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Out of the Shadows

Page 25

by Bethany Shaw

  Lark’s frightened blue eyes caught his. Copper tinged with cinnamon-vanilla permeated the air. He swallowed, assessing her quickly. Rage erupted in him as he took in the small nicks on her arms and hands. Her face had smudges of dirt on it and her jeans were intact but smeared with mud.

  Hatred and the need to protect Lark filled him. He would end this now. Years of abuse flitted through Devon’s mind.

  Emmett’s brownish red fur sprung out of his pores. His eyes gleamed yellow; the change almost complete.

  This man had belittled him every chance he got. He had his lackeys beat him repeatedly for no reason other than spite. He'd traded Emily, his beloved daughter, to the highest bidder. All so he could align himself to overthrow another alpha. He hurt Lark for his own selfish gain. It needed to stop now.

  A growl erupted from Devon’s chest as he dove at Emmett. His stepfather caught him. They rolled across the terrain and into the bushes. A whine sliced through the air as Emmett’s long claws dug into his side. Devon flexed his own paws, nails elongating. Determined, he swiped at Emmett connecting with his face.

  Blood spewed out of Emmett’s mouth. A ripple of raw power swept over Devon. He could do this — this time he would win. There was no one else around to help Emmett during this fight. The only other man stood, watching with Natalia held firmly in his grasp. Without another thought, he snarled lunging again.

  Emmett reeled up on his back legs, catching Devon in a vicious embrace. Teeth snaring at each other, they twisted and snapped, both trying to gain the upper hand.

  Devon heard a scuffle behind him, his mind drifting to Lark as yells filled the air. A burning sensation drew him from his thoughts. He cried out in a loud yelp as Emmett’s gnarled nails punctured his belly.


  The gunshot bounced off the trees sending wildlife scuttling away. It gave Devon the upper hand, momentarily startling Emmett. He struck the elder with his paw. Blood sprayed across both their faces. Springing forward, he drove Emmett to the ground. He swung down, prepared to finish his stepfather when another wolf thrust themselves onto him.

  He was thrown, rolling roughly against the ground, colliding with a tree. Shaking his head, he got his bearings and jumped to his feet. The other wolf charged him. Devon tensed, staggering up prepared to catch him, when black fur whizzed by.

  He froze as he watched his mother attack the wolf who had tried to kill him. In one swift motion, she snapped the werewolf’s neck. She turned yellow eyes on him before flicking her head in Emmett’s direction.

  Emmett took a step back, startled by the change of events. Devon charged forward. Canines bared, he struck, tearing deep into the flesh of Emmett’s neck. He shook his head violently until Emmett’s efforts to thwart him ceased.

  Devon stepped back, watching as the bright yellow faded from Emmett’s eyes. It was over. Panting heavily, he stared at the man who had caused him so much grief. Emmett would never hurt any of them again.

  “Devon,” Lark whispered, tears streaked down her face.

  Closing his eyes, he walked toward her and nuzzled himself against her legs. Her hands grasped his fur as she knelt next to him, pulling him into a tight hug.

  She gasped and pulled away, looking at her hand.

  “You’re hurt.”

  Blood coated her pale hand; he rubbed his head against her to assure her he would be okay. Taking a step back, he barked and motioned with his head toward the road. Juarez and his men were still out there. He wanted to stay and assure Lark that he was fine, but they weren’t out of danger yet.

  He yapped at her again, watching as her eyes flicked to the road.

  “Let's go,” Lark whispered, offering her hand to Natalia.


  Lark sat in the back seat as they sped down the freeway. Her gaze shifted between the three occupants in the car. Devon, Claire, and Natalia were all quiet. They’d reached the car where the two wolves had quickly converted to their human forms. Thankfully, there had been enough clothes in the car for both mother and son to wear. She supposed, as wolves, having extra clothes lying around was something you needed.

  After ten minutes, at well over ninety miles an hour, they’d caught up to the remaining brigade heading back to Abilene. The air in the car was stagnant. She had questions and she was certain Devon did too. Yet, no one spoke.

  Lark’s eyes bore into the back of Claire’s headrest. What had changed Claire’s mind? Was she always against Emmett? Had she planned this?

  Natalia grunted, drawing Lark from her thoughts. Her grip on the door handle tightened, as her brown eyes blinked back tears.

  Lark watched the disgruntled woman, concern flooding her.

  “Are you alright?”

  Natalia’s eyes closed, her face contorted and mouth fell open in a silent O.

  “She is in labor,” Claire responded, twisting in her seat. “She has been for most of the day today.”

  Lark frowned horrified, “Why didn’t you say anything?” The poor woman had been running around and in a fight shooting people while in labor. She could only begin to imagine what was going on in her head.

  “She is scared,” Claire answered after a long moment.

  “I’m sure she has every right to be, after all one of the people responsible for her imprisonment is in the car,” Devon snapped from the front seat. His head turned, eyes fixated on Claire.

  Lark held her breath, watching the silent exchange between mother and son. Devon’s jaw was set eyes glaring, Claire looked sad. Tears swam in her hazel irises.

  “It’s a long story, Devon,” Claire sighed, averting her gaze to the window. She raised one hand to her face swiping something out of her eye.

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s over now,” Devon said his voice remarkably calm — void of emotion.

  “I know what you must think of me,” Claire said dejectedly, her voice thick with emotion. “Everything I did was for you, whether you realize it or not.”

  Devon exhaled loudly, hands twisting around the steering wheel.

  “I don’t want to hear it, Mother,” he spat. “Besides, Natalia doesn’t want to hear it while she’s in labor, I’m sure. We’ll sort everything out when we get to the ranch.”

  “Is there anything I can do for her?” Lark asked, glancing at Devon then back to Natalia, unsure of who the best person to ask was.

  “Try to stay calm and relaxed, at this rate we will be in Abilene in two or three hours,” Devon instructed. His hazel eyes caught Lark’s in the rearview mirror.

  Claire turned around looking at the floor.

  “There might still be some sweaters in the bag on the floorboard. Are you cold Natalia?”

  Lark turned to Natalia, who only glared at Claire. Neither woman said anything. With a sigh, Lark bent over to dig in the bag. It dawned on her that there could be multiple reasons for needing the extra clothing for Natalia, but one look at the gooseflesh on the Natalia’s arms answered her unspoken question. She pulled out a large grey sweater and offered it to the pregnant wolf.

  Natalia’s lip curled up in disgust, eyes narrowing into tiny slits as she stared at the sweater.

  “No, it smells.”

  Lark inhaled, she only smelled the fresh breezy laundry detergent on the garment.

  “It’s okay, some wolves can’t stand the scent of others on them,” Devon explained. “I’m sorry, my mother should have realized.”

  Lark shook her head and dropped the shirt back into the bag. Hesitantly she reached out, placing her hand on the other woman’s smooth fingers.

  “If you need anything let me know.”

  Natalia stared at her for a long moment, emotions swirling in her brown eyes, before she gave Lark a simple nod.

  Chapter 25

  Devon gritted his teeth as they pulled off at the rest stop. This had to be one of the dumbest ideas in the world. When Preston had called him from one of the other vehicles, he’d thought it’d been some twisted joke. But no, he’d been serious. They needed a b
athroom break. While he understood the need to go, he didn’t think Maddie and Amelia fully grasped the severity of the situation.

  He shoved the gear shift into park and leaned back in his seat, annoyance taking over as he surveyed the empty parking lot. The sooner they reached the safety of the ranch the better.

  “I’ll escort the girls,” Claire said quietly opening her car door. “Are either of you going?” She turned to the back seat.

  Lark shook her head no, and Natalia glared in response.

  Devon waited until his mother had left before turning to Lark.

  “Do you want to get out for a minute? We’ll stay right here, just stretch our legs.”


  Devon climbed out and met Lark in the front of the car. He sat on the hood the car squeaking and dipping beneath his weight.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, taking her hand in his, gently tugging her down next to him. He assessed the small nicks and cuts on her hands and arms. Thankfully, she was relatively unscathed.

  “Yeah, a little sore, but I’ve had worse. Are you okay?” Lark asked, blue gaze meeting his.

  Devon slid a hand onto his chest.

  “I’ll have a few new scars, but all the lacerations got knit back together when I shifted.”

  “But are you okay with everything that happened?”

  Devon sighed and looked away, her thumb rubbed soothing circles on the back of his hand, helping to calm the onslaught of emotions. He’d been so caught in the moment he hadn’t really thought about everything.

  “I…I will be,” he replied quietly closing his eyes. Emmett’s hollowed yellow irises stared back at him. Popping his eyes back open, he scrubbed a hand over his face. The full ramifications of the night hadn’t quite hit him.

  Lark’s soft lips grazed his cheek.

  “I’m here if you want to talk.”

  Devon turned to her and saw the sincerity in the depth of her swirling burning gaze. Not sure how to express his emotions, he showed her. His lips crushed hers, hands winding through her long blonde curls. She did the one thing no one else ever had, she was there for him.

  His tongue traced along her lower lip as he inhaled her intoxicating scent. His hand fisted in her hair, pulling her closer.

  “Thank you for coming for me,” Lark murmured between kisses.

  “I’d never let anything happen to you,” he replied, kissing her fiercely before she could respond. The truth behind that statement scared him. He’d never let himself fall for someone before — never let someone get this close.

  Lark jerked away as someone cleared their throat loudly.

  “As hot as that was, I think it’s time to go,” Vincent smiled at the two of them. “I’m going to ride with you. The girls were asking for Mom.”

  “We should go,” Lark said giving him a chaste kiss before pulling away and going to the backseat.

  Vincent looked at him, eyebrows quirked a goofy grin lighting up his face.

  “Stop,” Devon warned.

  “You two seem cozy.”

  “I said don’t.”

  Vincent sobered his green eyes intense as he tilted his head toward Lark who was already in the car.

  “It’s good. I think she’s a good fit for you, Dev. In other words don’t screw it up. I know you have a complex which is why I’m saying something.”

  Devon rolled his eyes and shook his head.


  Lark offered her hand to Natalia as she exited the car. The other girl stared for a long moment before accepting it. Her warm hand gripped Lark’s tightly as she helped her from the car. Devon moved like he would help as well, but halted his movements when a low feral snarl escaped Natalia’s lips.

  “How are you feeling?” Lark asked, stumbling slightly under the extra weight as Natalia slipped her arm over Lark’s shoulders.

  “I am fine,” Natalia replied hollowly.

  Lark could tell by the fine sheen of sweat on her brow she was anything but.

  “Come let’s get you inside,” Claire said reaching out to help.

  Natalia hissed, swatting the arm away. A gasp escaped her lips followed by a loud pained cry as she grasped her stomach. Natalia’s knees buckled and Lark struggled to keep them both on their feet.

  “I got her,” Gene said catching the pregnant woman before she hit the ground.

  Natalia struggled, but her punches to Gene’s chest looked more like playful swats then what Lark was sure they were meant to be.

  “Please don’t hurt my baby,” Natalia whispered as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

  “Devon,” Gene cried out as he hauled her into his arms.

  Devon cursed under his breath. Placing two fingers to her neck, he said, “Let’s get her inside.”

  “Is she okay?” Emily asked climbing out of one of the other cars.

  “She’s unconscious, and her pulse is racing. Get her to the medical room,” Devon said rushing ahead to open the door. “We might need a doctor, a real doctor,” Devon muttered as Gene hurried by.

  Lark headed after them but paused as her sister emerged on the top of the steps. Tears stung her eyes as she took in Sarah.

  “Lark,” Sarah cried as she ran down the steps and flung herself at her sister. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  Lark caught her sister in a tight hug, grimacing slightly under the death grip Sarah had.

  “I was so worried, Lark,” Sarah mumbled, her back shaking as she sobbed.

  “I’m okay,” Lark assured her sister. Pulling back she tucked some of Sarah’s loose blonde hair behind her ears.

  “Sarah,” Preston said coming to stand next to them.

  “Thanks, Preston. Thank god you’re both home safely.” Sarah said throwing herself at him too.

  “I’m going to go see what’s going on with Natalia,” Lark said glancing to the hall Devon, Gene, and Natalia had disappeared into.

  Her feet thudded against the wood floors as she made her way toward the infirmary. The rustling of tools echoed out into the hallway, as Devon instructed Gene and he frantically searched for the item his cousin needed.

  “Do you need help?” Lark asked.

  Her eyes drifted to Natalia. Her honeyed skin was pale, her arm lay lifelessly off the side of the cot; brown hair matted around her face.

  “Get a computer,” Devon said as he slipped a pair of gloves on his hands.

  “I’ll get it, Lark. You’re better in here than I am.” Gene scooted past Lark to the door, “I’ll be right back.”

  “Here put these on.” Devon handed her some gloves. “One of the men in Derek’s pack is a doctor. We’re going to try and Skype. I don’t know what’s wrong with her. It could be preeclampsia or something else. She shouldn’t be unconscious.” He grabbed a machine and a bottle. Shoving Natalia’s shirt up he squirted liquid on her belly, before flipping the machine on and placing the wand on her.

  “Is that an ultrasound machine?” Lark asked surprised.

  “Yeah, it’s old, but it works. This was used back when Beatrice was pregnant with Gene and Preston.”

  Devon watched the screen, eyes intent as he moved the wand around her belly.

  Lark gripped Natalia’s hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Even if the other woman wasn’t conscious, Lark remembered that sometimes people were aware of what was going on around them. At least that is what the doctors and nurses had told her the first night her parents had been in the hospital.

  “She’s hot,” Lark commented as her hand began to sweat inside the glove, using the back of her arm she placed her forearm on Natalia’s forehead. “Really hot.”

  “Shit,” Devon swore, he tossed the wand on the table next to the machine and hurried to the counter taking out sharp instruments. “I think we are going to have to do a c-section, the fetal heart rates only forty.”

  “Here I got Louie on the line,” Gene said coming in with a laptop.


  Lark came out of the medical room wiping the sw
eat from her brow. Her stomach still felt nauseous but, thankfully she had held it together. When she’d said she could handle other people’s blood, she hadn’t accounted for surgeries.

  Thankfully, mother and baby were both fine.

  “How is she?” Claire asked as Lark entered the living room.

  Lark looked around at the worried faces. Louie, the doctor had arrived moments ago and Lark had excused herself to allow him room to work. The doctor had instructed them through the surgery via Skype then stayed on the phone with them the entire drive his entire drive to the ranch.

  The hall door shut behind her and she turned seeing Gene come down the hall. His brown eyes looked tired, and he had specks of blood on his blue shirt. Lark grimaced looking down at her own clothes.

  “How is she?” Claire repeated.

  Lark flushed, realizing she’d never answered.

  “We think she is going to be okay.”

  “Thank goodness,” Claire said, her hand flying to her chest.

  “Who is she?” Gene asked from behind her.

  Claire and Daniel glanced at each other before Daniel answered.

  “She is supposed to be my mate. The woman we got in exchange for Emily.”

  “Is that your kid?” Gene asked eyebrow raised.

  “No, I’ve never touched her. She was already pregnant. I’m not sure of the details. I know she made Fernando mad, and she was sent as a punishment.”

  “I see,” Gene said.

  Lark quirked a brow at him. She didn’t understand any of it.

  “We’ll need to get some things in the morning,” Claire said standing up. “Is there a room prepared for her?”

  “I’ll have to double check, if you’ll excuse me,” Gene said indicating his bloodied clothes. “It’s good to see you again Aunt Claire. Come on, Lark,” Gene said putting his hand on her back. “Let’s get you cleaned up. Dev should be out in a minute.”

  Lark nodded, letting him guide her up the stairs.

  “How are you?” Gene asked.

  Lark sighed the full impact of the past twenty four hours hitting her like a ton of bricks. Her shoulders slumped forward, her eyes suddenly felt impossibly heavy.


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