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Gareth Ogilvie The Great Sea King

Page 24

by J W Murison

  ‘Not now he don’t.’

  The Beast laughed, ‘how did you kill him?’

  ‘Smothered him.’

  The Beast shook his head, ‘he had all this and died to protect it, why, he could have lived a hundred lifetimes with all of this and never ran out of money.’

  Gareth shrugged, ‘I have no idea Beast, I'm just getting used to the concept of wealth myself. Greed I suppose, not for food or land or cattle but for wealth. Your right, he could never have spent all this in a hundred lifetimes. He could have released all his Eagles and lived to be a very rich old man.’

  ‘What are you going to spend it on?’

  ‘There’s at least a dozen cities in my little empire that could use new sewers and clean water.’

  The Beast nodded his approval, ‘aye Gareth, spend it on the poor bastards that have nothing.’

  It took them a few weeks to clear out the cellars. When they had finished that some bright bastard had the idea to harvest the fields that were now ripe. Gareth imported a thousand workers telling them they could keep as much as they could carry home each day they worked. There was no shortage of labour and the balance of the food went into the royal granaries. It gave Gareth an idea and in the spring he invited those who had harvested in the autumn to plant using seed he provided. The breeding centre was ransacked once again. This time the metal bars of the cages were turned into ploughshares and tools. Gareth had the time of his life working alongside the other smiths, he eventually got used to the sight of his subjects walking past many times a day to see their king get his hands dirty like the rest of them.

  The hundreds of miles of pasture became known as the royal garden, a joke that stuck and became the breadbasket of his kingdom. A small town sprung up round the small palace and Gareth took up residence there twice a year during planting and harvesting if he could, but all of that was yet to come.


  Aswari’s roar carried down the long corridors to Gareth ear, he went to investigate. A fleeting form rushed past and Aswari came charging round the corner after it. Gareth took up the chase and almost had him but was left with a torn shift as his son took to the air.

  ‘Come back here you little shit,’ he shouted after him.

  Graun was coming up the steps from the pool where he had been enjoying a lazy afternoon, ‘I fucking told you didn't I.’


  ‘Years ago, when you talked about having flying children, I did fucking warn you.’

  Gareth's face split into a grin, ‘right I remember that, how the fuck was I going to catch them right.’

  Graun burst out laughing, ‘aye that was it.’

  Gareth closed his eyes and a few seconds later a circling Eagle dropped out of the sky. There was a puff of feathers as the two bodies met and something silver fell from the sky. There was a splash and Aswari groaned.

  ‘What was that?’ Gareth asked, but he already knew the answer.

  ‘The dagger you gave me for my birthday Sire.’

  Gareth sighed and tried to figure out a punishment as his unruly son was brought back to him. The boy was now five and able to transform to human form, but his fascination with edged weapons was becoming a problem. If he saw one he liked he simply took it or stole it. If Gareth tried to punish him he simple flew off and didn't return home until nightfall. His daughter on the other hand was a paragon of virtue. She was loving, caring and obedient, Gareth adored her.

  He considered spanking the boy for the thousandth time but he knew his heavy hands could easily damage the boys light bones. Wynona came in to land with the boy captured in one of her talons. He screeched his anger.

  ‘Behave Teal,’ Gareth growled and the boy became calm instantly, ‘what have you got to say for yourself boy?’ He transformed back into a handsome little boy, and shrugged. Gareth frowned with displeasure, ‘you’re a willful little shit, you were supposed to be playing with your brother and cousin.’

  ‘They are boring, they can’t fly.’

  ‘There are plenty games that don’t include flying.’

  The boy looked down his nose, ‘I don’t care.’

  ‘So you steal instead.’

  ‘I am a royal prince everything belongs to me anyway.’

  ‘Oh really, Aswari how do we punish thieves?’

  ‘We cut their hands off Sire.’

  ‘I don’t think we will get away with that one do you?’

  He smiled, ‘no I don’t think we would Sire.’

  ‘We have dungeons right?’

  ‘Yes Sire.’

  ‘His mother isn’t due back for a fortnight, lock the little shit up. Give him prison rations; if he wants extra he can hunt for rats.’

  ‘Seriously Sire.’

  ‘He has to learn respect for his elders and those around him. If I can’t teach him it at this age then I will never be able to.’

  Aswari dragged the screaming boy away. Gareth watched him being dragged away by the smiling Aswari. When he looked back, a naked Wynona had wrapped herself around Graun; there was no mistaking the look in her eyes.

  ‘Lord Graun, if you’re going to fuck your third wife please have the decency to do it in your own apartments.’

  ‘Why would I go there, there's no peace, the place is full of screaming brats.’

  Gareth sighed in defeat, ‘whatever, I'm off to the royal forge; I’ll be there all afternoon.’

  ‘You haven’t seen me Graun shouted after him.’

  ‘Aye, aye, aye.’

  Gareth had no intentions of going anywhere near his forge, not yet anyway. The mage was ready for him, ‘well?’ Gareth asked.

  ‘All ready Sire we can commence whenever you are ready.’


  ‘So soon Sire.’

  ‘He has had all the chances he is going to get; he just stole then lost a dagger I made for Aswari. I have had him put in a dungeon; I have no doubt he will fly up to the bars and escape, tonight he will probably go to Lord Billy’s House, he loves Lena’s food and she spoils the brat. I've told Billy to let him stay the night if he asks to.’

  ‘I must say I think this is a bit drastic Sire.’

  ‘I don’t give a damn what you think, I know men and I can read the boy. I see the man he will turn out to be and I don’t like what I see in Teal. I will humble the little fucker or I will cut his throat; besides he won’t be alone.’

  The mage was shocked by the king’s words but never doubted the kings resolve. It was rare he said something he never meant.

  The night didn't fall quickly enough for Gareth, he saw within his own son that which he loathed about the Eagle people, that which had destroyed Melina’s half brothers. He slipped into Billy’s house when the boy was asleep. Billy offered his hand.

  Gareth was grinning, ‘what form did he sleep in?’

  ‘As a boy, he’s cuddled into Lona fast asleep.’



  ‘Get the girl out.’

  Billy returned a few minutes later with a pretty girl who was blossoming into woman hood. She was rubbing the sleep from her eyes but they shot open when she saw Gareth. She opened her mouth to shout, but a scowl from Gareth closed it again.

  ‘He still sleeps,’ Billy confirmed.

  Gareth shoved the mage in front of him, ‘get to it.’

  They sneaked into the bedroom with only a small light to see by. The boy’s leg was uncovered and lifted. Two halves of a gold ring were placed round it. By the time the sleeping child realised something was going on the spell was cast. At the sight of his father he came fully awake and leapt from the bed in an attempt to reach the open window. He crashed into a sideboard and cried out in pain. Gareth grabbed him by the hair and marched him out of the house, he never spoke a word all the way back to the palace and tossed him into Aswari’s waiting arms. He tossed him back in the cell. Teal spent a the night trying in vain to get the ring off and transform. By morning he was a miserable little boy. Eventua
lly he fell asleep and was woken at lunchtime by Aswari when he was dragged before his father the king.

  He found his half brother and cousin waiting there for him. They scowled unhappily at him, but not for long. Despite their youth they knew this was no normal summons.

  ‘Join us Teal why don’t you,’ Gareth indicated a spot beside his brother. The two boys sniggered. Teal scowled fiercely at them. Gareth watched the byplay wash over his son and Graun’s son Brandi. Alex and Brandi were very much like he and Graun were. They didn't seem to like Teal very much and the feeling was mutual. In the six months since he was able to transform he had done little but tease the two about it. Yet the boys had at one time thought it fantastic that they had a friend and brother that could fly.

  Teal’s attitude had changed all that very quickly; Gareth wondered how things would change now they were on a level playing field. ‘Today you three will return home to the Highlands where you will learn your trade. I have talked to my father and he has agreed to take you on as apprentices. He is the finest sword maker in all the Highlands and it is a great honour that is being bestowed upon you. Now there is a risk because you are only half Highland that the altitude may make you ill, I have to say right now that we have agreed that if the altitude makes you sick and you are at risk of dying then we are going to let you die. We would far rather have no sons than weak sons. You have five minutes to collect whatever you wish to take with you. I would make it light because you will have to carry it yourself. Go.’

  ‘You can’t do this,’ Teal screamed at him, ‘mother won’t let you.’

  ‘It was her idea boy and a good one. If you have no wish to go I will have Billy execute you, for I won’t have you or your attitude around here anymore. You are a disgrace to your family name and your royal bloodline. You have no humility, you think because you can transform yourself into an Eagle that you are somehow superior to anyone who can’t. Well I have taken that ability from you my lad, as of now you are no different to your brother or you cousin, let’s see if you can survive in a man’s world. If you can prove to your grandfather you are worthy of the name Ogilvie, when you are finished your apprenticeship he may well release you. If not you will remain earth bound for the rest of your life.’

  Tears began to flow down the boys face, ‘you can’t do this to me.’

  ‘I have already done it boy, I am the King around here and my word is law, remember that. Now get going, the three of you we leave in ten minutes and don’t try and run and hide Teal, the people on the streets will kill you for that gold ring on your leg.’

  He was dragged away with his brother to the room they shared and left alone to gather their things. Alex went over to a sullen Teal and looked straight into his eyes.

  ‘What do you want?’ snapped Teal.

  Alex simply smiled and punched him straight in the mouth. Teal fell to the floor with a yelp, Alex stood over him with the same smile on his face, ‘I really enjoyed that and the next time you mouth off at me I'm going to do it again, and again and again. You see were the same now, you can’t bite me with that bloody beak of yours or scratch me with your talons.’ He walked away felling very smug with himself.

  The three children shivered with the cold as they stood in front of Gareth. Teal was in a hell of his own making while the other two looked upon it as a bit of adventure.

  ‘We have a few hundred miles to walk now, of course I could a have taken you straight there, but where would be the fun in that.’

  He turned and walked away and the youngsters were forced to follow. He had a contingent of the Scouts with him and a Highland widow as a nanny for the boys. She was the prettiest mature woman Gareth could find and hoped his father wasn’t too old to get his leg over. Her own children had grown up and left; all girls all married. She chivvied them on liking their progress to that of young girls. To everyone’s surprise Teal was able to deal with the high altitude the easiest to begin with.

  With the children it took weeks to reach Gareth's remote Highland home, but the long walk had done its job and acclimatised the young boys to the extreme altitude. His father greeted him with great warmth and took him away so they could talk quietly.

  ‘Do you think this wise Gareth; they are after all princes and will inherit great kingdoms.’

  Gareth shook his head, ‘they will inherit nothing if I have a mind to and I have a mind too. Every year these people are becoming more capable of ruling themselves. If I have my way there will be no kingdom to take over. When that happens they had better have a way of looking after themselves and their family. They will make their own way in life father, the same as the rest of us.’

  His father smiled and slapped him on the back, ‘good man, I was hoping you would say that. Who’s that woman with them?’

  Gareth grinned, ‘that's their nanny, she will look after them, she’s a war widow looking for employ near her home and her name is Beth.’

  ‘Really, Beth is it. She will cook and clean for them.’

  ‘Aye that's right Dad and you will provide the proverbial foot.’

  They both laughed, ‘there may be a wedding soon I'm thinking.’

  Gareth nodded, ‘I heard from Graun that William has begun his trek to collect his bride.’

  John laughed, ‘aye well he never did receive a letter telling him not to bother. She’s a lucky girl, one day that lad will out shine us all.’

  ‘From what I hear he had better be good at making iron stoves.’

  Laughing the two made their way back to where the boys waited. John stood before them and rocked back and forth on his heels. He addressed Brandi first, ‘these other two are my blood Brandi Grant son of Graun Grant, but let me assure you now, I will have no favourites in my home. I will treat you exactly the same as I treat them, while you are under my roof I will look after you like my own grandson and protect you the same. You father has a wish that you learn the trade of sword smith. I have never taught someone outside my own family and that I am willing to do so should prove to you the respect I have for your father. Now I know you probably all want to go home and I'm sure we will have crying for the first few days but I can tell you now I don’t really care about how you feel or how much you miss your mother or your nice soft beds at home. You will be here until your apprenticeship is over and you are man enough to make your own decisions. Until then you will obey me in all things and I won’t beat you before I send you to your beds, work hard and I will even feed you. Your fathers are men and no ordinary men either; they are great men, the greatest of their time and their greatness began here in these mountains.’

  He bent over the youngsters, ‘if any of you three have a wish for greatness then it to shall start here. These mountains give the Clans men a strength far greater than those who are born to lands lower down. You cannot inherit that strength; it must be earned by the sweat of your brow. The men who surround you are all heroes, you may be too young to realise that yet, but I will make sure that when the time comes for you three to become heroes in your time then you will ready.’

  Now there is nothing more than a five-year-old boy likes more than stories of heroes. With the inspirational speech over they were ushered inside for their supper and then sent to bed. Gareth took his men to his small cottage. It was becoming rundown again but the roof was still waterproof. They didn't care it was inside and visitors came round with straw mattresses for them to sleep on. Only Gareth got a bed, those that didn't fit inside the small cottage were farmed out across the small village.

  Gareth found himself with Billy, Scout, The Beast, young Alan and Steven, he was in good company. His father and brother came in with a few jugs and they all sipped away and told stories. There was a lot of laughter and Gareth felt himself truly relax for the first time in ages. He felt so relaxed in fact he dosed off. When he came to he caught part of a story young Steven was telling. He was one of the scouts he didn't know all that well and found he was struggling to understand the story, he interrupted.

y Steven is it, what are you talking about I must have dosed off.’ Steven grinned it was his favourite story of the time he flew; Gareth listened to the whole story with growing fascination. ‘What was it like flying?’

  Steven beamed, ‘it wasn’t just flying sir, for a moment I was a real Eagle, when I shouted out all I could hear was an Eagle’s cry, my feet became my hands my arms wings, it was fucking weird, I tried to catch her with my hands and completely lost it.’ The men laughed as he tried to demonstrate what happened.

  Gareth laughed to, ‘and she just pulled you into her mind.’

  Steven nodded, ‘right out of my own body and right into hers in the blink of an eye.’

  ‘Fascinating, I've never heard of that before.’

  ‘It’s true,’ Alan confirmed for him. ‘Natina told me it was common practice once, but it’s much harder for a human to take over an Eagle than it is the other way round. She told me it was a miracle it worked with Steven and a dangerous practice that was pretty much banned years ago. Like thousands of years ago. She doesn't think anyone would take her to task for doing what she did to save a life, but it’s still a practice that's frowned upon, so it isn’t really made common knowledge.’

  Gareth was frowning now something tugged at the edge of his mind, ‘can you actually swap bodies with an Eagle, minds and bodies.’

  Alan nodded, ‘I believe so, that's the real dangerous one, you can become stuck, it began as some strange sexual fantasy thing, I don’t really know, Natina refuses to talk about it.’

  ‘My wife told me a little about it,’ Steven confessed, ‘the swapping of bodies was some sexual fantasy thing but people became stuck or refused to swap back so it was outlawed, one actually killed a partner so they could stay an Eagle and weave magic, it’s a famous Eagle story.’ He shrugged that’s about it, ‘Oh there was one mad Eagle, a male, he made his wife mate with a human man and marry him. He kept himself hidden away and once the wife had connected with the man he made her give him a drug that knocked the human out then he went on a killing spree. He went through his wife’s mind and possessed the man’s body. I think he killed about twenty people before he was caught.’


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