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Filthy for the Night (For The Night #3)

Page 5

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘Logan,’ she gasped as her face lit up. If she thought she’d been fucked well by the eleven guys that she’d had before me tonight, she was about to revise that assessment. The guys currently screwing her did as they were told and bent her over the tailgate. I kicked her feet apart as I held the back of her neck firmly. She was panting hard and I hadn’t even started. After a quick check that my condom was intact I slammed into her stretched rear and her scream of pleasure nearly uprooted some of the trees surrounding us. ‘Yes, yes, harder, fuck me harder,’ she begged.

  I winced, the sound of her squeaky voice was grating. I blocked it out and closed my eyes and tried to imagine it was Summer below me begging me to fuck her this way, tried to imagine that we were alone. That her plump full lips were parted as she gasped for air, her short natural nails were scraping at the metal below her, those cheeks of hers had a pink sexual flush to them, her blue eyes rolling in pleasure as I plundered her, viciously. I angled myself deeper and let out a deep growl as I felt my cock firing properly, the sensation of pleasure wrapping itself around me like a vine and squeezing me to the brink of ejaculation. I could feel perspiration on my brow as I slammed into her again and again and started to tense as the urge to release crept up on me. ‘Yes,’ I roared as my backside clenched tightly and I jammed myself right into her as I started to shudder.

  ‘Logan,’ she screamed as a powerful climax ripped through her.

  ‘Yes,’ I groaned and tightened my fingers on her hips. Her bony hips? I opened my eyes as my breathing cantered and silently cursed to be reminded I was fantasising, that it was Yasmin falling apart and sobbing under me, not the woman who’d apparently taken over as my sexual muse and controlled my erections.

  ‘Logan. O … wow. Take me … home. I’m … done,’ she whined. I quickly pulled out of her and ripped off my condom and tucked myself back in.

  ‘Jesus mate, I thought I fucked hard, but you take it to a whole other level,’ uttered one of the guys as he shook his head, looking at me in awe. I gave him a quick smile as I shoved my damp hair back from my forehead. ‘Do we still get to finish off all over her?’

  ‘If she’s happy with that. Is that what you want?’ I asked as I looked down at her dazed face.

  ‘Yeah,’ she sighed as she still lay there, completely boneless.

  ‘No more fucking,’ I warned, ‘she’s done in.’

  ‘Right, like anyone would want to follow you,’ scoffed another guy as they moved forward and rolled her over onto her back.

  ‘Stomach and chest only,’ I added as I leaned on the side of the truck, to make sure I could hear her if she changed her mind and begged me to take her home now, but kept my eyes off what was happening. I needed to book bloody hypnotherapy or have a memory wipe or partial lobotomy to get Summer out of my head. She was going to be the death of me and my damn sexual career. I tried to block out the cumulative groans of everyone at my side and I ran through my personal training sessions coming up, trying to think how best to help one of my non-sexual clients to find a way to incorporate exercise into her hectic schedule coming up. As a backing singer for a major female artist, she was going to be on the road, eating out all the time, staying in different hotels. I was startled out of my thoughts by Yasmin moaning my name again. I looked down to see the guys tucking themselves back in and her stomach and tits covered in spunk.

  ‘Lie still, I’ll go and get some wipes and your coat, ok?’

  ‘Hmmm,’ she sighed.

  ‘Some girlfriend you’ve got, pal. You ever fancy doing this again, let me know, I’m in.’

  ‘Me too,’ came another chorus of voices. I frowned at them, they’d been warned to make it seem natural.

  ‘Sure, if we’re passing again you may see us.’ I strode back to the Merc and tapped the window before opening James’ door. He quickly removed his ear phones. ‘Sorry James, we’re nearly good to go. I’ll just get her cleaned up and dressed.’

  ‘No problem, Sir. Let me know when I can take off the mask.’

  ‘I thought it would be a more entertaining evening if you attempted to drive us home with it on.’

  ‘Very funny, Sir,’ he smiled.

  ‘I’m being serious, I thought you marines were capable of the impossible.’

  ‘Even we have our limits,’ he chuckled. I slapped him on the shoulder and shut his door, opened the back one and grabbed the packet of baby wipes, a plastic bag and Yamin’s coat and returned to the Navara. The guys filtered off as I stuck my hand in the bag, forming a makeshift glove and used a pile of wipes to clean her up as well as I could, before turning the bag inside out and tying a knot in it, securing the offending items inside. Even though I’d not touched anything, I still used some wipes on my hands, before propping her up, half comatosed, and pulling her coat on and doing up her belt.

  ‘So … tired,’ she moaned as I lifted her up into my arms.

  ‘I can imagine, you’ve had quite the night. Did you enjoy it though?’

  ‘Amazing,’ she nodded as she fought to keep her eyes open.

  ‘Are you positive it’s safe for me to come back to yours?’

  ‘Hmmm. Staff will keep … quiet.’

  ‘I bet,’ I nodded, assuming she blackmailed them to keep quiet, just like my other client Camilla did.


  ‘Why don’t you sleep then, I’ll wake you up when we get there, ok?’ I heard a gentle snore and chuckled to see she’d already passed out. I carefully lay her on the back seat and got in, placing her head on my lap again. ‘Ok James, it’s safe for you to open your eyes now.’

  ‘Excellent. I felt like I was on night time manoeuvres again.’


  ‘Not at all Sir, that’s what you are paying me for. Back to Mrs. Taylors?’

  ‘Yes, please.’

  ‘Did you have a good evening?’ he asked as he put his seatbelt on. Yasmin was snoring, so I knew it was safe to talk.

  ‘Not particularly, no. I’m feeling rather confused at the moment, I’m completely off my game tonight. I’m sure it’ll pass.’

  ‘And if it doesn’t?’

  ‘I can always make an honest living with my personal training, it would just … well I’m afraid if I followed that option it would mean I wouldn’t need your services so often.’

  ‘Don’t worry about me, Sir. Mr. Davenport still pays me a very generous annual salary and barely uses me as he’s not in London so much anymore. The extra money from you has been very nice, but it’s not required.’

  ‘Then is it too late for me to renegotiate my fee for this evening?’ I queried in jest as he turned the car and headed back towards the main road.

  ‘Far too late, Sir. Besides, the fee was to stay with you until I drop you home at whatever time that may be, and Mrs. Smith was looking forward to looking after the grandchildren tonight. I’d prefer to return when they’ve been up for a few hours and have worn themselves out somewhat.’

  ‘You can infiltrate the most dangerous and highly secured areas in the world, and drop ten men single handedly, but you can’t handle a couple of youngsters?’ I laughed with a raised brow.

  ‘They’re animals at that age, especially on sugar overload. If the noise wasn’t bad enough, you take your eyes off them for a second and they’re gone. I’m getting far too old for all that, Sir. I prefer them when they are a little worn out and happy to sit and listen to me read to them, or watch some TV or a film.’

  ‘How old are they?’

  ‘A set of four year old twins, Sir.’

  ‘I had no idea you were a father, let alone a grandfather.’

  ‘Why would you, Sir? It’s not my job to bore you with details of my life.’

  ‘I’m not bored at all. Was fatherhood really amazing?’

  ‘Yes, and it still is. You may love your wife deeply, but nothing prepares you for the overwhelming surge of love that you have for your own child.’

  ‘So what made you change from the guy who used to sow his oats wh
ile he was in the forces, to a home loving family man?’

  ‘I met Mrs. Smith. She made me want to change, Sir.’

  ‘Simple as that?’

  ‘Simple as that. She’s my soul mate and from the moment I saw her I wanted no one else. I’ve never wanted anyone else since.’

  ‘Huh.’ I nodded and stuck out my bottom lip as my brow creased while I pondered his comments.

  ‘If you don’t mind me saying Sir, she’s really done quite a number on you.’

  ‘Yasmin?’ I asked, surprised as I caught his eye in the rear view mirror.

  ‘No, Sir. Miss Beresford. You’re different since you met her last week.’

  ‘Tell me about it,’ I sighed and looked at my reflection in the car window. She really had done a number on me.

  Always be Prepared


  The crunching of gravel alerted me to the fact that we’d arrived back at Yasmin’s property. James pressed the intercom to announce that he was returning her home and I looked out of the windscreen to see the wide black wrought iron gates slowly open.

  ‘Yasmin, wake up for me, we’re back at yours,’ I advised as I gently shook her shoulder.

  ‘What?’ she moaned.

  ‘We’ve arrived back at yours.’


  ‘It’s nearly three in the morning,’ I smiled as she looked up at me. It was bizarre seeing her normally green eyes covered in those brown contact lenses, as well as that faded brown colour on her hair.

  ‘Really?’ she looked at me stunned.

  ‘Lots of sex does tend to leave one feeling tired,’ I chuckled.

  ‘It sure does. Come on then,’ she nodded as she struggled to right herself and James got out to open the door for her.

  ‘You’re sure the staff will be discreet?’ I frowned.

  ‘Please, this is me you’re talking to. I have them wrapped around my little finger,’ she confirmed before climbing out. I shook my head and got out myself.

  ‘Thanks James. Feel free to disappear for a few hours, as long as you’re back here to pick me up at say … eight?’ I suggested, checking my watch. It would take about an hour to get me home, which would have given him just over twelve hours on the clock.

  ‘Perfect, Sir. Ring me if you want me earlier.’

  ‘Thanks,’ I gave him a grateful smile and patted the back of his shoulder as I held Yasmin’s arm and escorted her to the front door, which was immediately opened for us.

  ‘Would you like something to drink or eat, Mrs. Taylor?’ asked the foreign maid who’d answered the door.

  ‘A pot of tea for me and maybe a scone with jam and cream.’


  ‘Do you have any cereal and fruit?’

  ‘Yes, Sir.’

  ‘A bowl of Weetabix please, preferably three, no sugar and plenty of milk and two bananas, and an apple if you have them. Still water, a slice of lime, lemon if you don’t have limes and no ice.’

  ‘Ok,’ she nodded.

  ‘Thanks,’ I smiled and she trotted off. ‘So, I think someone’s in need of a serious clean,’ I advised as I scooped Yasmin up into my arms. ‘Where’s the bathroom?’

  ‘We’ll use the master suite, up the stairs and I’ll direct you from there.’


  I looked at his strong jawline as he carried me up, he was simply perfection. Those lips, that straight nose, square jaw and those grey eyes that rarely gave anything away. He was so strong as well, lifting me effortlessly like I was a rag. I couldn’t believe what he’d set up for me tonight. I thought the gangbang in the club had been filthy enough, but to have driven me out to the woods to a dogging site with random commoners fucking me? It was the most turned on I’d ever been, until Logan slammed into my stretched backside of course. A hundred men wouldn’t compare to having Logan fuck me. Part of me wanted him again, part of me was just too exhausted. I directed him into my bedroom and through the dressing room to the large master bathroom and he carefully deposited me on the chaise longue.

  ‘Do you mind if I run you a bath?’ he asked as he shrugged his jacket off. I shook my head as I lay sprawled and admired his strong forearms with the light dusting of dark hair, then his firm tight backside as he bent over to turn the dial to close the plug hole and turned the taps on. Pretty soon the room was filling with steam from the bath and radiating off me as I watched him moving about. He had to be the hottest man I’d ever seen. Damn him, if he was a multi-millionaire I’d quite happily settle down with him. I could only imagine how much better my sex life would be on a daily basis. Full of passion and kink, serious kink. He’d introduced me to bondage after the first couple of years of appointments, then I’d asked for threesomes, but then even that got a bit old and I’d needed something more to get me off. I wondered if the kinkier you got, the kinkier you had to get to keep that high rolling? After tonight though, where else did I have to go? Gangbangs and dogging, having twelve men in one night, how could I possibly top that? The only other thrill would be doing it all bareback, to feel all that come leaking out of me, seeping down my slim thighs. That was risky though, who knows what I might catch. My head lolled to the door as I heard Consuela the maid calling. ‘I’ll get it,’ Logan smiled and disappeared.


  I carried the tray through to the bathroom, poured Yasmin some tea and prepared her snack for her, cutting it into small pieces, she still looked totally wrecked. I devoured my cereal and fruit, it had been a long time since I’d eaten that light meal in the club and I was ravenous. As soon as I finished, I checked the temperature of the bath, removed her coat for her, then her stockings and suspenders and helped her down into the deep water.

  ‘You’re not getting in with me?’ she asked, looking surprised.

  ‘No, but I’ll help you get clean, lie back for me.’ I picked up a face cloth and dipped it into the water and lifted each arm and leg in turn and soaped and rinsed her, then sat her up and did her chest, stomach and back, before carefully washing her hair for her, the temporary dye leeching down and staining the water surrounding her. Her hair was nearly back to its almost white bleached look, which I found far less attractive. She sighed as my fingers caressed her scalp, most women seemed to go malleable when I did that to them. Much like I did when the back of my neck was stroked.

  ‘How much would I have to pay you to only fuck me?’ she sighed. I stiffened up immediately.

  ‘That’s not how I work Yasmin, you know it’s not. One night at a time only.’

  ‘Well yes, but if I could pay you enough to have me as your only client?’

  ‘Well, from this profession I take home approximately £24,000 net per month, could you afford to pay me that without Eoin finding out?’

  ‘No,’ she sighed. ‘What if you just stopped fucking anyone else I know from now on? I don’t like the idea of you with any of my friends.’

  ‘I’m not your possession, Yasmin. I work for myself and choose who I do and don’t accommodate.’

  ‘But I don’t like it,’ she whined as I narrowed my eyes at the back of her head.

  ‘Remember that contract you sign each time you book me? No emotional attachment at any time. I’m not your boyfriend, I’m just the guy you pay to give you what you want for one night only, a few times per year.’

  ‘Are you a millionaire?’

  ‘That’s rather personal, I’ve already shared more than I should have. You need to just accept this for what it is, a working relationship. You pay me for a service and I provide it. So what else can I do for you, or are you all filthied out?’

  ‘I never got to taste you tonight,’ she advised as she looked up at me with big puppy eyes. I forced a smile.

  ‘No, you didn’t.’

  ‘I’d love to blow you.’

  ‘But I’d want you to enjoy it, for it to last, Yasmin. You know that you’re too good at blow jobs, and after watching you tonight, I’ll come in seconds,’ I lied, trying to find an excuse not to stick my cock
in that mouth that had already had another eleven in it tonight.’

  ‘I’m not sure I can take you tonight Logan, I’m exhausted. I’m sore and ache all over.’

  ‘So how about we get you comfortable on the bed, I’ll kneel over your chest, stroke myself to completion and come all over your face?’

  ‘Now you’re talking,’ she giggled. ‘A Logan special always slips down well.’

  ‘Hmmm. How about I give you a massage if you’re aching too.’

  ‘O Logan, you’re too good to be true,’ she sighed.


  Logan helped me out of the bath and swathed me in a towel before gently drying my hair and I winced as I saw the remains of the brown dye all over my formally white Egyptian cotton towel.

  ‘Sorry,’ he smiled.

  ‘I’ll buy more,’ I shrugged. I loved having money, I could buy pretty much anything I wanted, except Logan it seemed. He earned decent money, but nowhere near the amounts Eoin took home from his wages and lucrative sponsorship deals, along with his line of underwear and football trainers. I had certain expectations in terms of allowances per month and Eoin was able to fulfil those, Logan never would. I’d just have to make do with our quarterly appointments, and decided tomorrow I was going to come up with an idea for my next fantasy for him to fulfil. We’d long ticked off all the ones I’d previously come up with and I wondered how I was going to top tonight’s adventures. I smiled at him as he gathered up some bath sheets and slipped his arm around my waist and led me back into the bedroom. I dropped my towel and lay as seductively as I could on my stomach, looking coyly at him back over my shoulder and felt my heart race and stomach flutter as he stripped down to his bright tight white boxers, his muscles rippling. He seriously had a better body than all of the football players I’d seen, and I’d been with a lot of them before realising Eoin was going to be a big star and hedging my bets on him.


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