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Gareth Ogilvie The Great Sea King

Page 10

by J W Murison

  ‘And don’t you ever forget it,’ Gareth grinned.

  The following evening Graun found Gareth watching the waves as the sun began to set, ‘how did your meeting go today then?’

  Gareth had a bitter taste in his mouth and spat on the rocks, ‘it didn't. I asked him to open up the forbidden territory and he flatly refused at first.’

  ‘Oh, you found a compromise?’

  ‘No, he offered to open it up if I married his daughter.’

  Graun grinned, ‘ah, that old chestnut again.’

  Gareth scowled, ‘whit?’

  ‘Just a saying I picked up somewhere.’ Graun was still grinning.

  ‘Oh right.’ Gareth turned his attention back to the Sea.

  ‘So that was a big no no then?’


  ‘What’s your problem Gareth, your wife’s all for it, she’s all for it, her father’s all for it. It’s not like she isn’t good looking.’

  Gareth shook his head, ‘remember I once told you less was more.’

  ‘Oh aye, I take it you made that one up yourself did you.’

  ‘How did you guess?’

  ‘Just sounded like you.’

  ‘I'm not the master of my own destiny Graun, the council have me by the balls and are hell bent on getting everything for the Highlands they can, which I suppose is right enough.’

  ‘Well you've been nothing but a model war chieftain in that respect Gareth. You could have told them to go to fuck themselves a long time ago. Is it because they consider you a man with no honour?’

  ‘Hell no, this just isn’t for me Graun. I don’t like it and I don’t want it.’

  Graun shook his head, ‘you have more power in your hands now than any Highlander has ever had in history, and you would turn your back on it in an instant.’

  ‘I would, I think the council are waiting until this region is stable and are going to suggest they take over control.’

  ‘Is that wise?’

  ‘I don’t really give a fuck; it lets me off the hook.’

  Graun shook his head, ‘you think so don’t you; well I can tell you it won’t. They will need you more than ever. This isn’t the Highlands Gareth; these people need to be led not guided by a bunch of miserable old bastards. I have ears as well you know and my ears have told me they like the life style here, they like the power and your palace. They have discussed dividing it up between themselves and putting you in a nice wee house somewhere on the edge of town with your wife and new family, but you will never have power over your own life as long as you are the war chieftain.’

  ‘You can’t believe that Graun.’

  ‘Oh I more than believe it Gareth; you know Deacon and I are good friends, he told me some have even talked about assassinating you and one of the council taking over supreme power. He went nuts at the suggestion so they backed down, but I've been hearing some of them have been talking behind his back and they are now talking about getting rid of him to.’

  Gareth was alarmed at the revelation, ‘who would they make war chieftain then?’

  ‘It’s been offered to me.’


  ‘A few weeks ago.’

  ‘Whit! And you’re only telling me now!’

  ‘I wanted to find out what was behind it all and I can tell you I didn't like what I found out. Oh don’t look at me like that, I have your back and you've had your hands full.’

  Gareth shook his head, ‘I don’t understand why they would want to do away with me.’

  ‘Despite your denials, they believe you have too much power.’

  Gareth felt his anger rise, ‘For fucks sake, I have no real power.’

  ‘Here we go again, you may think that way Gareth but you are the only one, you have gone way beyond the job of war chieftain, they know it, I know it and everyone else knows it but you. Not wanting it doesn't make it not true Gareth.’

  ‘Fuck it.’ Gareth snapped his ire rising.

  ‘It’s not how you perceive yourself my friend, it’s how others perceive you. Aye and like it or not you are perceived as the most powerful man on this world. Since you arrived here you have done little but help the people of this Kingdom and they can feel the difference Gareth and they like it. They would follow you to the death, as would your palace guard and the Highlanders who serve with you here.’

  Gareth shook his head, ‘I'm just trying to help the poor bastards.’

  Grauns eyes bored into him, ‘aye and you have done, and they love you for it. Like it or not, they think you are their King.’

  ‘Our people don’t look at me that way, there's not a one of them has ever called me Sire.’

  ‘No, but most now call you sir.’

  Gareth shrugged, ‘as they do you.’

  Graun nodded, ‘that's true Gareth, but the world has changed, it will never be the same again. Somehow you have to start to accept that. If they kill you I will lead every man who cares against the council and wipe them out to a man.’

  Gareth was shocked, ‘even Deacon?’

  ‘I won’t leave a single man behind capable of taking up the reins of Kingship.’ Graun growled.

  ‘Then you would become King, for you could not return home, killing the council could lead to your whole Clan being wiped out, even your wife and children.’

  Graun slapped him on the shoulder, ‘aye, so waken up you dozy bastard before events overtake you and lead to disaster. Consolidate your power base and marry that lassie, build your own army and have them take an oath to you not the council and for fucks sake Gareth do it fast.’

  Gareth got up and paced up and down, ‘I don’t want this Graun.’

  ‘Aye I know; which to my mind makes you the perfect man for the job.’

  Gareth snapped round, ‘you bastard.’

  Graun roared with laughter, ‘aren’t I just.’

  ‘Am I to believe you would be happy to serve at my coat tails for the rest of your life?

  ‘Aye I would, as your right hand man. I have never had so much fun in all my life. I used to wonder what I’d do if I ever reached old age. I used to have a vision of myself crippled with arthritis, being carried to the shitter in the middle of winter by my grandchildren. The thought used to make me shudder. Did you know Gareth; very few people here have even heard of arthritis, it seems it’s a disease of colder climes. Now I see myself being carried to the shitter by a flock of beautiful serving girls,’

  ‘Aye ok, I get the picture,’ Gareth grunted, ‘you really think I'm in mortal danger?’

  ‘More than you have ever been in your life Gareth.’

  ‘I just can’t pull away Graun, you know that. I would have to relocate every Ogilvie in the Highlands if I tried.’

  ‘Then you had better hope providence provides my lad. Things are moving slowly against you just now but they could change pace fast. Maybe you could ask your father in law to keep the bastards there or really make them walk home; then they would never be able to bother you again. There's absolutely no way they could find their way here.’

  Gareth shook his head, ‘if they really want this place to themselves then it’s to here they would come.’

  ‘Aye I suppose so. Well I'm going to leave you to it, Chloe is popping by for a visit tonight and I want to smell nice.’

  Gareth smiled, ‘how is that going.’

  ‘Slowly, I should never have left her, I realise that now but I suppose I had to try.’

  Gareth nodded, ‘I don’t understand why your wife won’t come?’

  ‘Neither do I, it’s not that she doesn't love me anymore. It’s true she really isn’t interested in sex anymore, or doesn’t feel the need for it anymore. She’ll do it if I want to but I have to admit it’s quite passionless.’ He saw the look on Gareth's face, ‘I'm sorry to put this on you and I know it makes you uncomfortable but who else have I to talk to it about.’

  Gareth shrugged, ‘never mind my discomfort my friend, talk to your heart’s content.’

at's pretty much all there is to it Gareth. I want more than a passionless fuck to keep me warm at night. I still love the woman and always will, she will always be first in my heart but I want and need a lot more.’

  ‘Good luck with Chloe tonight then.’

  ‘Watch this space,’ Graun roared with laughter and stood, ‘what about the Scouts, will I send them out?’

  ‘Go for the second one, map out the boundaries of the magic but that's all for now.’


  Graun got up and left him. Melina’s thoughts pushed their way gently into his head. ‘Will you come and see me my love and spend some time with me.’

  Gareth smiled and replied in the same manner, ‘aye my love, that I will.’


  Melina opened her eyes slowly. Tentatively she moved an arm and was surprised to see it was huge and hairy. She giggled and the sound of it shocked her. It had taken a lot of arranging and time had been slipping away but until tonight the opportunity just hadn’t presented itself. The potion had been slipped in to Gareth's favourite drink and he had sipped away at it for a couple of hours before it really began to take effect. To her relief he had downed the last of it and retired to his own chambers where he had quickly fallen asleep.

  For the next few hours she had probed at his mind until she found it completely blank then using the earth magic she had slipped her consciousness in to his mind. Her own Eagle maids would be tending to her body and keeping it safe from harm while she vacated it. The game was well and truly afoot. However finding her feet was proving a little more difficult.

  She had to be careful, sudden or severe pain could alert the host that something wasn’t right and bring Gareth back to consciousness. She knew she would be thrown back to her own body and he would come fully awake. They didn't want that to happen before they had completed the dirty deed. She used the wall to shuffle along until she got used to his legs. Then she tried to put on his plaid and failed. Exasperated she wound it round and round her waist then threw the tail over her shoulder and buckled his belt round the lot.

  She staggered across the room to the door and opened it. A couple of the guard snapped to attention. Melina looked out then closed the door again. She really didn't want to go that way or in front of the guards so she crossed his apartments until she reached the one opposite hers. She went through them gaining confidence with every stride. From there she slipped on to the balcony then down over the edge. A few balconies’ later she shakily climbed up onto the one with the green flowerpot.

  ‘Catherine,’ she whispered.

  ‘Gareth, uh! Melina is that you?’

  ‘Yes it’s me,’ Catherine helped her in and the two of them giggled.

  ‘Oh please don’t do that it sounds so wrong,’ Catherine laughed nervously.

  ‘Sorry.’ The two women stared at each other for a moment, ‘what do we do now?’ Melina asked.

  ‘Hey I'm the virgin, you tell me.’

  ‘I suppose we had better get undressed, help me with this bloody thing, I have no idea why he persists in wearing it still. It’s not as easy as it looks to put on you know.’

  Catherine unwound the plaid then helped her off with Gareth's shirt. Melina suddenly felt very uncomfortable standing naked in Gareth's body under Catherine’s stare.

  Catherine looked down, ‘well well well, not bad at all,’ she reached out and inexplicably Melina slapped her hand away.

  Melina froze, ‘sorry, I couldn’t help myself.’ Suddenly the two women began to laugh and they laughed until tears ran down their faces.

  ‘What do we do now?’ Melina asked as the laughter finally subsided.

  ‘I suppose I had better get undressed to,’ Catherine slipped off her slip and Melina found herself staring. Catherine noticed, ‘what are you staring at your making me uncomfortable.’

  ‘Sorry, you’re just very hairy down there.’

  ‘What, don’t you have hair?’

  ‘No I'm an Eagle we don’t have hair we have feathers.’

  Catherine’s eyebrows arched, ‘so your snatch is covered in feathers.’

  ‘No, we don’t have anything down there.’

  ‘Oh right, ok I got you now. So what do we do now?’

  Melina looked down, ‘well there is nothing happening here. I suppose I had better touch it.’

  She clasped the penis in her hand and inexplicably began to wave it about, ‘hi there what’s your name,’ she asked in a funny voice. The two women collapsed in laughter both sobbing into the sheets.

  ‘We got to stop this,’ Catherine gasped, ‘here let me try.’

  Melina rolled on to her back and Catherine got up onto her knees and leaned over her. She grasped the penis in her hand and couldn’t help herself, ‘hi I'm the Princess Catherine what’s yours?’ It sent the two of them into farther spasms of laughter.

  Melina wiped the tears from her face and noticed how rough it was, ‘this really isn’t getting us anywhere and time is marching on. I don’t know how long I can keep control of Gareth's body, he is very strong. Why don’t you suck it?’

  ‘What! I'm not doing that.’

  ‘Why not, you've done it before and don’t deny it.’

  Catherine flushed, ‘that was just the once to try it out, it was uck.’

  ‘It was that or lose your virginity huh, look that guy was an ass and he wasn’t the cleanest guy either, Gareth is very clean and tastes nice.’

  ‘You tried it have you?’

  ‘Of course he’s my husband.’

  ‘Really and what exactly is he doing when you’re doing that?’

  ‘He’s normally licking me, you know.’

  ‘Now that sounds interesting, I've heard that's good.’

  ‘What oh no! I'm not doing that to you.’

  ‘Why not, it’s not your tongue.’ Melina opened her mouth then closed it again. Catherine pushed home her advantage, ‘look you do me I do you, when we are both sufficiently, you know, then we fuck and get it over and done with. You don’t even have to fuck me until you come just take my damn virginity.’

  ‘I suppose we don’t really have much of a choice do we.’

  ‘Wouldn’t say so, so how do we do it?’

  ‘Well the easiest way is for me to lie on my back and then you sort of sit on my face.’

  ‘Really! Oh ok then roll over.’

  It took them a bit of jiggering until they were in the right position. Melina found it hard to look at the hairy thing in front of her and Catherine was having difficulty as well. ‘Let’s just do it at the same time ok,’ Catherine suggested.

  ‘Oh damn, let’s just bloody do it.’ Melina tentatively touched Catherine with her tongue and Catherine put it in her mouth. For almost a full minute the two barely touched the other but as they got used to it they both put a bit more effort into it. It wasn’t too long before they began to feel the sensations. Melina tried to remember what Gareth did to her and did it to Catherine.

  As Catherine began to hot up she began to suck more vigorously, it began to swell in her mouth. The harder it got the more she sucked and the more Melina licked her. When Catherine tasted Gareth's seed in her mouth she rolled off, ‘ok he’s hard enough now, fuck me.’

  Melina climbed on top and found she couldn’t guide it, ‘help me before it goes down again.’

  Catherin’s hand guided her in and she cried out as Melina thrust hard, ‘oh that hurts.’

  ‘It will be ok in a minute, don’t worry. Oh that feels so strange.’

  ‘Does it?’

  ‘Yes,’ Melina thrust again, ‘am I through your veil?’

  ‘Yes, push it all the way in.’

  ‘Is that it?’

  ‘Oh yes that’s it, do it a bit more.’

  ‘Is it ok now?’

  ‘Yes that it, the pains gone.’

  Catherine’s hands dipped to her waist and pulled her in, ‘oh that's kind of nice, don’t stop just yet, it might be a while before I get this chance again.’
br />   ‘When he finds out you mean?’

  ‘Yes, he’s going to be very pissed at the pair of us.’

  ‘This isn’t as easy as I thought, I can’t get properly balanced.’ She moved her elbows around until she felt a little more comfortable amazed at the sensations that were flowing through her. Catherine began to gasp and Melina seemed to get an adrenaline boost from somewhere and began to fuck Catherine really hard. Melina didn't realise she was coming until the last few seconds and cried out. She collapsed on top of Catherine who seemed to take a little longer to come out of it. Melina rolled off, ‘wow! We really did it huh.’

  ‘Oh yeah,’ Catherine smiled, ‘hey what’s it like, you know, from a man’s point of view?’

  ‘Tiring, not anywhere as near as nice as it is for us.’


  ‘Trust me on that. Just wait until you've had a night with Gareth, you'll know what I'm talking about. Oh before I go look into my eyes and say, are you still going to marry me darling.’


  ‘I'm going to plant it in Gareth's memory.’

  ‘Oh really ok, lie on top of me again, make it look like we just finished fucking.’

  Melina climbed on top again when they were both ready Catherine repeated the line.

  ‘Of course I'm going to marry you darling, I promised didn't I?’

  ‘Yes you did you wonderful man.’

  Melina rolled off, ‘ok that's enough. We don’t want to complicate it too much. Ok I'm getting very tired I have to go now.’ Melina closed her eyes.

  ‘Hey wait a minute, does Gareth snore,’ there was no reply, ‘Melina. Oh shit, ah well.’ She raised herself on an elbow and looked down on Gareth. She traced a finger over his hairy chest, ‘so you thought you could get the better of a Clover Princess did you, you big shit, aren’t you in for a surprise in the morning.’

  ‘With a smile on her lips she pulled the covers over herself and touched the lamp, it went out. She cuddled into the sleeping form and was soon asleep herself.’


  Graun sent out half his Scouting patrols despite Gareth's order. To locate the southernmost Eagle breeding centre, the one that had split up, he sent Scout and Steven. That morning Graun had stood with an amused smile on his face as he read the name on the man hunter’s license that Scout carried.


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