Out of the Shadows

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Out of the Shadows Page 10

by Bethany Shaw

  Devon laughed at her rambling response. Lark was something else — different than any woman he’d ever met.

  “Are you laughing at me?” Lark’s outraged eyes met his.

  “No, of course not. You just seem a little tongue tied is all,” he smirked.

  “Don’t mind him, Lark, he’s an ass sometimes,” Gene said as he was helped into the room by two other men who seemed to be supporting the majority of his weight.

  “Oh god, are you okay?” Lark asked moving out of the way so Gene could get helped on the table.

  Devon assessed Gene, there was a lot of blood. His green shirt had long slash marks through it and had dark stains on it from where blood had soaked into it.

  “I’ll live, in a few days I’ll be as good as new.”

  Devon handed Lark a pair of scissors. “Cut his shirt off.”

  Lark took the scissors and walked toward Gene carefully lifting the fabric away from him. “What happened?”

  “I was on watch. They had men on foot and on paws. They came from all directions. Never got a chance to shift. They just kept coming.”

  “It doesn’t look so bad,” Devon said leaning over Gene to look at the long claw marks that marred his torso. Thankfully they weren’t deep, that was the only thing that had spared his life. “We’ll get you stitched up, and you can shift after twelve hours.”

  “I’m sure that will be pleasant.”

  “Yeah, it hurts like hell,” Devon remarked.

  “You would know,” Gene laughed, then winced in pain.

  “Why don’t you save the jokes for later. I would advise against laughing for a few days also,” Devon teased, while he looked over the lacerations.

  “Wow, you told a joke.” Lark looked up at him with a small smile. Her smile faltered though as her eyes lowered to his bare chest. She frowned as her eyes slid between his scars and Gene’s injuries.

  “Every once in a while my sense of humor shines through.” The last thing Devon wanted was her asking personal questions about him.

  Lark glanced up at him. “It’s kind of nice.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Gene closed his eyes. “Don’t mind me I’m just along for the ride.”

  Devon cleared his throat. “Let me know if you need me to stop, Gene. I’m going to get started.”

  “Just get it done, Dev, the faster the better. But please, you two continue your banter. It gives me something to listen to and take my mind off the pain.”

  “Can you keep pressure on the other lacerations while I stitch up this first one?” Devon asked handing a gauze pad to Lark.

  “Yes.” Lark took the pads and placed them to Gene’s abdomen.

  The room fell silent as Devon set to work. The buzz of the overhead light hummed above them.

  “You guys aren’t talking,” Gene mumbled. He flinched as Devon carefully started to pull the skin back together.

  “So is it over now, I mean, will they come back?” Lark asked.

  Devon looked up from where he was stitching to Lark. “No. That was the first wave, he’ll be back and with bigger numbers.”


  “It will be fine though, we’re prepared, and we know who the leak was. We have six new wolves who alerted us to the attack this morning,” Devon replied, returning to his work.

  “There was a spy here?” Lark asked surprised.

  Devon nodded, resuming his work on Gene. “Garrett Miller. He is cousins of the man you stabbed last night.”

  “The same guy who was giving Sarah and Preston a hard time,” Lark said quietly after a long minute.

  “What do you mean?” Gene asked, his eyes squeezed tightly shut.

  “Sarah told me some guy was saying things to her and Preston the other night. It makes sense now.”

  “Well, both Garrett and Michael are in custody. Michael is the guy who attacked you,” Devon assured her. “They won’t be hurting anyone else.”

  “By custody, you mean…”

  Devon finished the first row of stitches, and got ready to start on the next cut. “They’re being held in a cellar in one of the other houses.”

  “Won’t your dad come for them?”

  “No, his only concern is Emily. He could care less about them. Everyone else is collateral damage.”

  “Well, that makes me feel great.”

  “It’s not personal, that’s just how he operates. People and wolves are possessions, nothing more. Don’t worry Lark. Should there be another attack there are plenty of knives in the kitchen.” Devon winced, realizing how that came out. “I meant that as a compliment. Taking down an adult male werewolf is not an easy feat.”

  “Um, thanks. Gene taught me a thing or two about self defense.”

  “That’s good, but maybe you should learn more, especially with everything going on.”

  “Are you volunteering?”

  Devon stopped what he was doing as he contemplated his answer. It appeared that despite everything he did to stay away, somehow he always got sucked in.

  “I can, if you’d like me too.”


  “I won’t go easy on you.”

  “I didn’t expect that you would,” Lark commented. “When do you want to start?”

  Devon smiled, locking eyes with her. “Tomorrow too soon?”

  “I’m going to laugh when she kicks your ass, Dev. Lark’s a little spitfire,” Gene smiled.

  Devon didn’t doubt it, he’d seen what she could do last night. She just needed a little extra oomph to make sure no one got the best of her again.

  Chapter 10

  It had been a long day. Exhausted, Lark splashed dish water onto the counter as she placed a cup into the sink. After helping with stitches and setting broken bones all morning, she had helped Emily get ready for the ceremony.

  The ceremony had been beautiful and romantic. Emily had worn a beaded strapless gown with a veil. The vowels had been exchanged in Latin. Lark had no idea what they had said, but it still sounded beautiful. Instead of lighting a unity candle, they had pricked their fingers creating a blood union. Thankfully they hadn’t had to drink it, Lark shuddered, disgusted by the thought. It was nice to see two people so in love. Maybe one day it would be her.

  “You don’t sit down, do you?” Devon said, leaning against the door frame of the kitchen watching her. “I’m pretty sure someone was assigned that duty.” He motioned toward the dirty dishes.

  “They were just sitting here and I wasn’t doing anything anyway.” Lark sat the cup on the drying rack and turned toward him. “I like to keep busy, especially when I’m thinking. I was contemplating what to do tomorrow. You know if I should open or stay closed a few days, until everything blows over?”

  As much as she wanted to go back, there was a gnawing fear in her. She’d been attacked in her bakery. Anguish filled her, hands curling into fists in the warm dishwater. The bakery was like a second home. She couldn’t help but wonder if she would ever feel safe there again.

  “I think there was some damage to some of your tables and a glass case. I don’t know if that would affect your decision or not.”


  Tears threatened to fall, her throat constricted painfully, a lump formed and she tried desperately to swallow it down. She’d worked so hard for that bakery. The thought of it being damaged knotted her stomach.

  “Rick’s already set things up to get replaced.”

  Lark smiled at the sentiment, and bit her lip. She didn’t want to cry in front of him. “He has? He didn’t have too.”

  “A crew cleaned the place up. You could open, if you wanted.”

  Lark shivered and reached for the dishtowel. After drying her hands, she wrapped her arms around herself. “I was attacked there. I don’t know if I’m ready yet, you know?”

  Devon’s hazel eyes watched her. “Take a few days then.”

  “If I take a few days, it would be admitting I’m scared. I’ve worked too hard to just run away

  “Do you want a drink?” Devon shoved off the doorframe, walking to the fridge.

  “A water, please.”

  Devon handed her a bottled water, and leaned against the counter twisting the tab off his beer. “Go back in the morning. That is what I would do.”

  Lark stared at him contemplating her actions. “I haven’t been home since Friday morning. I can’t keep borrowing clothes from Emily.”

  “I’m sure Rick would send someone over.”

  And give Rick’s men the chance to rifle through my underwear drawer? Lark felt heat creep across her face at the thought. “No, I would want to go.”

  “Devon can run you over.” Rick entered the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing his own beer. “I’d really prefer for you and Sarah to stay here at the ranch until this blows over. I’m not sure why Emmett sent his men after you, Lark, and I don’t know if he will do it again either. For the time being I think you should stay here.”

  Lark nodded letting his words sink in. “Is it safe to go now?”

  “It is very unlikely they will attack again so soon without more reinforcements. Now may be the best time to go.” Rick walked toward her and put a hand on her shoulder. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want, Lark to. I just don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “What about the bakery?” It might be silly for her to worry about that at a time like this, but Lark couldn’t help it.

  “You can choose a few guys to take with you during the day, just in case. I see no reason why The Cookie Jar would need to be closed. Emmett would never attack a public place in broad daylight. Exposing ourselves to the general population is a crime,” Rick explained.

  “Thank you, for all your help, Rick.”

  “No problem, sweetheart.” Rick pulled her into a hug, kissing the top of her head. “You know, I think of the two of you like my own children.”


  Devon pulled into Lark’s driveway. The ride had been quiet. She’d spent the duration of the trip looking out her window.

  “It will only take me a few minutes to grab our things. I really wish Sarah wouldn’t have been…” she paused with a sigh. “…busy.”

  Devon chuckled at her description. He got out of the car with her and followed Lark up to the front door. The house was tan with brown shutters. Not too big or small. The kind of place he would have liked to live.

  “Take your time.”

  She gave him a small smile as she unlocked the door. “Thanks.”

  Devon took in the home. Picture frames hung on the walls immediately catching his attention. It didn’t take much to see the Davies were a close knit family. The whole entry way was covered in a collage of pictures some recent, others much older. He wondered what it was like to have that kind of family dynamic.

  “You can have a seat wherever. I’ll be back down in a few.” Lark motioned to the living room.

  Devon nodded, his eyes taking in the large black wrap around leather sofa. Lark turned and headed toward the stairs.

  A creak on the floor boards above put him on alert. He spun, grabbing Lark, pulling her back from the stairs. A finger on his lips, he crept up the steps. Adrenaline pumped through his body. An overwhelming need to protect Lark coursed through him.

  The stairs squeaked behind him and he turned. Lark had followed after him. He glared at her, motioning for her to turn around. She frowned and made no indication that she was going to budge. What is she doing?

  Devon exhaled through his nose and shook his head. She was too damn stubborn for her own good. Fists clenched tightly at his sides, he continued up the stairs. His heart beat rapidly and he could smell the fear radiating from Lark, yet she followed anyway.

  Feet shuffled across the floor to the right of the stairs. Devon growled, flying up the remaining steps. He grabbed the man as he came out of a bedroom shoving him into the wall. Forearm pressed against the man’s throat, his other arm held him firmly in place, he glared at the human. “What are you doing here?”

  “Oh my god, Grant. What the hell are you doing?” Lark exclaimed coming up behind him.

  Devon looked at Lark. “You know him?”

  Lark exhaled and ran a hand through her long blonde hair. “Let him go.”

  Devon eyed the other man for a moment before easing off of him. Grant coughed, hands flying to his throat, a glare fixated on him.

  “What are you doing? You can’t just come waltzing in here.” Lark demanded with her arms crossed over her chest, as she stepped around Devon.

  “Me? What happened to you, Lark? Jesus, look at your head.” Grant rushed toward her his hands cupping her face.

  Lark jerked back away from Grant. Her back bumped against the opposite wall. “It’s nothing.”

  “Nothing, you have stitches and a busted lip, Lark.”

  “What are you doing here?” She demanded, arms flailing out her face flushed from anger.

  Devon watched the exchange unsure if he should step in or not. His vision no longer clouded with red recognition dawned on him. This was the man from the bakery. The raw sting of jealousy swept over him watching the two of them. It was obvious there was some history between them.

  “I was worried. We were supposed to go out last night, and you never showed up. I saw your car parked behind the bakery, you haven’t been home. I’ve called you at least a dozen times and you haven’t returned any of my calls.”

  “Why didn’t you say something when you heard us come in? How did you get in anyway?” Devon asked looking Grant over. Was this the type of guy Lark went for? He wondered.

  “I used the hide-a-key to get in. I heard you come in and realized you weren’t alone. I was going to sneak out. Now I’m glad I didn’t. I was contemplating calling the police, Lark.” Grant’s eyes flicked between Devon and Lark. “What happened to you, did he do that?” Grant indicated Devon.

  Devon’s blood boiled, teeth grinding together as his vision tunneled. He’d never hurt a woman before, and never would. His mouth opened to protest when Lark intervened.

  “What? No, no of course not.” Lark sagged against the wall with a sigh. “I was robbed, okay. I’ve been staying with Rick at the ranch. Devon came with me to get a few things. Sarah and I are going to stay there for a little bit.”

  Grant stared at Devon eyeing him before turning back to Lark. “Are you okay? Did you talk to the police?”

  Devon clamped his mouth shut, fighting the urge to say something. Lark was diffusing the situation much better than he ever would. His way could entail the use of his fist at the rate Grant was going.

  “I’m fine, everything is taken care of. I’m just a little shaken.”

  “Well, if you’re sure you’re okay.” Grant looked hesitantly at Devon. “You know you can call if you need anything. There is always room at my house.”

  “I’ll let you know. Thank you, Grant.”

  “I’ll see you around.” Grant looked Devon over once more before starting down the stairs.

  “She’ll take that key back though.” Devon held his hand out eyes narrowed at Grant.

  Grant muttered something under his breath as he dug in his pocket and turned around with a huff. He took the key out and slammed it onto Devon’s hand. “Be careful, Lark.”

  “Bye Grant.”

  Devon watched Grant descend the staircase and walk out the door. He twirled the key in his hand before turning to Lark.

  “You know, hide-a-keys really aren’t a great idea.” Devon held the key out to Lark.

  She sighed and took the key shoving it into her purse.

  “Spare me the lecture.” With a roll of her eyes, Lark turned and stalked into a bedroom.

  Devon followed after her leaning in the doorway. His blood still boiled from the confrontation with Grant.

  “He seemed nice,” he said trying not to choke on his words.

  Lark shot him an annoyed look as she pulled a suitcase from the closet and placed it on the bed. “His intentions ar
e good.”

  “Of course, I always break into people’s houses when I’m worried about them.”

  Lark stopped, hand on her dresser. “I’ve known Grant for a long time, we grew up together. He was worried.”

  “He seems like a real catch. I can see why Gene likes him.” Devon couldn’t hold back his sarcasm. Letting out an annoyed breath, he realized he was acting jealous. The fact was, he was envious of Grant.

  “Grant’s a nice guy. He might be a little worrisome because his mother is a nut, but his heart is in the right place. And Gene’s reason for not liking Grant is trivial.”

  “I can only imagine.”

  “Do you realize how hot and cold you are? I’ve tried to reach out to you, be friendly, and you keep shutting me down.”

  Devon shrugged watching as she angrily stuffed clothes into the suitcase. “That’s just how I am.” Was Lark really trying to reach out to him? He thought back to their interactions. Half the time she seemed more irritated than friendly, but that could be his own doing.

  Lark stopped and stared him straight in the eye. “Or that’s just what you want people to see.”

  Devon searched her eyes, but found no malice. “Do yourself a favor and don’t worry about figuring me out.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to.” Lark held his gaze, her blue eyes searching his. The moment stretched on and he swallowed the lump forming in his throat. What was she thinking? He questioned. With a sigh, Lark turned away, returning to the suitcase and clothes.

  Devon played her words over and over in his head. No one had ever spoken to him the way she did. Had she just challenged him?

  “Were you serious about teaching me self defense?”

  Her question startled him and he had to think for a moment. “If you’d like me to, I suppose Gene is going to be out of commission for a few days.”

  “I know it’s a burden for Rick to send guys to look after me. And I know you have no idea when this is going to blow over. I don’t want to be a nuisance.”


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