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Army Ranger with Benefits (the Men of At-Ease Ranch)

Page 4

by Michaels, Donna

  Dom answered by swallowing the pills, then made a show of opening his mouth to prove he wasn’t hiding them.

  “You’re a goof.” Smirking, Emma stuffed her phone back in her purse, then stepped between the chairs to place her hand on said goof’s shoulder. “You know I love you like a brother. And God, Dom, you look bad. Really bad.” Her voice broke, and her eyes filled with tears. “I hate knowing you’re in pain.”

  In an instant, the teasing and smugness disappeared from Dom’s face, and a much stronger expression appeared.


  Muttering a curse, Dom leaned closer and winced when he slid his arms around her. “It’s okay, Emma. I took the pills, and will take them for a few days; just don’t cry.”

  Well, damn. Vince bit back a smile. Too bad she hadn’t deployed her waterworks sooner. Poor woman wouldn’t have been coerced into dating him.

  Fake dating, his mind corrected. Casually.

  Drawing back, Emma sniffed. “Sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t usually cry.”

  “I know. It’s freaking me out,” his brother said, sinking back down onto his chair. “Vince always dealt with tears better than me.”

  He laughed. “True. You’re more like Brick.”

  The parallels between his younger brother and Stone’s were always a source of amusement. Both men hated tears, and were magnets to the opposite sex. Although, their reactions differed.

  Dom reached for the basket of Italian bread. “So how is Romeo?”

  Vince folded his arms across his chest and grinned. “Engaged.”

  Dom’s gaze snapped to his. “No fu—uh, no way.”

  “I know.” He still found it hard to believe at times.

  “Wow. A one-eighty.” His brother rubbed his jaw. “Lady-killer to monogamist.”

  “Lady-killer?” Emma arched a brow, then grinned at Dom. “So he’s like you.”

  Vince laughed. “With one exception. Unlike my brother, Brick used to reciprocate the advances.”

  Dom was no saint. But, unlike Brick, he was in command. Vince knew his brother took his leadership role seriously. Nothing came between him and his men. Rangers first. Always. He’d never allow a woman to get close enough to jeopardize his priorities.

  His brother grunted. “That’s why it doesn’t compute.”

  “Oh, trust me, bro. It gets better.”

  “She a nun? Stripper? Witch?” Dom fired off. “She has to be special.”

  He nodded, not bothering to hold back a grin. “Beth is special. Very special. She’s Cord’s kid sister.”

  “Fuck me,” his brother muttered, then glanced at Emma. “Sorry.”

  She laughed. “No worries. I gather Brick served with Cord and broke some brotherhood code.”

  “Something like that.” Dom’s attention returned to him. “Cord let him live?”

  “Well, apparently, there was a brawl at a motel that everyone missed.” What Vince would’ve given to have been a fly on the wall that day. “They had to pay for the damages.”

  Dom chuckled—or tried to, at least. “Sounds like you missed a good fight.”

  “Yeah,” Vince said. “But they got over their issues and the ranch is cool again.”

  “That’s good.” Emma’s gaze met his while she nodded her head toward his brother. “It means there’s hope for Neanderthals.”

  Vince threw his head back and laughed. Emma had wit and brains, and held her own with his brother. He liked her. “You really do see past Dom’s handsome hero facade.”

  Most women swooned.

  “Clearly,” she replied, the corners of her mouth twitching while playful amusement lit her eyes.

  Apparently still shocked by the news about Brick’s engagement, his brother didn’t seem to realize they were dissing him. “I never thought I’d see the day.” The idiot shook his head. “Cord’s gone soft.”

  “Love will do that.” Vince shrugged.

  Dom’s gazed snapped back to his. “Love? What are you talking about?”

  “Cord moved in with Haley.”

  The instant that news sunk in, his brother’s jaw dropped. “Drew’s widow?”

  He nodded.

  “Just what the hell’s going on in Texas? You better be careful, bro. Society is assimilating your unit.”

  True. And it was great, but something his active-duty-minded brother wouldn’t conceive.

  Dom cocked his head. “Only three of you left.”

  “Two,” he corrected. “Stone’s getting married in two and a half weeks.”

  “No shit? Wait…two…?” Disgust erased the disbelief in his brother’s eyes. “Damn it, Vince. You should be at the ranch helping them get ready, not here nursing me.”

  He held up his hand. “There’s time and plenty of people there to help with preliminary stuff.” Even though he was the peacemaker of the two brothers, Vince could be just as stubborn. A fact his brother knew all too well. “Don’t even think of trying to use that to get me to leave. It won’t work. I’m not going until you can at least get off the…couch by yourself.”

  He’d wanted to say shitter, but refrained because of Emma. No reason to be crude, although, sometimes that was the only way to get through to his thickheaded sibling.

  She sat, regarding him with an expression that mirrored his brother’s worried frown. “I can help with Dom, if you want to leave sooner.”

  Sweet of her to offer, but not even his Ranger buddy’s wedding would tear him from his injured brother’s side. If Dom was still too incapacitated to take care of himself two and a half weeks from now, then Vince was staying.

  Before he could reply, his brother set his spoon down and straightened his shoulders. “No need.” What little color Dom had in his face slowly ebbed away. “I’ll rest, take meds, do therapy, and whatever else the doctor orders. So, Vince, you continue to plan to cook for Stone’s wedding, and Emma, you continue to plan to attend that fundraiser brunch with your doctor, because I’m going to make the fastest damn recovery in the history of Fort Benning.”

  “Yes, sir.” Emma saluted, pulling a laugh from Dom that quickly turned into a coughing swear.

  The idiot grasped the counter to stay upright.

  Vince rushed around the island to shove a shoulder under his brother’s arm and grip his hip. “Come on, that pill is kicking in. Let’s get you to your guest room before you fall down.”

  “Guest room?” Emma moved the chairs out of the way.

  He nodded. “Stairs are off-limits right now.”

  Truth be told, his brother couldn’t handle them. Hell, Dom was barely managing to shuffle across the kitchen with Vince absorbing the full brunt of the weight. Son of a bitch was heavy. The action brought back memories of active duty.

  Some good.

  Some bad.

  Pushing them aside, Vince concentrated on getting his brother through the living room to the hallway.

  “Something told me to change the sheets yesterday,” Emma called over her shoulder as she rushed ahead. “Just wish I’d listened.”

  He wanted to tell her not to worry. His brother wouldn’t give a shit about clean sheets, and the groan rumbling through Dom’s body confirmed it. Considering the hellholes military missions sent them into, a musty sheet was a luxury.

  By the time Vince got his brother to the room, the bed was changed, and the poor guy was too exhausted to do little more than grunt in pain as he settled onto the mattress.

  Emma fussed with the pillows, then disappeared only to show up a minute later with another armful, which started the fussing again. Vince had to give the woman credit. She wasn’t a quitter. She set a goal and didn’t give up until it was accomplished. No matter the obstacle.

  In this case, his brother’s mutterings and grunts. Emma ignored them and remained on course with her task until she was satisfied Dom was as comfortable as he could be, under the circumstances.

  Vince stood back and kept out of the way, and damn, he enjoyed the show. The fact his br
other could only lie there, completely at Emma’s mercy while she took charge, was priceless. But his favorite part was the way the thin material of her scrubs conformed to her sweet curves as she crawled all over his brother’s bed to accomplish her mission.

  Yeah. He really liked that part.

  Which wasn’t wise, especially since they were about to go on a fake date and there was nothing fake about the hard-on pressing against his zipper.

  What had he gotten himself into?

  That thought remained uppermost in his mind long after his brother fell asleep and he’d walked Emma home. But it was unwanted and time to focus on something else, like checking in with the guys back at the ranch.

  Retreating into the kitchen, he pulled out his phone and dialed his buddy.

  Leo picked up on the first ring. “Hey. How’s your brother?”

  “Battered to shit. Cracked ribs. Back spasms,” he replied. “So, hopefully, two to three weeks of physical therapy will give him back enough mobility that I can get back in time for Stone’s wedding.”

  “Is he spitting nails?”

  Over the years, his Ranger team and his brother’s team had met and worked different orders on the same op. Leo knew Dom well enough to recognize limitations didn’t sit well with the obstinate guy.

  He leaned his back against the counter and smirked. “More like spikes.”

  Leo chuckled. “Thought I felt a disturbance in the force.”

  “Yeah. That was him refusing his pain meds,” he said. “In order to get the bastard to take the pills, I had to agree to pretend to casually date his neighbor while I’m here.”

  “What? Why?” his friend asked. “Is there something wrong with her?”

  He shook his head, even though Leo couldn’t see him. “No. Emma is very attractive.”

  A fact Vince was still trying not to think about. Much.

  “Then why does she need a fake boyfriend and not a real one?”

  “She needs to go on a few fake dates to get a real one,” he replied, then went on to explain the situation. “So, after we show up at a few of the same places as this Stephan asshole, and he sees someone else finds her desirable, I’m sure he’ll make a move and I’ll be off the hook.”

  Which was good, his mind insisted.

  “Sounds like you have your hands full.”

  The image of a sweet, scrub-covered ass flashed through Vince’s mind. He straightened from the counter and shook the vision from his head. His hands were not going anywhere near Emma’s delectables.

  “Speaking of hands being full, how are things there?” he asked, changing the subject. “Is my kitchen still standing?”

  Leo laughed. “Yes, it’s just as you left it. Don’t worry about a thing. Beth and Jovy will handle the cooking just fine. I forwarded your text of food allergies, preferences, and who prefers to eat in solitude. It’s now printed out, color coded, and pinned to a board in the kitchen.”

  He smiled and shook his head, knowing full well Stone’s fiancée was responsible. “But they have Jovy’s wedding plans to take care of, too.” He hated to dump this on them, too.

  “Hello? Have you met Jovy? She’s the queen of multi-tasking and organization.” His buddy chuckled. “And Beth plans events for a living, so quit worrying. We’re good here. Worry about your brother and your fake girlfriend.”

  He laughed but didn’t rise to the bait. Instead, he thought it was time to ask the favor Dom needed. Vince just hoped it didn’t bring up too many negative memories for his friend. “You still have contacts in Iraq, right?”

  The phone was silent a beat. “Yeah. Why?”

  He explained what had happened to his brother, and his concern for the missing informant, then glanced at the microwave clock. “It can wait until tomorrow. I know it’s early across the pond.”

  “Actually, Farid is probably already up,” Leo said. “I’ll call him now, then get back to you to let you know what he says.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” Vince hung up and set his phone on the counter.

  That went fairly easy. Hopefully, the same could be said for his dealings with Dom and Emma over the next few weeks.

  Too bad he had a sinking suspicion that helping the pretty woman could prove tougher than helping his stubborn brother.

  Chapter Five

  The next day, Emma entered the cafeteria with Macy, anxiety quivering her stomach. It was nearly time to start the ruse. Her last shot at Stephan.

  “I’m not going to stay long,” her friend said, sitting down with a smile on her face to rival a Cheshire cat. “Just long enough to meet your man. I can’t believe you found someone so fast. Damn, girl, my cousin Latisha has nothing on you. You’re a quick worker.”

  She sat facing Macy and the cafeteria entrance in order to keep an eye out for Vince. Earlier that morning, she’d filled her friend in on Dom’s brother and their tentative plan. “I just got lucky.”

  “Well, this location was genius.” Eagerness lit the woman’s gaze as she glanced around the room. “There’s quite a bit of staff here. Word is bound to get out. Whose idea was it?”

  She brushed an imaginary crumb off the table, finding the Formica cool and reassuring to the touch. “Vince’s.”

  Last night, he had insisted on walking her home. Unnecessary, but sweet. And during the one-and-a-half-minute walk to her house, they made plans to meet for lunch during Dom’s physical therapy.

  “I can’t wait to meet Vince,” Macy said loud enough for everyone at the nearby tables to hear.

  Emma tried not to cringe. Maybe this wasn’t the best place to meet until they discussed a game plan and rules—the very purpose of this lunch. Well, that and getting the rumor mill started.

  It wasn’t like she had a ton of time. Emma just hoped they didn’t appear too awkward, considering they knew next to nothing about each other.

  “I bet he’s hot. He is, isn’t he?” Grinning from ear to ear, the woman practically vibrated in her seat.

  Dammit. Macy was still using her outdoor voice.

  Behind her happy expression, at least, Emma hoped it appeared happy, she sent her friend a warning glare. “Yes,” she replied in a much quieter tone. “He’s tall, dark, and handsome.”

  All true. Emma was determined to keep as much truth in the ruse as possible.

  “That’s wonderful,” her friend said in a much quieter tone. “I hope for your sake he’s good in bed.”

  She sucked in a breath. “Macy.”

  “What?” The woman shrugged. “It’s hard to find a guy who is handsome and good in bed. I got lucky with my Dupree. That’s how I knew he was a keeper.”

  “I’m not going to find out. It’s not like that.”

  “Oh, I get it.” Macy winked. “He’s actually not handsome.”

  Emma shook her head and leaned closer. “No. He is very attractive. But this is fake, remember? F.A.K.E.?”

  How many times did she have to drill it into her friend’s thick head? It was Macy’s idea in the first place.

  “I know. But if he was…and you two did…no one would blame you,” her friend insisted. “It’s all right to get into character…and for the character to get into you.”

  Emma gasped. “Macy!”

  Her crazy friend blinked. “I’m just saying, if he’s hot and you’re in the role…go for it. Ride the Lone Ranger.”

  She smiled. “He’s not that kind of Ranger.”

  “What kind is he?”

  “The late kind.” Vince stood by the table, appearing out of nowhere.

  Emma’s heart leaped. “Hey…hi.” Heat flooded her face as she scrambled to her feet, wondering if he overheard any of that conversation.

  “Sorry,” he said. “It took longer than expected to get Dom out of the car and downstairs.”

  An image of her stubborn neighbor flashed through her mind. She smiled. “Let me guess, he refused to use a wheelchair.”

  “Correct.” A mischievous gleam entered Vince’s eyes. “Care to guess what he told
me to do with it?”

  She laughed. “No need. I’m sure I know.” No doubt it included several colorful words and Vince’s well-formed backside. Not that she noticed that. Yeah. Okay. Yesterday, she totally did.

  The clearing of a throat drew her attention to her friend, now standing with a huge grin on her face, her curious gaze raking Vince down, then up. Worried about what might come out of the woman’s mouth, Emma made a quick introduction.

  Smiling, he shook her friend’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Macy.”

  Appreciation lit Macy’s face. “Likewise. You two lovebirds enjoy your lunch. I need to pick my guy up at the repair shop. His car is on the fritz again.”

  Emma had no idea if any of that was true, but she went with it. “All right. See you back at the office.” The heat returned to her face when Macy gave her a fist pump of approval behind Vince’s back. Making sure he didn’t turn suddenly and see her crazy friend, Emma grabbed his arm and pulled him in the opposite direction to the food. “So, shall we get in line?”

  A few minutes later, Emma sat down with him at a table off by itself in a quiet corner. She didn’t want anyone to overhear their conversation, plus it lent to the appearance of wanting to be alone.

  “How long is Dom’s appointment?” she asked, wanting to keep their talk light while they ate.

  “An hour,” he replied. “So this works out great.”

  She nodded. “And we’re already getting curious glances.” A few people she knew were smiling at her, and several of them fanned themselves.

  Even though it helped with the facade, she wished her foolish body would stop blushing. It made no sense. This wasn’t real, and yet, heat still swarmed her cheeks whenever she received a thumbs-up.

  “Then I’m guessing this will help.” He reached across the table to cover her hand with his.

  Her stupid blush wasn’t the only thing to increase. Her heartbeat surged, too. Blaming it on the unexpected contact, she refused to believe it had anything to do with his light, warm touch, or the delicious scrape of calluses across her skin.

  Nope. Couldn’t be that.

  “Yes,” she finally replied. Her voice sounded a little breathless to her ears, so she covered her confusion with a smile. “Have you done this before?”


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