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Operation: Reunited

Page 14

by Linda O. Johnston

  Good girl, Cole thought as he hurried from the guest bedroom and locked the door behind him.

  He would find a way to reward her—even as he asked her for more help.

  Chapter Eleven

  That evening at dinner, Vane stuck close to Alexa. Too close. He made her sit at his table with two male guests, right beside him, though she couldn’t even touch the spicy Cajun chicken dish she had prepared. Her appetite had vanished, replaced by alertness, nervousness…and anticipation.

  Vane hung on to her shoulders, her waist. Stroked her arm, bare beneath the sleeveless peach shell she wore tucked into her denim skirt, until he raised goose bumps of alarm and distaste.

  Kissed her so much she wanted to scrub her face with antibacterial soap.

  Not that he had helped, before dinner, to cook or to serve the guests. Oh, no. That remained too menial for him.

  But Minos was with her every second that Vane was not at her side.

  She felt Cole’s chilly stare on her the entire time.

  Don’t you know what this miserable charade is doing to me? she wanted to yell at him. I’m doing it for you.

  And for her parents, herself…and, she was afraid, for the entire United States. For although she still did not know the plans, she had overheard Minos and Vane laughing together about what was about to happen all over this country—and the rest of the world.

  She wanted to tell Cole.

  More important, she had news for him.

  She managed to let him know as he helped her clear the dishes from the table. Minos assisted, too, but he was still collecting flatware when Alexa, her hands wet from rinsing dishes at the kitchen sink, stood on tiptoe and whispered into Cole’s ear, “We have to talk. Tonight.”

  “Your room,” he managed to say, just before Minos stomped into the kitchen.

  Never before had she felt the time she took to wash the dishes, walk Phantom and get ready for bed drag so much.

  And when she had turned out the lights, she lay there sleepless beneath the sheet, every muscle keyed to tautness. The moon over the lake was bright that night, thrusting light in between the slats of her miniblinds enough to turn the furnishings in her room to eerie, shadowy outlines.

  The back of her head felt heavy upon her pillow, and she wished she had kept her quilted robe on over the warm nightgown she had worn to bed—a nightgown that, although it had lace at the wrists and neck, was shapeless and unsexy.

  She would want no distractions from what she needed to discuss with Cole tonight—certainly not his heated stare that could stoke the tiniest spark inside her to forest fire dimensions.

  Minutes dragged as she lay there, listening first to Phantom’s restless changing of position on the floor near the foot of her bed, then his heavy doggy breathing. How long had passed? An hour? Two?

  And then came the faint sound she had been waiting for. Her door opened and closed. The edge of her bed sagged.

  “Alexa, are you awake?”

  It was Cole. Her breath left in a whoosh of relief. “Yes,” she whispered. She sat up beneath the covers.

  She had feared that after the show of caring Vane had made, he might decide this was a good night to reestablish whatever rights he believed he had as her doting fiancé. She still would have to make this brief, for if Vane were to find Cole here, the havoc could be lethal.

  “I’m so glad you came,” she said. Cole didn’t move, except to reach down to stroke Phantom’s ears, as the pup nuzzled against his leg. Alexa closed her eyes for a moment, feeling incredibly lonely. She wanted Cole to hold her, for she was scared.

  “What did you want to talk about?” he asked. His tone was neutral, and she was afraid that all the barriers between them that had begun to come down were now even higher and more impenetrable.

  Maybe it was better that way.

  “I needed to let you know what I learned today,” she said. “Some of our guests are leaving tomorrow. I gathered that at least half will be going, maybe more.”

  “Do you know where they’re heading?” Excitement burst from Cole’s still-low voice. She wished she could see him better in the dark, but she could barely make out the crags and planes of his features in the faint moonlight.

  “No,” Alexa replied.

  “Damn.” This time, she heard frustration in Cole’s tone. “I tried to get into Vane’s computer today, but I couldn’t break the password.”

  “I think I know where to get it,” Alexa said.

  “Really?” He had moved without her realizing it, and his strong hands suddenly gripped her shoulders in the near darkness. “How? Where?”

  Alexa laughed at his renewed exhilaration. “He’s got a handheld organizer. He always carries it with him, but one day last week he left it behind. I downloaded its contents into my computer into a file labeled ‘recipes.’ I’ve checked it out. It contains a couple of long strings of letters and numbers that I assumed were passwords, but either Minos or Vane is always around and I hadn’t yet had an opportunity to try them.”

  “Why did you want to?” Cole asked. He had loosened his grip on her shoulders, and his thumbs were stroking her over her nightgown, just above her breasts. Warmth seemed to spread from the area of contact clear through her, down, down to end in a throbbing of her most sensitive parts.

  She was with Cole, the man who had driven her to peaks of ecstasy two years ago…. It was all she could do to continue the conversation matter-of-factly, as if she didn’t want to pull Cole into the bed with her. “I hoped to find a reference in his computer about where he put his evidence against my parents, or at least something about the Swiss bank account. I also hoped for enough information to get the authorities’ attention about what was happening here—federal authorities. You’re aware of how our shooting incident was shrugged off as a stupid act by a reckless hunter. The local police chief, Leopold Salsman, is one of Vane’s close buddies, probably on his payroll, like Minos.”

  “Yeah,” Cole said. “I figured.”

  “From what I could tell, all the guests are going down to the airport tomorrow. I don’t think everyone is leaving, but I doubt Vane will want me along. Despite his attentions to me today—” She hesitated as she felt the hands that had continued to caress her withdraw, leaving her as alone as she had felt before. “I didn’t invite them,” she said in a small voice, then continued more forcefully. “Despite his attentions, he doesn’t trust me. He’s already lied to me by saying that the guests would all be around for another couple of weeks. He won’t want me to know who’s leaving, or which planes they board. I’ll promise to stay here, alone. You’ll need to make up an errand, preferably one he’ll think will take you far away for the whole day. Then, we can search together.”

  Together. For a day…of intrigue and espionage. That would be all they’d engage in together, Alexa knew. All she would dare.

  “Thank you, Alexa.” Cole’s voice was soft and it held a warmth she hadn’t dared to hope for.

  She gulped, for she had felt tears fill her eyes. There was no time for emotion, not now.

  “One more thing,” she said hurriedly. “I overheard part of a conversation between Vane and Minos. They were kidding one another about the wealth and power they’d have in just a few weeks.”

  “Did they say how it would come about?” Cole demanded.

  “No.” Alexa sighed. “But they were talking about the entire world becoming their toy to play with as they pleased.” She bit her lower lip. “They sounded so certain. So…smug. It scared me. Do you have any idea what they plan, Cole?”

  “Not yet,” he said grimly. “But I’ll find out. We’ll find out.” He shifted once more upon the bed—and Alexa found herself engulfed in his arms. She threw her own around him, resting her head on the firm muscles of his chest. She wanted to feel his flesh against her, but his T-shirt was like a barrier, preventing her from the direct contact she craved.

  She felt suddenly afraid.

  “Will it all be over soon?” she whis
pered against him. She inhaled the scent of soap and musky male. It had to be over soon. She couldn’t continue to live the way she’d been.

  But that meant Cole would be out of her life once more. And this time, it would be forever.

  “It will,” Cole whispered against her hair. “You’ll be safe. So will your parents.”

  And you? she wanted to ask. Will you be all right this time?

  “Thank—” she began, but her words were smothered in the sudden crush of his mouth against hers.

  She didn’t think, just reacted. She kissed him back with every ounce of passion within her, wanting him.

  Wanting Cole.

  Loving him…

  His lips felt familiar, yet different. He tasted her with his tongue, taunted her, made her remember. Made her need.

  He moved his hands between them, began to rub his thumbs around and around her nipples, causing them to grow and strain. Causing her to yearn for more.

  “Cole,” she whispered hoarsely against him. She shifted, allowing him free access to all of her, with only a minimum of effort.

  But he pulled away. “No, Alexa,” he said gently, though his breathing was uneven. “This isn’t the time.”

  But there will never be a time for us, she wanted to cry out. If they were successful in thwarting Vane, Cole would leave. He would be triumphant, would leap into other assignments, a hero.

  And if they were unsuccessful… She didn’t want to think about that. But the one certain thing was that they would not be together, even if one or both of them survived.

  “All right,” she said, trying to sound calm and accepting. “We’ll just wait and see what happens tomorrow.”

  COLE STOOD IMPATIENTLY in the convenience store, ostensibly regarding the shelves of soft drinks. Instead, he kept his attention on the pay telephone. A teenager stood there, apparently arguing with his girlfriend.

  Cole couldn’t wait much longer. He needed to call Forbes on as secure a line as possible under the circumstances, but not all his calls needed to be made that way. Sure, it’d be better if he could talk to his boss first, but they’d already discussed bringing in backup. He’d obtain Forbes’s final authorization in a few minutes. But in the meantime… He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and made a couple of quick calls, one to Jessie Bradford and the other to Allen Maygran. They knew his cover, so it wasn’t difficult for him to explain to them both over the non-secure connection that the place where he stayed was a great locale for their next conference. It was time for them to come and look it over.

  Finally, the pay phone was free. Cole hurriedly called Forbes. “It’s time,” he hissed into the receiver, when his boss answered. “More of them are leaving today. Maybe all of them. Do you have agents prepared to follow?”

  “Yeah. There are a bunch in the hotel at Arrowhead. I’ll get them started right away looking for the SUVs you described. But where are they going?”

  Cole wanted to pound his fist into the wall. “I don’t know yet. I might be able to find out later today, though.” He didn’t take time to explain how. “But I still don’t know the goal of this exercise. I’ve already called Bradford and Maygran. They’re on their way here. If I can’t get the information by stealth, I’ll get it by force, with their help.”

  “You’ve already called them?”


  “Good going. I’ll call the guys at Arrowhead right away. How much of a head start do Vane and his alien infiltrators have?”

  “Not much. I left while they were still packing—oh, about half an hour ago.”

  “Great.” Forbes paused. “You know that the key to this isn’t running these guys to earth.”

  “Yes, I know. Unless we figure out what the greater scheme is, we won’t be able to stop them again. We don’t even know if this is the only team of infiltrators being planted, let alone their assignment. But I’ll get that information. You know I will.”

  “Yeah. Good luck, Rappaport.” The receiver clicked.

  Forbes was gone.

  Cole was again on his own, at least until his backup arrived.

  But then he realized with a start that he wasn’t on his own. He had Alexa to help him.

  He was beginning to believe in her.

  But heaven help her if she betrayed him this time.

  WHEN COLE RETURNED to the inn, Alexa and Phantom were running along the lakeside beach. He parked and hurried toward them. He wanted to shake Alexa. Didn’t she know better? Being out in the open like that could be dangerous.

  But everything seemed fine. He couldn’t help watching them for a minute. Alexa appeared so lighthearted, laughing with her puppy. She was dressed in shorts and a halter top, and he felt himself respond to her natural and un-inhibited sexiness. As her golden-brown hair swayed about her shoulders, its auburn highlights glinted in the sunlight.

  Maybe he should have taken advantage of their solitude in her bedroom last night. She certainly had seemed willing….

  But he had been right in his restraint. That was not the time.

  And this was not the time just to stand gawking at her, growing hard with a need he couldn’t satisfy.

  He walked onto the beach and held up his hand in greeting. “Hi,” he said, when dog and mistress ran up to him, both out of breath.

  Alexa smiled. “Phantom needed a little exercise, and so did I.”

  “Did it occur to you,” Cole said with an angry frown, “that you make an easy target?”

  She looked edgily over her shoulder, toward the ponderosa pine-covered slope from where they had been fired on. “But they’re all gone for now.”

  “Maybe. And maybe it was just a ruse.”

  “Oh.” Alexa chewed slightly at her bottom lip as if she considered whether he was right and she should worry. But then she looked up at him defiantly. “No. You’re wrong. They’ll be gone now for hours.”

  “How can you be so positive?” Cole demanded.

  “Relax,” she said with a half smile. “I know it’s your job to be suspicious, but listen. The Fullers left already, and there’s been an undercurrent of excitement among the remaining guests, as if something is finally about to happen.”

  “That doesn’t mean anything.” Cole was scornful.

  “I’ve been here with them for weeks. The atmosphere is definitely different. Trust me. And knowing Vane and his attention to detail, I’m sure no one will be back till late tonight. He’ll get everyone who’s leaving to the airport early, make sure they’re checked in and that they actually get onto their planes. But he won’t trust them. Minos will be his extra pair of eyes to make sure things happen as they should. He’ll make the rest of the guests stay at the airport, too, as a lesson in how things are supposed to go. So, let’s take advantage of this window of opportunity, shall we?”

  Without waiting to see whether he followed, she started up the path to the house.

  He hurried along at her right side. Phantom loped at her left.

  Inside, they went upstairs and booted up her computer first. She opened a file and printed a page that held several strings of letters and numbers, the information she had downloaded from Vane’s handheld organizer. If these were possible passwords, Cole was uncertain why his software had failed to capture them.

  Alexa shut Phantom in her room and, using her passkeys, she let them both into Vane’s room. Cole handed her a pair of medical gloves. “No fingerprints,” he said briefly.

  “But he wouldn’t—no, I won’t say that. I have no idea what Vane would or wouldn’t do.”

  Cole sat in front of Vane’s computer, the printout from Alexa’s in his hand. When a password was requested, he entered the first string of gibberish.

  Nothing happened.

  He tried the next. Still nothing.

  “Damn!” he exclaimed. He turned to Alexa. “They’re on the move. Members of my unit will follow the infiltrators, but that’s not enough. To stop them, we have to know what they’ll be up to, and if there are any more of t

  Alexa lifted her gloved hands in a sad gesture. “I know. And I know how important this is to you.” She looked over his shoulder to the paper he held. “Maybe if you combine these. Do you know how many characters the password has?”

  “No, but it’s got to be a lot or my software would have gotten it.” He did as she suggested, typing all the characters from the page onto the screen.

  Still nothing.

  “Try it backward,” Alexa suggested.

  He looked at her and shrugged. “Why not?” He began typing the characters in reverse order, pushing the Execute button after each one. “Bingo!” After entering about three-quarters of them backward, the machine permitted him access. He stood just long enough to give Alexa an intense but brief kiss.

  Cole quickly scanned the computer’s contents. There were a lot of files. Reviewing each could take all day. Or more.

  “You don’t happen to know what he would call a file that contains all the information about his criminal activity, would you?” he asked Alexa dryly.

  Her laugh held no humor. She watched him scroll through the possibilities. “There,” she finally said, pointing to a document labeled “Tomorrow.” “Try that one. Vane loves that song from Annie, and he’s always talking about how great the future will be.”

  It wasn’t the right one. Oddly enough, it contained the song’s lyrics.

  And Cole didn’t know whether the actual file might be encrypted so that it would appear as innocuous as this one. The computer didn’t hold a zip drive or recordable CD, so he couldn’t download all its contents to study at his leisure.

  He had to find the right one now.

  They opened one file after another. There were others with similar names: “Future,” “Prospects,” “Opportunities.”

  And then they came across one labeled “Kenners.”

  “Let me see what he put in there,” Alexa said, her voice shaking.

  He wished he had time to hold her, to ease her tension. But they had to continue. Quickly.


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