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Page 15

by Katharine E Hamilton

  His rare smile flashed as he pointed towards the curb and her parents stood waving.

  “What? What are they doing here?” she asked.

  “Thanks to Tabitha, I was able to reach out to them a few days ago.”

  “You… you called my parents?”

  He looked down at her. “Is that okay?”

  “Yes.” Her head bobbed as she welcomed her parents with a hug and watched in wonder as her dad shook Graham’s hand as if they were old friends. Her mother, Pam, fluffed the tips of Julia’s hair as she leaned in close to whisper. “He’s a dream, Julia. An absolute doll.” She winked as Julia’s dad led the way to her favorite café, Frank’s, just up the block near the Daulton Gallery her friend Caroline managed. Matilda waved as they entered, and Julia slid into the seat nearest Graham.

  “How long are you here for?” Julia looked at him expectantly as he removed his cowboy hat and placed it on his knee.

  “Just until Sunday. I can’t be gone too long or Calvin will kill Seth or Clint.”

  She reached over and squeezed his hand. “I cannot tell you how happy I am to see you.” Relief and happiness washed over her as Matilda delivered their drinks and wandered away.

  “You don’t have to. I feel the same. It’s been too long. We need to do better.”

  “Yes, we do.”

  “You know,” Her dad, Rodney, looked to Graham and gave a small nod before continuing. “you two wouldn’t have to go so long between visits if you moved to Parks.”

  Baffled and slack-jawed, Julia studied her dad as he snuck a wink towards Graham.

  “But I couldn’t. Not right now, anyway. I mean… my work.”

  “Sounds like Alice could sure use some help,” her mother quipped. “You two are so close, you’re like sisters. I know she’d just love having you back.”

  “But—” Turning, she looked at Graham. He quirked a brow. “And what do you have to say about all this?” She waved her hands towards her parents as she analyzed his face for any type of positive sign or affirmation.

  “You have a place to stay,” he added.

  That was it? That was all he was going to say? Frustrated, she combed her fingers through her hair and leaned back in her chair. She felt him gently grab her left hand and something slid onto her left ring finger. Looking down, her eyes quickly bounced up back to his.

  “Could I possibly persuade you, Julia?” Graham rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. “I’d love for you to come to Parks, but only if it’s what you truly want. I’m not asking you to marry me. Yet.” He clarified and flashed a quick grin at her dad. “I just want to make you a promise that it’s on my radar should you want to walk this path with me too. I know I don’t have much to offer. I’m grumpy half the time, I have six annoying and nosy brothers… but I can promise you that I will care for you and love you, give you a home. It’s not the same without you there anyway. Even Alice has turned sour since you left.”

  Julia smirked at that along with her parents.

  “But I want you to know, that no matter what you decide right now, Parks or no Parks, I’m in this with you. I promise.” He rubbed his thumb over the turquoise ring that graced her finger. She knew he’d found it locally, based on the craftsmanship and quality. He knew she loved turquoise. It was practically all she wore, and she loved that he embraced that small detail about her.

  “You love me?” She quieted a moment and watched as emotions stormed through those navy eyes she loved so much.

  “I do. As crazy as it sounds to my own ears, I do. I never thought I would find someone that I’d care for as much as I do you. Even in the small amount of time we shared on the ranch, the ups and downs of you almost making me slice my hand off.” She giggled and swatted him on the arm as he grinned. “I think I’d like to have you around a bit more. Longer perhaps. Maybe forever, if that’s alright with you? I just figured we’d take it one step at a time. Acclimate you to the place, see if it is somewhere you feel you could be happy. And me… to see if you could be happy with me. Because I don’t want you to be there unless you can be truly happy with the ranch, my family, and with me.”

  Julia’s mom dabbed a tear from her eye as both her parents waited on the edge of their seats to hear her response. “I think…” She paused a moment to clear the tears from her throat. “I think I would like to give it a shot too.”

  Relief flashed across Graham’s face as her mother clapped and her dad laughed as Graham’s shoulders significantly relaxed. He kissed her solidly on the lips and held her hand over his heart, the erratic beating matching her own. His smile, the radiance of it, she knew she’d never forget. He grabbed his cell phone and dialed a number, placing it on speaker phone as he rested it on the table.

  Alice’s voice drifted over the line. “Well? How badly did you screw it up?”

  Julia laughed. “He didn’t. Looks like I’m coming to Parks, Wilkenson.”

  Hoots and hollers sounded through the speaker, and Julia beamed at the fact all of Graham’s brothers had been eagerly awaiting her response as well.

  “We love you, Julia,” a voice called out.

  “That’d be Seth,” Alice explained.

  “Leave now, Graham, before she changes her mind!”

  “And that was Lawrence,” Alice continued and then shushed the remaining brothers that tried to get a word in. “Your room is ready and waiting, now get your butt over here, missy. Oh, and you’re hired.”

  Shaking her head, Julia leaned her head on Graham’s shoulder and smiled lovingly at her parents. This is what happiness felt like, she thought. The man she loved next to her. Her parents beaming with excitement. And her best friend eagerly awaiting her return.


  Three Weeks Later

  “If you don’t get that horse out of sight right this minute, I’m going to hog tie you in its path of destruction,” Graham barked, pointing at Hayes and yet another one of his wild and new additions to the 7H. “I don’t want Julia having PTSD the moment she arrives with her parents. Annie!” he yelled.

  Annie popped her head out of the main house. “What is it, Graham?”

  “The guest room ready for Julia’s parents?”

  “It sure is. Fresh flowers and all. I also left them a little gift basket on the bed.”

  “Good. Calvin!”

  “Graham.” Annie rested a hand on his arm and lovingly tugged at the collar of his shirt as if straightening his buttons. “Leave your brothers alone. Just because you’re nervous doesn’t mean you have to be a grump to everyone around you.”

  “I’m not nervous. Why would you think I’m nervous?”

  “Honey, you are sweatin’ like a summer sun that’s just begun to drip dry. Calm down. Alice said they should be here in about ten minutes. Everything is ready. I’ve got dinner prepped and just waiting on their arrival to throw the steaks on the grill, which Clint will be in charge of.”

  Graham shot her a panicked look and she tsked her tongue. “He asked for the responsibility and I gave it to him. He’s proving himself, Graham.”

  “Well, if he ruins dinner, I guess we can always go to Sloppy’s.”

  “Ruby’s,” Annie corrected. “Oh, good. Look, here they come.” A dust cloud billowed behind Julia’s red Honda as she drove up to the main house and parked next to his work truck. Pam and Rodney emerged from the car as well, as Alice’s truck zoomed up behind them in a whirlwind.

  Julia ran towards Graham and jumped into his arms, wrapping her own around his neck and planting a kiss on his lips. Though it forced him to show affection in front of his brothers, he didn’t mind it. A woman like Julia deserved to be kissed thoroughly and as often as possible. And praise God, he was the man to do it. He shook Rodney’s hand and motioned everyone inside.

  “We’ll fetch the bags,” Calvin called to them and he and Lawrence made quick work of removing all the luggage from Julia’s trunk. The rest of her belongings would arrive later in the week.

  Graham watched as Julia’s mo
ther surveyed each of his brothers as they entered and introduced themselves. When Hayes walked inside, dirty and grimy from what could have only been a fall off the dreadful horse he’d just purchased, they didn’t bat an eye. They shook his hand and watched as Julia accepted the dirty hug in kind. Each brother doted upon her. Flowers, kisses to the cheek, a fresh glass of wine. So far, they’d made her feel like a princess, and he hoped it would forever be that way. Alice washed her hands at the sink and accepted the towel Annie offered before popping it against Graham’s leg. He jumped as she winked on her way towards the table.

  “Clint, get those steaks going. We’re all hungry.” Annie swatted Julia out of the kitchen and towards the dining table. “We’ve got this, Julia. Lord knows you will be in here more than anybody now that you’re back, so enjoy this small break while you can, honey. Hayes Matthew, don’t you dare touch those carrot sticks until you show me proof you washed those hands.”

  Hayes froze, lifting his palms up as if he were a five-year-old caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Pam and Rodney chuckled at the fierce Annie and the way she bossed the boys around.

  Graham fidgeted as Pam and Rodney bounced their gazes from one person to the next, from the floor of the room to the ceiling and every nook and cranny in between. They were giving his life a thorough comb through while they were here. He couldn’t blame them. Their daughter was moving to a new state to be with a man they barely knew. He prayed he measured up and that they appreciated what they saw. He also hoped they enjoyed Annie’s company and saw what an asset she was to his family and would be to Julia.

  “Your house is lovely, Graham.” Pam smiled in appreciation as Seth topped off her glass of sweet tea.

  The screen door opened, and Philip walked inside. “About time you showed up.” Lawrence rubbed his stomach. “I was already callin’ dibs on your steak.”

  “You wish.” Philip removed his hat and hung it on one of the many hooks above the doorway. His sight landed on Julia and he hugged her around the shoulders. “So, you really did come back.”

  “I did.” She grinned as she snuggled closer into Graham’s side. “These are my parents, Pam and Rodney.” She motioned towards the nice couple as they eyeballed Philip in the measuring way they had all the others. “This is Philip,” Julia explained. “He runs the feed store in town.”

  Nodding in welcome, Philip’s stagnant stance was interrupted by Annie thrusting a bowl of salad in his hands for him to set on the table as he sat. He obeyed without a word.

  Clint walked inside carrying a tray of steaks, the tantalizing smell encouraging everyone else in the kitchen and living room to all find their seats at the table. Graham appreciated his family coming together to make Julia’s move to the 7H a special moment. He also appreciated her parents and the way his brothers made every attempt to be on their best behavior to make a good impression. For him. He knew they were trying to act their best so as not to scare Julia’s parents. Seven grown men surrounding their only daughter could only be worrisome. And based on their smiles, he was pleased to see they were at ease around his family. It was obvious Julia was loved by all. He felt her slide her hand in his and bow her head.

  Clearing his throat, he struggled with the words to say. He’d never felt so happy, so content, so overwhelmed with gratitude. At his silence, he felt Calvin slap a hand on his back and squeeze behind his neck as his brother said a prayer of thanks for the meal and for Julia and her family. Grateful, Graham nodded his thanks after the amen.

  “You okay?” Julia whispered, leaning towards him, her hair swinging down over her shoulder. He nodded as he gently tucked it behind her and forced a smile. “You sure?”

  “Just… thankful.”

  Her eyes, moistened by sudden restrained tears, glittered at him as she softly kissed his lips. “Me too, Graham. Me too.”

  Continue the story with

  Order Here:

  The Complete Siblings O’Rifcan Series

  Available in Paperback, Ebook, and Audiobook






  All titles in The Lighthearted Collection

  Available in Paperback, Ebook, and Audiobook

  Chicago’s Best

  Montgomery House

  Beautiful Fury

  Check out the Epic Fantasy Adventure

  Available in Paperback, Ebook, and Audiobook

  The Unfading Lands

  Darkness Divided, Part Two in

  The Unfading Lands Series

  Redemption Rising, Part Three in

  The Unfading Lands Series

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  Katharine E. Hamilton began writing in 2008 and published her first children’s book, The Adventurous Life of Laura Bell in 2009. She would go on to write and illustrate two more children’s books, Susie At Your Service and Sissy and Kat between 2010-2013.

  Though writing for children was fun, Katharine moved into Adult Fiction in 2015 with her release of The Unfading Lands, a clean, epic fantasy that landed in Amazon’s Hot 100 New Releases on its fourth day of publication, reached #72 in the Top 100 in Epic Fantasy, and hit the Top 10,000 Best Sellers on all of Amazon in its first week. It has been listed as a Top 100 Indie Read for 2015 and a nominee for a Best Indie Book Award for 2016. The series did not stop there. Darkness Divided: Part Two of The Unfading Land Series, released in October of 2015 and claimed a spot in the Top 100 of its genre. Redemption Rising: Part Three of The Unfading Lands Series released in April 2016 and claimed a nomination for the Summer Indie Book Awards.

  Though comfortable in the fantasy genre, Katharine decided to venture towards romance in 2017 and released the first novel in a collection of sweet, clean and wholesome romances: The Lighthearted Collection. Chicago’s Best reached best seller status in its first week of publication and rested comfortably in the Top 100 for Amazon for three steady weeks, claimed a Reader’s Choice Award, a TopShelf Indie Book Award, and ended up a finalist in the American Book Festival’s Best Book Awards for 2017. Montgomery House, the second in the collection, released in August of 2017 and rested comfortably alongside its predecessor, claiming a Reader’s Choice Award, and becoming Katharine’s best-selling novel up to that point. Both were released in audiobook format in late 2017 and early 2018. Beautiful Fury is the third novel released in the collection and has claimed a Reader’s Choice Award and a gold medal in the Authorsdb Best Cover competition. It has also been released in audiobook format with narrator Chelsea Carpenter lending her talents to bring it to life. Katharine and Chelsea have partnered on an ongoing project for creating audiobook marketing methods for fellow authors and narrators, all of which will eventually be published as a resource tool for others.

  In August of 2018, Kathar
ine brought to life a new clean contemporary romance series of a loving family based in Ireland. The Siblings O’Rifcan Series kicked off in August with Claron. Claron climbed to the Top 1000 of the entire Amazon store and has reached the Top 100 of the Clean and Wholesome genre a total of 11 times. He is Katharine’s bestselling book thus far and lends to the success of the following books in the series: Riley, Layla, Chloe, and Murphy, each book earning their place in the Top 100 of their genre and Hot 100 New Releases. Claron was featured in Amazon’s Prime Reading program March – June 2019. The series is also available in audiobook format with the voice talents of Alex Black.

  A Love For All Seasons, a Sweet Contemporary Romance Series launched in July of 2019 with Summer’s Catch, followed by Autumn’s Fall in October. Winter’s Call and Spring’s Hope scheduled for 2021 release dates. The series follows a wonderful group of friends from Friday Harbor, Washington, and has been Katharine’s newest and latest project.

  Katharine has contributed to charitable Indie Anthologies as well as helped other aspiring writers journey their way through the publication process. She manages an online training course that walks fellow self-publishing and independently publishing writers through the publishing process as well as how to market their books.

  She is a member of Women Fiction Writers of America, Texas Authors, IASD, and the American Christian Fiction Writers. She loves everything to do with writing and loves that she is able to continue sharing heartwarming stories to a wide array of readers.

  Katharine graduated from Texas A&M University with a bachelor’s degree in History. She lives on a ranch in south Texas with her husband Brad, son Everett, another son on the way, West, and their two dogs, Tulip and Paws.


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