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PoisonBuried Punch (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 6)

Page 11

by Lyndsey Cole

  Christy laughed. “Don’t worry, Annie. They aren’t poisoned or anything.”

  Annie’s legs felt weak so she let herself slide into a chair at the kitchen table. “Poison? Why would you say something like that?”

  Chapter 19

  Christy sat across from Annie. “You’re as white as a sheet. What’s going on?”

  “Someone tried to poison Eddie. Didn’t you know?”

  Dusty swiveled his chair around to face the two women sitting at the table. Christy’s mouth opened and closed a couple of times before any words came out. “He said something about me trying to poison him just as he lunged toward me. I thought it was crazy talk at the time. Did Tyler tell you this?”

  Annie nodded. “Reluctantly. Only after I told him my theory.”

  A smile crept onto Christy’s face. “Of course, your theories.” She held her hand up quickly. “I don’t mean that as an insult.”

  Dusty remained silent. Stone faced. Annie’s eyes darted between Christy and Dusty.

  Christy popped a handful of the cooled pumpkin seeds into her mouth. “See? No poison. The secret ingredient is cayenne pepper. You don’t notice it with the first crunch, but the heat builds gradually. We’ve been experimenting on the amount to add.” She waved her hand in front of her mouth. “Here comes the heat.” She looked at Dusty. “I think we got this batch just right.”

  Dusty finally said something. “You must be wondering how I fit into all this. Especially after I so inelegantly deserted your friend last night.”

  Annie opened the box of treats she brought from the café with shaky fingers. Her mind raced with dreadful images. All with her ending in a bloody mangled heap on an abandoned dead end dirt road. What did she walk into?

  Christy reached across the table, gently placing her hand on Annie’s arm. “Dusty,” she nodded her head in his direction, “and I are working on this together. We have found important information on Eddie’s computer. Besides the pumpkin seed recipe.” She smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

  “The computer? No one actually stole it?”

  “Listen.” Christy softened her voice. “I had to make it look real. Make everyone believe it was stolen to take the pressure off me for a few days. Dusty was the person you saw in my house. It was all planned to make whoever was watching my house think someone involved in the scam stole it. With Eddie dead, they’re all suspecting each other and someone will make a mistake. It’s a matter of time.”

  Annie stood up and paced in Christy’s kitchen. “Matter of time? Before what? Someone else gets killed?”

  Christy sighed. “I tried to tell you to stay out of this. Yes, it’s dangerous, but our goal is to find Eddie’s killer and the snake head of this scam. If we don’t find that person, he’ll just move it somewhere else and more people will be in danger.”

  “He? You know it’s a he?”

  Dusty looked in Annie’s box of baked treats. “All things pumpkin in here?” He didn’t wait for an answer before he chose a chocolate chip pumpkin muffin. “Is the coffee ready yet?”

  Christy took three mugs from her cupboard. “All you think about is your stomach.” She poured coffee and put a jug of milk and a box of sugar on her counter. “Help yourselves.”

  “And what about Camilla? That was a really underhanded move you pulled on her last night.” Annie stared at Dusty as he poured his coffee, his back muscles tense.

  Christy flicked her wrist. “Camilla will get over it. We had to make sure she didn’t get in the way of our investigation.”

  Dusty turned around. “I like Camilla. I should never have let myself get into that situation while I’m working on a case. Maybe when this is over …” His words trailed off and Annie saw the pain in his face.

  “Camilla is too forgiving. But I’m not. You owe her an apology at the very least,” Annie told Dusty.

  Christy slammed her hand on the table. “What aren’t you getting about this conversation, Annie? One person has already been killed. If you care about Camilla, you’ll keep her away from Dusty like I told you last night.” Her eyes glared into Annie’s. “And you’ll make yourself scarce, too. What is it with you, always thinking you know better than the rest of us?”

  Annie stood up. Fury filled her body; fury at Christy for treating her like an imbecile; fury at herself for thinking she could talk sense into a control freak like Christy.

  Christy’s voice mellowed and she grabbed Annie’s hand. “What’s that on your finger?”

  Annie twisted her ring, not used to the feel yet. Light from the kitchen made it sparkle and she smiled, despite her anger.

  Christy embraced her. “You lucky stubborn woman.” Christy kept her hands on Annie’s shoulders and stood at an arm’s distance. “Jason finally got up enough courage to pop the question?”

  Afraid to talk and betray her emotions, Annie nodded in response to Christy’s question.

  Dusty, back at Eddie’s computer, blurted out, “I found something interesting.”

  Christy rushed to his side. Annie looked over her shoulder.

  “Did you ever look in his spam folder?”

  “I don’t remember, probably not. What did you find?” Christy pushed her glasses higher on her nose.

  Dusty clicked on a folder labeled Recipes. A list of documents opened, all including the word recipe. “He must have planned to empty this but never did before he was killed.”

  Christy pointed to a document labeled Recipe for Revenge. “Open that one.”

  Annie shivered as she skimmed down the ‘recipe’ which included exactly how Eddie planned to move to Catfish Cove, manipulate Christy by using her dog Blue, get the money back, and con the others in the group.

  “Was he the mastermind?” Christy asked Dusty.

  “I don’t know. I always wondered why he was the one to have the money. It was a little risky to hide it right under the nose of a police officer.”

  “Smart, if you ask me,” Annie said. “The perfect cover. Who would find it there except you, Christy?”

  Dusty turned around. “How did you find the money, Christy? Were you involved? Did you double-cross your husband at the time?”

  Annie watched Christy closely. Her behavior had been odd for the past few days, leaving Annie with questions about Christy’s story and whereabouts. “Were you on the Lake Trail Halloween Eve? With someone following you?”

  Christy backed up. Her face drained of color. Her mouth hung open and her eyes grew big and round. “What are you two saying?” she hissed before focusing on Annie. “I was on the Lake Trail, rushing to your house, pretending to be stabbed. Remember? My costume preview?”

  Possible, Annie thought. She didn’t know the exact time Thelma Dodd saw Christy.

  Christy turned her attention to Dusty. “I can’t believe you don’t trust me. I’ve shared everything I know with you. For your information, I took the money in a moment of rage and fear. I didn’t know where the money came from, but when I found it I knew where it was going. With me. That slimy creep. I had to get away from him.” Her shoulders sagged as she leaned on the wall for support. “I felt like my whole life had been ripped out from under me and all I could do was run away. Run for my life.”

  Annie’s heart went out to Christy. She completely identified with her fear and reaction. Annie had done the same only a little over a year ago. “But why Catfish Cove?” Annie had fled to Catfish Cove, back to her family.

  “Why not?” I holed up in a motel for a week, making a plan, searching for a job. Christy shrugged. “I had to make a decision, and here I am. Dusty, if you don’t believe that I’m in this for the right reasons, leave. Walk out that door right now. It’s about time you left anyway before someone gets suspicious of your car being in my driveway for so long.”

  Dusty turned his attention back to the computer. “Sorry. I had to clear that up for myself. You can’t blame me. Everyone’s a potential suspect lately.” He slid off the stool. “Keep searching this file and let me know if you
find anything else. I’ll let myself out.”

  The door slammed closed, leaving Annie wondering what was next. “Where’s the money?”

  Christy sat in front of the computer, pulling her ponytail tighter. “Huh? What money?”

  “The money you stole from Eddie.” Annie sat at the table facing Christy, sipping on her lukewarm coffee.

  “I buried it,” she replied, glancing quickly out the kitchen window.

  Annie laughed out loud. “Brilliant. Let me guess, it’s in your raised bed under the pumpkin vine.”

  “Annie, you amaze me at times. Who would think of that but you?” She laughed, too, but didn’t confirm or deny the guess.

  “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on poking around out there. Your secret is safe with me. What do we do next?” Annie finished her coffee and carried the mug to the sink. She rinsed hers and Dusty’s, setting them on the drying mat next to the sink.

  “You are one crazy, stubborn friend. Next? We figure out who killed Eddie.” Christy leaned back and closed the laptop with a snap.

  Annie’s lips curled into a grin. Christy called her a friend and she used the word we. “Great. I have an idea.”

  “Of course you do. I would expect nothing less from you. Let’s hear it.”

  Chapter 20

  “First, we’re going to the Black Cat Café for some lunch. I have today off so I’m looking forward to being served instead of doing the serving.” Annie smiled.

  Christy slid her computer into a high kitchen cupboard. “Just in case. I know Tyler has a backup of the information but I don’t want to have to ask him for it.”

  Annie’s head whipped around. “You know about that?”

  Christy chuckled. “You need to keep your emotions hidden better. I didn’t actually know, but I suspected. Of course he would keep the information safe. I would have done the same thing. Now, let’s go. Suddenly, I’m ravenous.”

  The brunch crowd was in full swing when they arrived at the café. “I don’t believe this,” Annie whispered. “We’ll have to wait for a seat.”

  “I don’t mind, lets me people watch and enjoy being out of my house.” She elbowed Annie. “Look who’s all cozy with their heads together over in the corner booth?”

  “I should be working.” With that, Annie grabbed an apron and a pot of coffee and sauntered over to the booth with Dennis, Kyle, and Samantha.

  “Enjoying brunch?” Annie asked, putting on her friendliest smile. “More coffee?”

  Samantha smiled at Annie and held out her cup. “Thanks.” Kyle sat stone-faced, ignoring Annie. Dennis held out his cup but remained quiet.

  “What’s up with her?” Samantha tilted her head, indicating where Christy was standing.

  Annie slid in next to Samantha. “That’s exactly what I’m trying to figure out. I heard she’s a suspect in Eddie’s death. Do you think she did it?”

  Annie saw Kyle’s head turn slightly in her direction and Samantha leaned toward Annie. “I always suspected her. Poor Eddie. He only came here to Catfish Cove to get what was rightfully his. She’ll probably laugh all the way to the bank and someone else will get blamed for his murder.”

  Dennis glared at Samantha. “What are you blabbering about? Eddie was an annoying moron. He got what he deserved.”

  Kyle’s eyes moved between Samantha and Dennis, then settled on Annie’s face. “We didn’t invite you to sit with us. What were you doing at the detective’s house this morning?” He threw a handful of pumpkin seeds into his mouth, chewing with his mouth open, looking at Annie with narrowed eyes.

  “Dropping off an order from the bakery.” Annie leaned in closer, hoping they didn’t notice the shaking of her hands. She shook off his rudeness, determined to make the situation work for her. “Guess who was at her house?”

  Samantha took the bait and asked, “Who?”

  “Dusty Reed. Did he know Eddie?” Annie asked them in a hushed voice, keeping one eye on Christy the whole time.

  Samantha shrugged. “Dusty knew Eddie at bartender school. Maybe Eddie introduced Dusty and Christy. I don’t know.”

  “So what’s she doing here?” Kyle asked and bits of seeds spewed from his mouth.

  Annie returned Kyle’s stare. “Good question. You’d better keep an eye on her.” With that comment, she stood up, refilled Kyle’s cup even though he didn’t ask for more coffee, and walked behind the counter.

  Leona gave her a quizzical look. “What are you doing? Did you forget this is your day off?”

  “Nope,” she said as she walked by Leona. “Just trying to get some information from those three clowns. One of them has to be the murderer.” She packed up a piece of broccoli quiche, some spinach salad, and a fruit smoothie. She raised her arm and motioned for Christy to come to the cash register.

  “What are you doing?” Christy hissed.

  “Here’s your order,” Annie said and held her hand out for payment.

  “What’s in the bag?” Christy asked as she looked inside. “Aren’t we going to sit and enjoy a leisurely lunch together?”

  “Plans changed. I hope you like quiche and spinach salad. It’s what was ready.”

  Christy smiled. “My favorite. Why are you drawing attention to me?”

  “Giving them something to worry about, and I had to explain to Kyle why I was at your house. Apparently, he drove by and saw my car,” she whispered to Christy. Handing Christy her change, Annie said, “Don’t look now, but trouble may have just walked through the door.”

  Of course, Christy whipped her head around to see Tyler stride in. Instead of approaching Christy, he poured himself a cup of coffee. He took a sip, surveyed the room and then made his way to the booth with Dennis, Kyle, and Samantha.

  Tyler spoke quietly to the three clowns. Kyle frowned, stood up and followed him out of the cafe. Samantha and Dennis slugged the rest of their coffee, threw money on the table, and hurried out too.

  Christy turned back toward Annie. “I don’t like not knowing what’s going on. He must have found some evidence to bring Kyle in for questioning.”

  She started to follow Tyler but Annie grabbed her arm. “You can’t follow them. They think you’re a suspect.”

  With her eyes narrowed into slits, Christy clenched her teeth and asked Annie, “Why do they think I’m a suspect?”

  “I told them you might be.” She busied herself brushing invisible crumbs off the counter, avoiding Christy’s glare.

  Christy sighed. “I guess it could be worse.”

  “You’re not mad at me?”

  Christy laughed. “No. I’m only a make-believe suspect. I can live with that. Now, I’m going home to dig some holes in my backyard to see if I can find a buried treasure.”

  “You’re what?”

  “Just kidding,” she whispered in Annie’s ear. “The loots already hidden where no one will find it. I’m going to search for more hidden clues on Eddie’s computer.” She held up her bagged lunch. “Thanks. My mouth is already watering.”

  The café was beginning to clear out. Annie wrapped up some more quiche, made two more smoothies, hung up her apron, and headed to the door.

  “Leaving so soon?” Leona shouted.

  Annie held up her empty hand and waved. “I’ll be back.”

  Camilla was alone in the gallery, sitting in the office reading a paperback romance while the pink nail polish dried on her outstretched hands.

  “I brought you some lunch.” Annie took out the two pieces of quiche, setting one in front of Camilla and giving her one of the smoothies. Annie sat in the other chair with her share of the food.

  “I didn’t expect to see you today; thanks for stopping by. It’s kind of slow and boring so far. I was keeping my fingers crossed, hoping Dusty would come in. Ya know, I could yell at him for dumping me last night. At least, that might make me feel a bit better.” She picked up the smoothie and took a long drink. “This is delicious. What’s in it?”

  “Strawberries, yogurt, maple syrup, and a banana
—easy, filling, and yummy. Don’t be too hard on yourself. I’m not sure yet, but Dusty might not be a total jerk. The jury’s still out.” Annie took a bite of her quiche.

  “Really?” Camilla leaned forward. “Tell me more, Annie. He’s way too cute to give up on if there’s any chance he might be a legit catch.”

  “Well, I’m still looking into his background. Be patient.”

  Camilla put her book upside down on the desk and blew on her nails. “What do you know so far?” She sighed a deep, despairing sigh. “Give me some hope. This romance I’m reading is a poor substitute for a real hot guy I can touch with my pink fingernails.” She wiggled her fingers and her eyebrows.

  Annie burst out laughing. “You are so dramatic. I can’t tell you anything else at the moment, but if you bump into him, go ahead and wink. He’ll probably blush and stutter and make a complete fool of himself. You do that to guys, you know.”

  “I wish that were true; it’s more like they always make a fool out of me.”

  Annie stood up. “Back to blond? The black hair didn’t last too long.”

  Camilla shook her head, making her hair swirl around her face. “Every time I looked in the mirror I couldn’t figure out who was looking back at me with black hair. It so wasn’t me. Maybe Dusty likes blondes better?” she asked hopefully.

  “Time will tell. Gotta run. You’re okay here for the day?”

  “Sure. I hope business picks up, though. I’m not crazy about having only myself for company all day.”

  “The café was mobbed. If you’re lucky, some of those customers will wander in here and buy lots of artwork.” Annie waved on her way out.

  “Next stop, the police station,” she mumbled to herself as she climbed into her car. “With any luck, Tyler will be done with Kyle and he’ll have time to talk to me.”

  Annie’s phone beeped with a text message before she had a chance to start her car. Digging her phone from her jeans pocket she saw a message from Christy, something’s not right.


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