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Fates, Mates & Apple Turnovers

Page 7

by Lisa Oliver Dani Gray

  His eyes filled with tears, Peter turned to him, the question evident in his eyes. Eros shook his head. The Fates could not be bargained with and if this young man died, then Roderick would spend at least the next hundred years alone. But all was not lost. Eros was only called to situations he could change. Following the silver thread, and taking care to hang onto his own mate, Eros drifted through the warehouse, passing through the walls, across a vacant parking lot, to a building on the other side of the street.

  Police. A lot of them. Clearly the men were on their way to being rescued, but whether it was soon enough was another story. Ignoring the mass huddled around maps, arguing about entry points and other nonsense, Eros focused on a tall alpha, standing at the back of the room. From the clenched teeth, and the way the man kept flexing his fists, Roderick knew his mate was among the taken and wasn’t happy with the rescue delay. Tapping into a little-used one of his gifts, Eros reached out mentally, searching for the man’s thoughts.

  All my fault… What if he’s dead… My last memory of him… the hurt and anguish on his face. Fuck, I’m such a fool. So, what if he’s young… so what if mom doesn’t approve… fuck, who cares if the captain’s human and doesn’t know about mates, and doesn’t approve of gays. All this standing around… he could be dying in there… why the hell can’t they hurry up?

  Do you want him? Eros prodded gently. Roderick froze, his eyes looking around.

  Fates? Really? One of the Fates heard my call? Please, please save my mate.

  Ignoring the Fates reference, but really couldn’t he get some recognition once in a while, Eros whispered into Roderick’s mind once more. Duty or mate? Your man is close to death. Five minutes, and he’ll be gone for good. You’re an alpha wolf shifter. Do what you were born to do.

  Eros could see the man’s hesitation – the way Roderick’s eyes went from the men he clearly worked with and out the door where his mate lay dying. He couldn’t prod the man any further and an arrow would be wasted on a shifter pair. The thread binding Roderick and his mate was now only the thickness of a hair. Hurry! Please hurry. Eros didn’t realize he was clutching Peter’s hand so tightly until his mate whispered in his ear.

  “It’s okay. Look, he’s going now.”

  Sure enough, resolve etched over his handsome face, Roderick didn’t give his boss a second glance as he strode from the room. A few of them called out to him, something about jeopardizing an operation, but Eros and Peter followed Roderick. Across the road, into the stinking warehouse, Roderick didn’t falter until he got to the cage where his mate was still curled up, head bowed.

  “You came.” The young man couldn’t seem to believe what he was seeing. “You have to get out of here. They’ll be coming back soon. It’s not safe for you here.”

  But even as the young man was talking, Roderick was pulling at the cage bars, bending them through the sheer force of his hands. As soon as the gap was big enough, Roderick pulled the young man free, tears in his eyes as he stroked gently over the man’s bruises. “I’ve been such a stupid fool. I’ll spend our whole lives together, putting your needs first, if you’ll just say you forgive me.”

  “I’ve loved you from the moment I scented you at Denny’s.” As Eros watched them share their first kiss, the silver threat shimmered and thickened. Before sunrise, it would be gold. Eros would bet his arrows on it. Looking around, taking in the other cages, and the plight of the people in them, Eros threw out his hands, sending a wave of magic out to all four walls. Locks dinged, cage doors flew open. Young men in various states of health, staggered out, some helping others, some just falling to the ground.

  “What the hell happened?” Roderick pulled back from his mate’s lips long enough to ask.

  “It’s the power of Love, babe,” the young man answered. “Kiss me again.”

  Eros and Peter disappeared.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “My gods, that was incredible,” Peter yelled as they reappeared in his small apartment bedroom. “The way you pushed that guy into doing what was right. What did you say to him, anyway?”

  Eros looked shocked. “You knew I talked to him in his mind?”

  “I could feel it, sense it, I knew you did something.” Peter was still buzzing from how powerful his mate was. “When those two kissed, I could feel the love.” He hesitated, stroking down Eros’s shoulder. “All those other people you set free from the cages. Will they be all right?”

  Eros shrugged, and Peter could feel how uncomfortable he was. “It’s not my place to say,” Eros said haltingly. “You see there’s the Fates, and free will….”

  “I understand,” Peter said quickly, nestling into his mate’s side. “It must be so hard for you, seeing all the things you wish you could change, and that you have the power to change, but you can’t because that’s not how life works.”

  “You really do understand. I’m so lucky to have you by my side.” Eros leaned on him, holding him close. Peter’s animal side, which was getting decidedly pushy for a claim, wanted to nuzzle and bite. The human side of Peter wanted a bed first, and Eros’s cock deep inside of him.

  “Did you need some time to get yourself together after helping those two men?” Please say no, please say no.

  “And miss out on sinking into your delicious ass?” Eros shook his head. “Their thread won’t be the only one gold in the morning.”

  Peter didn’t have a clue what his mate was talking about, but when Eros tilted his head and they shared a kiss of their own, his blood got heated, all his thinking power went south, and Peter found he really didn’t care what color the threads were. It was finally claiming time.

  Pulling back from the kiss, Peter looked down at their clothed bodies.

  “Naked, now.”

  Watching Eros wave his hand, they were both naked in a second. Peter reached over and grabbed his mate’s hand, pulling him as he stepped back towards the bed.

  “Need you, need to claim you,” Peter growled, his shifter half was done waiting.

  “Get on the bed, ass in the air,” Eros ordered as he spun Peter around, so he was facing the bed.

  Peter got on the bed and crawled until he was in the middle, making sure to put a little extra sway in his hips.

  “Like this?” He asked, looking over his shoulder to see Eros staring at his ass.

  “Oh, yeah,” Eros whispered. “You are the most amazing man I have ever seen.”

  When Eros lifted his gaze and let it collide with Peter’s, he was able to see the sincerity of his words in Eros’s eyes.

  “Make love to me,” Peter said. “Bind us together for the rest of our lives, for as long as we live.”

  “I promise to be with you for as long as that is, my mate,” Eros told him, as he got on the bed and moved so he was behind Peter.

  Turning back around, Peter lowered his head and rested it on his arms.

  He wasn’t prepared to feel Eros running his tongue from his balls and over to the small of his back. Not sure who moaned louder, Eros or himself.

  “You taste so good,” Eros murmured, “I was going to take my time and taste you all over, but I can’t wait.”

  “No, no more waiting,” Peter demanded. His other half wanted them to be mated. They could take their time making slow love for the rest of their lives, but he needed Eros now.

  The sudden feeling of his ass being stretched and ready left him gasping for air.

  “I know I promised slow, but I can’t wait,” Eros moaned, “I need to feel you wrapped around my cock.”

  “Gods, yes,” Peter yelled. “Please Eros, claim me.”

  Peter felt the bed move as Eros moved over him, pressing his front to Peter’s back. Being able to feel his mate’s heat surround him made Peter feel protected.

  When he felt the blunt head of Eros’s cock press up against his ass, Peter relaxed his muscles, eager to feel his body being filled by his mate.

  “I’m going to love you so hard, forever.”

  Peter was able
to hear the promise in those words.


  Peter was barely able to get the words out. The feeling of Eros slowly pushing into his body took all thoughts away, and Peter could only feel. Feel the hot, hard length of Eros as he breached the muscles of his ass, and slowly push all the way into him. He swore that he could feel Eros in the back of his throat. Holy hell, his mate was blessed, and so was he, since he got to spend the rest of his life enjoying it!

  Once he was able to feel Eros’s balls slapping against him, Peter just whined. He needed his mate to move.

  “Hush mate, I will give you all you need and so much more,” Eros whispered to him, then he began to slowly move.

  Peter was ready to kill his mate, before they even finished their mating.

  “Faster,” He demanded. “Fuck me into this mattress, or I swear…” Peter wasn’t able to finish that sentence, since Eros had shifted his body.

  Holding Peter by the neck, he took his other hand and held him by the hip.

  “Is this what you need my mate?”

  Eros began to move faster, making sure that each stroke of his cock was moving over Peter’s prostate. All Peter could see were stars, as his body was no longer under his control.

  “Are you going to come on my cock?” Eros growled out. “No touch to your cock, just me fucking you.”

  All Peter could do was whine again, the feeling of Eros and what he was doing to him was the only thing he could focus on. The way his ass was filled with that hard length and how it kept rubbing on his prostate.

  “I’m going to make you come so hard, it will feel like your balls are going to come out the end of your dick.” Eros kept talking to him, ramping up his desire and need to come.

  “As soon as you start to come, your ass will clamp down tight on my cock. I’m going to fill you with my hot come, letting everyone know that you are mated. I’m going to mark you as my mate, and leave you dripping with my come.”

  Unable to take any more, Peter screamed out his release. Hot jets of come painted the bed under him. He was able to feel his ass tighten around Eros as his balls emptied their load.

  Peter distantly heard Eros yell out his name as he felt the cock in his ass expand and pulse as he filled Peter with his spunk. He could feel the warmth of it bathing his insides, when he suddenly felt a burning pain on his chest.

  “EROS!” Peter yelled out for his mate, before the mix of bliss and pain caused him to pass out.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Eros quickly laid his mate down on the bed, making sure he first cleaned up the wet spot. He carefully rolled Peter over to see what was wrong.

  He wasn’t expecting to see the tattoo that was suddenly on Peter’s chest, right over his heart.

  “How…” Eros whispered, not even sure who he was asking.

  “That is how others will know he is your mate.” Atropos’s voice was heard in the room. “When he wakes, you need to be prepared, as his other half will be more than ready to make you their mate.”

  Oh boy! Eros wondered, not sure if he was going to be dealing with Peter or his animal half. He hoped it was Peter, since he didn’t think he would ever be ready for a cock like the one Peter would have in his shifted form. Sasquatch were big all over, ALL over and Eros hadn’t been on the receiving end of things for a long while.

  Hearing the low moan that Peter made, Eros quickly moved to lie beside him.

  “Shh, mate.” Eros rubbed Peter’s stomach, hoping it offered some comfort. “I’m right here.”

  “Ouch. What happened?” Peter looked down to his chest. “What the hell!” Peter went to touch the area, but Eros put out his hand, blocking him.

  “Careful,” Eros admonished, “I don’t know if it’s still hurting you.”

  “No, I’m okay. I feel a bit of pain, but it’s nothing severe. It’s like a mild sunburn.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know this would happen.” Eros said, kissing his mate’s forehead. “I’ve never really dealt with any of the mates of the gods, but I would have warned you about this if I had known.”

  “I know you would have.” Peter leaned up and kissed him. Soon the kisses turned heated and Eros knew his mate was gearing up for round two.

  “Will you do me the honor of becoming my mate?” Peter whispered to him.

  “Yes.” As if there would ever be any other answer that he could or would give his gift from the Fates. He moved, lying on his back, so he could watch his mate’s expressions.

  “Have you ever done this before?” Eros softly asked.

  “No,” Peter turned a bright red with that admission, “but I’ve watched a lot of porn, and I love reading the gay romance books. They have some excellent information in them.”

  Eros had to laugh. Somehow, he didn’t think the authors who wrote the books had “informing the public” in mind when they wrote their sex scenes. He also knew that he could take care of some of the prep, in case Peter’s nerves got the better of him.

  “Just remember, lube is our friend. You can never have too much of it.”

  Peter chuckled, losing the tension in his body, which was what Eros was going for.

  “You know that I am going to fall so deeply in love with you, that you will forget what it was like to be alone.” Peter leaned over Eros, looking into his eyes. “I make my vow to you now my mate, that I will be beside you for the rest of our lives, that you will never know a day again of not being loved by me.”

  Eros almost forgot to breathe, seeing the honesty of his words in Peter’s gaze. He knew that he would have this man beside him for the rest of the lives. Peter was the perfect man to help and support Eros with his sworn duty, helping the world find love one match at a time.

  “I look forward to spending the rest of eternity with you beside me.” Eros lifted his arm to hold Peter’s cheek in the palm of his hand. “I am so grateful that the fates matched us together.”

  Peter leaned down and kissed him, and it felt to Eros as if he was pouring all his love into the kiss. Soon, the gentle glide of their lips quickly became devouring.

  “I need you mate.” Peter growled out. “As much as I want to spend hours learning everything about your body, I need you.”

  It took Eros a few seconds to understand what Peter was saying, and he quickly got his body ready.

  Moving so that his legs were wrapped around Peter’s waist, leaving him open and waiting to feel Peter slide home in his body. Once he was able to feel the head of Peter’s cock at his entrance, Eros made sure to add some extra lube.

  Oh hell, he forgot the relaxing part.

  Trying not to hold his breath, Eros was rewarded when he felt the head of Peter’s cock move past the muscle and he could feel the pop. Feeling the slow movement of said cock taking its merry time filling him, Eros was ready to yell that he needed Peter. Now.

  Just as he was about to say something, he groaned in pleasure when Peter rubbed against his prostate. He had forgotten how good it felt when someone rubbed against it.

  “Yes, right there,” Eros panted, “and don’t stop. You miss that and I’ll…”

  “What will you do mate?” Peter asked, then he leaned down and began to suck on one of the pebbled nipples on his chest.

  The only reply that Eros made was a low groan, not sure which way to move or how to speak. Peter was playing his body like a musical instrument. The way he could feel every vein in the hard cock that was sliding in and out of his ass, hitting and rubbing his prostate that had him ready to sing the Hallelujah Chorus. The way that Peter would bite his nipples and suck them to ease the pain. The hands roaming all over his body, making his skin sensitive to even the touch of air on it.

  “Do you know that I’m going to bite you on crook of your neck.” Peter whispered to him. “I’m going to bite you and leave a nice large mating mark. Let everyone know that you are mated.”

  Eros could only drop his head back while Peter told him what he was going to do.

�Right here.” Peter said, as he licked the area. “Leave a nice big mark”

  “Peter…now.” Eros was ready be beg.

  He could feel his balls pulling up and his ass trying to keep the cock buried in him.

  Hearing the roar coming from Peter as he sank his teeth into his neck should have frightened him, but all he could do was scream out his pleasure. His skin broke under the pressure, there was a brief moment of pain and then bliss filled every cell in his body. The silver thread showing their connection turned brilliant gold and thickened with every pulse of his heart. A fuzzy strength, a warm awareness filled the back part of his brain and Eros basked in it all, safe in the knowledge he was now completely bound to the only man who’d ever made the earth move for him. No one could ever break them apart.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was dawn when Peter woke, hot sticky and with muscles aching where he didn’t know he had muscles. Patting the area over his heart, the faint sting, almost non-existent now, reminded him the previous twelve hours hadn’t been a dream. He was mated, claimed, bonded now to one person for the rest of existence. His snoring mate seemed more relaxed when he was sleeping, his giant mating scar glistening on his skin for all to see. Eros wasn’t the only one sleeping, Peter’s animal half was completely relaxed and oblivious to the world.

  Dawn was Peter’s favorite time of the day. The time when he’d be busy in the bakery kitchen, making doughs, kneading bread, creating delicious pastries that would provide a treat for everyone that popped into buy. Peter chewed his bottom lip. He couldn’t hear anyone moving around downstairs. Cupid was probably on his way in, but Peter wanted to do something nice for his new friend. It hadn’t been that long ago he and Harvey had been homeless. Now, they had a warm and safe place to stay, Peter was in his mate’s arms, and he had a proper job. All of their good fortune came from Cupid interrupting his forage in the dumpster behind the café that day.

  I could pop down for an hour, Peter reasoned with himself, watching his sleeping mate. Get things prepped for when Cupid comes in and when he does, I can come up and make breakfast for Eros and Harvey. I’m sure Cupid won’t mind, if I get a lot done before then. Mind made up, Peter slipped out of bed, ducking into the adjoining bathroom. He could hear Harvey’s snores rumble through the walls and mouthed a thank you to the Fates for keeping them both safe. A quick wash, Peter got dressed, checked he had the keys to the bakery and with a last long look at his mate, he left the room, crossing the living room and kitchen to release the fire escape door that served as the private entrance to the apartment.


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