Dethroned: Two Wheels Two Hearts (A Bad Boy Romance)

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Dethroned: Two Wheels Two Hearts (A Bad Boy Romance) Page 9

by Sara Crest

  He pulled me closer as I kiss became deeper, I could feel myself melting into his strong arms as I thought about how badly I wanted this to be our life forever. Every time our lips locked I thought about how much I just wanted to feel him, to ride with him as we discovered ourselves, each other, and new places.

  As I pressed against him I felt his bulge, the heat of his manhood easily went through his jeans and warmed against my lower stomach.

  Johnny picked me up and put me down on his motorcycle seat, kissing me the whole way. I ran my hand down his chest until I reached his pants, squeezing his cock through his jeans. “How about we find a motel and make up with each other” I said with a smile on my face.

  “I ain’t waiting that long” he said as he unzipped my hoodie and lifted my t-shirt up, revealing my breasts to the cold air. He leaned down and wrapped his lips around my nipple, sucking on my breast as his tongue circled around my areola. I let out a soft moan “Johnny we should go somewhere private, we could be caught out here.”

  “Don’t worry baby, I won’t be long.”

  He pulled my pants down to my ankles before pulling them off, draping them over the handlebars of his bike. The cool air to my breasts and in between my legs sent shivers all over my body, Johnny leaned over and kissed me as he began unbuttoning his jeans. He pulled out his massive girth as he began slowly stroking it, making sure it was fully hard. He leaned me over the bike so that my head was near the handlebars, he rubbed his cock up and down my opening, preparing himself. “Johnny” I moaned “we could get caught, we’re so out in the open.”

  Johnny began sliding himself into me, I moaned as I felt inch after inch slide deep inside of me as my worries of being caught flew out the window. He slid his entire manhood into me and held it in place, letting me feel every inch of it. He began thrusting hard and deep into me, with every thrust the bike beneath me bounced up and down, matching his rhythm. He grabbed my breasts, being far more rough with me than he ever was before, it felt like he was taking me.

  I let out moan after moan as he continued to fill me up. He held me down in place as he thrust himself into me again and again, I moaned with every thrust but I knew that something was different. Every time he thrust into me I felt him become more and more selfish with his pleasure, more focused on the feeling from his own shaft then the shared pleasure we got. We were not making love like the last time, this was barely even sex, he was fucking me. My body filled with conflicting feelings, the sheer pleasure of his member having its way with me was hampered by the thought that I was emotionally losing him, even with his promises.

  I took him again and again, moaning as the bike bounced up and down from his powerful thrusts. I could feel him throb deep inside me as he began to buck his hips, groaning in pleasure as his whole shaft swelled in size. He didn’t seem concerned with me or my pleasure, this fuck was for him and only him.

  He ran his fingers through the hair on top of my head, grabbing a handful as he continued his thrusts. His moans were rough and loud, he clearly didn’t care if we were caught. He unbuttoned his jacket to let the cool air hit him, I ran my hand down his body and watched as goosebumps ran along his chest and abs. I dug my nails into his chest every time he thrust deep into me, I could barely handle how rough he was and struggled to take him every time he wanted me.

  He wrapped his hand around my neck, before when he did it he seemed playful but now it seemed like it was nothing more than to hold me in place.

  Suddenly he pulled himself out, I gasped as I felt the entire length of his shaft slide out of me. He pulled me up off of his bike and on my feet only to turn me around and bend me over. He turned his key in the ignition and turned the bike on, sending vibrations all over my body. Wasting no more time he quickly mounted me hard and with the vibrations of the bike coursing through my body I began to almost feel overwhelmed with pleasure. He grabbed my hair and pulled it back as hard, all these feelings were leaving me conflicted and confused.

  I couldn’t lie, I was enjoying it, the thrill of being out in the open, the vibrations of the bike against my core, the cold air against my skin, and the possibility of being caught. This wasn’t him forcing himself on me, and I felt as if I could get him to stop at any time but... The problem was that it didn’t feel mutual, it wasn’t like the bonding experience we had shared just days before. It almost felt as if he was just using me, using me to relieve his stress, using my body to forget his troubles. With each thrust it was as if his worries melted away, as if there were no Raiders, as if he had no responsibilities, my body was nothing more than a gateway to ecstasy for him in this moment. I wanted to make him forget through our bond, through our shared love making, not through the good, hard, rough fucking that he was giving me. I wanted to talk to him, I wanted to make sure that we were on the same page, but with every thrust of his manhood I could feel myself getting closer and closer to relief regardless of his concern over my pleasure.

  A few cars passed by, they were driving along the highway by the gas station. Some of them clearly slowed down a little, probably to check if their eyes were deceiving them or not. It felt as if Johnny was putting on a show for the whole world, even if he didn’t have control of his fate he had sexual control of me in that moment.

  Before I could react he pulled back on my hair, letting out a loud groan as I felt his hips shake and his body let loose. I let him finish, despite my emotional conflict he did make me feel incredible physically. I just hoped that this was a one time deal.

  I turned to look at his face, he had a slight frown and didn’t look satisfied in any way. We turned and saw a couple standing there in shock in front of their car, we were completely oblivious to their presence just moments earlier.

  “The fuck are you two looking at?” Johnny growled.

  The couple ran back into their car, speeding out of the gas station and leaving Johnny and I alone.

  Johnny still had an incredibly dissatisfied look on his face as he slowly began to pull out of me.

  “Did you not enjoy it?” I asked.

  “I did, it was just different than last time I guess.”

  Part of me wanted to get upset at him and tell him about how he completely threw away my emotions and that was why it was different. I held my tongue though, hoping that maybe he would realize it himself. I thought that maybe if he realized that then we could take even further steps to being closer as a couple, that things didn’t have to go back being just physical and that it could be emotional as well. But all I could do was hope.


  As we rode to the nearest motel my mind was racing. His words were that of reassurance, that he wanted to be closer to me, but his deep primal thrusts made me feels as if he was trying to get the most sexual pleasure out of me as he possibly could. I had to decide which one did I think was the real Johnny. Was the real Johnny the one who made the promise to me? Do I believe in the words of the strong, determined, protective man that I had grown to care for. Or was the sexually selfish Johnny the real man I was with. Does that mean that instead of his words I should believe the selfish sex given to me by a stressed out man who had just spent hours riding the road deep inside his own thoughts. Part of me believed that both were the real Johnny, a man that released his stress and frustration out with a ruthless fuck but was also willing to give emotionally and physically.

  I wanted to tell him that anything that made him that stressed out, anything that made him treat someone he cared about differently, wouldn’t be something that made him happy in the long run. But how could I tell him that when it had made him so happy in the past.

  “We are going to a motel right? We’re not riding straight on to Oregon?” I asked him. The winds had died down a bit and we were going slower so he was actually able to hear me.

  “Yeah we both need some rest, especially after what we did back at the gas station.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that we’d both get some sleep. I kept my fingers crossed and hoped that the Johnn
y that came out tonight only came out from sleep deprivation and extreme stress. Hopefully a few hours of sleep would do him some good.

  We found a motel with a vacancy and before long we were finally in a private room with a bed. I rubbed my back, sore from sitting down all day on the bike. Before I could even take my clothes off Johnny had practically collapsed on the bed out of exhaustion, falling asleep immediately.

  I was going to try and cuddle with him but he looked too peaceful. I carefully got into bed next to him, he had already begun to snore lightly. I began drifting off into sleep, hoping that when I woke up the old Johnny would be back.

  * * *

  “We need to make a stop.”

  “What? Where?”

  “We just need to stop by somewhere” Johnny reiterated. We were a few hours into Oregon when Johnny abruptly changed our direct, we were going north but he took an exit the put us going straight west. I had my hand on his chest and I could feel it beating fast, faster than when we fled from his gang, faster than when he first kissed me.

  The further west we went the more the air filled with the scent of salt, living in florida for so many years I could recognize the scent of the ocean anywhere. Johnny pulled off onto a small and concealed dirt road that went through a forest. We sped past trees until we came across a small circular dirt patch where Johnny pulled over.

  “Where are we?” I asked as we stepped off of Johnny’s bike. The smell of the forest filled my nostrils, the scent of pine almost made my travel weary body feel renewed.

  Johnny didn’t respond but he took my hand, leading me deeper through the woods. The deeper we got the more the scent of pine was accented by the smell of the ocean that I smelled earlier, the sound of waves became louder and louder. It amazed me how close the forest was to the ocean here.

  Johnny stopped in his tracks, I looked up to see a small house nestled in the woods but standing tall on top of a hill and overlooking the beach and the sea. The house was run down, bits and pieces lay scattered across the forest floor and had fallen onto the beach, sticking out of the sand.

  “Johnny, where are we?”

  He sighed “this is… was, my house.”

  Johnny let go of my hand and walked towards the house. It was a single story, not too big and from the outside looked as if it only really had two or three rooms. Part of the roof was caved in and all the windows were broken. There was clear burn marks on the front of the house and the door was hanging on a hinge. Johnny tried to open the door but it fell off of its sea air rusted hinge. He walked inside and left me standing there.

  I wasn’t sure whether or not to follow him, he let go of my hand so I didn’t know if he wanted me to wait out here.

  A gust of cold sea air blew into the forest and I shivered. The winds began to pick up and the shelter of the house was looking more and more inviting. Johnny was taking too long so I decided to walk inside after him.

  The inside of the house was in complete disrepair, it almost seemed as if someone started building it but never finished. The kitchen’s cabinets were strewn across the floor, the counter looked like it was smashed with a hammer and what little wood inside seemed to have burn marks. I looked around but couldn’t find Johnny until I saw a closed door in the corner of the room. I hesitantly opened the door to see Johnny in a bedroom, or at least the makings of a bedroom. He had a photograph in his hand and was standing in complete silence.

  “I had almost forgotten about this place” he said as he tossed the photo to the ground. “Maybe I wanted to forget, but it’s nice to visit it one last time.”

  He looked up at a hole in the ceiling “although coming back is making me question a lot.”

  I took his hand in mine and squeezed it, but his hand was limp. It was like his mind was off in another world. “Do you want to tell me what happened? If you don’t then that’s fine.”

  “This was my place when I first joined the Rolling Raiders, me and a couple brothers built it with our own hands. When they made me a chapter leader a couple of nobodies from a now dead club decided to try and make a name for themselves by trying to off me. I don’t know how they found this place but when they did they completely destroyed it. I don’t know how I made it out alive, I almost feel selfish for trying to forget.”

  He turned to me and gripped my hand tight. “When I come back here I wonder if it’s all worth it, even if I got the job back I mean… I meant what I said back at the gas station, even if it didn’t seem like it. I’m sorry for the way I treated you afterwards, I was selfish, I was controlling, and you don’t deserve that. If I do get my title back I’ll do what I promised to do, either way you’re getting the life you deserve.”

  He leaned down and kissed me, I could feel some of the closeness return but deep down inside I felt some guilt. Even if the house triggered his emotions of uncertainty about taking back his chapter I felt as if I was holding him back. I wanted him to want to be with me for me, not because of a promise he made. I wanted to treat him right so that he’d know how much he meant to me, so that he’d truly want to be with me and not just see me as an alternative to his chapter. I did feel happy about his apology over the incident on the bike, even if it did feel good it wasn’t something that I wanted to become the norm.

  He broke our kiss and smiled at me “come on, let's get out of here before whatever hobos are squatting in this place come back.”

  He walked out of the room and took one last look back, I could see him holding back a smile as he reminisced about his old days here. As soon as he was out of sight I picked up the picture he had tossed aside, it was of a slightly younger him with three other guys wearing their club jackets. They were all smiling from ear to ear as they stood in front of their bikes outside of an old bar. “Surprised he tossed this away” I said to myself. I put the picture in my jacket pocket and ran out of the room after Johnny.


  I could see it from far away, it was the only building in its area really and I recognized it from Johnny’s picture. The long trip was finally over and Johnny could finally get his closure. I sighed in relief thinking about how this was all about to pay off, about how no matter what happened maybe Johnny and I could start our life together.

  But something was wrong, Johnny and I expected dozens if not hundreds of men to be in and around the headquarters but from far away there weren’t signs of anyone. We pulled up to the bar to complete silence, we were on the outskirts of the city so we were all alone.

  “I don’t understand…” Johnny got off of the bike and stepped out onto the empty pavement. The bar looked like a complete ghost town, nobody to be seen or heard.

  “There’s always hundreds of club members here, hundreds! This is where we operate, this was where the club was founded, why the hell is it abandoned?”

  I stepped off of the bike, slowly walking over to Johnny as I turned a full 360 degrees and took in the sight. It was almost like a graveyard, an eerie silence that struck a nerve. If it felt like this to me I couldn’t imagine what it must have been like to Johnny.

  Johnny ran over to the front doors, reaching to open them only to see that they were chained up and locked together. “Why the hell would they abandon this place? It’s practically sacred ground for any Raider.” He grabbed the chains and began shaking them in frustration, seemingly hoping that they would come loose. “We gotta get inside, there has to be clues or plans or something that can tell me what the hell happened here.”

  I watched Johnny fruitlessly rattle the chains of the door out of frustration but an idea popped into my head. I rushed back to his bike and opened his backpack, looking for anything we could use. After practically turning it inside out the only thing I could find that might be useful was a tire iron. “For Johnny’s sake I hope this is helpful.”

  I brought it over to him, grabbing his arm as he prepared to try to break the door down with his shoulder. “A tire iron? I’m not sure if that can help too much right now.”

  “Maybe you could use
it like a crowbar and try to get one of the doors open.”

  “It’s worth a shot, more useful than me trying trying to bust it down with my shoulder.” He took the tire iron from my hand and pried it into a small opening between the two doors. He got a good angle on it and pushed it with everything he had. As the doors opened slightly Johnny was able to peek inside, seeing that not only were the doors chained on the outside but completely barricaded on the inside.

  “It was a good idea baby doll but even I can’t get that thing open, you couldn’t find anything else in my backpack that could be useful?”

  “Just a couple more spare tools, your clothes, and some rope.”

  Johnny thought for a moment before his eyes lit up. He walked over to his backpack and fished out the rope, laying it out on the pavement to see how long it was. “The chains and the barricade might not give up but the door hinges will.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked as Johnny began tying the rope tightly to the chain on the doors.

  “What I’m talking about is that we don’t have to break the chains, we just have to rip the doors off of their hinges. It’s just like my house back near the shore, the air this far out of the city is so salty from the ocean that those old hinges must be barely hanging on. Here, tie the other end of this rope around the body of the bike, make sure it’s tight.” He handed me the rope and I ran over to do what he said, I had no idea if Johnny’s bike had the power to pull doors that heavy off their hinges but he knew it better than I did. I tied the rope tightly around the body of his bike, tugging on it to make sure it wouldn’t come off. Johnny finished tying the rope to the chains, sticking the tire iron in their to make sure the rope wouldn’t come loose.

  “Alright Ash I want you to get on the bike and give it some gas, let’s see if we can pull these suckers off.”


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