her.”

  “Scorpion,” her husband replied.

  She nodded. “But—”

  Before Rebecca could finish the thought, Gina cried out and doubled over. The sound of her tortured moan sent panic sizzling through Zach.

  He hurried to her side. “Gina? What’s wrong?”

  She turned to look at him, her arms still wrapped around her waist. The agony was clearly etched in her eyes. “Sarita. She’s—she’s hurting Sarita.”

  “I feel it too,” Megan replied, glancing to Rebecca.

  A simple nod came in reply.

  “If you all feel it, then why is Gina the only one in so much pain?” And why wasn’t anyone doing anything to help her? All Zach knew to do was rub her back and look to Ix Chel for some divine intervention. “Can’t you help her?”

  Ix Chel shook her head. “This pain is of her choosing. It shall lead her to her sister.”

  Like that made any sense.

  Rebecca and Megan gently pushed Zach out of the way. Hoping they might be able to help her, he yielded. Both Amazons placed their hands on Gina’s shoulders.

  “Breathe, Gina,” Rebecca coaxed. “We know you love Sarita, and we know you feel what’s happening to her, but you’ve gotta cast it aside enough to think.”

  Megan rubbed her palms over Gina’s back. “We feel it too. We know she’s hurting. Let it go and let her lead you to where they’ve got her. We’ll save her. You know we will.”

  * * *

  Gina felt like she’d taken a sword thrust to the gut. Blinding agony racked her body again and again as Sekhmet tortured Sarita. “She’s—she’s killing her.”

  “No,” Rebecca replied. “Sekhmet won’t kill Sarita. She wants us to find her, probably to lead us into a trap. Let the pain go, Gina. I know what you’re trying to do, but you can’t take it all away from Sarita. She’s strong. She can endure it.”

  Gina hadn’t expected so much pain, or she might have braced herself and been better prepared when she absorbed Sarita’s agony. Sure it was an Amazon skill that few could master, but she’d always been so close to Sarita, their bond had been strong enough to share everything. Strength. Emotions. Thoughts.

  And now pain.

  Gina wouldn’t let go of their connection, choosing instead to draw as much of Sarita’s hurt into her own body as she could. She wouldn’t let her sister bear it alone.

  “No.” The word slipped from between her clenched teeth.

  Both Amazons reached down to pull Gina’s hands into theirs. She wanted to stay bent over, hugging herself, trying as hard as she could to take all the pain away from Sarita. Her sisters wouldn’t let her. They closed their eyes, squeezed her hands, and the tethers keeping Sarita’s agony flowing into Gina’s body began to fray.

  “Don’t. Please. She’s too weak to take this alone.”

  Neither sister acknowledged her and just continued to whittle away at the connection. The last tether snapped, and the pain lifted.

  She should be angry at Megan and Rebecca’s interference, but she wasn’t. As crippled as she was channeling Sarita’s hurt, Gina would be no help to them in this fight. They only did what was necessary.

  Sarita would have to bear the pain alone.

  “She’s stronger than she looks,” Zach said.

  A smart-ass retort tickled her tongue, almost slipping out before she could bite it back. He didn’t deserve her anger. No one did.

  Except Sekhmet.

  With a stern frown, Zach let his gaze hit each of the Amazons. “You all may be Sarita’s sisters, but you sadly underestimate her. She froze me in my tracks when she was pissed. I’ve seen her boss all of you around—including the Sentinels. Whether you believe it or not, Sarita can take care of herself.”

  Artair grunted. “Size isnae the only thing that brings strength.”

  “Good thing,” Johann added, “because Sarita’s a slip of a girl.” He reached up to rub his shoulder. “And that slip of a girl once dislocated my shoulder when I was training her in hand-to-hand combat. Zach’s right. We need to quit underestimating our Water.”

  “Glad your little bonding party is over,” Richard said. “Can you untie us now?”

  Before Gina could answer him with a resounding, “No,” a small box popped up right at her feet. “Now what?” She stooped to pick it up then cradled the wooden box in her hands.

  “Aren’t you going to open it?” Zach asked.

  She didn’t want to. She already knew it came from Sekhmet. The frown on both her sisters’ faces told her they knew as well. Whatever was in that box would lead them to the final showdown. Were it not for Sarita’s pain, Gina might have considering leaving Sekhmet alone and pitching that damned box into a deep hole. That thought only lasted a moment.

  I’m an Amazon, damn it.

  Her job was to bring rogue goddesses to justice. Sekhmet’s judgment day had arrived, and whatever was in that box was the key to finding her.

  Gina flipped open the lid. A gold hoop earring lay on top of a folded parchment. Both had blood on them. Slipping the note out from under the earring, she unfolded it.

  “It’s written in some kind of hieroglyphics or something. How in the hell are we supposed to read that?”

  Ix Chel took the note from Gina’s fingers. Her eyes scanned the page, then she turned to Zach.

  “Remember, inventor, that you and you alone can bind Sekhmet. Reach out with your emotions. Use the power Ra instilled in you to hold her fast until she is sealed in her tomb.”

  He nodded, but something about what Ix Chel said made a shiver run up Gina’s spine. “If Zach has to hold her there, how can he get out? If he turns her loose, she’ll escape the tomb before it’s sealed. If he holds her there, he’ll be buried with her.”

  Gina gaped at Zach. “You knew that, didn’t you?”

  “Love, you need to understand—Sekhmet’s got to be stopped by locking her up again. I was chosen to do this. I have to do this.”

  “The hell you do. If it means you’re sealed up in a tomb with her, I’m not letting you anywhere near Sekhmet. Ever. I can’t lose—” She took a few deep, steadying breaths that didn’t help. “Don’t do this, Zach. Let me do my job. My sisters and I can take care of Sekhmet.”

  Zach was already shaking his head. She wanted to throw something at him. Something very heavy—heavy enough to knock him out for a few days so she could fix this fucking mess.

  “Besides,” Zach added. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Nothing to worry about?” She knew she was screeching like a banshee, but she just couldn’t help it.

  “Remember, Gina, I’ve got an ace in the hole.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “What exactly is your ace in the hole?” Gina demanded.


  “What in the hell are you talking about?”

  Zach hadn’t intended to make her angry. Just the opposite. He hoped his faith in her gave her strength. “You, love. You’re my ace in the hole. You’ll make sure I get out of that tomb before you seal that bitch up in it.”

“Damned right I will.” Her smile made him warm all over.

  He wanted to grab her, drag her back to her cabin and make love to her.

  A nice thought, but Zach needed to keep both feet grounded in brutal reality. No one was going to die because of his mistake.

  “What’s in the box?” Rebecca asked.

  She held the open box out for her sisters to see before showing it to Zach.

  “It’s Sarita’s,” Gina explained. “That pair of earrings was a gift from Ganga. Sarita always said wearing them made her feel closer to her goddess. I don’t think she ever took them off. Looks like Sekhmet ripped this one right out of her earlobe.”

  Both Rebecca and Megan glanced at the box, frowned and then gave Gina a curt nod.

  “I’m going after her,” Gina declared. “Now.”

  “Untie me, and I’m with you.” Richard struggled against his bonds.

  “Make that two of us.” Jory turned to show the wiggling fingers of his handcuffed hands. “I want in on kicking Sekhmet’s Egyptian ass.”

  “See?” Richard said. “You’re not going alone.”

  Zach had heard enough from the Sons of Gaia. The Amazons and Sentinels were all brain damaged if they thought he would let Gina face this alone.

  “She won’t be alone, Dick,” Zach replied. “I’m going to watch her back and bind Sekhmet.”

  “You’ve done a great job of that so far, Einstein,” Richard taunted. “None of us would be in this mess if it weren’t for you and your fucking toys.”

  “Everyone needs to calm down,” Artair said. “We don’t know where either Sarita or Sekhmet are yet. We have to make a plan for battle. Patience.”

  “Spoken like a true Sentinel.” Megan frowned at Artair. “Patience—easy to say when it’s not your sister who’s suffering.”

  Rebecca and Gina grunted in agreement, sounding every bit the tough warriors those beautiful women were inside.

  Johann sheathed his sword. “Artair’s right. If we go charging in—and I’ll remind you we don’t know where we’ll be charging into—we’ll just make things worse. We need to think about how to take out Sekhmet. Hell, we don’t know if Sarita’s with her.”


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