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Joven's Bride

Page 5

by Clarissa Lake

  Would finding his meomee change him, teach him to love? Carly didn’t know. She just knew she really hated him, maybe enough to kill him if she ever got the chance.

  It was late when they all got inside the barracks. The other residents were already in bunks, and the females were commanded to find an empty bunk and rest. Their last meal had been in the morning, and their captors offered them nothing to eat.

  Carly was hungry, but she knew she could survive missing two meals. She had often worked through lunch and dinner at school. It was never an eight-hour job for her. There was always planning, extracurricular activities, and papers to grade that she couldn’t finish during regular work hours. Missing a meal was nothing new.

  She walked through an aisle between two rows of bunks until she found a second level bunk available. Most of the lowest bunks were already taken. There was a bare pad rather than a mattress with one end raised like a pillow. She climbed into it and lay down. It wasn’t especially comfortable, but she was tired.

  Not knowing what was going to happen to her wasn’t conducive to getting a good night’s sleep. She wanted to believe that Joven would find her before she was sold into slavery but felt guilty because her faith in that wavered.

  Despite her worries, exhaustion won out, and she drifted to sleep despite the noise around her. Sometime later, Carly awoke to a sound, like a big cat roaring.

  Chapter Nine

  The Sentinel Hawk landed on Se’Nar in the dark of night in stealth mode. Finding the huge passenger freighter Star Traveler in orbit confirmed Joven’s decision not to wait for Zaif Crazell to contact him for a ransom. The bastard took his Carly to the slave auction to get rid of them as quickly as possible and still make a profit. She was only one of fifty “mail order” brides and grooms kidnapped when they seized the Star Traveler along with twenty-seven crew members.

  The pirates had arrived between auctions. Scans of both the pirates’ vessel and the passenger freighter revealed only a skeleton crew on each. Both those ships were too big to land, so he knew they would have shuttled down the hostages.

  Joven knew his mate was ground side. He transformed into his giant panther form before he and his team left the ship. Only Kelbor stayed behind to make a speedy escape if necessary.

  The other four cyborgs donned full battle armor before they left the ship. They had been to Se’Nar auction house barracks in their law enforcement days. Once they were in position, they would break open the doors and take out the guards. This was an unsanctioned operation, though Alliance Law Enforcement was unofficially aware of Joven’s plan.

  Joven bounded ahead in the darkness. As he reconnoitered the port he was drawn by a scent. Narovian felines recognized their soulmates. Joven knew he had found Carly

  As he approached the barracks, he desperately wanted to kill Crazell for taking her. Jovan could move so fast his prey wouldn’t notice his presence until it was too late. He wasn’t feeling particularly merciful after a month of chasing the pirates across the galaxy.

  Joven immediately recognized the guard as a feline humanoid, the man he had known from his warrior days. Zaif Crazell. Likely he had stayed behind while his crew patronized the brothels in town. Crazell was never one to participate in recreational sex.

  He never had a real family. His parents were not a love match. His father was a feline who had never found his soulmate. His mother, a sapien, had been abusive because she hated his father and therefore him. Finally, she left, but the damage was done.

  Other felines told him it would be different if he found his meomee, but Crazell didn’t believe that would ever happen. After the war, Joven never saw him again until now. Knowing his troubled pass did little to cool Joven’s anger.

  Joven ran at Crazell and leaped smashing into him with his front paws and knocking him to the ground. Crazell tried to fight him off as Joven tore into him with his fangs and claws. The pirate screamed as one bionic arm was ripped from its socket, squirting blood where it had been connected. Crazell was never a real cyborg, he merely had cybernetic parts to replace those that were blown off his body.

  Now Joven’s huge panther persona clawed and ripped the man apart, oblivious to his screams that only stopped when he ripped his throat out. Then he stood on the body and threw back his head and roared. Afterward, he trotted a few meters away and shook himself to get rid of the blood that covered his blue-black fur before he morphed back into humanoid form.

  His other team members split up to secure the rest of the exits. Reverting back to his humanoid form, he hacked the door lock and moved silently into a dimly lit hallway. Carly’s scent was stronger inside.

  Even in his humanoid form, Joven moved with a catlike grace unexpected in a man with his bulk. Finally, halfway down the corridor, her scent grew more potent behind another locked door. This was the hard part.

  Joven would have to resist the mating urge long enough to find the crew and other passengers of the Star Traveler and get them back to their ship. He paused to close his eyes and breathed several slow deep breaths in a brief meditation exercise.

  Thodai found Star Traveler’s crew and rousted them. Once they realized the cyborgs were there to rescue not take them to auction, they quickly got up to help. “Is that shuttle at the starport functional?” Thodai asked.

  “It got us here,” Captain Hofton replied. “Our ship is still in orbit under the pirate’s control. Crazell only disabled it to clamp on and board us. We didn’t have a chance.”

  “Where’s Crazell and his crew?”

  “Shore leave in the pleasure houses until the auction tomorrow,” Hofton replied. “What about the pirates running my ship.”

  “We took care of them. They are in your brig. We’ll escort you back to your shuttle so you can get her ready to launch while we free the passengers and any others who wish to leave.”

  “Our ship’s passenger section is only set up for a hundred ten,” Captain Hofton said. “There are at least two hundred captives here.”

  “Put them in the cargo hold if you have to. Captain Brendict ordered us to take everyone,” Thodai asserted, taking a step closer to the merchant captain. “As soon as we cross into Alliance space, they have a transport to take the extra refugees from your ship. You will be fairly compensated for your service.”

  “I appreciate that. Our provisions won’t last long with that many extra passengers. But, you’re right, we can’t leave Alliance citizens to be sold into slavery,” Hofton agreed.

  Joven went from room to room rousing the captives from their bunks. He deliberately forced himself to leave his soulmate’s room for last, or he would not be able to do his job. Even though he was a cyborg, his genes were primarily Narovian feline humanoid.

  When a Narovian feline finds, their soulmate, the feline gives off pheromones that send their mate’s libidos into a frenzy that drives them to mate repeatedly and at length for up to ten days.

  Joven took a few calming breaths as he came to the door, separating him from his meomee. He threw open the door with a bang and switched on the lights to plaintive moans and groans from a hundred sleepy females. “Pay attention, females! I am Captain Joven Brendict here with my team to evacuate Star Traveler passengers and anyone else who doesn’t want to be sold as a slave.”

  “Joven!” Carly cried. She jumped down from the second bunk and ran toward him. She stopped short, even though she wanted to throw herself into his arms. This was not how she pictured their first meeting. Suddenly, she didn’t know what to say as she was fighting not to break down sobbing. Joven didn’t need to know about her ordeal just then.

  Joven couldn’t seem to find any words to say except, “Carly.” He gently gripped her upper arms and stared into her eyes for a moment before he pulled her to him and wrapped her in his arms.

  She pressed her face against his shoulder and clung to him, tears of relief running down her cheeks. “I knew you would come.”

  He kissed the top of her head and rubbed his cheek against her soft
black hair savoring the feel of her body pressed to his. He allowed them no more than a brief moment to appreciate it, then gently pushed her away. Running his hands up and down her arms.

  “We have to go,” he murmured and grimaced. His cock was so hard it hurt. Joven knew it would be like this, but he couldn’t stay away. It had taken them twenty-seven rotations to track them to Se’Nar.

  They had to get away before the Pirates got back from the brothel in the village. His team of elite warriors could take the pirates, but he wouldn’t risk collateral casualties in the people they came to rescue.

  “I know,” Carly gave him a rueful smile. “It’s just like you said it would be.”

  “Soon, meomee, soon.” He kissed her forehead, took her hand. They followed the group and brought up the rear of the procession toward the exit. “We are taking you back to Glasica with us.”

  “Yes, but what about my things---they are still on the ship? All my clothes, my com-tablet…”

  “We will contact the Star Traveler after we get off this world and away from here. They still have cargo to deliver to Glasica. They can deliver your luggage as well.”

  “Then, all I have is what I am wearing.”

  “You won’t need any clothes while we are bonding,” he whispered so only she could hear. “Otherwise, I have form-fitting suits that will adjust to your size until we get your own clothing.”

  Joven walked as fast as he could with his uncomfortable erection. Carly still had to double step to keep up with him, but she wasn’t complaining. She was too ecstatic that she and Joven were finally together. Now she understood why it was best for them to meet at his home for the first time.

  His scent was utterly intoxicating. Everything she’d been through seemed insignificant compared to the powerful attraction she felt for her soulmate. Her nipples hardened into tight points, aching for attention, and her clit throbbed. She had never in her life felt the kind of desire for anyone that she experienced for Joven as they hurried from the building. Carly knew Joven was as uncomfortable as she, so she didn’t complain. He started to jog once they got out of the building and Carly ran to keep up.

  She was starting to get winded as they reached the Sentinel Hawk. Joven barely broke stride as he scooped her up into his arms and carried her the rest of the way. The rest of his crew members were already onboard, and the Sentinel Hawk started to lift off before the door completely closed behind them.

  “Get us out of here Kelbor,” Joven called as he dashed to his cabin with Carly in his arms.

  It was larger than she expected, bigger than her cabin on the Star Traveler. There were a large pull-down bed and a closet with a shower and a collapsible toilet. Neither Joven nor Carly cared about any of that. They were alone at last. Joven shifted Carly in his arms, so she was facing him with her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips. She sighed his name just before his lips took hers in a deep, heated kiss.

  Chapter Ten

  They moaned simultaneously as they came together. Joven gripped her buttocks and pressed her mons against his erection through their clothes, giving them both just a little relief from their pheromone driven desire. Carly clung to him squeezing her aching breasts against the hard wall of his chest.

  Their mouths fused together in a deep passionate kiss, their tongues swirling and caressing as they explored and tasted each other.

  It certainly didn’t seem like they were meeting for the first time. They had fallen in love through their vid-mails and holographic meetings. Joven had warned her from the beginning that they wouldn’t be able to keep their hands off each other from almost the moment they met face to face.

  Their lips barely parted as they shed their clothes. When they were naked, they paused to glance at each other’s body. He was just as magnificent as she had imagined. His long, thick cock was fully erect and ready.

  Joven lifted Carly, balancing her against the cabin door with one arm around her back. She helped by putting her arms around his neck, and pressed her breasts against his hard chest. Staring into his blue feline eyes, she breathed in his spicy and masculine scent. She wrapped one leg around his back and he cupped her pussy with one hand, sliding a finger into her wet opening.

  Carly sucked in a deep breath, as her inner walls clenched around his finger. She moaned with overwhelming need for him to claim her.

  “I’m ready,” she whispered. “I want you inside me now!”

  “As you wish, meomee,” he murmured by her ear.

  Then he pushed his cock into her tight, wet opening, eliciting a delighted moan from her. Joven started with slow deep thrusts, rotating his hips to rub against her clit with each one.

  “Joven… You feel… So good!” Carly praised him.

  “So, do… You…” Then his mouth was pressed to hers again, and there were no more words as he took her harder and faster.

  He took her hands and laced his fingers between hers and held them against the wall on each side of her head. As he drove his long thick cock into her, his hard chest squeezed against her chest and rubbed her sensitive nipples delectably.

  Carly let herself surrender to his possession and the pleasure of his lovemaking. She delighted in the wonderful sensations that surged through her with each pounding thrust. She pulled her mouth away from his and keened as she came for the first time. As her inner walls clamped down on his cock, he seemed to drive into her harder.

  She came twice more before he came, then she came again, or maybe still as he pumped his hot semen against her womb. He freed her hands and hugged her to him, while his cock continued to throb inside her.

  “Meomee, meomee,” he murmured, kissing and nibbling her neck where it met her shoulder. “I am yours… And you are mine… As long as I draw breath.”

  “I am yours, and you are mine, as long as I draw breath,” she repeated, looking into his eyes.

  He liked the way she was looking at him with eyes full of love. Joven rotated his hips, so that his pubis rubbed against her clit, still holding her captive against the cabin door. Carly sucked in a breath and moaned as her body jerked against his in an aftershock from her orgasm. Then she smiled at him, relishing the pressure of his body against her and inside her.

  She never had said it to him, but she had thought him a little conceited when he had seduced her with his words. But now, that she had surrendered to him so completely she was enthralled by the magnificent alpha male. Her whole body was trembly with arousal. Carly was an utterly willing captive.

  Joven pressed his lips to hers again and released her hands to wrap his arms around her. He held her so his still hard cock would stay inside her, moving to the bed. He rolled them into it, so she was beneath him, still kissing her. As his big body pressed down on top of her, Carly’s inner walls clenched rhythmically around him.

  Now that they were finally joined, and there was no longer the frenzy to come together, they kissed and caressed tenderly. Joven savored her lips and the feel of her hands exploring his body, while he was sheathed inside her. He pumped in and out of her at unmeasured intervals. He kept them both at a heightened state of arousal for an hour until he realized that Carly was tiring.

  Joven pumped in and out of her at a steadily faster rate, harder and faster. Carly hummed and sighed her pleasure each time he drove his cock into her. He could sense that she was close by the way her body tensed, and her inner walls clamped down on his cock. A series of moans and sighs burst from her as she writhed against him, signaling her climax, but he kept thrusting until he came, too, shooting his hot seed into her womb.

  “Joven!” she exclaimed as her climax resurged and she shuddered with each contraction that started in the depths of her womb. She made inarticulate sounds of mindless ecstasy with each one, clinging to Joven as he groaned his own pleasure when her inner walls contracted around his cock as if to milk him of every drop of his seed.

  As he looked down at her face when she quieted beneath him, she stared up at him in a mindless haze of pleasure
and exhaustion. He could have taken her for hours, and he wouldn’t have tired of it, but he knew she needed rest before the next round of breeding. Slowly, reluctantly, he pulled out of her. The mating urge had cooled enough so he could give her the time she needed to rest.

  Joven lay on his side, facing her and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her forehead, her nose, her cheeks, and finally, her lips in a tender, gentle kiss. “Rest, my sweet meomee. You are safe now,” he murmured.

  “I know,” she sighed, snuggling against him. “I love you,” she added and drifted asleep.”

  Joven had rested little himself since the night the Star Traveler was seized by pirates. He’d been wild with anger and anguish, that he might lose Carly forever. But cyborgs like him were made to fight long and hard without respite for days at a time. His restlessness during the voyage to find her hadn’t taxed him enough to cool his desire for her. As long as he had fucked her, he still ached for more. But he could wait, now that Carly was safe in his arms.

  Instead of dwelling on how much he still wanted her, Joven closed his eyes and thought about the life they were going to have together. At some point, he too drifted to sleep.

  Carly woke hours later to Joven exploring her body with his lips. She hummed in approval as his lips closed around her nipple. As she came fully awake, her first thought was the joy that they were finally together. The next thought was she wanted him again, even though her stomach protested with hunger pangs. Her desire for him was greater.

  She caressed his head and shoulders and murmured his name tenderly while he sucked one nipple and then the other. Pleasurable sensations surged to her core, making it clench on emptiness. Though she longed to have him inside her again, she savored the feel of him in her arms. In the back of her mind, while she still had rational thought, she was glad for the chance to know him from a distance.


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