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Behind Boardroom Doors

Page 10

by Jennifer Lewis

  “Ugh!” She said it aloud. This is what happened when you let your imagination run away with you. Even after RJ’s conversation with Matt, she’d focused on the moment when he said it was unimaginable that he should tire of her, not the part where he had a new woman every week. Within an hour his dimples were deepening over some scrawny executive with an account to dangle.

  Still, she had to go back. A bathroom break was one thing, ditching the meeting was another. And her laptop was still in there. She drew in an unsteady breath, patted cold water on her hot cheeks and dried it with a paper towel. You’re a professional and you can do this. You actually want The Kincaid Group to get this account because you care more about the future of the company than your future as RJ’s latest female conquest.

  It wasn’t working. Nevertheless, she gritted her teeth and strode out the door.

  She plastered a smile on her face as she entered the meeting and sat down.

  RJ turned to her. “Brooke, we came to an arrangement with Xingha, and we’re going out for a celebration lunch. Can you book us a table at Montepeliano?”

  “Sure.” She maintained her stiff smile and picked up her phone. “How many people?” Was she invited or was she merely making reservations for RJ and his new bilingual playmate? She cursed the angry flames of jealousy that licked inside her. How had a few days of intimacy with RJ turned her into an irrational, emotional wreck?

  “All of us.” He glanced around the table. “Nine.” A quick count revealed that did include her.

  “Will do.” She made the reservation in hushed tones. Great, now she had to sit through lunch watching Ms. Daring make eyes at RJ. And vice-versa. The restaurant was a short walk from the offices, and a favorite for business lunches.

  “Do excuse us.” RJ spoke to Claudia. “My assistant and I need a moment.” He glanced at Brooke, and her heart jumped. Was he going to scold her for running out of the meeting? She was there to take minutes and she’d obviously missed the most important part—the deal. Of course Matt or RJ could fill her in on the details, but it was unprofessional of her to just vanish.

  She followed him out of the room, and he gestured for her to come around the corner toward an empty conference room. Once inside, he closed the door. He looked at her and a tiny line appeared between his eyebrows.

  “I’m sorry I left like that, I…” The rest of her words were lost when his mouth crushed over hers. His broad hands settled on her hips, and she shuddered, once, as his tongue slipped into her mouth.

  Brooke heard a tiny moan leave her as the kiss deepened. Relief and the shock of excitement stirred her blood. Her nails scratched at RJ’s strong back through his shirt, and she got a sudden urge to pull off his stiff suit jacket and feel his warm skin.

  “Whoa, there.” RJ pulled back, dimples deeper than ever. “Let’s not get too carried away. The door’s not even closed.”

  Brooke flushed. “Whoops.”

  “We’ll use up all that energy later, and that’s a promise.” His blue eyes shone with dark fire. “Though it’ll be hard to keep my hands off you for the rest of the afternoon. I guess this is why they say office romance is a bad idea.”

  “Just one of the reasons why it’s a bad idea.” A naughty smile crept across her mouth. “Makes it hard to stay focused in meetings, too.”

  “Or does the desire to get out of the meeting sharpen one’s focus enough to make a deal in record time?”

  “Yes, how did everything happen while I was in the washroom?”

  RJ raised a brow. “I guess you’ll never know.” He gestured for her to leave the room before him, and she felt his fingers trail across her rear end as she turned to go. That sparked a little ripple of laughter. What did she care how they made the deal so fast? RJ had let her know he wanted her, not their glamorous client.

  She walked to the restaurant on a cloud of joy. She didn’t even mind RJ chatting with Claudia Daring. Now she had the perspective to see him using his charm to build the business, not to lure another woman into his bed. Her earlier flash of jealousy seemed petty and foolish.

  She noticed Matthew casting wary glances at his brother. Was Matt worried she or RJ would somehow reveal their clandestine relationship? She knew the company couldn’t afford even a wisp of scandal, so she made sure to sit at the far end of the table and did her best to make conversation with the Chinese men who had about twelve words of English among them.

  That night she and RJ stayed at his place. His large, modern apartment had stunning views of the Charleston waterfront. They ordered in Thai curries and played a game of strip Go Fish then made lazy, intoxicating love on his oversize bed. After midnight they called a cab so she could go home, sleep and get ready for work.

  By Thursday, at RJ’s suggestion, she’d left a robe and a spare dress there, to avoid having to rush home. She took to carrying extra makeup and hair implements in her purse, because she now spent more time at his house than her own.

  Her clothes looked strange hanging in the spare closet next to his off-season clothes. Of course if they lived together here, this would be her closet.

  “I’ve decided to reinstitute a family tradition this week. Sunday gatherings at the old homestead.”

  “Your mom’s house?”

  She turned to see RJ frowning at the phone. “Yes. It may seem strange for us to go there when she’s not in it, but she insists she wants us to get together and she’ll be there in spirit. We’ve met for dinner nearly every Sunday since we were kids, and it doesn’t feel right to drop the ball because everything’s a mess right now. Besides, it’ll be nice for you to meet the whole gang.”

  Her eyes widened. “Me? I don’t know. Your family has a lot to talk about. And I don’t want to scandalize them. They’re sure to think it’s odd that you’re dating your assistant.” Her stomach clenched as she immediately regretted the use of the word dating. That sounded so…serious, and RJ had plainly told Matt he had no idea where things were headed.

  “Matt knows already.”

  She didn’t plan to admit she’d heard Matt’s reaction. “I don’t want to be in the way.”

  “You won’t be. My sister Lily will bring her new fiancé, Daniel, and Laurel—who you know—will bring her fiancé, Eli. Kara is planning both of their weddings. Then you already know Matt and you’ve probably met his fiancée, Susannah.”

  “Yes, I met her when she brought Flynn in to meet him for lunch.” Flynn was Matt’s toddler son, who’d recently scared everyone by getting some rare disease that had the family hovering over his bedside around the clock.

  “Did you know Susannah is Flynn’s mom?”

  “But I thought Matt was married when… I mean, I know his wife passed away, but…” She felt her face heat. Matt’s wife, Grace, had died in a small plane crash a year or so ago. Flynn must be just three, or thereabouts.

  RJ laughed. “Matt didn’t cheat on his wife. They’d hired her as a surrogate since Grace couldn’t carry a child. What Grace and Matt never told us is that they used Susannah’s egg, so Flynn was actually Susannah’s biological child. She came back to Charleston in case he needed a compatible bone marrow donor when he was ill, and she and Matt fell in love. Pretty crazy, huh?”

  “It’s wonderful. For both of them and for Flynn.”

  “Romance is in the air amongst the Kincaids lately. It only seems fair that they get to know you, too.”

  “It would be nice to get to know your sisters. Sure, I’d love to come.” Already caterpillars crawled in her stomach at the idea of them all looking at her. No doubt they would wonder why their brother was interested in someone ordinary like her.

  “They’ll love you.” RJ crossed the bedroom and rested his hands on her hips. Her belly swirled with arousal. “And I know you’ll love them, too.”

  I sure hope so. She sa
nk into his embrace and enjoyed the warm, protected feeling of his arms around her. She was getting far too attached to RJ. Now she knew he was thoughtful, passionate and sexy as well as smart and gorgeous....

  Brooke let out a small sigh. Everything was going so well. Somehow she’d climbed the tallest ladder on the chutes and ladders board and was sunning herself on a lofty square near the top. Why did she feel like a long chute was just around the corner?


  Brooke agonized over what to bring to the meal, especially since she wasn’t sure who the host was in Elizabeth Kincaid’s absence. She didn’t want to bring flowers and have them die alone in an empty house. She settled on a bottle of champagne and a hand-painted ceramic bowl filled with gourmet fudge.

  She’d agreed to meet RJ there, and she felt a growing sense of trepidation as she walked past the other large, elegant mansions on tree-lined Montagu Street. As she approached the imposing Kincaid residence, she heard muffled voices through an open, lace-curtained window.

  “You’re kidding me!” A woman’s voice. “Who invited him?”

  “I did.” Another female. “He’s making a big effort to be a member of the family.”

  Brooke paused on the brick walkway to the front door. Both voices were raised. She didn’t want to enter into a scene.

  “He’s not even related to us. Alan is from Angela’s second marriage.”

  “I invited Jack, too, but he didn’t reply. Maybe he’ll come anyway.”

  “Jesus, Kara. Why did you invite either of them? I just wanted a quiet family dinner, like we used to have.” RJ’s voice. His sister must have invited the sons of Reginald Kincaid’s second family.

  “I think we should give Alan a chance. He’s been perfectly pleasant. He even seems interested in working for The Kincaid Group. Why not get to know him?” Brooke couldn’t tell his sisters apart by their voices. She still hovered outside on the path, pretending to look for something in her purse.

  “You always were too nice for your own good.” RJ again. “At least Alan didn’t inherit part of the company. He isn’t even a relative. He’s just an innocent bystander as far as this whole situation is concerned.”

  “Exactly. So let’s welcome him into our midst. Anyone bring champagne?”

  Brooke decided this was her cue, and she marched up the front steps and rang the bell. RJ greeted her with a warm kiss on the cheek and summoned her into a large, airy room with high ceilings and comfortable sofas. Everyone exclaimed over the champagne and fudge and she heaved a sigh of relief that she’d gotten off to a good start.

  “This is my sister Lily.” He gestured to a pretty woman with red-gold hair cascading over her shoulders. Her blue eyes were bright as she shook Brooke’s hand.

  “We’ve run into each other a few times at the office. Sometimes I hang around just to annoy RJ and Matt.”

  Matt, seated on a sofa with his toddler son on his lap, waved a cheery hello. She tried not to blush at the recollection of him discussing her with RJ.

  “Daniel is Lily’s fiancé,” continued RJ. Brooke shook hands with a tall blond man with a warm smile. “And this is Kara. She’s the event planner in the family.”

  “And right now I’m being blamed for overplanning this event.” Her green eyes sparkled. “Trust me, people, I know what I’m doing.”

  RJ continued, “Of course you know Laurel.” A striking beauty with long, auburn hair, Laurel Kincaid worked for the company as public relations director. She stepped forward and gave Brooke a kiss on the cheek, and introduced her fiancé, Eli, a tall, handsome man who Brooke knew owned a respected resort chain.

  “We’re glad you could come. It’s nice to see RJ more relaxed lately.” Laurel gave her brother a quick nudge.

  “Brooke is definitely helping me keep things in perspective.”

  The doorbell rang again. The siblings looked at each other. “That must be Alan,” whispered Laurel.

  “I’ll get it.” Kara smiled and marched for the door. Brooke hadn’t met either of the Sinclair men. She couldn’t help a spark of curiosity at what the sons of Reginald Kincaid’s former mistress would be like. All eyes swiveled to the door as Kara returned with a blondish man of medium height, smartly dressed in a wool jacket and pants.

  RJ introduced her, and Alan Sinclair smiled and shook hands—firmly, Brooke noted—with everyone. “Delighted to be here. So kind of you to invite me. What a stunning room!” He marveled over the crisp, Federal-era plasterwork.

  Brooke had a feeling she’d seen him somewhere before. Maybe he’d come to the office for one reason or another. His hair curled just over his collar and gave him a raffish air, like a professor who slept with his students.

  Now, now. You’re as bad as the rest of them. Give him a chance. She didn’t even know this man. She just knew RJ didn’t want him here.

  “Actually a lot of the details have been restored,” Lily chimed in. “The house was a wreck when the family bought it. Dad’s mother insisted on buying it and she spent years bringing back all the original features and furnishing it in period style.”

  “Which is why it looks more like a museum than a real house,” murmured RJ.

  “It is a museum, of sorts,” Laurel spoke up. “A monument to an era that Grandma loved. She always wished she’d lived back in the 1800s, so she could swan around in long dresses and spend entire afternoons playing whist.”

  “She pretty much did that anyway,” teased RJ. “Mom likes to have card parties, too. Mint juleps and cutthroat bridge.”

  There was a moment of silence, while they no doubt all thought of poor Elizabeth Kincaid sitting in the county jail.

  Alan cleared his throat. “The house is obviously a labor of love. I don’t suppose one of you would give me a tour?”

  Laurel said, “Of course, I’d be happy to. Lily, is the meal under control?”

  “Almost. Pamela should go away for the weekend more often. I love having the kitchen house to myself.”

  “Let me come help in the kitchen.” Brooke was eager to make herself useful. In truth she was much happier working at an event rather than trying to make small talk, especially when they all must be wondering exactly why she was there.

  She followed Lily outside into the manicured garden, and along a small brick walkway to the large, bright kitchen house. The building was a relic from the days when servants and their steamy labors could be kept separate from elegant family life, but had been renovated into a chef’s kitchen with marble work tops and tall painted cabinets. Something delicious simmered in three pots on the stove and salad fixings sat, still bagged, on a long wooden table in the middle of the room. “Shall I make the salad?”

  “That would be great. I’ll just toast the garlic bread.” Lily ripped off a hunk of French bread from one of three loaves and popped it in her mouth. “I’m in the second trimester of my pregnancy right now, and I’m absolutely ravenous.”

  “How exciting. Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

  She pulled romaine lettuce from its bag and started to peel leaves off into a colander. “Not yet. We can’t decide whether to find out. I know it’s easier to know the gender because you can decorate the room, but I’ve also heard people can get really stressed about picking family names and creating expectations before the kid is even born. We went through a lot of drama just getting to this point, and I just want to enjoy our pregnancy without stirring up any more excitement.”

  Brooke rinsed the lettuce under a high, arched tap. “Having a baby must be one of the biggest adventures there is. You’re bringing a brand-new person into your family, who you’ll be spending the rest of your life with. It’s magical, really.”

  Lily turned to her, eyes bright. “That’s exactly how I feel. I admit I didn’t intend to get pregnant, but it’s brought Dan
iel and me closer than we would have dared become otherwise.” She lowered her voice. “So are you and RJ…an item?”

  “I guess we are.” Brooke felt a little thrill of nerves. “Just since two weeks ago. I never intended for anything to happen, but…” She shrugged.

  Lily’s face turned more serious and her blue eyes looked steadily at Brooke. “Do be careful.”

  “What do you mean?” Brooke swallowed hard.

  “Emotions are running high right now and the media’s watching us all very closely.”

  Brooke’s hands grew cold. “I’m not sure what you’re saying.”

  Lily leaned in close. The lettuce dripped water onto the marble sideboard. “In case things don’t work out between you, you know, it’s important not to stir up any bad press.”

  “You think he’ll break up with me and I’ll go to the media?” First Matthew, now Lily. No doubt all the Kincaids suspected she’d betray the family. What would they say if they knew she’d told the police about their mom? Suddenly she felt like an intruder at their family gathering. If only she’d told RJ about it right away. Now there was so much water under the bridge she could hardly come out and admit her involvement. The deception by omission ate at her insides.

  “No! None of us expects you to cause trouble.” Lily put a hand on her arm. Her fingers felt soft, not accusatory. “I just want you to be prepared for anything and to handle it calmly. RJ’s a smart, fun guy and a stand-up brother, but he’s always sworn he’d never marry or have children.” She gave a wry expression.

  Brooke’s stomach clenched. He’d actually said that? His own sister would know. And she was warning her to be careful not to get her heart broken. Brooke took the lettuce back to the wood table, and started to tear the leaves with shaking hands.

  “I’d never deliberately stir up any trouble for the family,” she said quietly. “I care very much about RJ, and about The Kincaid Group.”

  “I’m sure you do.” Lily came close again. “I can see RJ looks different lately. More like his old self before Dad died. I’m sure that’s attributable to you. I hope everything works out well.”


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