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Out of the Shadows

Page 27

by Bethany Shaw

  “I wish it were that simple,” Devon said watching as Lark chewed on her lower lip. “The thing is, going to him is just as dangerous. I would expect it to be an ambush. And if we turn him down, he’ll probably keep pestering us, or show up unannounced.” Or worse, he thought.

  “He’s not as direct as Emmett. From what I saw he seems just as cunning and probably more of an ass, but I kind of got the feeling he is more…” she looked up as if trying to think of the right words to say. “Sadistic.”

  “I have no intention of joining him or giving in to his demands,” Devon said venomously. He would never agree to the terms they lived under. “I already told Gene we can tell him where to go. I have no interest in playing the games and think we should let him know that from the get go.”

  “I can see why it’s not an easy decision though. You know what he wants, and know you won’t give it to him. It’s just a game of how long we can prolong the inevitable,” Lark shuddered as she leaned into the pillows.

  “As long as it gives us enough time to be ready,” Devon said as he entwined his fingers with hers.


  Lark tapped her mug on the kitchen counter as she waited for the coffee to brew.

  “Good morning.”

  Lark turned casting a small tight smile at Claire as she walked in. “Hi.”

  Claire set to work pulling out some pots and pans. “I always tried to get my kids to be early risers, but they never were.”

  Lark hummed a noncommittal answer as she poured the steaming liquid into her cup.

  “You don’t care for me much do you? I suppose I can understand that,” Claire sighed sagging against the refrigerator.

  “Um,” Lark started, at a loss of what to say.

  “Leave Lark alone, Mom,” Devon grumbled as he strode into the kitchen.

  The room fell silent, and Lark felt a nervous tremor shoot through her at the tension sizzling in the air.

  Clearing her throat, she broke the silence. “I didn’t think you were up.”

  “I couldn’t get back to sleep,” Devon said quietly.

  “I was hoping to have the opportunity to speak with you, Dev. I get the feeling you’ve been avoiding me,” Claire said as she opened the fridge, and set eggs and butter on the counter.

  “There isn’t anything to say,” Devon grumbled under his breath.

  “Actually, there is,” Claire said calmly, holding Devon’s gaze.

  Lark shifted uncomfortably. “You know, I’m going to see if Vincent is ready to go yet.” She bit her lip contemplating her move for a moment before pressing a soft kiss to his mouth. “I’ll see you this afternoon for practice.”


  Devon glared as his mother watched Lark scurry out of the kitchen. She couldn’t have made it anymore uncomfortable if she’d tried.

  “She seems nice,” she commented as Lark’s footsteps padded up the stairs.

  “She is,” he said hollowly.

  “I can see why you’re drawn to her. The alpha in you senses her strength. Even if she isn’t one of us, she has the qualities to be your mate.” Claire smiled. “You should have seen the way she stood her ground against Emmett the other night.”

  “What did you want to talk about?” Devon asked, some of the annoyance ebbing as his mothers words about Lark sunk in. It made sense. Her characteristics were strong, along with her compassion. She exhibited traits of an alpha.

  “I want a chance to explain myself,” Claire said her hazel eyes blinking up to meet his.

  “Fine,” he huffed, clenching his jaw.

  Claire inhaled a deep breath and let it out. “Emmett was a very good friend of mine when we were growing up. At some point, his feelings developed into something more than friendship. When I chose to marry your father, it culminated and changed him.”

  Tears formed in her eyes and she dabbed at them before continuing.

  “I loved your father so much. We wanted a large family. You were the first of what we hoped would be many.” She drew in a tight breath as she fought back more tears. “Emmett arranged a hunt a little after your third birthday. I don’t know exactly what happened, but I always suspected your father’s death was never an accident as Emmett and his friends claimed.”

  “Are you saying Emmett killed my father?” Devon gaped a surge of anger washing over him. Heat scorched his face as he fought to contain the rage bellowing inside him.

  Claire nodded, dabbing her eyes with a paper towel. “I believe so, yes.”

  “Then why would you marry him?” Devon roared.

  “I suspected he killed your father. I watched him slaughter my brother before my very eyes.” Her voice shook, tears streaming down her face. “The night my brother died, I took you from your bed and we ran. My goal was to come here to Rick and Beatrice’s. I was panicked and didn’t think it through as I should have. Emmett caught up to us before we even made it out of Guymon.” His mother grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser and dabbed at her face.

  “He swore if I didn’t obey him, he would kill you. You had nightmares for months after the incident, but you don’t remember it do you?” She asked, her red rimmed eyes resting on his face. Devon shook his head no. “He held a knife to your throat. He told me if I didn’t back him as alpha and mate with him, he would kill you. After seeing what he was capable of with my brother and what I suspected with your father, I believed him.”

  Devon took in the information. A tick working in his jaw as he watched his mother crumble before him. He’d never seen her this upset before.

  She sniffled and cleared her throat.

  “I agreed. You were the only thing left that mattered to me. He promised to never lay a hand to you so long as I obeyed him.”

  “That didn’t keep his lackeys from doing it,” Devon retorted.

  “I know, I did what I could to protect you. I know Rick offered for you to live here permanently at the end of every summer. I begged him to force you to stay. But you always refused and came home.” She shook her head and choked down a sob. “When Emmett aligned us with the Gulf packs I took matters into my own hands. When you’re married to an alpha sometimes you write letters for them, do paper work. I’d learned how to perfect his handwriting. I-“

  Realization dawned on him and Devon cut her off finishing the sentence.

  “You’re the one who wrote the letters incriminating him of trying to overthrow Juarez.”

  His mom smiled. “It wasn’t easy. I was always under his scrutinizing gaze or one of his men. But I set things into motion as best I could.”

  She swallowed and inhaled sharply.

  “I am so sorry that I couldn’t do more for you Devon. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t wonder if I couldn’t have done more. I know I failed you…”

  Devon hugged her, her frail body light in his arms. “It’s okay, Mom,” he whispered quietly. He closed his eyes, forgiveness settling through him. They had a lot of work to repair their relationship, but maybe this would be the start of something good.

  Hearing his mother’s confession and seeing the fear she clearly still felt gave him a new perspective of her. Emmett had hurt them all, thankfully he would never be able to hurt any of them again.


  Lark’s gaze drifted to the wall clock for the billionth time in the past five minutes. Time seemed to have come to a standstill. Devon would be here any moment to pick her up. He’d texted a little while ago asking if she wanted to go to the farm house to practice this afternoon.

  She had quickly agreed wanting some time just the two of them. After everything that had transpired, the idea of some quiet time without interruptions sounded too good to be true.

  The door bell chimed. Lark glanced up from the cookie dough she was mixing, smiling as Devon strode in. His hazel eyes landed on her and he maneuvered around the cases and tables to the counter.

  “Hey,” Devon said.

  “Hi,” she greeted, her lips pulling up into a grin. “I’m almost ready,
got to put the chocolate chips in.”

  “Mind if I get a blueberry muffin?” Devon asked.

  “That will be two-fifty-three,” Vincent teased as he came around the corner. He turned to Lark. “I got everything put away from the delivery.”

  “Thanks,” she said, picking up a scraper and rolling the chips into the dough. “What happened this morning?”

  “Yeah, what happened? I heard you talked to Mom,” Vincent said, parking himself against the table Lark was working, arms crossed over his chest.

  “She explained some things to me that I wasn’t aware of. I think we’re in a good place now,” Devon said.

  Lark looked up at him, studying him. She could see how relaxed he appeared, a genuine smile gracing his face.

  “What news on the other front?” Vincent asked.

  “Juarez never called,” Devon shrugged.

  “What does that mean?” Lark asked, her brow furrowing as confusion swept over her.

  “I’m not sure, but I’m sure he wants us to worry over it, which I’m trying not to do,” Devon replied the smile gone, his jaw set.

  “Right, well, I say we celebrate for the moment and worry later,” Vincent said slapping a hand on his brothers back. “How do you feel about going to a club tonight?”

  “I have plans,” Devon smirked.

  “Ah,” Vincent nodded as he nudged Lark. “I suppose I would skip out too if I had someone as beautiful as you. I guess I’ll have to speak with some of the guys at the ranch.”

  The bell over the door sounded; Preston and Sarah walked in followed by Emily and Marcus. Lark smiled as the brunette eyed the place beaming.

  “What are you doing here Em?” Devon questioned flicking his eyes between Lark and his sister.

  Emily shifted nervously.

  “I ran into her in the hall this morning and she offered to help out, and we usually get slammed in the evenings so…” Lark trailed off, plunking her lip between her teeth as she watched Devon.

  “Oh,” Devon said.

  Lark finished mixing the dough as she studied Devon, trying to figure out if he was upset or not. His face was unreadable and he hadn’t said much about it. She was certain of her decision, but wondered what his opinion was since he’d been so adamant about it before.

  “Do you mind putting these in the oven for me?” Lark asked pushing the bowl toward Sarah.

  “Sure,” Sarah replied.

  “I have some paperwork in my office. If you want to sit at a table, I’ll go get it.” Walking backwards she went to office and grabbed the folder that Emily would need to fill out to become an official employee at The Cookie Jar.

  She returned, placing it in front of Emily giving her simple instructions.

  Lark dusted off her apron and took it off, hanging it on the wall.

  “Let’s go,” she said taking his hand in hers.

  Devon escorted her to the car wordlessly. He started the car and put it into gear, easing them onto the road. The longer Devon went without talking the more Lark’s belly churned, her nerves suddenly getting the best of her.

  “About Emily-“

  “It’s okay, Lark.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. “I was against it before because we were supposed to be hiding. I didn’t want her giving out her social security number and personal information because Emmett would find us. Now that he is no longer a threat, I want her to experience life.”

  Lark let out a relieved breath. “You know, you could have said something earlier. We could have worked something out.”

  Devon chuckled. “I was being kind of a jerk then.”

  Lark laughed shaking her head. As Devon turned down the road that led to the farmhouse she relaxed, prepared to enjoy the afternoon.

  Chapter 27

  Fernando Juarez sat in his desk chair, eyes intent on the window. The light flitted in, but did little to help his soured mood. He hated waiting. He had learned to bide his time. After all, good things came to those who waited.

  He swiveled around in his chair as a light knock resounded off his door.

  “Come in.”

  “Good afternoon sir,” his right hand man and son, Luis said.

  “You have word?”

  “I do, Maddie apologized for her delay in contacting us.”

  “What is the word on Talia?”

  “Both mother and son are well, she has holed herself up inside one of the rooms though.”

  “No matter,” Fernando flicked his wrist. “There is no place on this earth my granddaughter and great grandson can hide.” She’d had a boy. He shouldn’t have thought otherwise, but he had hoped for a great granddaughter.

  “I must say, Father, I thought it was crazy reaching out to the young girl, but it has paid off,” Luis praised him.

  “Of course son, young children are so incorrigible and naturally she wants to look out for her own future.”

  “What exactly did you promise her?”

  “Well,” Fernando laughed. “Sparing her life for one, and her pick of one of our alphas to mate with.”

  “That was all it took?”

  “Of course, son. You still have much to learn. At that age they don’t want much. Especially when they haven’t been allowed to experience life. Now tell me what word of the others?” Fernando asked.

  “Claire has taken the two girls under her wing, and Emily and the Davies girls have returned to their normal lives.”


  Claire didn’t seem like the kind of woman who would plant ideas into the younger girl’s heads. More than likely, she would keep them sheltered and their lives as they had been before. It was the two Davies girls who interested him though.

  “What should our next course of action be?” Luis inquired rocking up and down on his heels.



  “We’ll let them get a false sense of security, let them think all is well while we take the opportunity to learn their routines and day to day lives. Before we strike, I want to know as much about them as possible,” Fernando beamed.

  The moment he’d spoken with Gene Harris he’d realized he would never be swayed to their cause. Fernando could be a patient man, for now they would wait. Then when the time was right, like a viper going in for the kill, he would strike.


  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Lark smiled as she handed Adrian back to his mother. The baby boy had grown rapidly over the past three weeks and with his thick brown hair and chunky cheeks he was adorable.

  Natalia, or Talia, as Lark had learned she preferred to be called, hadn’t made much headway. She rarely came out of the bedroom and had yet to let anyone but Lark hold the baby. The other woman hadn’t said much about her past, and Lark didn’t want to push.

  Lark waved at mother and son a final time before seeing herself out. Devon stood in the hallway leaning against the wall, eyes intent on her.

  “You ready?”

  “Yeah, is this okay?” Lark asked indicating her red sundress and sandals.

  “I was thinking we would pick up Luigi’s and then spend the evening at my place. I wanted to show it to you before everyone moves in,” Devon said as they descended the stairs together.

  “Oh, sure,” Lark smiled. Devon and some of the other guys had been doing renovations to the farm house the past few weeks. They were getting everything updated, and redoing the bedrooms and adding on an additional bathroom.

  With him moving out, she wasn’t sure where that left them. Especially since they had been sharing a room at the ranch the past three weeks.

  “Did you guys get a lot done today?” Lark asked as they climbed into the Jeep.

  “We finished.”

  “Wow, a few days ahead of schedule.”


  Lark nodded as Devon started the car and headed down the gravel drive. She wouldn’t invite herself to stay in his home, but wanted to feel out his thoughts at least.

  “So you’ll be moving out the

  “Over the next few days,” he said shifting in his seat. “I wanted to talk to you about that.”

  “Oh?” She asked, an edge filtering into her voice making it high. Lark really hoped it was for the reason she was hoping for.

  Devon inhaled and pulled the car into the farmhouses drive.

  “I thought we were going to Luigi’s?” She questioned as he pulled them to a stop.

  “I…” he started then stopped. “ We’ll order in, come on I want to show you something.”

  Lark bit her lip as he climbed out of the car, she hopped out following after him. He seemed tense and she wondered what the cause of it was. Things were going great between the two of them. Sure they butted heads still, but they always made up.

  “What did you want to show me?” Lark asked as he jammed the key in the lock and opened the door.

  “This way,” he said gripping her hand in his and leading her down the hall.

  Lark gasped as they walked into the kitchen.

  “Oh my god.” It had been completely redone, and rivaled the one at the ranch. The sterling silver appliances were brand new. The pot and pan rack held top of the line matching cookware. The pristine grey marble counter tops were spacious, giving more than enough room to work.

  “You like it?”

  “Yeah,” Lark breathed still in shock. Her eyes went to the corner where there was a variety of muffin, cookie, and cake pans. She walked over to them picking them up and setting them down. They were the same brand she used in the shop.

  “I know Gene’s offered you a place to stay with him, until it is safe for you and Sarah to return to your home whenever that may be.” Devon cleared his throat, glancing away before back to her. His hazel eyes swirled with emotion as he took a step forward. “I was hoping you would consider moving here with me.”

  Lark shook her head, still in shock. Her heart pounded in her chest. “Yes,” she said happily.

  Devon’s lips crashed against hers, hands on her hips, he pushed her into the cupboards. His teeth nipped at her bottom lip as his stubble burned against her chin. He pulled back green-blue eyes intent on her.

  “I love you, Lark.”

  “I love you too,” Lark whispered, kissing him again.


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