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Behind Boardroom Doors

Page 4

by Jennifer Lewis

  “What are you thinking about?” RJ peered into her eyes, mischief sparkling in his own blue depths.

  “Just wondering where this evening is heading.” The truth seemed as good a response as any other.

  RJ’s mouth broadened into a sensual smile. “Somewhere beautiful.”

  It was dark when they parked near Waterfront Park and strolled along the promenade looking out at the lights reflected on the dark water. They were dangerously close to RJ’s apartment, or at least she suspected so, but he’d shown no signs of trying to take her home. He hadn’t even tried to kiss her.

  Her skin craved his touch and each time she hoped for it and didn’t get it, the longing only grew more bone-deep. Five years of suppressed yearning were unleashed by one kiss, and if she didn’t get another kiss soon she might just burst into flame.

  Moonlight mingled with the streetlights to illuminate RJ’s dramatic features. “So your mom is your only real family?”

  “Since my Gran died five years ago, yes.” RJ had been plumbing her for information all evening. Not in an unkind way. He seemed genuinely curious.

  “Did you ever want siblings?”

  “All the time,” she admitted. “When I was little I wished for a sister to share my dolls with. Then when I was a teenager I wished I had a brother to bring home handsome friends.”

  He chuckled. “My sisters weren’t shy about asking me to do just that. But I bet you managed fine, anyway.”

  He caressed her with another one of those lingering glances that made her feel like a supermodel. No need for him to know her last date had been nearly a year ago. Since her best friend got married she hadn’t been out much at night and she knew better than to have an affair with someone at the office.

  Until now…

  He stepped toward her and slid his arms around her hips. Her breasts stirred inside her dress as he pulled her close. Her lips parted and her hands rose to the soft wool of his jacket. She ached for his kiss, a long, deep ache that rose inside her and pulled her closer into his embrace. When his lips finally met hers sensation sparkled through her. All day she’d dreamed of this moment, craved and hoped for it, despite all her misgivings. RJ’s arms around her made her feel safe, protected and adored. He kissed with exquisite gentleness, touching her lips gently then pulling back, letting the very tip of his tongue touch hers, teasing and tasting her until she was in a frenzy of arousal. It took all her strength not to writhe against him in full view of the other people enjoying the breezy moonlit night.

  “Yes, it’s a good idea.” RJ’s words surprised her. “Us kissing.” They’d barely pulled apart and she hadn’t even had time for doubts to creep back into her consciousness. No doubt he was trying to preempt them.

  “Certainly feels like one.” A silly smile plastered itself across her face. A sense of euphoria suffused her entire body, and she’d only had two glasses of wine so she couldn’t even blame the alcohol.

  She was high on RJ.

  His lips touched hers again, and again her synapses lit up like a Christmas tree. She’d never experienced such a sharp physical reaction to a simple kiss. It was a full-body experience. By the time he pulled gently back she was sure she’d broken out in a sweat.

  Already her lips itched to meet his again. But if she gave him all five kisses, was she agreeing to the weekend away? “I really should get home now.”

  “No way.” His hands held her steady. “Five years, five kisses.”

  “There’s nothing about kisses in my employment contract.” She attempted to look fierce.

  “There wouldn’t be, since we don’t use an employment contract.” That naughty dimple appeared again as he lowered his lips to hers. Brooke’s lips parted instinctively, and a tantalizing tip of his tongue probed her mouth, sending a shiver of suggestion down her spine. Her knees wobbled and she was forced to hold him tighter. With her pressed against his hard chest, kiss number three was broken only by a quiet whisper. “Brooke, why did we wait so long?”

  She didn’t answer. Boring explanations about her long-term career prospects had no place in this electric moment. Kiss number four crept up on them and her eyes shut tight as sensation swept through her. RJ’s hard chest felt like a safe foundation to lean on, so she let the world drift away and lost herself in his kiss. An hour could have passed before their lips finally pulled apart, she had no idea.

  The streetlights, even the reflected glow from the water, seemed painfully bright when she opened her eyes.

  “I expect you’re wondering if I’m going to ask you back to my apartment.” RJ looked down at her, arms still wrapped around her, holding her close.

  The thought did cross my mind. She kept her mouth closed, though. She still had no idea what she’d reply if he did ask.

  “I’m not.”

  A tiny frisson of disappointment cascaded through her. Had this evening led him to decide he was no longer interested in her? Maybe he just liked talking to her and didn’t want to take it further. Perhaps those kisses that lit her whole body on fire had simply been a series of tests that she’d failed.

  “I have the utmost respect for you, Brooke.” His expression was serious.

  Her heart sank further. Was this the “you’re too valuable an employee for me to fool around with” speech?

  “I know you’re a lady and would be offended if I asked you in on our first date.” He moved his hands until they were over hers. “And I’m still enough of a gentleman to resist the temptation.”

  His fingers wove into hers and the full force of that temptation rushed through her. He was taking it slow because he respected her. Somehow that truly touched her.

  He leaned in until she could inhale his enticing male scent. “But I’m not letting you go without one last kiss.”

  Relief swept through her as their lips pressed together. He wasn’t rejecting her. She held him tight and kissed him back with passion.

  “And I’m already anticipating the pleasure of an entire weekend with you, so asking for tonight as well would be greedy.”

  Misgivings still crept in her veins. An entire weekend was a long time. If things got out of hand there would be no turning back. Though likely it was already too late to return to their normal workaday existence. “What should I bring?” Would she need waders, or an evening gown? Or both?

  “Just yourself. The house is fully stocked for entertaining guests so there’s loads of extra gear there.”

  “Will anyone else be there?” What if other Kincaid siblings were around to witness her liaison with RJ? She cringed at the thought of them laughing behind her back, or exchanging shocked whispers.

  “I certainly hope not.” RJ pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “Since the house is mine now and I haven’t invited anyone but you we should have the whole two hundred acres to ourselves.”

  Two hundred acres. It must be in the middle of nowhere. Of course that was probably the point with hunting cabins. Less chance of shooting one of the neighbors. She and RJ would have more than enough privacy to do anything they liked.

  Which reminded her she was arm in arm with him in a popular spot in downtown Charleston. Did she really want coworkers or his family to see them kissing? They might think she was trying to sleep her way to a promotion. Or even take advantage of him when he was under stress. “I think it’s time for me to go home. I have to work tomorrow—and so do you in case you’ve forgotten.” It was nearly eleven last time she’d checked.

  “I don’t have to worry. My capable assistant handles everything for me while I take long lunches.”

  Brooke made a mock gasp. “I’ll have to schedule some of those investor conferences you so look forward to. Perhaps some early breakfast meetings.”

  “Now you’re scaring me. I’ll do my best to roll in after a late breakfast.”

  His cocky attitude didn’t annoy her. In fact she was proud he could count on her to keep his work life on track. He looked so relaxed and happy right now you’d never guess his family was in turmoil. Maybe she could take some credit for that, as well.

  A warm sense of satisfaction bloomed inside her, along with the delicious arousal RJ had stirred. If things went well this weekend, who knew what the future might hold?


  “You’re going to spend the weekend in the woods with your boss?” Her friend Evie had been speechless for a few seconds. Now apparently she’d recovered.

  Brooke moved the phone back closer to her ear again. “He’s quite different than I thought. Much more sensitive.”

  “I don’t care how sensitive he is. What will happen when he gets bored with you?”

  “Ouch.” Brooke walked across her apartment. “Am I that dull? You’ve been friends with me for nearly eight years.”

  “You know what I mean. Most men, especially in his position, just want to fool around and have fun, and after a few dates they’re ready for someone new. Didn’t you tell me yourself that he’s a bit of a Casanova?”

  “Sure, he used to date a lot, but this big family scandal has made him more serious.” He hadn’t been going out much lately. At least not that she knew of.

  “So he’s turned into the white picket fence type and is looking for a nice, quiet girl to settle down with.”

  “Maybe he is.”

  “You could be right, but what if he isn’t? You’ve put five years into the company. Didn’t you say something about a management position?”

  “I applied to be the events coordinator but I didn’t get it.” Yes, it smarted a little, especially since the woman they’d hired from outside was more than a bit flaky. “I just have to keep trying.”

  “And you think an affair with your boss will help?”

  “It’s not an affair yet. All we’ve done is kiss.”

  “After a weekend in the woods it will be an affair. Do you genuinely believe he’ll decide you’re the girl of his dreams and ask you to marry him?”

  Brooke took in a breath. “Is it a crime to dream? You’re married.”

  “To the guy in the next cubicle, not the one at the head of the boardroom table. I care about you, Brooke, and I know how much your job at Kincaid means to you. It really is a place where you could take your career to the next level and I don’t want to see you throw that away for a quick sympathy fling.”

  “I can always find a job somewhere else.”

  “In this economy? I’m being very careful with the job I have as there’s not a lot out there.”

  “You’re so supportive.” Her joy had deflated. One minute she’d been swanning around the air castles of her mind as Mrs. RJ Kincaid. Then the castle went poof and she was now single again and jobless, too. “Maybe I want to have some fun.”

  Evie sighed. “I miss our nights out together. I know being married is no reason to stay in every night, but we have our hands full with this renovation project right now and—”

  Brooke laughed. “I wasn’t trying to guilt trip you into a night on the town with me. I know it sounds crazy but the roller coaster has already left the station. I can’t go back to before the kiss, so I might as well enjoy the ride and hope for the best.”

  “My knuckles are turning white just thinking about it. And I want to hear all the details on Monday.”

  RJ left his keys and wallet on the tray and walked through the security machines at the detention center. His entire body reacted to the oppressive atmosphere of the building. A place where hardened criminals were locked up awaiting trial, and where his kind and gentle mother was forced to suffer their company.

  A silent guard led him to a private interview room. His lawyer had apparently gone to great trouble to arrange a face-to-face meeting with his mom, otherwise he could only speak to her from the lobby over a video link. The guard opened the door to a small room with a metal desk and two chairs.

  She looked tiny, sitting alone at the desk, dressed in the regulation jumpsuit. He walked toward her, unable to govern his features into any kind of polite greeting. “Mom.” He took her in his arms and held her tight. She seemed so frail and helpless, not at all the steel magnolia he’d always proudly bragged about.

  “No contact.” He’d forgotten the no touching rule, and the gruff voice behind him reminded him. With great reluctance he pulled back his arms.

  “I won’t do it again.” He turned to the guard. “Can we be alone for a few minutes?”

  “I’ll be standing right here, watching.” The tall, older man gestured to a square of window in the door, then slipped outside.

  His mom’s face was pale and drawn, with tiny blue shadows under her expressive eyes. Her trademark auburn hair was slicked back in a way that only made her look more gaunt and slender.

  “I’m trying everything to get you out of here.”

  “I know.” The barest hint of a smile lit her eyes. “My lawyer says you won’t even let him sleep.”

  “He can sleep later, once you’re free. I’m going to see the D.A. again this afternoon, before I go away for the weekend.”

  “Are you going to the lodge?” Her eyes brightened. He nodded. “I wondered how long it would take before you went there again. I know how much you love it up in the mountains. Who’s going with you?”

  “Brooke.” Why not tell the truth? Anticipation rose in his veins like sap in the spring. He couldn’t wait to be alone with Brooke on that peaceful mountainside. He could already picture sunbeams picking out gold in her hair, and those soft green eyes gazing at the majestic views. She’d love it there. He knew she would.

  “Your assistant?” His mom’s shocked response drew him from his reverie. Her pale eyebrows lacked their usual flourish of pencil, but he still saw them rise.

  “Yes. She and I… She’s been a great help to me lately.” His brain filled almost to bursting with a desire to tell his mom all about his newfound relationship with Brooke. Brooke was sweet and kind as well as beautiful and he was sure his mom would love her. Still, he could tell his mom was shocked by the idea of him dating his own assistant and somehow it seemed premature, so he held his tongue.

  She nodded. “She seems a bright girl, and very pretty. I hope you have a lovely time. You certainly deserve a break and some fresh air. I know how hard you’ve been working.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” His chest tightened. How sweet she was to wish him a good weekend when she’d be stuck in here. Anger and frustration raged inside him again. “Why are they holding you? No one will explain. I can’t understand why they won’t let you out on bail. I had a hell of a time even coming to see you in person.”

  His mom glanced around the room. “Sit down, will you.” She gestured politely as if inviting him to take up residence in one of her beautifully upholstered Liberty print chairs at home, not a scarred metal folding chair.

  RJ sat.

  She leaned toward him. “They know I was in the office on the night…the night your dad was shot.” Her voice faded on the last word and he saw pain flash in her eyes.

  “You were there?” He kept his voice as hushed as possible.

  “I was.” Her lips closed tightly for a second, draining of blood. “I brought him a plate of food as he’d said he’d be home late.”

  RJ frowned. “They didn’t say any food had been found.”

  She shook her head. “He didn’t want it so I took it home with me.” She let out a sigh, which rippled through her body as a visible shiver. “I know it seems odd, me bringing him dinner. I only did it that night as I was worried your dad had been so distant, like he was troubled by something. I’d been short with him the night before and I wanted to show him I cared.”

��Dad knew you cared about him.” RJ’s heart filled with red-hot rage that his dad had caused her so much pain by carrying on with another woman. “If anything, he didn’t deserve you.”

  Her eyes filled with tears, but she managed to blink them back. “I do miss your father, even after all that’s happened.”

  “Of course you do.” He took her hands in his. They were cold and bony, and he chafed them lightly, trying to warm them. “But you bringing dinner doesn’t make you a murderer.”

  “It makes me a murder suspect.”

  RJ frowned. Something was seriously off here. “But how did the police know you were there?” The front desk didn’t bother logging family members or employees, who were allowed to come and go as they pleased.

  “Someone saw me.”

  “Who?” What kind of person would finger his mom at the crime scene?

  She hesitated. Looked away. “Does it really matter? I don’t even remember if anyone saw me. As I said, I was there.”

  “The accusations still don’t make sense. You have no motivation to kill Dad. For one thing, you were as much in the dark as the rest of us about Angela and her sons.” The words soured in his mouth. “I wish to God none of us had ever found out.”

  She pulled her hands back and placed them in her lap. “I have a confession to make, RJ.”

  RJ’s eyes widened. “What?” Was she going to admit to killing his dad? His stomach roiled.

  “I did know about Angela.” Her eyes were dry, her expression composed. “I’d known for some years. Ever since I found an earlier version of Reginald’s will in his desk while looking for a calculator.”

  RJ swallowed. So his suspicion was correct. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “Your father and I had words, but he convinced me to stay with him for the sake of the family. The reputation, the company, you know how important all that was to him.” She smoothed back her hair. “And to me.”


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