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Bitten (The Wiccan Way Book 7)

Page 8

by Nicole Coverdale

  “Well, I think that settles it. I mean, majority rules, right, Jessi?” Josi asked, grinning at Jessi as she slung an arm over Jordyn’s shoulders. “So what’s it going to be, Jessi?”

  Jessi sighed, looking from one to the other. “Fine. Let’s have a party.”


  “You’ve disappointed me, Sky.”

  Sky moaned, cupping his hands over his ears as he tossed and turned in his sleep, the deep, masculine voice sounding nearby.

  “I believed in you. I gave you a second chance. I sent you back down to earth, with one request. That you help keep the balance of good intact. That you help the witches. That you help the angels. I even gave you powers! Now, look at you. You’ve let me down!”

  He groaned, pulling the pillow over his head. Images flashed before him, and he frowned. Wait. Is that me… as a young boy?

  An image of a small, blonde-haired boy came into view, and he gasped.

  “Sky, you wanna race?”

  He saw his siblings, and he smiled, as they grinned at one another, racing down the sidewalk.


  The loud sound of a crash echoed in his ears, and he snapped his eyes open. He jerked up in the bed, his body shaking, as sweat beaded across his forehead.

  The crash…

  He remembered the crash!

  His eyes widened, as he suddenly remembered the truck that had come out of nowhere, hitting him. His body flying through the air, and then…


  He remembered nothing after that. The next thing he remembered was waking up in the middle of the Minneapolis traffic.

  Well, at least I remember something, he thought, growling, wishing he could remember it all. He wanted was to remember! To remember who he is. To remember what he’d gone through. He just wanted to remember!

  He sighed, rising to his feet and striding across the room to the window. He brushed the curtain to the side, staring up at the dark, starlit sky.

  I need to get out of here, he thought, as he hurried out of the bedroom and down the stairs. He quickly shrugged into his jacket and slipped out into the night. He didn’t know where he was headed, but he knew there was only one place he could go if he wanted answers.

  And the gorgeous, blonde he couldn’t get out of his head.

  Chapter 19


  Julie rapped her knuckles on the door, bowing her head, and pressing her forehead against the cold wood. “Jasmine, please let me in. I’m worried about you.”

  “I’m fine,” Jasmine said burying her head in the pillow and sniffing. “Please, just go away. I want to be alone!” She lifted the picture in her hands, tracing a finger over Sky’s handsome face. I can’t believe it’s over, she thought, another round of tears spilling down her cheeks. He was the one. My one and only. How can he just be gone?


  Julie wrapped her hand around the knob, shoving the door open.

  “Julie!” Jasmine swung around, staring at Julie in dismay. “I told you to leave me alone!”

  “And I decided to ignore you,” Julie informed her, waddling into the room and taking a seat on the bed. She sighed, taking the picture from Jasmine. “Jasmine, this isn’t helping. You’re just torturing yourself!”

  “Which is exactly why I wanted to be alone,” Jasmine told her, taking the picture back from her, and sniffling. “I want some time to myself, to grieve. I lost him, Julie. I lost the man I love, and he’s never coming back.”


  “Please, Julie. I need to be alone. I need time to think. To remember, and maybe I’ll listen to some country music. After all, it is the music of pain, right?”

  “Jasmine.” Julie sighed, laying a hand on her arm. “You do know that I know what you’re going through, right?”

  “Oh? Did you lose the man you love, because some God was threatened by him? Did the man you love go through a portal, forget everything about you, and choose another woman over you?”

  “Well, no, but I do know a little something about pain,” Julie whispered. “Jasmine, I went through the same motions you’re feeling when I had to turn my back on Elijah down in the underworld. I was hurt by what he had done to me. How he lied to me. How he manipulated me. How he used me. I didn’t think I would ever see him again. Trust him again. And then, he saved me. He chose me, over evil. Over the underworld, and now, I’m having a baby!” She smiled, holding a hand to her womb. “I’m going to be a Mom, Jasmine!”

  “I know you are,” Jasmine said, sitting up on the bed and wrapping her arms around her younger sister. “And I am so happy for you. After everything you’ve been through, you deserve to be happy, but Julie, your story is nothing like mine. Sky and I… we were soulmates. We were meant to be together. That’s what the Gods said. That’s what the younger version of Sky told me, and we were so happy. I knew how to push his buttons. He knew how to push my buttons, and he always pushed me to be better.” She smiled, tracing his face again. “I fell in love with him, Julie, and now, it feels like my heart is being ripped out of my chest. Seeing him the way I did today. The way he didn’t recognize me. The way he talked to me, it as like a knife being driven into my chest.” She shook her head, another tear streaking down her cheek. “And when I saw him with that woman… it was so hard, Julie! I don’t think I’ll ever get over it.”

  “Yes you will, Jasmine,” Julie said, squeezing Jasmine in a tight hug. “Because us Morgan women are strong, and we don’t let any man define us. But you need to have some faith, Jasmine. Sky’s still lost, but he’ll come back to you. I know he will.”

  “It’s kind of hard to have faith when I’m feeling like this, Julie.”

  “I know, Jas, but remember, you’re not alone in this. We’re here for you. No matter what you need.”

  “I know. That’s why I love you guys.” Jasmine smiled, frowning, and cocking her head to the side. “Hey. Do you hear that?”

  “Hear what?”

  “That!” Jasmine cried, pointing below them, as music blared through the house.

  “Who the hell is playing music?”

  “And there’s laughter. Lots of laughter!” Jasmine cried. “Like young…” Her eyes suddenly widened. “Oh no.”

  “They didn’t!” Julie cried, her brain suddenly catching up. “Jasmine, come on!”

  They jumped up from the bed, hurrying down the stairs, their eyes widening when they saw the teenagers piled into the house, dancing, and drinking.

  “Josi! Jami! Jessi! Jordyn!”

  Silence descended throughout the house, and Julie narrowed her eyes, spotting the four in the middle of the room. “You guys are in so much trouble!”

  “It was her idea!” Jessi cried, pointing at Josi. “She made me do it!”

  “You are such a tattletale,” Josi said, rolling her eyes at Jessi, raising the cup in her hand and taking a sip.

  “Hey! What is that?” Jasmine asked, striding forward and taking the cup from her. She took a sip, nodding. “Well, that’s not punch,” she said, as she stared at the four. “What were you girls thinking? We expect better from you!”

  “But we were just trying to have a little bit of fun,” Jordyn said, staring at the floor. “After everything…”

  “Jordyn, we get it,” Julie said, softly, smiling as she stared at her niece. “You all have been through a lot this past year, we get it, but a party?”

  “We thought it would be fun,” Jami said. “Jordyn’s never been to one, and honestly, we didn’t think anyone was home. We thought everyone was on that big demon hunt Mom went on.”

  “Wait. Demon hunt?” Jasmine asked, whipping around to stare at Julie. “What demon hunt?”

  “I’ll tell you later,” Julie said, looking at Jasmine apologetically, before glancing back at her nieces. “Fine. They can stay.”


  The girls stared at her, wide-eyed.

  “Yes, but no alcohol,” she said, pointing to the bowl of punch Jas
mine was standing next to. “And everyone has to be out of here by midnight. Got it?”

  Josi nodded. “Got it.”

  “Thank you, Aunt Julie!” Jordyn cried, racing forward and embracing her in a hug. “You’re the best aunt ever!”

  Julie laughed, returning the hug. “Yeah, yeah. I know. Now go! Go hang out with your friends and have some fun!”

  They grinned, turning, and racing off.

  “You do know that Jorja and Josslyn are going to be pissed about this, right?” Jasmine asked as she lifted the mug to her lips. She sighed, the alcohol gliding down her throat smoothly. “Plus, I think you just became every teenager’s favorite person.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Julie said, scowling. “I think it’s the hormones. They’re making me soft and sensitive.” She sighed. “But, in all honesty, the girls do deserve a little bit of fun after everything they’ve been through. I mean, what child has to deal with being kidnapped, nearly being sacrificed, taken hostage by giant beetles, and deal with a vengeful God? Plus Josi’s right. Jordyn does deserve to experience being at a party. Every teenager does. I’ll deal with Jorja and Joss later.”

  “And here I thought you were the good one in the family.”

  “By good, do you mean a goody two shoes?” Julie asked, laughing. “Well, I was. I never drank. I never went to parties. Hell, I didn’t have a boyfriend until I was almost eighteen, and to be honest, I do resent not branching out more.”

  “I’ll drink to that.”

  Julie narrowed her eyes. “Jasmine, drinking, is not going to make your problems any easier.”

  “Oh, I know, but it definitely helps with the pain.”


  The shout sounded, and they both turned, staring at the dark-haired woman as she made her way through the crowd.

  “Ah… Jasmine, do you know who that is?” Julie asked, glancing at Jasmine.

  Jasmine nodded, gulping, as she recognized the woman. “Yeah, I do. That’s Lexi. Sky’s new girlfriend.”

  “What’s she doing here?”

  “Hell if I know.”

  Chapter 20

  “Are you kidding me? We’re in London?” Josslyn asked, glancing at Ashwin in surprise. “The circle lives in London?”

  “Well, we don’t live in London, but we do keep our home base here.”

  “Do the demons know that?”

  “Nope. Just you,” Ashwin said, eyeing them. “Which means, you best keep our secret.”

  Josslyn crossed an x over her heart. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  Matthew rolled his eyes. “You are so cheesy.”

  “And you are comical,” Josslyn said, glancing sideways at him. “Pretending to be flirting with me, when really, you just want to find your ex-wife. You still have feelings for her.”

  Matthew ducked his head. “I’m not sure quite how I feel yet.”

  “You’ll figure it out.”

  They made their way across the bridge, and Ashwin wrapped an arm around Jade. “Don’t look so worried.”

  “I’m always worried,” Jade said, biting her lip. “I mean, the vampires…”

  “Won’t be out for a while yet, Jade. We’re six hours ahead here. The sun’s just coming up. Look.” He pointed, as the sun rose in the distance. “We’re safe from them.”

  “But what about the werewolves?” Jade asked. “Some of them are vicious, right? And they hate witches! Do you really think they’ll go along with Talia’s plan?”

  “Some might,” Ashwin said, cocking his head to the side and thinking. “I mean, there are some werewolves, who are just as sour about the curse as the vampires are, while there are others, who like their solitude and want things to stay as they are. It’s really hard to say what’s going to happen.”

  “That’s what I don’t like.”

  “We’ll figure it out,” Ashwin said, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “We always do.”

  They stepped off the bridge and they followed Ashwin down the padded path.

  “The water is so pretty here,” Jorja whispered, staring across the river, as the sun rose over it. “Do we have much further to walk?”

  “Not at all.” Ashwin lead them through the trees, walking down the steep hill, and stopped in front of a cave. He rapped his knuckles against the cave, knocking twice, then three times, then finally another two. A moment later the door slid up allowing them inside.

  “Whoa!” Jorja’s eyes widened. “That’s so cool! It’s like you have your own secret hideaway.”

  “I think that’s the plan,” Elijah said, as they followed Ashwin inside. He glanced around the room, staring at the computers sitting on a large, oval table in the middle of the room. The large-screened TV sitting on the wall just to the left of them, and his eyes trailed to the ground where several men were lying in a pool of blood. “Ashwin…”


  Ashwin lunged forward, dropping to his knees next to one of the men, and pressing his fingers to his neck. “Roland, come on. Give me something!” He sucked in a breath. No pulse.

  “Ashwin, it’s no use,” Jade whispered, dropping to her knees next to him and resting a hand on his arm. “They’re gone.”

  “I can’t believe it,” Ashwin whispered, staring around at the carnage. “How did they even find them?”

  “Looks like it was the werewolves,” Elijah said, frowning, as he stared around the room. He bent down next to one of the fallen men, pointing at his chest. “This mark. The claw arks with an X slashed through the middle. I’ve seen this before, haven’t I?”

  “I sure hope so,” Matthew said, recognizing the mark almost immediately. “It’s the Rogue wolves.”

  “Who are the Rogue wolves?” Jorja and Josslyn asked in unison, staring at the men.

  “Ancient wolves,” Ashwin said, as he rose to his feet. “They’re the oldest of werewolves who have been on this planet for centuries. Even longer than me or Elijah. They were there when the werewolves and vampires were nearly merged, and they, are the ones who want more than anything to break the curse.”

  “Not to mention, that they’re quite persuasive,” Elijah put in. “If anyone can talk the other wolves into joining forces with the vampires, it’s the Rogues.”

  “Precisely,” Ashwin said, turning, and striding toward the computers. He quickly logged in, turning the monitor to show them a map.

  “Is this how you track down the bad guys?” Jade asked, stopping next to him and staring at the screen.

  “Yup. See here?” Ashwin pointed. “The green dots are the good ones. The yellow ones are demons and witches who are on the brink of crossing the line and the red…”

  “Are the ones you have to go get,” Jade said, nodding. “I got it. But what about these?” she pointed to the white dots on the screen. “What do these mean?”

  “Those are our allies. People we trust,” Ashwin said, clicking on one of the white dots, Micah’s image appearing across the scream.

  “Oh look! It’s Micah!” Jorja cried.

  “Agh. I was hoping I’d never have to see his face again,” Elijah said, scowling.

  “Oh, get over it, Elijah,” Josslyn said, patting his arm. “After all, Julie chose you.”


  “And we are going to need Micah’s help,” Ashwin said, lifting his phone to his ear.

  “What? Why?”

  “Because he knows London better than anyone, and if anyone can tell us where the Rogues are hiding, it’s him. They have the rings, and we need to get to them before they bring them to Talia.” He turned back to the phone. “Hey, Michah, it’s Ashwin. I’m here in London, and I need your help with something. Do you think you could spare a few moments?”

  He paused, nodding, and lowering the phone from his ear. “Come on. We’re meeting him in just a few minutes.”

  “Already?” Josslyn asked, staring at him with wide eyes. “That was fast!”

  “We don’t exactly waste time here in London,” Ashwin told her, as he lead them out
of the cave. “And Micah said he doesn’t have a lot of time. He said something about being in the middle of something.”

  “He does have his own drama he’s dealing with,” Jorja pointed out, as they exited the cave. “So, where are we meeting him?”

  “At the coffee shop just down the road.”

  “Ooh. Coffee.” Jade sighed. “That does sound awfully good right now.”

  “I agree,” Matthew said, yawning. “I need some caffeine to keep up with you ladies.” He paused, glancing behind him at the cave, then over at Ashwin. “You know, Ashwin, that is a pretty sweet set up you have back there. If you ever decide to expand…”

  “I think my circle days are over right now, Matthew,” Ashwin said, glancing over at the other man. “With me being the only one left, I’d have to rebuild.” He paused staring down at the ring on his hand. “Twenty-four rings. They only have twenty-three.”

  “Which means, they’re going to be looking for you,” Jade said, gripping his hand tightly. “Ashwin…”

  “I’m a big boy, Jade. I can take on a few werewolves, besides, they don’t even know where I am. Now come on, let’s get going. We’re running behind as it is.”

  Chapter 21

  Jasmine eyed the woman, as she made her way through the crowd, narrowing her eyes as she came to a stop in front of her. “Lexi?”

  “Yup. That’s me,” Lexi said, planting her hands on her hips and scowling at her.

  “And just what are you doing here?”

  “Looking for you,” Lexi informed her. “Look, I don’t know who you think you are, but you can’t just go around stealing another woman’s man!”

  Jasmine furrowed her brow in confusion. “Ah. What are you talking about?”

  “Sky! Whatever you said to him, has him all weirded out. He told me he needed a break, and that’s because of you!” Lexi shouted, stabbing a finger at Jasmine. “We were in a good place. We were happy! Then all of a sudden you came along. What did you say to him? You don’t even know him!”


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