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Craving BAD: An Anthology of Bad Boys and Wicked Girls

Page 6

by A. J. Norris

He shook his head. “The less you know, the better. Trust me.”

  “I don’t understand. Does Mr. Whittington know about this? I can’t understand why he would want me to meet with you.”

  He sighed. “Sit down, Katherine.”

  “I don’t want to—”

  “Just sit down!” he interrupted her, exasperated.

  She walked to the couch, keeping herself facing him. He placed the gun back in its holster behind his back. “Now, I didn’t want to have to bring that out. I didn’t want to scare you. Trust me, it was for your own good.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I don’t work with Mr. Whittington.”

  “What?” She covered her mouth, though she had slightly sensed this might be coming.

  He sighed, holding up his hand. “The people who I work for are very dangerous. And they do not want this merger between Ames and Whittington Industries to happen. Do you understand?”

  She didn’t dare move, but her entire body shook with dread.

  “This merger could mean a loss of literally thousands of jobs. Those are people, families. You’ll make millions but it comes at a great cost.”

  “There are others interested. If I don’t make the merger, other companies will.”

  “My boss will see to it that that doesn’t happen.”

  “Who is your boss?”

  “I could never tell you that, even if I wanted to. I don’t even know his name.”

  “So what exactly do you do for him?”

  “I told you, Katherine…whatever he wants.”

  “So, you just go around kidnapping women for him? What happens after tonight? Do you kill me? Smuggle me over the border so that I’ll never be heard from again? I have a boyfriend, you know. He’ll come looking for me!”

  “Kidnap? No. This is far from a kidnapping. My job was to distract you so that you missed your meeting with Mr. Whittington. My boss needed a chance to get to him first, to propose something other than your merger. I had to keep you busy all night until I got the message that the job is taken care of, which…” He checked his phone. “I still haven’t. I’m not going to hurt you at all. Once I get the all-clear, you’ll be free to go and you’ll never see me again.” He paused. “Oh, and as for having a boyfriend, the way you kissed me earlier…well, that suggests otherwise.”

  “You kissed me!” she retorted.

  “You didn’t try to stop me.” He sat down beside her once again. “Now,” he took hold of her shaking hands, “would you like something to drink?” He held up a hand in defense. “You can pour it yourself. You just look like you need to chill out.”

  “Chill out? That merger was really important. It could make or break my company.”

  He shook his head. “It seems like you’re going to be just fine to me.”

  “You don’t know anything about me.”

  “Let’s see.” He rubbed his chin, pretending to think. “I know that you don’t like pecans, even though you ordered an apple and pecan salad, because you picked around the pecans all night. I know that you hate hot dogs, but hate to be proven wrong more. I know that you grew up in New York and that you still look at it as magical, which means it hasn’t made you brazen, like the rest of us. I know that you bought that dress tonight because the tag is still on it.” He laughed, pulling the tag off of the back of her dress, much to her dismay. He glanced at it before continuing, “I know that you make way too much money to be as nice as you are. And I know that you aren’t married, because…no ring. You haven’t talked about kids all night so I’m assuming you don’t have those either. I’m assuming you live alone, excluding your butlers and maids.”

  She laughed. “I don’t have butlers or maids.”

  “A cook?”

  She shook her head.

  “Hmm…well, I guess I still have more to learn about you then.”

  “I guess you do,” she told him coyly, wondering how she could feel so safe with someone who was putting her in danger. She stared at him, noticing the tattoo that adorned his forearm, the scar just above his left eyebrow, and the dark shadow that lined his chin and lips. This man was stunning, dark, and mysterious, yet there was a bit of warmth in his eyes she hadn’t noticed at first glance.

  She stopped her thoughts immediately. This man had kidnapped her, and he was the reason her company, her legacy, would lose out on a deal she had been working toward for two years now. Anger bubbled inside of her, yet she couldn’t let it show.

  “So, how long do you think we’ll have to stay here?”

  “Is it so bad being in my company, Ms. Ames?”

  She froze, her mouth tight. “How long, Jake?”

  He sighed, glancing at his phone. “As long as it takes, I guess.”

  She nodded, her whole body feeling tense. “Excuse me for a moment—I need to use the restroom.”

  She stood up, walking out of the room and into the restroom at the end of the suite. She flipped on the lights, stepping in front of the mirror and letting out a deep breath. She stared at her reflection. Her dark hair had begun to fall from its place. She took hold of the clips, pulling them out one by one to allow her hair to fall carelessly down her back. Her eyeliner had begun to run, so she grabbed some tissue, wiping it carefully away. She rubbed her cheeks, bringing a bit more pink to their pale palette. Finally, she sighed, running her fingers through her hair once more before walking back out into the room.

  When she reentered the living area of the suite, she realized Jake was nowhere to be found. She tiptoed, slipping her heels off to allow her to move quietly through the room, passing the doorway to the bedroom. Jake was there, sitting on the edge of the bed, staring into his wine glass. He’d unbuttoned his shirt, allowing her to see his muscled body. She held her breath, swallowing hard. Was he waiting for her?

  She permitted herself only a moment to make a decision. He hadn’t seen her standing there yet, so she could make a run for it…or she could make her presence known and see where the night took them.

  She closed her eyes, turning toward the door and cracking it open. She darted out, sensing the freedom. Her whole body ached to be out of that hotel. She ran with all her might, hearing him calling behind her now.

  “Katherine! Katherine! Please, wait!” he demanded.

  She refused, continuing to run until someone ran straight into her. He was tall, bald, with arms that reminded her of tree trunks nearly ripping through his black shirt. He grabbed hold of her arm, squeezing it tightly.

  “Stefan, no,” Jake yelled, approaching them quickly. He held his hands out, reaching for Katherine.

  “What happened, Jacob?” the man asked, his voice harsh.

  “It isn’t what it looks like.”

  “She was trying to leave.”

  “Yes.” Jake’s eyes looked stern, scary even, as he locked them with Stefan’s.

  “Did you get the all-clear?”

  “No,” Jake said. “If you’ll just give her back to me, we’ll head back to the room.”

  “She has seen our faces. She must go to the boss,” Stefan said, tightening his grip on her arm.

  Suddenly, realizing what was happening, she began to hyperventilate. The room grew closer together, the edges of her vision blurring.

  “No, please! No! I won’t tell anyone anything. Please just let me go!” she begged.

  Stefan pulled her closer to him, turning to walk into a room.

  She gasped as her world grew dark and she heard only Jake’s voice screaming her name.

  Chapter Three

  When Katherine woke up, she stared up at the ceiling of her apartment. She sat up in bed, wondering for a moment if it had all been a bad dream. She stared down at the dress that she had worn, felt the soreness in her arms from where Stefan had grabbed her, and she knew none of it had been a dream.

  “How are you feeling?” a voice asked from behind her.

  She jumped, pulling away from the voice before turning to face it. Jake sat in a chair facin
g the bed, shadows dancing across his face. She could see a faint outline of bruising around his cheek, and there were bloodstains on his shirt.

  “Jake?” she asked cautiously.

  “I’m sorry about all of this,” he said.

  “What happened?”

  “You have to leave. You aren’t safe staying here right now.”

  “Stefan?” she asked, approaching him.

  “There are men worse than Stefan out there.”

  “What happened, Jake?”

  “I took care of Stefan,” he said, standing up. “But you still aren’t safe.”

  “Did you…kill him?”

  He turned away from her, facing out the window. “No, I didn’t kill him, Katherine.”

  She wasn’t sure she believed him.

  He went on, “But he won’t be bothering you anymore. There are others, though…our boss will send others after you, after us. You have to leave the country for a while.”

  She approached him, touching his shoulders. “You saved my life.”

  “Only after I put you in danger in the first place, Katherine, don’t forget that.” He turned to face her, his mouth only inches from hers.

  “So, where will we go?”

  “You will go wherever you want. Take a long, extended vacation. You must leave first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “Just me?”

  “Just you,” he confirmed, taking her hands off of his chest and walking away from her.

  “But you said you are in danger too.”

  “I can take care of myself,” he told her. “I always have. Tonight, keep the doors locked. Leave first thing in the morning. Stay gone at least six months, Katherine. Do you understand?”

  She nodded, though she wasn’t sure she understood any of it.

  He picked up his jacket, walking toward the door.

  “Wait,” she told him.

  He turned.

  “I just…I mean…thank you.” She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a hug. His woodsy scent filled her nose, and she took a deep breath, wanting to remember it, him, forever.

  She pulled away, though she didn’t drop her arms from his neck, willing him to kiss her.

  “It has been an…interesting night, Ms. Ames,” he told her, his breath hot on her cheek.

  “When will I see you again?”

  “I should hope you never have to.”

  He pulled her arms down from his neck, kissing her cheek gently. “Goodnight, Katherine.”

  With that, he was gone, shutting the door behind him. Katherine locked the door, resting her back against it and breathing hard. The night was a whirlwind around her and she could still feel his skin on hers. Tears in her eyes, she fell into her bed, shoving her face into a pillow and begging for sleep.

  It was just past three when a knock sounded on Katherine’s door, pulling her from sleep. She sat up in bed instantly, staring around the dark room. Her heart pounded as she scooted back farther on her bed, pulling the covers up around her.

  She heard someone moving outside her door, jiggling the handle. She was frozen, knowing she should call 911 or look for a weapon, but unable to move a muscle. Suddenly, she heard the door open and then someone walking across her apartment. Heavy footsteps. She sank into her bed, sliding across it in an attempt to hide underneath.

  Before she could make it under the bed, her bedroom door crept open.

  “Jake?” she screamed, seeing the man in her doorway.

  He approached, his eyes locked on hers, his mouth unmoving, and grabbed her face. He pressed his lips into hers finally, their bodies leaning together. She threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into her. He pulled back, staring into her eyes for only a second.

  “You came back?” she asked.

  “I never left. I couldn’t,” he told her.

  He kissed her again, passion fueling their every move. He unzipped her dress, kissing the back of her neck, then pulled it over her head. He turned her back around, unbuttoning his shirt slowly, never pulling their faces apart. She found his belt, unbuckling it, feeling his excitement for her.

  She lay down on the bed, pulling his body gently on top of her. His kisses found her neck, working their way around her jawline and behind her ears. She moaned as his tongue danced along her collarbone. He flipped her over on top of him in one swift motion, making her laugh. His hands grazed her body gently, feeling every part of her. Her skin was on fire, dancing and burning with his every touch. They tossed and turned in the bed, their bodies moving together perfectly. He unhooked her bra, tossing it across the room and his lips found her breasts, trailing down toward her navel and reaching her hipbones. She whimpered with pleasure as he continued downward, kissing every inch of her body, his stubble scraping her skin.

  “Oh,” she exclaimed, her back arching underneath him. Her movements begged him not to stop. Finally, he came back up slowly, kissing and licking every inch of her until he finally came to rest on her lips.

  “My God, Ms. Ames,” he whispered gruffly.

  With that, she sighed in ecstasy, watching him slide off the bed and pull his pants off, climbing back up onto the bed.

  His eyes asked the question as he slid her legs apart.

  Yes, she told him silently, nodding her head. Yes, I’m ready.

  He didn’t have to be told twice, sliding into her as she shrieked in pure pleasure. They molded together finally, their bodies finding exactly what they needed in each other.

  Chapter Four

  When Katherine woke up the next morning, she was alone in bed. She reached over and switched off her alarm. It had been set for six a.m.

  “Jake?” she asked, staring around the empty room. She climbed out of bed, walking around the quiet apartment. He wasn’t there. Her body was sore and stiff, proof that last night had happened. She walked back to her bedroom, throwing on a robe, and remembered what he had told her. She had to leave the country and she had to leave now.

  She grabbed a suitcase from her closet, loading it with clothes and shoes, trying to decide where she should go. She tried to ignore the bit of sadness in her stomach, the very large part of her that wished he would’ve still been there, the part that wished he’d travel with her.

  She knew that he’d been honest with her, and though it filled her eyes with tears to admit it, he wouldn’t ever see her again. He couldn’t. It wasn’t safe for either of them. She wiped the tears from her eyes, having no time for sadness.

  She frowned, staring around her empty apartment and wondering what to pack. She grabbed another suitcase from her closet. She would definitely need two.

  A vacation would be good for her, she knew. It had been too long since she’d been on one. Her company would be fine while she was gone. Besides, it would be good to get away and not have to think about the failed merger. She was surprised to find that thinking of it didn’t hurt nearly as much as thinking about Jake.

  She sighed, grabbing her laptop and getting on the airline’s website. She would grab breakfast on the way to the airport. After that, she wouldn’t look back.

  Chapter Five

  Katherine stood in line at the airport, trying to think of anything but last night, anything but him. She had ultimately decided on a vacation to Fiji, which never failed to show her a good time. She felt confident that she could enjoy herself and that it would take her mind off of everything going on. If Fiji failed, she would travel somewhere else.

  When she’d started her company years ago, the thing that had excited her the most was that she could work from wherever she chose to be. Her company had given her the freedom and financial power to travel the world, and for the past decade, she’d done everything from her office. She’d given up on travel long ago, but it was time to find that love again. She sighed as she thought about it, the word “love” pounding on her already sore heart.

  She felt tears hit her eyes and wiped them away quickly, realizing how ridiculous she was being. She didn’t love Jake. She’d only j
ust met him. She was just being silly. It was a tiny crush. Her body pulsated thinking of the night before. She sent the memory from her brain. But then, she reminded herself, he did save her life. He was trying to help her. He had to feel something for her, right?

  “Ma’am?” a voice called, pulling her from her daydream.

  She stared ahead, the airline employee frowning at her from behind her desk. The line in front of her had disappeared and she was standing in the middle of the airport looking completely lost.

  “Sorry.” She frowned, approaching the counter. “I need to pick up my ticket.”

  “Right, and your name?”

  “Katherine Ames,” she said, feeling scatterbrained as she sat down her bags and began to pull out her paperwork.

  “Okay then, let me see. Where are you traveling today, Ms. Ames?”

  “Fiji,” Katherine told her, digging through her purse.

  “Ah, there you are. I’ll just need to see your passport then.”

  “Yes, it’s in here somewhere,” Katherine said, feeling quite frantic as she dug through the bag. She had packed it; she knew she had. Where in the world could it be?

  “Sorry,” she said exasperatedly, taking items out of her purse and laying them on the counter.

  “Ma’am, maybe you’d like to sit down and look?”

  “No, no, it’s in here!” Katherine shouted, sounding angrier than she had intended. “I’m sorry, it’s just…wait, here it is!” She held it up, handing it over to the woman.

  The attendant looked it over carefully before handing it back. “Thank you,” she said stiffly. She grabbed a ticket from the printer behind her and handed that over as well. “Enjoy your flight.”

  Katherine nodded. “Thank you, sweetheart.” She tried to smile, knowing she’d already come across as a crazy person. She stuck the ticket and passport in her jacket pocket, carrying her purse and three suitcases awkwardly through the airport. She had forty minutes until her flight, but she was at the wrong end of the airport and she still had to check her bags.


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