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Out of the Shadows

Page 15

by Bethany Shaw

  “They won’t hurt her.”

  Lark looked up at him surprised, taking a moment to register his words. She nodded and sighed, eyes darting back to the door across the street. The street seemed to stretch endlessly. It felt like miles separated them instead of mere feet. She would feel better once she could hold Sarah in her arms again.

  “Have you ever thought about becoming a doctor or a nurse? You know taking your training to the next level?” Lark needed a distraction and she was curious about Devon.

  “My bedside manner sucks.”

  Lark met his smile. “But would you?”

  Devon leaned forward before rocking back on his heels. “I don’t know. I never really thought about it.”

  Lark nodded. “I always enjoyed baking. I never in my life thought I’d own my own bakery. But I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.”

  “I do like the blueberry muffins.”

  “You guys do seem to have a sweet tooth. Well, actually, I’ve noticed you guys eat just about anything.”

  Devon laughed. “It’s our metabolism. Especially when we shift a lot; it makes us hungry.”

  “I can tell.” Lark looked over at him. “Do you do it often? Shift I mean?”

  “I try to once a day; some days, like when I worked, I couldn’t. The wolf is a part of who we are. Shifting is important for our mental well being. As a rule, we try to shift three to four times a week. The only exception is when women are pregnant. The shift is harmful to the fetus since the body transforms from a human into a wolf.”

  “Does it hurt when you change?” Lark couldn’t stop herself from asking.

  “It’s a pleasure pain.”

  “I imagine it’s exhilarating.”

  “You really are genuinely interested aren’t you?” Devon turned to her eyes locked on hers.

  Lark swallowed at the intensity of his gaze and lowered her eyes to the floor.

  “I…I’m not trying to be rude.”

  “I know.” Devon’s fingers grazed her chin, tilting it back up. “I’ve never met someone who’s been so understanding - who’s wanted to learn more.”

  His thumb cupped her chin softly eyes glued to hers. She licked her lips in anticipation.

  Slowly his face inched toward hers, their breath mingled. Her heart raced, and body scorched with arousal. His woodsy scent filled her nostrils. Eyes closed, his lips grazed against hers. Devon’s stubble scratched her chin; his lips so soft against hers.

  A cell phone blared, lighting the room. Lark sprung back, tripping and falling into the curtains. Preston jolted awake and stood up, the other three men grumbled rolling over.

  “Any change?” Preston rubbed his eyes as he walked to the window.

  “No,” Devon ground out.

  Lark let out a long breath, quickly righting herself. She walked to the bed and slid back under the covers. Sleep would not come anytime soon, she was too wired from the almost kiss with Devon. She sucked in even breaths hoping Preston nor Devon realized how worked up she was. What was it about him that did this to her?


  Devon gently shook Lark awake. Movement had started across the street and they needed to be ready to go when they left with Sarah.

  A part of him hated that they were leaving Emily, but he knew she would be safe with Emmett for the moment. He wouldn’t risk harming her; Emily was too important to him.

  They would just have to devise a plan before she was sent to New Mexico. He had passed the information along to Gene about Derek Stiles last night while everyone had been sleeping. They had both agreed they needed to align themselves with their allies.

  At this point, it was safe to say that a war was coming. It was a matter of when, not if. The only thing they could do was be prepared.

  “Lark.” Devon touched her smooth bare shoulder shaking her slightly.

  The strap of her tank top had slipped down giving him a perfect view of her cleavage. He tried not to look at the swell of her breasts or the soft skin that was exposed to him. Yet, his eyes drifted and he felt an ache start to build in him. He wanted Lark, like he wanted no other woman.

  “Lark,” Devon whispered.

  “Hmmm,” she murmured, her blue eyes flitting open. They widened in surprise and she sat up quickly knocking her head against his. “Ow, crap, sorry.” Her hand flew to her forehead, crimson colored her cheeks as she blushed.

  “We’re leaving soon. You need to get up,” Devon said, his eyes appraising her mussed hair and sleepy eyes as he rubbed the sting out of his forehead. She looks beautiful.

  Lark needed no further encouragement. She quickly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Devon let out a low breath as he watched her retreat. Things were awkward because they had kissed again, or almost kissed. It wasn’t anywhere near as heated as the one before. This one was different. More personal.

  Devon gritted his teeth, he needed to focus. They could not afford to mess this up. The last thing he needed was to be distracted by Lark, it could put all their lives in danger.

  He inhaled sharply, clearing his mind and trying to shake Lark’s image from his mind. Releasing the breath he was holding, he gathered up the few remaining things and sat on the bed to wait for Lark.

  Five minutes later, Lark emerged from the bathroom looking refreshed. She wore a simple red tank top and cut off jean shorts. Her long blonde curls thrown into a loose ponytail. He noticed she’d brushed some of her hair over the laceration on her forehead. The cut on her lip still there, but didn’t stick out like the stitches did.

  “They’re loading up the car now.” Devon looked out the window. “As soon as they leave with Sarah; Preston, Andrew, James, and Thomas will follow. They’re in the car ready to go. We will leave a few minutes after. The chances of them being recognized are far less than me. We got lucky with the rain it will help hide our scents.”

  “Where did the SUV come from?” Lark looked down at the beat up silver vehicle.

  “Thomas bought it from a guy off Craigslist while you and Preston were out last night. They dumped the car they stole.”


  “The last thing we need is to draw attention to ourselves.”

  Devon watched with Lark as two men came out of the hotel room with Sarah. The younger girl looked frightened, but appeared to be unscathed.

  Devon cast a weary glance at Lark. She inhaled sharply and blinked back tears. Satisfied she wouldn’t do anything rash he turned back to observe. The men flanked both sides of Sarah. One opened the back door, motioning for her to get in.

  Sarah seemed to hesitate but after a slight nudge gave in. Devon flinched. Lark’s warm hand wrapped around his forearm. He saw her bottom lip tremble and a tear slide down her face.

  Lark slipped into his embrace on her own, somehow worming her way against him. Her head rested against his shoulder. Eyes focused outside the window. Hesitantly, Devon put a hand on the small of her back. Lark’s back shook as she sobbed quietly against him. Without thinking, his hand began to rub soothing circles into her back.

  The car backed out of the parking spot and turned onto the main road. Her grip tightened on his arm. She turned her head in, hiding her face against his shoulder.

  “We have to wait until we get out of the city to head them off. They need to be far enough away they can’t easily call for help and so we are away from prying eyes.” Devon explained, his hand continued to move against her back as she cried. “We will leave in about five minutes. Preston will give us updates via text of where they’re heading.”

  “There is nothing we can do for Emily?” Lark asked her voice muffled against his shoulder.

  “There’s too many of them.” Devon’s eyes drifted to the hotel door that Sarah had come out of. Emily was in there. So close, but so far. Emmett would keep coming for Emily. When they got her back they would need to make sure there was no one left to follow after them. They had a few weeks to compose their army. Hopefully it would be enough time.

  Chapter 15<
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  The Jeep was quiet. The only noise that filtered in was the hum of the engine and the occasional whoosh of a passing car. They’d been on the road for close to an hour now and had passed out of the last town awhile ago.

  The anxiety overwhelmed Lark. She blew out a breath and leaned back on the headrest, eyes shut tight. She wanted to vomit and curl up in a ball on her bed.

  Lark kept waiting to wake up from this nightmare. Yet, every time she awoke she was thrust back into hell. Watching Sarah being taken away was the hardest thing she’d ever done.

  Devon’s phone whistled. Her eyes popped open, body alert. This was it, she could feel it.

  Devon dug his phone from his pocket and opened the text.

  “They’re getting ready to head them off now.” He looked at the side of the road as they passed a mile marker. “We’re about a mile or so behind them. When we get there, I want you to stay in the car, Lark.” His brow crinkled as he turned to look at her. “These are Emmett’s best trained men,” he warned.

  Lark nodded. The last thing she wanted was to get in the way and hinder Sarah’s rescue. Her hand went to her purse where the gun Gene had given her was. She didn’t want to use it, but would, if she needed to.

  “Be careful,” her voice cracked. Lark reached out and touched Devon’s arm.

  The engine roared as Devon punched the gas. Lark grasped his arm and the door handle with her other hand. The silver SUV swerved into the left lane in front of them, a white compact car in front of it.

  Lark cringed as the SUV pulled ahead, cutting the white car off. A sickening crunch filled the air as metal clashed against metal. Tires squealed as both cars came to an abrupt stop.

  She sucked in a deep breath as they pulled up to the white Ford Focus and silver SUV. Smoke simmered from the white compact car where the older vehicle had struck the front drivers side.

  Devon slammed on the brakes, threw the car in park, and jetted out. Lark balled her hands into fists as Devon ran to assist Preston, who was helping Sarah from the back seat. The three guys who had ridden with Preston had already engaged the two male occupants of the white car. Both of Emmett’s men were burly. One was shorter and looked like a body builder, the other taller and leaner.

  Shouting erupted, followed by a thud as the taller man was slammed into the side of the SUV. Sarah’s blonde hair blew in the wind as she exited the white vehicle. Preston said something to Sarah and pointed toward Lark.

  Sarah nodded. Tears streaked her pale face as she sprinted towards Lark’s car.

  Lark’s pulse roared in her ears. Tears stung her eyes. Sarah opened the back door, jumped in, and slammed the door shut. Lark turned in her seat embracing her sister. The hug was awkward with the angle of the seat, but she didn’t care. She had her sister back. They squeezed each other tight. Sarah gripped the back of Lark’s tank top.

  “Are you okay?” Lark cried into Sarah’s hair.

  “Yeah,” Sarah sobbed her whole body shaking. “I was so scared, Lark.”

  “It’s okay, you’re safe now,” Lark tried to keep her voice even, but it was thick with emotion.

  “Where’s Preston?” Sarah whimpered. “He said he’d be right behind me.”

  Lark pulled away, turning back to the fight. Preston and Devon were taking on one the short guy. They had him pinned on his stomach, face pressed against the blacktop. Devon wrung the man’s hands behind his back then pulled zip ties from his pocket and zip tied them together with ease, as if he did it on a daily basis. The other three guys tackled the taller man, slamming his forehead against the pavement repeatedly until he no longer moved. A gob of thick blood oozed from his temple to his throat.

  A cold chill zipped down Lark’s spine when they tied the taller man up. They drug his bloody limp body haphazardly toward the SUV. The short muscular man was put in the trunk of the white car.

  Lark watched Devon’s mouth move as he spoke to the four other men pointing to the vehicles. After a moment, they all nodded. Preston and Devon raced toward their car. The other three men divided up between the Focus and SUV.

  Preston climbed into the back seat, gripping onto Sarah. Devon got in the driver’s seat. He threw the car in drive as he shut the door. The tires shrieked in protest from the sudden movement as they sped off down the highway.

  They drove in silence for several miles. Lark wiped at her eyes before turning in her seat to look at Sarah. She’d latched onto Preston knuckles white where she gripped his forearms. Her back heaved from silent sobs. Preston smoothed her mussed hair in an attempt to calm her.

  “We’re going a little out of our way, then taking an alternate route to the ranch.” Devon broke the silence as they passed a spot where they could turn around.

  “Whatever we have to do to get home safe,” Lark whispered hoarsely.

  “Where’s Emily?” Sarah sniffled, pulling her head away from Preston’s chest.

  “We couldn’t get to her,” Devon said quietly.

  Sarah’s face crumpled while she gasped, tears cascading down her pale face.

  “They were bragging about killing Rick, is that true?”

  Lark’s lower lip quivered. She turned and took Sarah’s hand. “I’m sorry, Sarah,” she whispered, swallowing down the thick lump in her throat.

  “No,” Sarah protested her head shaking back and forth. “No.”

  Preston pulled Sarah to his shoulder. Sarah gripped Lark’s hand tightly, her fingernails digging into the palm of Lark’s hand.

  “Oh god, Preston, I’m so sorry,” Sarah whimpered burying her face in his chest.

  Preston chewed on the inside of his cheek. Tears swam in his bluish-green eyes. “Me too,” he murmured.


  Devon stifled a yawn as they passed the Texas border. It had been a long day of driving. The cool evening air blew in through the open car window, helping to keep him alert.

  The car ride had been quiet for the most part. Each of them in their own thoughts. The past twenty four hours had been a whirlwind and it was finally starting to crash down on him.

  Instead of despair, it brought him strength. For too long he had stayed in the shadows. Obeying laws he didn’t believe in and following orders that should never be uttered. Not anymore. It was time that he stepped up and reclaimed what belonged to him. He was ready.

  He’d been too angry and hadn’t taken the time to think things through the last time he’d challenged Emmett. It was a mistake he would not make again.

  Lark’s melodic ring tone went off, bringing Devon out of his thoughts. He blinked, watching while she dug through her purse. She found her phone and sighed, eyes on the caller ID.

  “Hello,” she whispered. The seat creaked beneath her as she turned to the back seat gazing at Sarah and Preston, both slept soundly cuddled together.

  Devon tried to focus on the road ahead, but with sensitive hearing, his thoughts drifted to the conversation Lark was having. He gritted his teeth, recognizing the voice on the other end instantly.

  “Everything’s fine, Grant,” Lark murmured into the phone.

  What does he want? A pang of jealousy washed over him. The man had been all over Lark at The Cookie Jar the other night and he’d been even more over the top at her house. He couldn’t help but wonder if there was something more going on. They had a past, but was there a present? He shouldn’t care, he reminded himself. The two kisses had done little to douse the fire he felt for her, in fact, they had ignited it more.

  “Yes, I plan on opening the bakery tomorrow.” Lark bit her lip, sucking in a deep breath. “I’m fine, really,” she said annoyed.

  Devon squelched the urge to reach through the phone and strangle the other guy. Instead, he forced even, calm, breaths in and out of his nostrils. He didn’t understand the reaction he had to Lark, or Grant. He’d had lovers, but hadn’t cared one way or another about them on a personal level. Sure he liked them okay, but they were just passing fancies, nothing serious.

  “Alright. Yeah, sure, we c
an do that. Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Lark grumbled as she hung up. She tossed her phone back into her purse and massaged her temples.

  “Problems?” Devon asked unable to hide the bitter edge to his voice.

  “He’s just really worried,” she paused and let out a long sigh. “We’ve known each other a long time.”

  “You’re going out with him?”

  “For lunch,” Lark defended.

  Devon shrugged, it shouldn’t bother him. “Right, for lunch.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing,” Devon snapped. Anger rolled through him. He hated that he was acting jealous, but couldn’t stop himself.

  “Okay,” Lark drawled out the word.

  “Okay,” Devon repeated evenly.


  Lark shivered, the gravel crunched beneath the car, tiny pebbles flew up from the drive pelting the vehicle as they neared the ranch. The moonlit night did little to shake the images she had from the other morning. She could still see the carnage and blood. The ranch would never be the same for her again without Rick there. Yet, it was still home.

  Devon parked the car in front of the main house and turned the ignition off. Lark stretched and turned to the back seat. Devon opened his door causing the dome light to pop on. Sarah yelped, jolting awake and looked frantically around the car for a moment.

  “You okay?” Lark asked concerned. She hoped that Sarah wasn’t too disturbed by the kidnapping.

  “Yeah,” Sarah nodded eyes wide.

  “Come on, let’s get you inside.” Preston opened his door and slid out. Turning back, he grasped Sarah’s hand and helped her out.

  Lark closed her door and rocked up on the balls of her feet stretching. A piping hot shower would hopefully allow her to relax enough to fall asleep. Tomorrow it was back to normal.

  Headlights rounded down the driveway, the SUV and Focus coming into view. She leaned on the blue car, her eyes on Devon. His stance ridged, hands balled into tight fists.

  The screen door slammed shut, Preston and Sarah already inside. Gene stood on the front porch. Devon nodded at Gene as he shuffled down the steps greeting them.


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