Book Read Free


Page 7

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Rocks your world, doesn’t it, Hastings?”

  “Wow.” Graham chewed and swallowed. “That’s pretty incredible.”

  Julia took her own bite and seemed satisfied with her dish as well. “I’m glad you guys like it. It’s always nerve-wracking cooking for other people.”

  “You can cook for me anytime.” Alice lightly dabbed her napkin to her lips as a knock sounded on the door. Graham turned and spotted Calvin on the other side and waved him inside.

  Cal’s surprise was evident as he eyed their homey set up around the small dinette table. “Evening. Didn’t mean to interrupt. Just wanted to hand off these.” He fished some receipts out of his back pocket. “Fuel for the dozer,” he explained to Graham.

  “Come on in, Calvin.” Julia stood and bustled over to the counter and began making another plate. “You haven’t eaten, have you?” She was already walking a plate towards him. He glanced to Graham and his brother nodded.

  “No, no I haven’t. I just finished up.”

  “Bless your heart.” She motioned towards the table and set his plate down before turning and retrieving one of Graham’s beers from the fridge and walking it over to the table. Cal sat in stunned silence at being waited on and looked from Alice to Graham in question.

  Alice wriggled her eyebrows and took another bite of her meal as Julia sat back down.

  “I appreciate this, Julia. Thanks.”

  “No problem.” Her smile radiated before she spotted Graham’s frown. “What is it?”

  He hadn’t realized his annoyance flashed across his face. He wasn’t annoyed so much having his brother interrupt their dinner, more that Julia supplied him with a beer. Why did that bother him? It wasn’t that he couldn’t buy more beer. He could share.

  “Graham’s having a hard time sharing his hidden treasure now that he’s found it,” Alice explained with a wink and laughed at Graham’s expense.

  She’d hit the nail on the head. He wasn’t quite sure how he felt about Julia treating Calvin the same way she treated him.

  “Oh, Alice” Julia waved away the comment and continued eating. “So Calvin or Cal?” she asked the brother.

  “Either one. Though most people call me Cal.”

  “I like it.” Julia took a sip of her wine. “I saw your house earlier.”

  His brow rose.

  “You have a pretty spot.”

  “Thanks.” Embarrassed by the extra attention, Cal rushed through his meal. Graham wasn’t even sure his brother tasted a bite, he seemed so eager to retreat from Julia’s presence. None of them were used to female attention it seemed and were out of practice with socializing.

  “You finish up?” Graham asked.

  Cal nodded. “Need to do some machinery maintenance and clean up tomorrow before starting on the next project.”

  Graham nodded.

  “No shop-talk.” Alice waved a hand towards the brothers.

  “It’s what we always do,” Graham countered. “And you’re just as bad.”

  “Well, not tonight. Tonight, I’m enjoying my amazing meal and drink, and don’t even want to think about work of any kind. We should go dancin’.”

  Calvin guffawed. “What is happening right now?” He eyed Alice as if she were an alien from Roswell and Julia giggled as her friend held up her hands.

  “I’m clean. I’m rested. I’m full. I’m as happy as a clam. Now, I want to do something fun.”

  “It’s only Thursday night,” Cal pointed out.


  “The closest dance hall is over sixty miles away, and not sure if they’re even open on Thursdays. Besides, pretty sure no one will be there because again… it’s Thursday.” Cal shook his head in bewilderment. “When was the last time you even went dancin’?”

  Alice contemplated a moment. “Maybe five years ago.”

  Cal grinned and shook his head. “You’re crazy sometimes, Al.”

  “Come on.” She reached across the table and nudged everyone’s hands. “It’d be fun.”

  “You have an early morning tomorrow,” Julia reminded her. “And you would complain all day if you were tired.”

  “So?” Alice looked to Graham. “Come on Graham. When was the last time you let loose and boogied?”

  Cal snorted as he finished his beer.

  Graham turned his signature glare on his brother who seemed completely immune to its power.

  “How about we think about it for the weekend?” Julia said. “Everyone’s pretty tired after today.”

  “Not us. We napped.” Alice clapped her hands. “We don’t need them to go dancing. We’re two young, and beautiful women. I imagine we’ll have dance partners aplenty.”

  Graham didn’t like the idea of Julia dancing with various men. The thought turned his face sour and Alice winked at him conspiratorially.

  “I…” Julia looked like she’d rather wait to go dancing as well.

  “Saturday,” Graham stated. “We could probably do Saturday.”

  Cal’s jaw dropped and Alice clapped her hands in success. “Doesn’t help me tonight, but I’ll take it!” She stood. “Now if you will excuse me, I’m going over to Cal’s for a bit.”

  “You are?” Cal asked.

  “Well, yeah. You just got finished with work, so I imagine you will shower and then be wide awake for a while. I need to burn some energy with someone who isn’t winding down for the evening.”

  Cal stood. “Can’t promise much of a good time.” He stacked Alice’s empty plate on his own and carried them to the sink. “I’m beat.”

  “Man, is everyone lame tonight?” Alice shook her head in disappointment but still began following the brother to the door. “We’ll play cards or something.” She patted Cal on the back in rapid succession as she nudged him onward.

  “Thank you again, Julia, for the meal. It was fantastic. Graham.” He nodded a farewell to his brother and accepted the shove to the middle of his back from Alice to push him out the door.

  “Alice is going to find some sort of trouble to get into tonight.” Julia gathered Graham’s plate and her own and walked them over to the sink and began running the water.

  “I’ll get those,” Graham stated.

  “No. You won’t.” Julia pointed to his bandaged hand. “I’ve got them. Besides, I cooked.”

  “Exactly. The person who cooks shouldn’t have to clean.”

  “I like that rule.” She smiled. “But I don’t want you to have to suffer through rebandaging your hand or the wrath of Alice.”

  He leaned his back against the counter and crossed his arms as he watched her wash dishes. He reached for her wine glass and topped it off and then fetched one for himself and did the same. When she was finished with the other dishes, he handed her the full glass.

  “Come with me.” He led the way to the front porch and motioned towards a rocking chair. He took the other. Curly the cat circled around his ankles before doing the same to Julia. “I appreciate the meal, Julia.”

  “Honestly, it’s the least I can do. You’ve helped me out so much. And given me a luxurious place to stay.”

  “It’s not that luxurious.”

  “Compared to Alice’s…”

  They both chuckled.

  “I suppose it is,” he agreed.

  “Really, Graham, thank you. I know I’m a stranger, but you’ve welcomed me on the ranch anyway. And I appreciate that. I promise to also stay out of your hair.”

  “Not a big deal.” He took a sip of wine. Not his favorite drink of choice, but he wanted to prolong his evening with Julia and if suffering through a glass of wine was the ticket, so be it. “So, do you like dancing?”

  “Not at all.” She laughed as he did. “But seems I have no choice.”

  “We still have a couple days. Maybe Alice will change her mind, or maybe we could come up with a better option.”

  “Like what? What all is there to do around here?”

  He scratched his temple. “Well… there’s a bowling all
ey in Sheffield.”

  “Bowling could be fun,” she admitted. “I will admit I have not bowled since college.”

  “Yeah, it’s been awhile for me too. There’s a movie theatre as well, though I have zero clue as to what movies are showing.”

  “I doubt Alice would want to sit still that long. Sounds like bowling and maybe a meal are our potential tickets out of dancing.”

  Graham nodded, though the thought of holding Julia close on a dance floor didn’t seem all that bad of an idea. He stowed that vision away as quickly as it’d come.

  A truck pulled down the main road, a dust cloud following along behind it. “Hayes,” Graham said. He waved, and the brother slowed to a stop on the curve out front of the main house. Graham stood. “Be right back.” He walked over to his brother.

  “What you got there, Graham?” Hayes grinned, his voice low as Graham approached his truck window.

  “Company. Julia and Alice are staying at the guest house.”

  “That so?” Hayes didn’t remark on the oddity, he just moved right along. One of the attributes Graham liked best about his brother.

  “You seen Clint?”

  “He’s out this evenin’. Something about feeling antsy.”

  “That will be a nightmare tomorrow. If he’s late in the mornin’ we’re going to have a sit down.”

  “He did fine this mornin’, a little sluggish at first, but he came to around nine.” Hayes glanced over Graham’s shoulder towards the house. “I like her.”

  Graham didn’t turn around, but placed his free hand in his pocket. “She’s not too bad.”

  “You like her?”

  “Well enough.” Graham said.

  “No, I mean like her,” Hayes clarified.

  “Am I in eighth grade?” Graham rolled his eyes.

  “Just wonderin’, geez. She’s here for a couple weeks. Lots could happen with her livin’ that close.”

  “Not even on my mind,” Graham lied.

  “Right. Well, it’s on everybody else’s.” Hayes chuckled. “First pretty woman we’ve seen in a while has us all vying for her attention.”

  “And everyone will treat her with respect,” Graham growled.

  “Right. Like.” Hayes grinned and playfully punched Graham in the shoulder. “I’ll take the hint, brother. She’s not my type anyway.” He laughed as he started to pull away and head home, leaving Graham frustrated that his views on Julia were that obvious to his brothers. He’d need to work on that. The last thing he needed was for Julia to know he was attracted to her. She was here for two weeks. Two weeks and she’d be gone. Yes, he’d just keep reminding himself of that.


  “Julia, you remember my dad, Hank?” Alice motioned to the white-haired man behind the check-in counter, his lab coat starched, freshly pressed, and at least one size too big. His fluffy mustache wiggled when he spoke.

  “Hi there, Julia. It’s been a long time.” He shook her hand. “How’s New Mexico treating you?”

  “Great, thank you.” She eyed the stack of charts on the top of the counter and the supplies cart pushed to the side that was loaded down with wraps, leashes, vials, and bags of various chews. Four customers with pets sat in the small waiting area.

  “We’ve got a busy morning.” Hank grabbed a chart. “Vicki is out sick… again.”

  “Gotta fire her dad.” Alice grabbed the next chart off the stack.

  “I would if she were ever here.” He chuckled as he called out, “Bean.” A man with an English bulldog walked towards him. Hank brushed a hand over the dog’s head. “Hi, Bean. Come on back.”

  Alice glanced at her chart and then to Julia. “Feel free to sneak out whenever you want. Looks like he’s got a packed day.”

  Julia nodded as Alice called out, “Zeus.” A German Shepherd was herded her way and directed down the hall. Julia slid behind the counter as the phone rang. She sat awkwardly a moment, not sure if she should answer it, or just go ahead and leave. After the second ring, she opted for answering.

  “Sheffield Veterinary Clinic.” Julia flipped through the calendar on the desk. “Looks like there is an opening Monday morning at ten. No ma’am, they are completely full today, unless it is an emergency. Okay, I will mark you down for ten. Take care.” She penciled in the appointment. She then explored the secretary’s area and realized the entire place was unorganized. Vicki should be fired, she thought. She immediately set to work righting the small space.

  Alice walked out of the room and handed Julia the chart for Zeus. “You can just stack it somewhere and I’ll put it away at the end of the day.” She stopped as she saw what Julia was doing. “Can’t help yourself, can you?”

  “Sorry.” Julia grimaced. “I can help. I told you I could. Also, I made an appointment for a Mrs. Graves and her cat, Snickers, Monday at ten.”

  Alice nodded. “Just don’t make any appointments after four. That way if we run behind, we aren’t here until seven or so.”

  “Got it.”

  Alice slipped behind the counter and showed Julia the checkout process as she checked Zeus and his owner. When they left, she grabbed the next chart. “And off I go again.”

  Julia smiled as she stood and walked Zeus’ file over to a cabinet labeled “patients.” Sure enough, this was the filing system. She slipped it back in its place. She then walked over to the supply cart and spotted the supply cabinets and shelves in a small room and wheeled the cart inside and began placing items corresponding with the correct label. It wasn’t rocket science, but she liked to organize. And hopefully this would help Alice and Hank not to feel so overwhelmed.

  By noon, Julia had scheduled eight appointments, checked out over twenty patient/pet combos, organized the desk area and supply closet, and cleaned the break room. Her stomach grumbled as Alice emerged with another patient. Julia smiled and accepted the chart.

  “I’m starving,” Alice said.

  “I thought about sneaking out to grab some lunch,” Julia said. “I can bring some back here.”

  “Sounds good.” Alice sighed, and grabbed the next chart. Life in the office was not her favorite job in the world, but Julia felt it suited her just as much as sleeping in barns or working calves.

  When Julia stepped outside, she breathed in a breath of fresh, non-pet-smelling air and climbed into her car. She’d googled restaurants earlier when she had a few minutes downtime and realized that barbecue sounded good. Which meant, she shuddered, the shredded tire parking lot was where she was headed. She drove down the street and spotted Diamond X, Graham’s store and quickly pulled into a parking space. While she was at it, she might as well grab his order so she wouldn’t forget, or worse, not have time later. She’d been more involved and busier at the clinic than she thought she’d be. And she actually liked it. All the adorable pets coming in and the hopefulness of their owners for Alice and Hank to heal them.

  She opened the door, a loud cowbell ringing as she stepped inside to the smells of leather and boot polish. A young woman stood behind the counter dressed in full rodeo attire, complete with teased hair, bright fuchsia lipstick, and bedazzled belt buckle. “Hi there,” she greeted. “What can I do for ya?”

  “I’m here to pick up an order for a friend.” Julia rested her purse on the counter.


  “Graham Hastings.”

  The girl’s brows rose. “I’ll have to call and verify. What’s your name?”

  “Julia.” She nodded permission to do what needed to be done and watched as the girl’s blood-red nails typed on the computer. Having pulled up Graham’s information she reached for the phone and dialed. “Hi there, Mr. Hastings. This is Becky over at Diamond X. We have a woman here to pick up your latest order, and I just wanted to verify.” Her Texas twang carried a touch of flirtation as she cradled the phone between her shoulder and ear as she continued typing something into the computer. “I sure will, Mr. Hastings, you have a good day.” She hung up. “He asked me to have you call him when you lea
ve.” She chuckled. “I’ll just slip to the back and grab his things. You just wait your pretty little self right there.” She bustled away and Julia wondered why Graham wished to speak with her. He knew she was to pick up his supplies. Becky returned and placed two bags on the counter. “Here ya are. Receipt is in the bag. It was charged to the card on file. If Mr. Hastings has any issues or wants to return, you just make sure he has his receipt, alright?” She winked at Julia. “Have a good day.”

  Julia thanked her and headed to her car, slipping the bags into the trunk. She then fished around in her cupholder for the old receipt with Graham’s phone number scribbled on it. Finding it, she dialed his number.

  His voice, deep and rich and holding that familiar edge of annoyance answered after the first ring. “This is Graham.”

  “Hey, Graham, it’s Julia.”

  His tone changed from formal to more relaxed, but the edge was still there. Still Graham. “Just wanted to make sure they got everything I ordered in the bags.”

  “Yes. I checked to make sure.”


  Silence hung between them.

  “Was that all?” Julia asked.

  He cleared his throat. “Um, yeah. Yes. That was it.”

  “Alright.” She smiled at his awkwardness. “I want you to know I’m headed to go pick up barbecue.”

  “That so?”

  “Yes. Even going to park my car in that dreadful parking lot. Aren’t you proud of me?”

  “So proud.” She heard what appeared to be a smile in his voice and tried to envision his face.

  “Anyways, I’ll let you get back to work.”

  “Alice keepin’ you busy?”

  She bit back a smile as he carried on the conversation. “Yes. Well, she didn’t ask me to do anything, but I’ve sort of taken it upon myself to do things around the clinic. I’m quite a good secretary, it would seem. Oh, and there was this super cute puppy that came in this morning. It was a mutt, but oh my goodness, Graham, he had the longest ears. So cute.” Realizing she’d started to babble, she took a breath. “Sorry, it’s just been fun. This is my first venture outside of the clinic since this morning.”


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