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Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)

Page 19

by Melville, J. A

  I watched it fly up so high and further than I expected. It flew so far, I could barely see it any more before it dropped, making a neat splash when it hit the water. I smiled to myself. Fabian’s killers were gone; I’d murdered them. I was no better than them now in some ways, but I didn’t care. I was a witch too and had to use my own judgement when it came to witchcraft.

  It wasn’t always about cute little spells and messing with people; sometimes it meant making difficult decisions. Sometimes it was necessary to use it to dispose of evil people and those who killed Fabian were evil, so naturally, they had to die. I ignored the voice inside that tried to tell me that he was a vampire. I know some would argue that his death did the world a favour, but being vampire didn’t automatically mean that they were bad. He had saved me last night, he had shown that he was growing to care for me, and now he was gone.

  I started sobbing again as I made my way back to where Fabian’s jacket lay, finding it harder and harder to see for the tears blinding me. God, he couldn’t be gone. I wanted him back. We had just started something together and I’d thought we’d have time to explore it, to see if anything could have come of a relationship between a vampire and a witch. He had opened up and revealed that he had come to care for me and now he was gone. I had to try and bring him back but how? That was the problem, how?

  I needed to think. I needed a spell; there had to be a spell to bring him back. I had no body though, just a few scattered ashes, so a resurrection spell was no good. When I saw again, what Fabian had been reduced to, I started to sob even harder and louder. This was no good, I needed to think, I had to get myself under control. I had to concentrate and my grief was robbing me of the ability to think properly.

  What to do? “Think Sirene, think.” I chastised myself. Dammit but I needed help for this. This was going to require witchcraft at a level I’d never entered into before. I couldn’t do this alone. I needed some sort of guidance so I didn’t fuck it up because I’d probably only get one chance at it. Then it hit me, my Grandma, she could help me. God I hoped she could help me because I wasn’t prepared to accept that Fabian was gone forever. Only if all else failed, if there were no other options, would I reluctantly have to accept he was gone forever.

  I hurried to my bag which I’d dropped near my car, when the horror of what had happened was unfolding before me. I dug around and pulled out my mobile phone, quickly dialling my Gran’s number. I held my breath, terrified she wouldn’t answer but she did on the fifth ring. Her voice was so warm, so familiar and she sounded happy to hear from me until she realised I was crying.

  “What’s wrong Sirene? You sound like you’ve been crying. What’s happened sweetie, talk to me.”

  “Oh Gran.” I started sobbing noisily again. “Something awful has happened. The man I love was murdered this morning, only about an hour ago, and I can’t live without him. I want him back. I need you to help me with a spell to bring him back.”

  “Sirene, wait.” Her voice was urgent. “Sweetie, interfering with the natural course of things is never a good idea. So many things can go wrong. How did he die?”

  “This wasn’t natural; nothing about what happened to him was natural. He was dragged under a car and…and…he…he…he was decapitated.” I cried, shaking when those awful images of Fabian’s last minutes filled my head.

  “Oh honey, my honey child. How awful. Where are you? Are you with his body now?”

  “There’s no body Gran. Fabian was not human, he was vampire.” I whispered.

  “What? Oh no Sirene. You want to bring a vampire back? Why? Vampires are not exactly worthy specimens to resurrect. What made your one so special?”

  “I love him and he isn’t really bad, he’s good or he has been. He saved me last night from a man who was beating me and who was going to rape me. He’s not bad and he deserves to live but most of all, I love him and I need him. Please help me bring him back.” I begged her, my voice breaking again, as a fresh wave of tears rolled down my face.

  “Oh my goodness girl; this goes against everything to bring a man who was a vampire back. What I don’t think you realise, is if this works and he comes back, he will not be vampire, he will be human. Can you live with that? Will he be able to live with that? He will have all the weaknesses and ailments typical of being human. He will be able to be hurt; he won’t have the strength he was used to. How long had he been vampire do you know?”

  “I’m not sure but he mentioned things that happened 500 years ago, so I think he was only a little older than that. Why Gran? Will that make a difference?” I asked.

  “It won’t make a difference to the success or failure of the spell girl, but it will make a difference to how he reacts to being human. The longer he’s been vampire, the harder I imagine it will be for him to adjust to being human again.”

  I noticed my Grandmother was no longer talking about if we did this but how Fabian was going to react once he was back. There was a chance, there had to be for her to be talking like that.

  “So do you know of a spell, a reincarnation spell or something that will bring him back?” I asked my heart pounding as I waited for her answer.

  I heard her very audible sigh over the phone. “Sirene, it’s not easy, and you need to be aware that it might not work. If we can’t bring him back, will you be ok?”

  “I know, I know there’s a chance it might not work, but please, I have to try.”

  “Ok girl, let me have a look into a spell for this, but you realise when there’s no body that all we can do is a time reversal spell? Reincarnation isn't going to work when there’s no body. What we have to do is work out how far back we’re going, and you have to realise the events that took place, that led to your vampire’s death will still be there. I can’t change that. It will be up to you, to alter history once the clock turns back, do you think you can do that?”

  God, I hadn’t thought of that, but Gran was right. With no body, all we could do was turn back time. Surely that would be easier than a reincarnation spell? Bringing someone back from the dead was risky, I knew that. So much could go wrong, but turning back time had to be easier? It had to be. The only problem I was going to have, was making sure I could save Fabian before those bastards in the car got to him. I’d have one shot at this; I had to get it right.

  “Ok, I’ve found a spell for you to try. It’s not complicated and there’s no lengthy incantation, so are you ready?” Gran asked me.

  “Yes, hell yes. What do I have to say?”

  “First you need to think about how far back you’re going. I wouldn’t take it too far; just as close to the point where your vampire died as you can. You need to allow enough time so you can still save him, alright?” Gran’s voice was insistent.

  “Ok, I get it.” I thought about how far back I was going to have to go, to be sure I had time to alter history before those men could kill Fabian. “Alright Gran, I’ve worked it out. So what’s the incantation?”

  “It’s really quite simple my dear. Now listen carefully.” She said, before clearly and precisely telling me what I needed to say.

  “Thank you so much. I’ll let you know how I get on. I might even bring Fabian up for you to meet.” I told her.

  “Don’t jump the gun girl. He’s not back yet, and don’t forget he might hate being human. He could feel resentful towards you and blame you for this. You might even lose him. You have to be prepared for all that can go wrong with this and there’s a lot.” She warned me again.

  “I know Gran, but I have to try, I just have to.” I needed Fabian back so we could explore a relationship together. It could be so different for us if he was going to be human. Assuming he really didn’t hate me of course.

  “Well if you’re sure you know what you’re doing, I’ll let you get on with it Sirene. Call me either way ok?” I assured her I would and thanked her again for her help.

  Once I was off the phone, I threw it back in my bag before moving over to the damaged hulk of Fabian’s Rolls Roy
ce. I glanced around to make sure I was alone which I was. It was still very early so too early for anyone to be coming or going from the club. It never really got going until the evenings.

  I had decided to turn back time, to the point where we’d pulled up near my car in Fabian’s Rolls. I knew he’d help me out and kiss me, but that’s when the car would charge us and he would save me and be killed in the process. That fucking car wasn’t going to get a chance this time. I’d destroy it before it even got to come at us.

  I gingerly climbed into the Rolls Royce glad no one could see me doing it. The car had quite extensive body damage so it would have had people asking questions for sure.

  I took a deep breath and let it out on a shuddering sigh, wiping the tears from my face before I forced myself to concentrate on what I had to say.

  “Take the time, reverse the clocks and take me back to earlier this morn. Let history be changed, let destiny be altered, give me back some time, bring us to when we first arrived here, so I can fix what is wrong.” I chanted.

  As soon as I fell silent, a roaring noise started up. I could see what looked like a tornado growing around me and when I glanced out of the window, I couldn’t see across the car park anymore. The noise got louder and louder until it was deafening and I started to feel sick.

  It felt like the car was spinning like a child’s top. There was a strange pulling sensation in my stomach and I closed my eyes as strong nausea began to rise in me.

  “Are you ok Sirene?” Fabian’s voice asked me and I gasped, my eyes flying open to see his concerned expression as he stared at me.

  My heart felt like it was going to explode in my chest as a wave of happiness and relief flowed through me. It had worked; he was back. I wanted to reach out and hug him, but I had to concentrate on changing the events that were only minutes off occurring if I wasn’t ready this time. Plus I didn’t need him thinking there was something wrong with me. I knew what was coming, Fabian didn’t. Although I was now reliving history, for him, it would feel like the first time. He had no knowledge of what had happened before. He had no knowledge that in just a few minutes he was going to die, if I didn’t change what was coming this time.

  The spell had worked he was back, but now it was up to me to change things before those men killed Fabian again.

  It was strange to watch history repeat itself, to see things playing out as if on rerun. I watched Fabian get out of his car and come around to open my door. I took his hand and let him help me out; he pushed me back against the car just as he had the first time.

  My eyes shifted to the car that was idling not that far away but it wasn’t time to stop it yet. I tilted my head up for Fabian’s lips, and as he kissed me, I heard the squeal of tyres from the car. It was coming for him; hurtling towards us.

  Again, with history repeating itself, Fabian called out. I felt him push me hard to get me out of the way. Unlike the first time, I didn’t call to him and distract him. Instead I turned my attention on the car that was barrelling down on him.

  I raised my hands to it and screamed. “Be Gone!”

  White light, like lightning bolts shot from my fingers and hit the car turning it into a blinding ball of light. Still it kept coming, obscured by the glare of the light, and briefly I worried my spell wasn’t going to stop it. But then with a loud explosion, it blew apart, looking very much like a massive firework going off and shards of light shot in all directions. When the light finally died away, the car was gone.

  I looked over at Fabian who stood leaning against his car, his eyes wide with surprise. Finally his gaze turned to mine and I could see the questioning look on his face. Of course he wouldn’t know why I’d reacted as I did but he had to have seen the car was coming at him, all the same.

  I staggered towards him, my heart pounding hard in my chest, my legs shaking when I realised I’d done it. I’d saved him, now I would find out how he reacted to being human. I frowned as I got to him though and reached out to touch him, placing my hand over his heart. Gran was wrong, he was still vampire. His heart wasn’t beating, his skin wasn’t warm like a human’s but I didn’t care, he was back, I’d saved him.

  Suddenly he began to glow. What the fuck? He was glowing; the light getting brighter and brighter around him, inside him and I backed away, shocked and nervous as to what was happening to him.

  An extremely bright light seemed to appear from nowhere, hitting him, lighting him up briefly, before with a flash, it was gone again and Fabian collapsed to the concrete.

  I dropped to my knees by his side, reaching out to touch him, terrified that something was going wrong and I was going to lose my vampire anyway. Before I could put my hand on him, his body suddenly bowed, his back arching, eyes so wide I seriously thought they were going to pop out of his head. His hands rose, clawing at his throat and I noticed the veins in his neck were bulging. What the hell was happening to him?

  With my heart beating so hard I thought it was going to leap right out of my chest, I reached out and touched him. He was shaking violently, but then he took me by surprise and himself too if his expression was any indication, when a strangled sounding gasp, spluttered past his lips. He wheezed, dragging air into lungs he hadn’t used in over 500 years. Fuck, it was happening. He was breathing and when I touched his chest, I could feel the frantic beating of his heart. Fabian was alive. Not the undead kind of living of the vampire. This was real. His heart was beating, his body was warming up; he was human again.

  My eyes flew to his face again, waiting to see how he would react. This was going to be a shock for him, I knew that. I just hoped he handled being human again, without completely flipping out. He looked terrified which was an emotion I was unaccustomed to seeing on his face.

  “Fabian, speak to me. Are you ok?” I inched closer to him. He was lying on the concrete by his car, which of course, was its usual pristine self since I’d turned back time. He looked stunned, his eyes wide, chest still heaving as he gasped for air.

  “What the fuck’s happened to me? I’m breathing, my heart is beating. What the fuck have you done? Did you cast a spell on me? Why? How could you do this? Don’t touch me. Get your hands off me.” He bellowed, rolling away from me, before scrambling to his feet, looking so flustered and unsure of himself. It hurt to look at him. This was not the Fabian I was used to seeing. He was confident, arrogant and so self-assured as a vampire. This man before me wasn’t. He was nervous, insecure and going by his facial expression, he hated me. Obviously he was blaming me for what happened and he was right, it was my fault, but the alternative would have been his death. He would have been lost to me forever.

  “What did you do to me? Why did you do your damn witchcraft thing on that car?…Sirene?” He spat out impatiently.

  Geez, there was nothing wrong with his attitude, obviously. Even as a human he was still a bossy arse, same as he’d been as a vampire.

  “If you would shut up for a little while, I’ll explain what happened Fabian. Trust me, this was not my idea but there was no alternative ok?”

  I scowled at him as he stood breathing heavily, glaring at me. It was so odd to see him breathing, to hear him breathing, but if he didn’t stop ranting at me, he wouldn’t bloody well be breathing for long. Of course the irony of that was not lost on me but he was pissing me off.

  Naturally I wouldn’t do anything to harm him, as tempting as it was, when he was being an annoying asshole. I had him back, even if he was angry, ranting and raving at me. He was gorgeous, glaring at me with his brows drawn together, and I suddenly realised that being human again, hadn’t detracted from his looks. He was stunning as a vampire and he was still stunning as a human.

  “So what do you mean you had to do this? What happened? Why am I human? I haven’t been human in almost 600 years and fuck it, I’m hungry now. Food, god, I can eat food. Damn, I’m not used to this modern crap you all seem to shovel down these days.” He continued to rave on and I had to fight the urge n
ot to laugh at him. He was so wound up, rambling on and on. I’d never seen Fabian so unsettled, it was adorable to watch.

  “Fabian do you think you could just shut up for a few minutes so I can explain to you what happened? If you don’t stop ranting and raving at me I’m going to start wondering why the hell I bothered bringing you back.” I snapped.

  I didn’t mean that of course. I’d have done anything to try and save him. I noticed he’d stopped and was staring down at me in confusion.

  “What do you mean about bringing me back? What the hell is going on? Fucking well tell me now.”

  “Get in the car, mine, yours, I don’t care which one, but I’m not standing here in the club’s car park for this conversation ok?”

  He glowered down at me for a few moments before giving a deep sigh. “Fine my car then.” He stalked over to it, pulling open the passenger door for me, before stepping back. “Well are you going to just stand there or get in the fucking car?” He snapped.

  I glared at him before climbing in, my lips pressed firmly together as I watched him walk around the car and get in the driver’s seat. He turned to me, and I stared at him, still finding it hard to believe he was back, that he was alive.

  “Well, I’m waiting.” He raised his eyebrows at me and I smiled.

  “You know you really do make a cranky bad tempered human Fabian. If you’re just going to be an arse, I’m not going to tell you.”

  I heard a loud sigh from him and his fingers tightened around the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. “Fine, I’m sorry.” He said, sounding like it was killing him to be polite. “If you could please tell me what the fuck happened, it would be greatly appreciated.”


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