Out of the Shadows

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Out of the Shadows Page 11

by Bethany Shaw

“I don’t think Rick sees it that way.”

  “You do.”

  He realized it was a statement not a question. Guilt flooded him, he hadn’t meant to make her feel that way. “You know nothing about me.”

  Lark quirked an eyebrow at him as she zipped the suitcase shut. “I just have to grab Sarah some things.”


  Lark didn’t know what to grab for her sister. Sarah was picky in what she wore and when. She thought a nice mixture would go over best. With a sigh she opened the closet, packing several dresses before going to the dresser.

  Devon stood in the doorway. Lark could feel his eyes following her around the room. Normally she hated being watched, it unnerved her. This seemed different, like she was a mystery he was trying to solve. She thought the feeling was mutual.

  There was animosity, then sexual tension. One minute she wanted to punch him, the next she wanted to throw him on a bed and ease the desire thrumming between her thighs. No one pissed her off, and turned her on, like Devon did.

  Lark sucked in a deep breath wanting to clear the naughty images from her mind. She was here to get clothes for Sarah, not daydream. Done with the closet she moved to the dresser taking out the necessities before adding in shorts and shirts.

  Finally finished, Lark pushed down on the bag, as she tried to get the zipper to catch. It was too full. With an exasperated sigh she leaned further in to it.

  “Need help?”

  “That would be nice.”

  Devon stood opposite her pushing down on the bag his biceps rippled under his black shirt sleeves. Lark blinked, cleared her throat, and zipped the bag shut. Her hand went to the handle meeting Devon’s there. His warmth encompassed her fingers sending a volt through her.

  “I got it.” Devon gripped the handle and her pinky finger.

  “Thanks.” Lark moved her hand away. Her heart kicked up a notch, and she let out a shaky breath needing to put distance between them. “I think that’s everything.”

  Devon looked at her as he lifted the bag from the bed. “You sure? I think you might have left some of your things in the drawers and closet.”

  Lark gave him a wry smile. “That’s Sarah’s bag. It’s probably a good thing she was preoccupied with Preston. We would’ve been here forever and there would be nothing left in the drawers or closet.”

  “Lucky for me they like to go horseback riding.”

  Lark rolled her eyes. “I honestly don’t know who they think they’re fooling with that line.”

  Devon shrugged. “You’re only young once.”

  “That line work on girls?”


  “So you’re one of those guys?” The question popped out before she could stop it. Heat flared across her cheeks and she turned and walked toward the door.

  “No, that’s Vincent. I date, just not for extended periods of time.”

  “In other words, you dump them before they can get to know you, or you develop feelings for them.” Lark walked toward her bedroom. The more they talked the more she was beginning to realize things about him.

  “I don’t see the point in getting serious with a woman. They will ultimately freak out when they find out I turn into a wolf and howl at the moon.”

  “It’s not that bad. Do you really howl at the moon?”

  “Really? It didn’t work out for several of my broken hearted pack mates. The werewolf gene is dominant too. It’s rare but if there were offspring they would be wolves. It’s a turn off for women too. At least if they want human kids. And I suppose I could howl at the moon, but I don’t feel the need to.”

  Lark shook her head a smile crept across her face at his joke. “Is that why everyone is single?”

  Devon set the suitcase down once they got in her room and looked at her. “Relationships don’t usually work out well for us. Most people aren’t as understanding as you.” His head cocked to the side, his eyes burning into her.

  Lark felt a shiver flutter down her spine from the intensity of his gaze. Unable to bare the look, she ducked into her bathroom double checking she had everything. Get a grip.

  “So, you can have kids with humans?”

  “If we wanted too, but like I said it’s rare. Two werewolves have a hard enough time reproducing sometimes, let alone a werewolf and a human.”

  “I’ve noticed there is a bit of a female problem too. Emily is the only female wolf I’ve met besides Beatrice.” Lark grabbed her bag from the bed. She stole a quick look at him, his eyes still watching. Lark quickly flicked her gaze away. Tension pooled in her stomach, their conversation and his looks becoming more intense each second.

  Devon picked up Sarah’s suitcase and moved to the door. “I don’t know the average but my mom had three boys before having Emily and that was considered good by our standards. For whatever reason - and trust me people have looked into it - more boys are born than girls.”

  “Does that mean you guys are in danger of extinction?” Lark bit her lip, taking the opportunity to stare at his backside. He looked delicious, his ass perfectly sculpted in his dark wash jeans.

  “That’s one of the reasons why Emmett is going to such lengths to get Emily back. Having a female in the pack means power, and he secured a deal to trade her to another pack.”

  “She told me. I think that’s disgusting.” Lark shuddered despite herself. “Your father is a creep, no offense.”

  “Emmett’s not my father.”

  The hostility in his voice startled her. Though the anger hadn’t been directed at her. She’d inadvertently hit a nerve, and had gotten a reaction. “I’m sorry.”

  “We should get going, it’s getting late.”

  Lark sighed, whatever moment they were having was fading away. But a part of her wanted to salvage it. She wanted to learn more about Devon. “I think I am going to open the bakery tomorrow.”

  “No one is stopping you. You were the one who was afraid.”

  Lark bit her lip anger bubbling up inside her, heat flushed her ears and cheeks. His voice was indifferent like he had completely shut down. “I guess you’re back to being a jerk again.”

  “Let's go.” Devon motioned toward the door, Sarah’s case in his hand.

  “Fine.” Lark stomped her foot, the move immature, but she was pissed. Glaring at Devon, she walked to the door. She was infuriated, having reached her boiling point.

  “You know what? No.” She spun back around and marched up to him. Eyes locked on his. “I’m tired of this! Either we come to some sort of peaceful existence or we just…” she shook her head in frustration. The words getting jumbled in her head as she tried to get them out. “…we just stop. After everything that’s happened these past few days, I just, this is-”

  Devon’s lips crashed against hers, cutting her off. Her breath caught. Her mind spiraled in a whirlwind of sensations and thoughts. His tongue traced her lips. With a sigh, her lips parted and his tongue glided against hers. The bag dropped from her hand. The momentary confusion lifted, replaced with desire.

  His stubble scraped her chin and his hands wound in her hair. Lark traced over the plains of Devon’s chest, wrapping her arms around his neck. Body humming with want as heat scorched it’s way to her core.

  A snarl escaped his throat causing Lark to jump and shrink away from him. His eyes were icy and distant as he pulled away. What the hell?

  Lark was about to let him have it, when the front door squeaked open.


  Devon felt his pulse kick up a notch as he walked quietly to the bedroom door.

  “Lark are you here?” Sarah’s voice called up the stairs.

  Devon sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He let his head fall forward and rest on the door in relief.

  “Yeah, just a second.” Lark ran shaky hands through her mussed blonde curls. A vain attempt to fix them. Her face flushed scarlet and her eyes darted everywhere but at him. Great, Devon thought, now things were going to be weird between them.

s clomped up the stairs. Lark scurried toward her bag and picked it up running out into the hall.

  “Hey Sarah, I didn’t think you were going to come, I packed a bag for you already. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Oh, thanks.” Sarah stopped at the top of the stairs.

  “I don’t think anything is left in your closet.” Devon lugged the bag out into the hallway and plopped it in front of Sarah. “But feel free to double check.”

  Devon took Lark’s bag from her hand and headed downstairs. He wondered if she would follow, or if she would chose to stay with Sarah and Preston. A part of him wanted her to come with him. The kiss had been amazing, he’d half expected her to slap him, but instead she’d kissed back. He didn’t know what came over him. She’d been rambling trying to get her point across, her flushed cheeks and lips had taunted him. Momentarily awe struck, he’d acted impulsively.

  Devon reached the bottom of the stairs. Preston gave him a questioning look. No doubt Preston smelled Lark on him, but he said nothing. Devon opened the front door and paused turning back to the stairs. “I’m heading back, are you coming?”

  “Oh, um, sure,” Lark stuttered, red crept across her face again. She turned to her sister. “Are you okay here, Sarah?”

  “Yeah, go ahead. It looks like you got everything anyway, we’ll be right behind you.”

  Lark nodded and gave her sister a quick hug, mumbling something to her before joining him at the door.

  Chapter 11

  Lark chewed on her lip as she looked out the car window. It stung; reminding her it wasn’t fully healed. She was certain it would reopen, but she couldn’t help herself; it was a nervous habit. She was beyond ready to explode from the angst between Devon and herself.

  The silence was killing her. The seconds ticked by excruciatingly slow. She often rambled to fill awkward silences like this. At the moment, her mind drew a blank, unsure of what to say.

  She still wasn’t sure what had happened either. One minute she was flustered and yelling; the next minute his lips were on hers. All reason and thought had gone out the window. Her body still burned from his touch and she wondered what would’ve happened had they not been interrupted.

  She should clear the air. Every muscle clenched tightly, her stomach twisted in knots. The unbearable silence drug out till she thought she might burst.

  “About earlier, what was that?”

  The leather seat crunched as Devon shifted to look at her. Lark held her breath, her heart hammered. She couldn’t tear her eyes from the window to look at him. She was out of her element. Grant had been the last guy she’d dated and the only guy she’d ever slept with.

  “The kiss?”

  “What else would I be talking about?” Lark exclaimed. Annoyance getting the better of her.

  Devon chuckled and she turned to glare at him.

  “It was just a kiss, Lark. No need to be so uptight about it.”

  “Why’d you do it?”

  Devon turned his gaze back to the road. “You’re a pretty woman, and it seemed like a good idea at the time. It wasn’t my intent to offend you.”

  Lark frowned, unsure what that was supposed to mean. “Oh.” She turned back to the window, questions swirled in her head. Devon confused her. “I’m not that type of girl. I don’t have random flings.”

  “Well, I’m not the type of guy who does relationships,” Devon stated.

  Lark bit her lip, her heart dropping a little at that news. She didn’t understand the attraction, but there was something between them and it set her insides on fire. She wanted more, but if he wasn’t interested in more. She wasn’t the type of girl who would set herself up for heartbreak.

  “Maybe we should just forget it happened,” Devon said.

  Lark’s stomach churned. She didn’t want to forget and didn’t think she could even if she wanted to. “That’s a good idea.” The last thing she wanted was for things to be weird between them.

  Devon nodded. He flipped the blinker on to turn down the driveway into the Harris ranch.

  “I mean we could still be friends, right?” Lark asked.

  “I suppose we could be.”

  “You don’t like to let people in do you?”

  “Not really.”


  Devon pulled the car to a stop and put it in park. “Maybe when we’re better friends I’ll tell you.”

  Devon opened the door and climbed out. He grabbed her bag from the back seat as he walked toward the house. Lark undid her seatbelt and got out following behind him.


  “Do I even want to know?” Gene asked as Devon walked into the kitchen.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Devon said, walking to the fridge and grabbing a can of soda.

  “You know our sense of smell is heightened. What’s going on?”

  Devon froze the can at his lips. He didn’t think anyone had noticed. He and Lark had both gone immediately to their respective rooms upon returning.

  “I thought so,” Gene watched him.

  “It’s not what you think. Grant was in the house, I pulled her back until we found out who it was.”

  “Really, because she smelled like you were all over her, Dev.” Gene grinned, taking a drink of his beer, eyes glued on him.

  Devon returned his stare, but kept his mouth shut.

  Gene sighed and looked away. “I know you, Dev. Lark isn’t like the girls you date, if that’s what you can even call it. She’s a good, strong, and honest person. She doesn’t do anything half-assed. She’ll go into it and fall for you. Don’t dick around with her.”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “Good.” Gene nodded. “Unless you thought you could be serious with her, that is.”

  Devon frowned at his cousin. “I’m confused, Gene. Are you telling me to date her or stay away?”


  “I think you’ve had too much to drink.”

  “No, what I’m saying is if you gave her a chance, I think you’d find that you two got along quite well. Lark is a remarkable person. She would do anything for anybody. But if you’re just looking for a fuck, then you need to back off.”

  Devon shook his head and drained the contents of the can in a few gulps. He tossed the can in the recycling bin, done with this conversation.

  “You know, Dev, not everyone lets you down. Sometimes you have to let people in.”

  Devon grumbled under his breath, continuing out of the kitchen. Last time he’d let his guard down, he’d almost been killed.


  Five AM came entirely too early. Lark felt sluggish and exhausted. Regardless, she was going back to the bakery today. If she didn’t she would lose her nerve.

  Her stomach clenched and she felt nauseous as she got ready. But after a long hot shower and a mini pep talk to herself, she was ready to go. Lark took one final breath in before making her way downstairs.

  The house was quiet. The only sign that anyone was awake was the hazelnut coffee that permeated the air. Lark made a beeline for the kitchen. She would need a fresh cup herself to make her body function.

  “Morning,” Vincent grumbled as she entered. He stood next to the coffee pot, his foot tapping against the tile floor as he waited for the coffee to finish brewing.


  “I’ll be your chaperone for the day. Apparently I’m not good at working with the horses. I spooked Floyd, he almost mule kicked Preston in the head.” Vincent pulled a thermos down and handed it to her.

  Lark laughed and set her thermos down on the counter. She tapped her fingers against the marble counter, her stomach still uneasy.

  “Thanks. When did this happen?”

  “Saturday morning. You’ll give me free muffins, right? I promise I won’t scare your customers.”

  “Yes, you can have as many as you please.”

  “Careful making offers like that, I can eat my weight in chocolate.”

  “I’ll make extra of the
chocolate chip ones today.”

  Vincent smiled as he poured the coffee into the two mugs. “Already knows the way to my heart, you and I are going to work out great.”

  Lark took the mug and sipped it letting the hot liquid soothe her. “You ready to go?”

  Vincent took a long gulp of his coffee and then topped it off. “Yep, I am looking forward to some fresh baked muffins, best perk of the job.”

  Lark shook her head and led the way outside to the car. Vincent hurried ahead of her, opening the passenger side door with a wide grin on his face.

  “What’s going on?”

  Lark turned and felt her breath catch. Devon stood behind her, his eyes flicked between her and Vincent.

  “I get bodyguard duty,” Vincent said proudly.

  Devon looked surprised as he quirked a brow at his brother. “You?”

  “Yes, me, is that so hard to believe?” Vincent huffed, his brow dipping down into a scowl.

  “I just thought Rick would send someone else.”

  “I’m sure Vincent can handle it,” Lark chimed in.

  “See? At least she has faith in me. Thanks, Dev.” Vincent motioned toward Lark, a scowl on his face.

  “That’s not what I meant,” Devon defended.

  “No, it’s okay. Come on Lark, we don’t want to be late.”

  Lark looked nervously between the two brothers an unspoken conversation going on between them as Devon stared daggers at his brother. The air crackled with tension. A tick formed in Devon’s jaw, his hands balled into tight fists. Vincent gripped the car door tightly, his knuckles white.

  “I’ll see you later.” Lark broke the deafening silence as she got into the car and Vincent shut the door.

  Vincent walked around the front of the car and climbed in beside her, not giving his brother another glance. Lark caught Devon’s eye and held it as the vehicle started and Vincent backed it up. She saw Devon sigh before he turned and headed in the house.

  Vincent looked out the front window a defeated look on his face. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, as he drove down the long gravel driveway.

  “You okay?” Lark asked.

  “Yeah, fine. I’m used to people underestimating me.”

  “I’m sure that’s not the case.”


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