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Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)

Page 33

by Melville, J. A

  “Fabian, sire; for fuck sakes someone get him blood now!” He vaguely heard Dominick order but his knees began to buckle and he slipped slowly down as the darkness claimed him, never hitting the ground as Lucian and Damien caught him before he could hurt himself.

  Chapter Twenty Four


  The moment I opened my eyes I knew something was different. No actually several things were different. The first thing that was not only different but odd was the fact I was lying on the floor of Fabian’s Rolls Royce and my clothing appeared to be all torn up. The second thing I noticed was my baby belly was gone. Fuck, I wasn’t pregnant. I’d had the baby? I frowned, trying to remember but I couldn’t think.

  “Sirene, how do you feel?” Dominick’s face suddenly came into my range of vision and I squinted at him.

  “Where’s my baby? What happened? Did I have the baby? Dammit, I don’t remember.”

  Dominick placed a hand on my arm. “Please cara, calm down. I will explain to you what has happened shortly. Do you not have any memory of what happened to you?”

  I screwed up my face in an effort to remember and slowly bits and pieces of images began to fill my head. I’d been going out to wait in Fabian’s car when some men had attacked me, but after that I couldn’t remember anything.

  “I remember walking out to Fabian’s car but some men, creepy, scary looking men attacked me. I’d seen them in the club earlier and they gave me the creeps. They hit me and robbed me. They were going to rape me but I made one disappear. I think that pissed off the others because they hit me again and then there was pain, so much pain and then I don’t remember anything more.”

  A hint of a smile curved up Dominick’s lips. “I think making one disappear would probably piss off the others cara. What you don’t know is that Fabian found you bleeding to death and although you were unconscious, the baby was coming. Allegra and Francesca delivered your son.”

  I felt my stomach clench with fear. “Is he ok?” I whispered my eyes wide as I looked up into his handsome face.

  “He’s fine. The others have taken him back to the house since we had a problem. Not with your son.” He said quickly to reassure me. “They had to get formula and bottles so he can be fed.”

  “I was going to breastfeed him.” I protested.

  A sympathetic look flitted across his face. “I’m so sorry Sirene. Haven’t you worked it out yet? You were stabbed by the men who attacked you and left for dead. You had a punctured lung and were bleeding internally. You were dying, we had no choice and Fabian was adamant, we had to save you.”

  As I stared up into his deep blue eyes, finally the reality of what he was saying hit home. I’d been dying and now I wasn’t. One hand shot up to my mouth, my fingertips grazing over my teeth but there was nothing, no fangs.

  “You won’t feel them cara. They only come down when you need to feed or during sex. Blood and sex go hand in hand when vampire. We need to get you blood then get you home. I just couldn’t move you until the change had taken place. Lucian ran home and brought another car to take everyone else back to Fabian’s home. Once I get you fed, we will head back too.”

  My eyes shifted around. I was lying on the floor in Fabian’s Rolls Royce, it was still dark but a hint of the coming dawn could be seen in the sky and we were still in the car park outside the club. Why wasn’t Fabian here?

  “Where is Fabian? Why is he not with me?” I asked, sitting up.

  Dominick gave a deep sigh. “There was a problem. Fabian…was very upset. You can imagine. You know what he is like when he’s upset and when it comes to you, he tends to be more easily upset. He thought he was losing you and well… he passed out.” He finished on a rush.

  “What? How? Why?” I asked.

  “Fabian was the one who turned you cara. I helped by drinking from you and he gave you his blood. Unfortunately he gave you nearly all his blood and ended up so weak he collapsed. We were forced to find him a human to feed from urgently before the fool killed himself.” He nodded at my raised eyebrows. “Yes we can die with no blood in us. It takes longer but we will eventually waste away and die.”

  “Oh he is such a stupid man.” I whispered. “Is he ok now?”

  “He will be alright but he couldn’t drink the blood for himself so it ended up taking Francesca to feed from the human then feed it to Fabian. He’s been taken back with the others as he was still unconscious, but trust me cara, he will be ok. I’ve never seen him like that before. I hope you realise how much he loves you. None of us have ever seen him the way he is with you. To say he doesn’t normally treat women well would be putting it quite mildly.”

  I climbed out of the car and stood up, feeling a rush of power, strength and dammit, hunger surge through me. I was torn, torn by an almost overwhelming urge to feed, to see my son and to see my idiot man who had been so determined to save me he’d nearly killed himself.

  Oh my God but the feelings in my body. Was this how it felt to be vampire all the time? Was I still a witch or did I lose that when I became vampire? Damn, so many questions that needed answering but I needed food, I was so fucking hungry. “Food.” I mumbled.

  “Come, we will get you blood but I will watch you. We don’t kill people ok? You must be very careful how much blood you take. Fabian has always been extremely clear on this. We don’t ever do anything to draw attention to ourselves. We never want the humans to become aware of our existence.”

  I nodded but then I would have agreed to anything just to shut him up and be one step closer to finding food. I could feel a tingling in my mouth and suddenly my fangs descended which drew a startled gasp from me and I put a hand up to my lips.

  “Now that response you must learn to control. If you did that around humans, our secret would be revealed and it would all be over for us. Come, I will go and bring food for you. Eventually you too will learn how to mind control but for now, I will use that control to bring a human out for you to drink from.” He frowned at me. “Can I trust you to wait for me and not do anything impulsive?”

  I nodded. I might be vampire and finding this surge of power and strength, plus an overwhelming hunger, very intense, but I wasn’t an idiot. These people were my family, even before, when I was still human. I didn’t want to be the one, who brought trouble to them, plus I wanted to get home to my son and Fabian and the quickest way to make that happen was to co-operate now.

  “Stay in the car, I won’t be long.” He ordered and left me, heading towards the club with long strides. While he was gone, to try and keep my mind off the hunger that clawed at my stomach I tried to remember as much of the evening as I could.

  I looked awful. My dress was torn and soaked with blood. In fact the smell of my own blood all over me and all over the floor of Fabian’s car was not helping me get my hunger under control. I felt my way over myself and couldn’t find any injuries, nothing. In fact my body was totally free of all blemishes, my skin smooth. Was this what being vampire did for me? I wondered if I looked any different, my hair, my face but without a mirror, I had no idea. I was just about to climb to the front of the Rolls to look at myself in the mirror when I smelled blood, warm, sweet blood and the steady beat of a heart moving that beautiful life force around a human body. Dominick was back with breakfast.


  When Fabian opened his eyes, he was disorientated for a few moments as he looked around him; finally realising he was in his bed, in his home. As he lay there looking around, suddenly the events of the evening came flooding back and he threw the sheet off himself and leapt from his bed, staggering slightly.

  “No sudden moves sire.” Francesca’s voice came at him from the darkness of the room and he turned to her, watching as she walked over to him, her eyes moving up and down the length of him as he stood naked before her.

  He pulled the sheet from his bed and wrapped it around himself, suddenly conscious of being naked in front of her, something that never bothered him in the past, but since Sirene, he found
himself no longer comfortable being naked around anyone else.

  “Is she here?” He asked. “Did she make it? Is she vampire?”

  “They aren’t back yet. Dominick did call though. She made it but she was desperately hungry. He had to get her blood first but they are on their way now. She is eager to see the child.”

  Fabian felt a stab of pain at her words and mentally berated himself. Of course she would want to see their son more than she would want to see him, but it didn’t stop it hurting that he wasn’t her first priority.

  “What on earth is that face for?” Fran’s voice cut through his thoughts. “Aren’t you happy that you will soon see your vampire witch or is it something else?” She tilted her head to one side as she studied him. Suddenly comprehension flared in her eyes. “Oh sire, are you upset because she isn’t eager to see you but rather your son? Is this why I’m seeing the long face?”

  He found himself squirming at her mocking tone. He was not accustomed to feeling like this. He didn’t do pathetic loser normally, but feeling sorry for himself over Sirene’s priorities was definitely him at his most pathetic.

  “Oh stop being such a sensitive prick Fabian. I’m not sure I like what that little witch has done to you. She is unmanning you.” Fran suddenly straightened up. “They are here. I can hear your car.”

  “Fuck off Francesca and let me dress and you can fuck off with your opinions too.” He snapped and she laughed.

  “Now that’s more like the sire we know and love.” She mocked before walking out of his bedroom.

  Once alone, he pulled on jeans and a t-shirt, not bothering with shoes and brushed out his hair, leaving it loose over his shoulders before heading out to the living room.

  Allegra was nursing his son and he sat down on the arm of the lounge by her side, his fingers gently brushing through the light covering of nearly black hair on his son’s head. Fuck, he was amazing, so tiny, yet strong. He’d been through a fairly traumatic birth. He could have died if those bastards had buried that knife in Sirene a bit lower than they had. He could have lost his little witch but he hadn’t, he’d been fortunate. He knew he didn’t deserve the kind of luck he’d had. He’d done some terrible things in his life, things he could have been made to pay for. Losing Sirene and his son could have been the ultimate payback, but fate had spared him. He had been spared the kind of heartache that he would have welcomed death to escape from.

  He felt her presence before he saw her and he turned his head to watch for her entrance into the living room. Dominick stepped in first, heading straight for Allegra once he’d nodded his head in acknowledgement of Fabian.

  Then she followed and his stomach tightened at the sight of her. Fuck she was beautiful. Ok, she’d always been beautiful but now she was vampire, she was exquisite, stunning, a vision. Her eyes met his and she smiled, perfect white teeth gleaming between her perfect plump lips. Her smile went straight to his cock and he instantly wanted her but now was certainly not the time. As he watched her, Sirene’s eyes shifted from him and settled on their son and he saw her expression light up as she slowly walked towards Allegra who was still feeding their child his bottle.

  “Can I hold him?” She asked her voice thick as if she was fighting tears.

  Fabian leapt up. “Are you sure you’re ready my beauty? Control is one of the hardest things to learn when first becoming vampire. Our son’s blood will make you hunger like no other blood ever will. The blood from an infant or child is sweeter, more addictive than from any adult human. We do not want to risk you biting your own son.”

  “Please Fabian, I need to hold him. He’s my son. I never expected when I was carrying him that my first meeting with him would be several hours after he’d been pulled from my unconscious body, and that I would have been turned to vampire by then. Do what you have to do if I look like I’m going to lose control, but I need to hold my son.” Her voice cracked and he sighed. He couldn’t deny her; she had carried this child for eight months.

  “Let her hold him.” He said quietly.

  As Allegra carefully handed their son over to Sirene, Fabian moved closer, ready to intervene if it looked like she was going to have trouble fighting her natural instinct to feed and attack their son.

  He watched her struggle between happiness at holding their child and the fight not to give in to her need to feed. She constantly licked over her teeth as she fought not to let her fangs descend until finally she turned to him.

  “We have to name him.” She said, her eyes glowing with the sheer delight at holding their son. It was a vision he’d never expected to see, and the sight of the woman he loved holding their child, tugged at his cold dead heart more than anything he’d experienced in over 500 years.

  Her gaze dropped to their son briefly before she turned to him again, her eyes shining and her smile wide. Somehow she seemed to have done it, she was under control, no longer licking nervously at her teeth. Her fingers gently caressed the fine dark hair on his tiny head and Fabian leaned over her shoulder, touching the smooth skin of his son’s cheek while Sirene smiled up at him.

  “Damn, look at you three.” Fran’s voice held a note of amusement. “Quite the happy little family aren’t you?”

  “Shut up Fran.” Fabian growled, throwing her a warning look. “Do you have any names in mind?” He asked turning his attention back to Sirene.

  “I had a few but when I see him now with his dark hair, one name comes to mind, Adrian, it means dark. Call me crazy but I have a thing about names and their meanings. I used to pour over baby naming books for hours just to name the animals my Gran had on the farm.”

  Fabian laughed at her admission about the baby naming books before trying out her suggestion, letting it roll off his tongue. “Adrian, Sirene, Fabian. I think it might work my beauty.”

  Again Fran’s voice cut through their conversation. “Fuck you two are making me feel nauseous and I don’t wish to lose my dinner so I’m going to bed. What will you do with the child while you two sleep?”

  “She does have a point Sirene. What will we do with him while we sleep and we must sleep? You as a new vampire must rest. We need to hire a nanny I think. This is not a normal situation, vampires raising a baby? We are going to need help.”

  Fabian turned his attention from his son’s sleepy face to Sirene’s and noticed she was staring up at him, a gleam in her eyes. As he watched her, she licked her lips and her gaze dropped to his, the look of growing lust on her face causing a stir in his jeans. He knew that look, they’d all had that look, that moment when being vampire really hit home and the rush of emotions and senses flooded the body, usually manifesting itself in full blown lust.

  “We need to get our son to bed my beauty. He looks very much like he is about to doze off and we will need to take advantage of that and sleep. Come; let’s place him in his cot.”

  He raised his head from Sirene and their son, meeting Dominick’s eyes. They gleamed with amusement as he stared at him then Sirene, and Fabian knew what his son was finding so entertaining. The need for sex, blood, the lust that consumed them was clearly evident as he turned to his little witch. She needed servicing urgently and to feed from him and he sure as fuck was happy to oblige. Ok, the need for sex and blood were typical urges all the time when vampire but the need, the desire, the all-consuming lust were definitely stronger when the change was first completed. Fabian needed their son to sleep so he could bed Sirene and then finally they could sleep too.

  “I’ve set up the crib in the room next to yours Fabian.” Allegra said. “There is a baby monitor for you and I will need to show you both how to make bottles of formula to feed your son but that can wait until later. I have taken the liberty of making up a few bottles in advance. You will only need to heat them.”

  “Thank you Allegra, for everything. Thank you for delivering my son with Francesca’s help, for taking care of him until Sirene and I could be here to take over.” He raised his eyes to look around the room. “Thank you everyone fo
r helping save Sirene, my son and myself for that matter.”

  “When you came to live with us Sirene, you became family, despite still being human. Now you are vampire too. You will need to learn how to live life as a vampire but you have Fabian to teach you and all of us to help you as well. Congratulations on the birth of your son.” Allegra smiled. “Dominick and I will retire now. We are staying here for a few days until we are sure that you are adjusting to being vampire and to help you take care of Adrian.”

  She stood and Dominick stood too, his arm snaking around her waist, his lips kissing the palm of her hand. They were so wildly in love those two. They were perfect for one another and Fabian still felt a stab of conscious that he’d tried to have them killed. Having Sirene come into his life had changed him so much. He’d learned to love, to care, he’d developed a heart because of his little witch.

  When Dominick and Allegra left the room, Damien and Lucian came and gave Sirene a hug, congratulated them and headed off to their beds too. Fabian tried not to let the stab of jealousy he felt at the sight of them touching her, hugging her consume him. He hated anyone other than himself to touch her. She was his. Looking down at the way she smiled and held their son though, he realised he was going to have serious competition for her affections now that Adrian was born. He would just have to make sure that she still found time for him too.


  As soon as we got Adrian settled in his crib and sleeping, I gave in to the all-consuming lust that surged through me every time I looked at Fabian. If this was how it felt to be vampire, then I liked it. I couldn’t believe all that had transpired over the last several hours and as I looked up at my beautiful vampire, I felt my love for him well over, knowing that he’d almost killed himself in his desperate bid to save me.


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